Indeed, Tessa. It's difficult to think that you have to be extra careful of everyone you read, because if they say the right things, they're good! But infiltration is a thing, and the people I trust most and love most--you and a few others--all come from a place of love, not a place of division. That is perhaps the telltale sign. Awakening the world to the difficult truth, but without setting it as us versus them. This morning I had to comfort myself as I thought of all the nefarious things that happen on a daily basis in our world, and I realized that the daffodils that were smiling at me in that moment, the golden sunlight (at that exact moment not dimmed by geo-engineering) hitting my hair, were part of the strength-giving forces that we need to combat the darkness. We must use our courageous speaking out of truth and a huge dose of love toward one another and for nature, and by using this courage and this positive energy, we will dispel the darkness. I have friends who reassure me that we will enter a new, more beautiful world. It might take a while and a lot of suffering. But the only way to bring it on is to "hold the light" as these friends always say. The light that the daffodils and the early spring light that bring them about model for us...

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Yes, exactly, my dear. You are so right!! We need to use our noses and be self-disciplined about not allowing anger or our egos be exploited by bad actors.

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Also I just reread your comment, and you just put it so beautifully. You are such a talented wordsmith!!

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Thank you, my dear! And your mind and the breadth of your ideas and humanity have helped me immensely in the journey we've all been propelled on...

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And you helped me, I am very grateful to you!!

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🗨 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. ~~Matthew 7:20


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Jeffery Tucker comes from a place of love, yet he is a charlatan.

So love can not be the source of trust... only truth tellers can be trusted. Some lovable liars deceive.

"Lie to me once, shame on you. Lie to me twice, shame on me."

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I love this post. But I would go further. I personally have stopped worshiping heroes. I have stopped putting my faith in a hero to solve my/our problems. The problem with all heroes is that ordinary people give up their agency. I personally have no leaders nor any heroes. I am my own hero. Everyone IMO should be their own hero. Go out and work on making the world what you want it to be. No more yelling at the television, or complaining to your friends about how everything is messed up. If there are problems its because in one way or another we have contributed to it. No one wants to hear this. Very few people want to bear the responsibility for making this world a better place. They want someone else, a hero to do it for them. But I think that in the end all heroes will disappoint you because no one else can do what you are supposed to do for yourself.

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I agree! Relying on heroes is an unreliable thing :)

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Yes. Excellent post and excellent comment. I explain to people whenever appropriate that we must shed our heroes -- or at least redefine the term and one's relationship to it. The process of letting go can be painful as it will involve some adjustment. It takes time to learn how to reacquire your agency. However, this single act has more potency than anything else in our path forward.

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THIS might be one of your most important observations Tessa. Since the dawn of time, rulers/governments/parasites have all controlled people by pitting them against one another. Then bad actors are planted to promote divisiveness. The dividing lines can be anything: race, religion, sexuality, political affiliation… etc. Most recent: trans vs non-trans. It’s key to understand that trans people are vaccine injured & that government/big pharma is normalizing this and diverting attention away from themselves. EYES ON THE PRIZE. Nothing short of completely demolishing globalism will work. Ignore the distractions & tear those bricks down one at a time.

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Yes, self-discipline is imperative!! And it goes way beyond globalism even. We are looking at centuries of lies, and we need to work through them and lose them, and it's only possible from a place of love, the real kind, not just words about love. And trans people, the real one are very gifted healers by birth, it was known in older cultures also for centuries. But today's powers that maybe want to mess everything up in many ways, so they weaponize people against their gifts, and they weaponize people who are not trans against themselves making them think they are and be aggressive about it. That is my observation anyway.

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That is a fascinating take, Tessa. I'll be thinking about it for days...

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Thank you, Mary!! I have been thinking about it for years!! :)

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You are a truly unique soul.

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Well, THAT's abundantly clear :-)

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Thank you for highlighting that!

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Trans people are very gifted healers by birth ??? Well, I never read/heard that before. I think I've come to the wrong place.

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People with unusual combinations of male and female energy are. it's been known for many thousands of years, then suppressed. But today it's all mixed up, the proverbial "elites" try to spoil everything and confuse everyone, and many kids are cruelly tricked into thinking they are who they are not. That is my observation, and I will write about it in more detail one day. And i am happy to have you here if you stick around but this is a place to talk, not for talking points. :)

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Let's just say what's going on currently with the politicization of our children is driven by a rather dark undercurrent of the medical-pharma-transhumanist machine. If you go down the rabbit hole you'll discover some very sobering things.

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I can feel my head cracking open as I ponder this concept! As a playwright, I have encountered many, many theatre artists who were drawn to the art form because of its inherent healing potential -- and they definitely fit the "unusual combinations of male and female energy" description. Wow...

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Is this like the Native American concept of the berdache? I also remember reading that a woman who became one of the early doctors in Spain had to pass as a man to be able to practice - sorry, I don't remember her/his name...

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I don't know how Substack handles comment notifications for threads so just in case, I just posted this one, it has some references https://tessa.substack.com/p/fake-heroes/comment/14693969

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I would really appreciate it if you could point me towards further reading on this! It sounds par for the course with the transhumanists stepping in & ruining everything they touch!

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Hi Riff, a book that I am very fond of is Sobonfu Some's "Spirit of Intimacy." I don't know if you like this book, it is written by a wise tribal woman about being a woman in her culture. I'll say in a second why I mention it here. When I read it I cried many times because that kind of wisdom and joy has been stolen from the people of the "civilized" world, and nobody teaches kids (girls in particular) just how much fun it is to be fully alive and connected to ones Creator-given gifts and joys and how honoring it is to be a woman (or a man for a man, or one of other combinations if that is what one is born with in earnest). So she mainly talks about the female perspective on human intimacy and relationships, as it is understood in her village. But she also mentions their views on gender relations and combinations in general.

It is worth remembering that different old cultures were not at all identical to each other. There is some common shared foundations, which probably came from older older days of knowledge, but customs vary a lot, and so when modern people draw generalizations on the way old cultures approached sexual unions, for example, it usually speaks of a lack of knowledge.

To your question specifically, here is a reference, I would recommend it as food for thought and an opinion, there are probably many ways to look at it. https://ictnews.org/archive/two-spirits-one-heart-five-genders

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Thank you so much Tessa! I’m not familiar with the book but I ordered it now! I expect it will be something we’ll enjoy sharing with our daughter! The article on Native American culture is fascinating; thank you again!🙏🏼😊

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"it's been known for many thousands of years, then suppressed. But today it's all mixed up".

Me too.

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One signs up for these based on one posting and then finds out one has erred.

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Thank you for stopping by then, we all have our preferences! :) xoxo

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words of wisdom, Tessa.

there is more than one "hero" from the CIA.

if someone is trying to convince you that everything is hopeless, or if they're trying to leverage your support so they can score a big alphabet agency job, or if they troll you for personal information, they're doing that for a reason and it's not because they like you.

but if we ignore the shitshow and keep building community, they fail.

the lower matrix needs our energy to survive. take it away and it starves to death.

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Thank you!! And you said it right, building community is where it's at!

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I learned a long time ago to stop following icons and influencers. In the '60s it was already obvious that most of our hippie icons were working for establishment Democrats or working for FBI. There were undoubtedly exceptions, but total cynicism was the only safe approach.

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Good for you!!!

I also think that addiction to dogma and scholastic talking points is the true meaning of "idolatry,," idolatry being the opposite of spiritual freedom, rooted in love.

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Wish I was more aware at the time.


and other works.

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Dave McGowan has lots of good info on a variety of suspicious events:


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I know. He died a few years ago, at around the age of 55. At this point, like with Kary Mullis, I can't help wondering.

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Yes, I wonder because he got that fast acting and very aggressive cancer after totally destroying and exposing the Boston Marathon bombing hoax on Caravan to Midnight with John B. Welles. There was apparently even a cryptic comment left after he did that show. He has posts on Boston at this site.

And yes, I'm also highly suspicious of the death of Dr, Kary Mullis--the timing was too convenient for the psychopaths who rule over us.

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Wow! Yes, McGowan's cancer might be like Karen Silkwood's "car accident." Kary Mullis -- Nobel Prize winner, inventor of the PCR, surfer, health buff, always active into his 70s AND willing to go on national TV and debate Fauci. It just had to be natural causes.

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Brilliant, as usual. The "powers that shouldn't be" are playing 5D chess and probably have the equivalent of GPT-9 working for them. It's not a stretch to imagine that many ‘heroes’ are carrying out their ops while appearing to be the folksy guy/gal next door.

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Thank you, Tony!! They also have individuals working for them who say all the right things and use marketing very skillfully!!

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Yes! With a black budget of endless dollars they funded Yale to study/engineer a PR program to combat vaxxine hesitancy with a propaganda campaign that rolled out globally (don't kill grandma, we're in this together, social media badges, etc).

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This label could apply to most of the prominent members of the MFM. I don’t know about you, but in the past couple of months….a lead pack is breaking away as if they are in the final lap of the Kentucky Derby.

Meanwhile, some of the foot soldiers keep soldering in…their voices being drown out as many in the MFM clamor for the elevation of a certain few to hero status.

Should give everyone pause…are we about to be sold on a “solution” that isn’t really about fixing the underlying problem but is more about creating the exit ramp for the COVID chronicles so that the agenda of the MWO can move forward.

A few in the MFM need to be more discerning themselves about who they associate with—-or not, the reality is no trust should remain at this point for any of these guys, even the supposed heroes that are going to deliver us. 🙄

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I think that 'solution selling' is mostly a product of a sales-oriented culture. Which, in turn, is a product of the missionary culture. In my opinion, one of the most brilliant frameworks of looking at the great reset and the digital enslavement is Steven Newcomb's. https://tessa.substack.com/p/how-domination-drives-genocides

Is is t a very popular framework though? No, not at the moment, because it throws away all talking points and forces honesty. And that is the reason why I personally care a lot less about people's "ideas" or "opinions" than their actions, whether their actions are toward love and healing and happy humility, or toward partisan divisions, the word "partisan" being used broadly here.

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If those are your criteria....like Tereza, I can’t understand your defense of RM.

And, you know, as I reached out to you privately...I have my own concerns about those within the MFM rabid defense of him (RM) while also refusing to be honest and engage in discussions that broaden the scope of the resistance to really examine elements that are about more than the vaccine. But alas, they mostly beat one drum and only one drum on their terms while ignoring the underlying process that shifts the financial markets and turns us into commodities. But again, when and if that comes to pass....where will those standing against the vaccine stand? Do they understand the bigger picture? Do they willfully ignore it or refuse yo enlighten the masses because they want it as an option for themselves in reserve? That is a legitimate question that needs to be explored....not treated as some slanderous remark. Seriously, we are either fighting for humanity or we are participating in political theatre.

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My defense is of fairness and intellectual integrity. I believe he is being set up, just like his rivals are. And we all lose from it. It has nothing to do with perfection, or character flaws, or who took tor didn't take he jab, etc There are many forces at play, and I don't like the sacrifice of the innocent, even if the innocent are imperfect. I also don't like it when people's potential for doing good is curbed in front of us, and even with some sincerely cheering.. I am cool with people liking or disliking whomever they want, it's a matter of free will choice. And surely, most people are extremely imperfect. But I feel obliged to act on what i think is going on, which is not always what it seems to be. And then everyone can decide.

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What is MFM?

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"Medical Freedom Movement," whatever the term is worth. :)


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medical freedom movement

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oh, I presumed it was "Mother Fucking Media" lol!

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With all due respect Tess, when people start jockeying around this whole “CIA or Not”…..I tune them out. Even the admonitions you are making. Why? I can think, feel and know for myself. Period. Actions can speak louder than words. Some doth protest too much. Some are way too eager to educate us on psych ops and how they play out….and which tool is being used.

Perhaps the best advice is to tell people to sit still and reflect, process, don’t look for answers as much as let them bubble to the surface.

Finally, has it occurred to you or others who are eager to say….not our guy, the other guy. Maybe BOTH are CIA and playing their parts oh so very well.

Not here on substack to have others tell me who to trust. That is my own work to do through research, reflection, resonance and staying grounded in truth not hero worship or hoping someone will deliver us.

Psst….Someone does not need to be CIA….to be one I will not follow or respect. They can be pure when it comes to the CO or CIA charge and still be an asshole that is arrogant and self absorbed in a unhealthy manner with followers that, like the Covidiots, are willing to surrender their critical thinking skills too just so they don’t have to do the hard work and own their own conclusions, right or wrong.

Strikes me that that is the very essence of what led us to this point in history. So hard pass on those trying to mediate the MFM where the egos have grown to a point that it should be an a turn off for even their most ardent followers.

Peace. Going to go be in nature now so I can hear my inner voice over the din.

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You are a lovely, thinking person, Laura. I agree with you, by the way. I am not talking about the popular talking points here, either, I am talking about something that is critical at this moment. We cannot be dividing people into "us" and "them." There are no COVIDIANS, either, just different people at different phases of their journey. And being in nature is the best thing any of us can do, probably. Hugs!!

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Thank you. But I do believe there are some hopeless Covidians.

I stand by that. They have taken a piece of my hide and stomped on me with a sneer and a snicker and continue on....beyond redemption. We all need to accept that, or we will be forever making excuses and trying to enlighten while the useful idiots sell us down the river as we try to retain our humanity.

And, I’m going to stand up alongside Tereza above....

Robert Malone kicked me off his substack and made claims about my comments that went beyond the pale. He is either incredibly thin skinned and therefore not suited for the role he seems to want so badly. Or, he employed a tactic I am all too familiar with from real life...battling the fin/tech sector at school committee meetings, at state level government, etc.

That is they try to intimidate by calling you names in an effort to shame you into silence. I find it particularly apalling when a male does it to a female, it is the epitome of trying to alpha dog one. No thanks. Been there done that.

I really wanted to believe in him, but if I’m to be perfectly honest...early on my gut was saying “too good to be true” and also too polished in his delivery when others in the MFM were literally reeling from the impact in the trenches.

If others want to fawn over him or excuse his transgressions (not his past---but how he holds himself above others and cops an attitude that he is above question in his haughty manner) go ahead. But I for one will not be compelled by the need for unity to turn a blind eye.

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To your point, once you come back from nature, I wrote about the nuance of the dynamic in detail here. it's very, very complex. But the technical detail is far less important than our ability to do exactly what you are describing here, always listening to your inner voice. And not letting anyone trick you into anger and angst. https://tessa.substack.com/p/mfm-healing

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I’ll read it a bit later when I get a chance.

One thought that often runs through my head....in reaction to what goes on in the education, energy, health, etc. sectors....

“Why do we insist on making things so complicated? Seriously, life is pretty simple and straightforward when you strip it back to the brass tacks.”

I am of the mindset now that those making it so damn complex and hard, even in trying to understand this upside down inside our world we are currently in, are the ones creating the problems and then selling us solutions that create more problems.

As a whole humanity needs to get back to basics and keep some things simple. That is, stop indulging the damn experts who grab onto that title in part out of a lack of respect for individuals having the right to be an expert in their own life regarding choices and how to live.

I can bet that what I hold dear in life....simple pleasures that do not pollute, harm, destroy the world and others are not something most of the experts within and outside the MFM hold dear.

Sorry, just where I have landed after months of reading and watching the machinations....we have become our own sideshow in the whole affair.

If I am to listen to what my spirit and soul is saying, feeling, experiencing....well, it is no longer inspired. Not defeated per se....but am acknowledging the need to turn inward.

When I ask why? It is part in recognition of the realization that there is no end in sight. And even those who say “enough” and “no more” are feeding the soulless energy by stomping and grandstanding rather than honoring the inner strength to just stop.

Wish that that was what the MFM could stand for....a global sit in. No more talk, words, trips across the world to talk to more politicians, yada, yada, yada.

Just stop. We need to own our power, not try to rehabilitate those who are claiming it as theirs.

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And I can assure all those here...I’m not a troll or CO or working these pages for somebody hidden from view.

Just a mom, advocate for the little guy in life, being present for kids whose parents are too busy asserting rights around ideology, gardener, reader, student of life, big pharma victim a couple times over, grieving loss of parents in pandemic years and fighting to be in the moment as a measure of hope against what I see on the horizon.

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Thank you for your comments. They resonate with me on so many levels. I don't react well when someone tries to manipulate me or appeals to my emotion rather than my reason. I'm so tired of the drama. I will rely on the same skepticism and critical thinking that got me through the pandemic. No heroes. No leaders. No followers.

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Amen. Just think if more of us had faith in our own power and could stand up....I suspect it would be contagious and freeing.

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I've come to believe there are psyops within psyops within psyops. If someone is pointing the finger at another and calling him or her controlled opposition, I turn around and look at the person pointing first. It's gotten so absurd that I've tuned out many of the so-called 'thought leaders' in the so-called MFM. I'll do my own thinking, thanks. We many never know the full story. We likely won't. We many never know the allegiances (hidden or otherwise) of all the players. By simply refusing to take sides or play the game, we maintain our autonomy.

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What cmpalmer said: your words resonate with me! Everything.

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Agree. Mass STOPPING (or call it "non-compliance").

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Well having read a dozen of books about the CIA, also written by the CIA and I suspect against themselves (!) and going deeper in the swamp, our education, science, religion, psychiatry are all CIA, god and the devil are their servants...Op. Paperclip, Mockingbird, Rockefellers, Rotchilds, Zuckerberg, Musks, Bezos, Epsteins, Gates, all CIA or frontmen. Now talking about Heroes? All my heroes have died too soon, they’re on a cemetery, I just try to live my life as a straight coward but staying alive, and that you won’t believe me takes a lot of courage.

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Is there any documentation of the CIA working behind the scenes in the pop music business? I’ve been seriously waking up to the all manner of disempowering narratives of pop music over the last few years. I wonder seriously if love songs ( and romantic comedy movies) are a plot to disempower both genders since the 1900’s.

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I suspect them from directing and modelling the music industry, don’t forget they are in the movie business in Hollywood and what most don’t know from their Vietnam history they are the drug cartels. For instance Sean Penn going to Zelensky both are cia incorporated

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I don’t have references on hand, but I know the issue of CIA influence on music and entertainment industry has been written about by many. Obviously there’ll Operation Mockingbird, but I’m not sure if that applies just to news media or the entertainment industry as a whole.

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For insiders the CIA is called the company, are we talking about a company smaller or bigger than for instance Amazon, or are there numerous Amazon’s under its wings? And continuing is this company local or global? Global? What then WEF? WHO? UN? World Bank? or all of them? What about their final strategy, is it to destroy trust in your values and in the end to distrust yourself? Talking about this self what is yours and what is theirs? Do we come to a point where we have to do some vivisection, an autopsy on our self by diving deep endlessly deep into our interiority where no one has gone before, not even we and where no CIA will ever have access to?

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“…has been written about by many” Do you know of any books or articles? Actually I’m recalling someone wrote a book in which he posits that Jim Morrison might have been an operative. His father was a rear admiral in the US Navy, and directed operations in the gulf of Tonkin in Vietnam.

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theory is that jim was hit because dad spilled the beans to him about gulf of tonkin incident being fake, and the CIA were afraid he would be indiscreet

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Wow, I have not heard that theory, and I think I've heard many of them!! Thank you

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i got that one from someone he might have told ;)

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Right off hand there's "Chaos" by Tom O'Neill about the 60's, Manson, etc.

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Yes, that is one example. Operation Mockingbird is the standard, just not sure how it’s carried out or by whom. I remember reading about how aspiring rap artists were trying to get record deals (this is in the 90’s), and these big wig record executives would come in and say you need to rap about sex, violence, drugs, etc. and nothing political or conscious. That is how the genre went from conscious and positive to violent, misogynistic, etc. Not sure if that was CIA involved or not but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was.

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Strongly recommend on this subject. If ONLY 20 percent of it was verified true (I believe it's more), the common image of the late 60s scene is shredded. Not JUST Morrison; Stills, John Phillips, more all from military and/or intelligence families who all came to Laurel Canyon "around the same time." In an interview, Stills insisted "For What It's Worth" was NOT an anti-war song.

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Thank you, Howard!

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My pleasure.

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This seems like an ambiguous post, Tessa, that could go either way. Is that how you mean it? I was just thinking how I couldn't imagine you or the Breggins ever engaging in a video that makes fun of transvestites, or anyone, no matter how you felt about that issue. I can't imagine you or them launching a lawsuit. I can't imagine you or them even being mean to people, and calling them 'assholes' for drawing attention to inconvenient facts.

More than anyone, your defense of Robert Malone confuses me, which I talk about in this episode, my 10th on him: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/who-is-robert-malones-attorney. Maybe this post is in response to that, maybe it's a repudiation of my points. I can't tell. I think this is a time when we need to speak clearly, and you know I'm saying that with respect for you.

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Tereza, I will respond in detail, need to step out for a sec but I'll write a war and peace when I come back. :) xoxoxo

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I will await. And btw, I really enjoyed your interview of JJ and your theory of toxoplasmosis. It definitely made me think.

And if I can frame my question more specifically, it's not whether RM is part of the CIA, which we would never know if he was. It's whether his aggressive and litigious reactions to legitimate questions about his past should disqualify him as speaker for the MFM--along with statements that he's not anti-vax 'by any means', thinks the mRNA may have been stored at the wrong temp, making it more toxic, and that there's 'nothing nefarious going on.' Those are statements everyone I know in the MFM disagrees with.

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Thank you, Tereza!! I greatly appreciate you always, you think from the inside, and it's the most important thing. We may come to similar or different conclusions depending on the situation but I think the point is to think from the inside. And that book you recommended, wow!!

Now, when it comes to this rift, I am pretty sure that both sides are manipulated. As a result of that division, we are split into camps, and the splits are continuing.. Not good!!

Let me talk about it from the perspective of the bigger picture. What is a great gift that Robert has that is very good for the world? He can use his mainstream credentials to make the people on the mainstream side listen to him. I remember when he just appeared on the scene, that was the major thing. I remember some of my friends in the mainstream suddenly paying attention. And remember, different echo chambers use different language, and a phrase such as "I am not an anti-vaxxer" that is sometimes used against Robert is a perfectly fine phrase, especially if you want to build bridges with those who have been duped in the past 2-3 years. (For the sake of precision, I don't even know if it's a real quote, and it obviously matters, but it's going around, so I am using it as an example). So. What would the alphabets want in that situation? What would you do if you were in the alphabets and wanted to take him out? You would want to remove his ability to build bridges and you would want to discredit him for both sides, both in the mainstream as an anti-vaxxer, and in the MFM as a not-an-anti-vaxxer-enough. All those things are very complex, and conflicts are planted routinely, And yes, it involves personality flaws. Both the Breggins and Robert Malone acted very angrily and irrationally, and we can ask, why is that? Why is it that they suddenly started acting like somebody poisoned their soup, and as a result, the vibe in the entire movement got unproductive, tormented and angry? Why is that? And that is kind of what my poem is about. it's about the forces that are lurking on the background and confusing things. And all parties to the conflict are responsible for their actions (and have the responsibility to come to their senses), and the people doing ugly manipulation behind the scenes, while pretending to be on our side, carry the responsibility for their intentions and actions. And that is all very complex, and very non-linear, but each of us also has the responsibility for our own actions and choices, and I have found that being focused on clarity and even-headedness is a very good practical choice. In other words, I don't think Malone is CO. I think he is being targeted, and he is helping his enemies, I think same is true for the Breggins. And I appreciate the good work all of them have done.

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I appreciate you writing 'war and peace' ;-) There are times when I know someone and I will never agree, and I write for the audience. I never do that with you. I feel that you and I are coming from the same intentions and neither of us is operating out of ego. So I write specifically to you, who cares about understanding the truth of the matter as much as me.

Robert writes "I am by no means an anti-vaxxer" on p.6 of his book, so that's not a misquote. I've published a lot about the lives Robert could have saved, if he'd spoken out about his study showing mRNA was too dangerous to be even tested on humans, or if he'd used the $25M he was given to test HCQ rather than pepcid AC. He could have saved everyone who's been killed or injured by the vaccine or even Covid. That seems a legitimate point being raised, to which he's responding by labeling myself and the others raising it 'assholes'.

Until recently, I hadn't researched the origins of the rift with the Breggins and, like you, figuring both sides jumped to emotional arguments. And then I read their initial posts on Desmet's theory, and saw how well-reasoned they were. They completely gave Robert the benefit of the doubt. They wrote: "We hope Malone is unaware of and will now disavow Desmet’s psychiatric labeling and undermining of researchers and writers who are investigating globally organized assaults on humanity, and the accusation that we cause mass psychoses. This is unjust to the researchers and writers and can only protect those behind the increasing power of the global totalitarian institutions."

He responded by calling those people 'black-pilled' conspiracy theorists. They write: "Malone has now declared that the conservative movement can be divided into two groups. The “okay” group consists of those who have been “red-pilled” into their beliefs. But the supposed extremists, like those who examine or witness conspiracies, have been “black pilled.” It is an ugly accusation. It demeans those who thoughtfully examine the roots of totalitarianism and encourages those who wish to ridicule and condemn them."

It took four exchanges with direct appeals before the Breggins started wondering if Robert responding to their professional points with insults was intentional. I quote from their essays and link to them in this episode: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/in-defense-of-the-breggins-part-one.

Please show me one thing they say that's angry or irrational. To say that there are two sides to this and they're both wrong sounds like the argument I hear about Israel and Palestine. I know that you don't want to hurt their reputation. Please let me know how they could have resolved the situation.

Should they have not defended people by showing how they were manipulated and forced, not 'psychotic' and self-deluding? To me, that's the greatest bridge we have to make sense of this and bring people together to make sure this can never happen again.

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Oh you just helped me realize an important thing. I think that we fall into brainy analysis of people when we feel smaller than we actually are, thanks to all different abuses we've been on the receiving end of. It's almost like protection. We elevate ourselves by using our ability to dismantle and criticize. And then when we feel fully entitled to goodness, we want to fix and heal. And this is not a property of this human being or that human being (predators not included, they make different choices altogether). It is a state. And I pray for a world in which all of us fully connect to our greatness and always have our hearts and hands on the healing, automatically.

For example, would it have been nice if, say, Robert, credited the humble me for writing about the great reset before he did? Yeah it would have been nice But I don't care enough, I care that he does his job well. And would it have been nice if Desmet got back to me when I reached out to him to interview him? Yeah it would have been nice. But I don't care enough. I want the world to be beautiful. I remember when the main feeling for me as an artist was that my (oviously genius, lol) message was not finding ears, and I tried, and tried, and tried, and tried. and was just tormented over it. And then I stopped being tormented, and I don't know how. I just focused on the service. And so, taking it back to the conflict between the Breggins and Malone, I care about fixing the broken parts. I don't think any of them are CO, i think they are just imperfect human beings, and hopefully they will learn, too. That is what my prayer is for.

Thank you for a thought-provoking exchange, Tereza!!

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I'm so sorry, Tessa, but I'm again confused. Who feels smaller and who's been abused? The Breggins? Me? JJ Couey? Mathew Crawford? Diana West? Sage Hana? Paul Alexander? These are a few of the people presenting the anomalies in Robert's past. But the most important question is what direction he's steering the movement.

If you look at this as a healer, a doctor, you can't just numb the symptoms and call it good. You need to find the cause. You're ruling out that Robert could be still representing the interests for which he worked his entire career. Others are looking at and weighing the evidence.

If I had an ego, it would be more important that you like me and think well of me. At one time, I wanted that from Robert--he had subbed me and often liked my comments. It wasn't him ignoring me that caused me to question him. It was the evidence I couldn't ignore. And I had to give up my ego and decide it was okay if he didn't like me ... really didn't like me. And since I was almost alone at the time, and saying he was not who he said, that was scary. You've helped me have the courage to do it, even if you didn't want the result ;-)

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In short, the community needs healing. Our egos are not important, but it's important to focus on the healing, and do it together. It's a very difficult thing to do but courthouse-style 5D chess analysis, in my experience, makes it near impossible. And personally, I don't care to be an "expert." I want us to heal. That's what matters. We have mighty brains but we are not our brains, we are a lot more than that!!

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Tereza, thank you for speaking your mind, and I appreciate the mutual respect!! Let me ask you then, do you remember how it all unfolded, and the low blows against Matias and then Robert? Do you remember the very beginning of it? I remember that, and I found it deeply disturbing. There are reasonable ways to disagree with a psychological theory, (although perhaps in the middle of the battle is not the best time for such things), and ways that look like someone thinks they are chasing out the devil while in fact.... Anyway, I thought it was very tragic, and it looked manipulated. I, for one, don't think that even the attack on Desmet's theory was justified, and I have expressed my opinion multiple times. It's a theory. Take it or leave it. Who cares. The Breggins projected their fears on it but it was more of a projection, in my opinion. They are good people. They made fear-based choices, and it snowballed to where we are. And of course there is nothing great about the lawsuit, nothing at all! But Robert didn't start it. And in the end, we have to think about the big picture and the usefulness of everything for the community. Who wins from this bad behavior on everybody's side? The alphabets, that's who. And surely, they had something to do with starting it, I have no doubt.

Have you read Malidoma Some, by the way? There is a lot about the responsibility of the community when people start messing up. I come from that place. I don't care who is right or wrong, we need to stand tall and think about healing as opposed to court house.

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But I'm confused, Tessa. My article quotes from the Breggins and links to the four articles that started it all. Please show me what you consider to be a low blow against Matias and then Robert. I've read these in depth and they seem like exactly what you're saying--a reasonable disagreement with a psychological theory. I don't see anything that seems like chasing out the devil. Please include quotes, all the sources from the Breggins are in my article. If I had only read Robert's side, I may have thought that, but as soon as I went to the actual sources, I realized I'd been misled.

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The conflict "was planted" by malone.

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How are you sure that you know the entire scope of this lamentable conflict, and how do you know there there was nothing else happening? On my end, I usually advise to everyone (including myself) to say even-headed, open-minded, and focused on the honest truth, whether it turns out to be what I think it is, or something else. xoxo

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like what else? do you want me to post certain of his articles here? have you read them? i know a predator when i see one. the lamentable conflict as you call it is the conflict between deep state vivisectionists and we the people. the proles, the plebes, the dummies, the lab rats.

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There's no shame for being mistaken, but the problem is that there's no dialog about this in the name of "unity".

I'm all for a strong movement, but some people like M keep on grabbing the steering wheel, acting like they're doing it for our benefit. It's not the same as those in the movement who have different theories of what COVID was and how the vaccines are dangerous, some are trying to promote this tech and other hokum for the next plandemic!

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I read an article he's working on a new vaccine sans mRNA to roll out for the next pandemic.

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I think he was a consultant for a company that was working on a DNA vaccine, and he is no longer a consultant for them (quoting from memory so could be an approximation).

My reasoning is very practical. In general, I pay more attention to the combination of one's sincerity, general good intention toward a goal I share, and usefulness to the community than to what one said at any point. Most people say a lot of stupid things very often. People also use echo chamber talking points to get heard by that echo chamber, and then another echo chamber finds out and goes OMG he used enemy words!!! In our insane cancel culture, this pattern of behavior is almost imposed on us, while from nature we are wired to talk face to face, in context, etc, and not broadcast to the entire world all the time.

So, in practical terms, I filter out a lot of things that people do imperfectly, and try to understand the underlying currents. Do I think that Robert is a perfect human being? God no. I don't think that, and that's not what I am trying to say. But I think he is being set up to make him unable to do his job, which is help the mainstream-minded people get more skeptical about the virtue of the shots etc. That hurts all of us. That's what I object to, the plot to derail his and other people's ability to do their job due to having to spend the time on internal wars. I want him to succeed at his job at influencing the mainstream people, for the benefit of us all.

I guess in general, I am not strung out about people doing occasional stupid stuff, we all do that. Also, does Robert often use mainstream language? Yes, and I have no problem with it. I am happy to use mainstream language myself if it helps make the world better. Would it be great if everyone involved in this awful conflict didn't act on their wounded egos? It would be amazing, and I want that to happen. But the most important things that I advocate for is that we all possess the main weapon to defeat the great reset, which is to learn how to have no ego and work toward a good world from a place of love. When other people mess up, it's their responsibility to fix that. But in our individual places, our main job is to practice wisdom as much as we can, in our own place, and realize that we are not going to defeat the great reset by pointing fingers at other people's imperfections but by cultivating love that melts all crap. Sorry for the lengthy and very imperfect talk, I am trying to say something important and I wish I had better words, maybe I'll write something about it later.

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Thank you for this, Tessa. It is a very important message. My mantra: may those who have committed crimes be held accountable before the law. (I leave vengeance to the Divine.) Anyone who comes into a comments section to espouse violence of any kind is either naive, rocks-for-brains stupid, or has an agenda to stir up trouble that isn't what it might seem. Young people especially, take heed.

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I think your mantra makes a lot of sense!! I think "stupidity" is more a sign of "arrested development" of some sort, I think all human beings are born, for real, with precious gifts of different kinds that are unique to them. But overly-simplistic thinking can provide short-term therapy at the expense of long-term solutions, and sometimes people just go for the immediate relief :)

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Very true.

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Are grownups supposed to have heroes? It's a reasonable question. Isn't that how we got here? "A Hero Ain't Nothing But a Sandwich" was a movie, an old one at that.


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I haven't seen the film but maybe I will one day.... :)

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To be perfectly honest, I haven't either. But the plot is an interesting one and I frequently think of the title. I have meanwhile watched "The Ruling Class" a few times. It's a spot on British dark comedy that expresses what we the living formerly suspected and now know and see (more every day), i.e. the nature of those running the show.

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Thanks for putting this out there, Tessa! Divide and conquer tactic, to be sure!

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Thank you, Anne!!!! And thank you for your beautiful cartoons, they bring me joy every time!

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You're welcome, Tessa, for the comment and the cartoons!

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YOU are welcome for the cartoons!!! xoxo

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It’s a love and mutual appreciation fest! ;-)

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Yes, it is :)

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I'm Canadian, therefore I can't be CIA...Right? 🤔

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ChinCan CIA? LoL! Too funny. (I am – well, maybe was – Canadian. Left shortly after getting 'can-ada-ed' because I jousted against the jab. My life has looked up ever since, now in Mexico.)

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Absolutely! And such a great synchronicity for me, as I was recently introduced to the self-proclaimed Amazing Polly examining the framework of the keel of Jordan Peterson's ARC. She has done some good research, linking some of the founding members to the likes of Soros, and the philanthropathic foundations. (For the curious, I wrote about that here: "ARC Has (Unholy Ass) Holes: The Amazing Polly Was Not Amazed and Other Snarks" https://gduperreault.substack.com/p/arc-has-unholy-ass-holes.)

However, her presentation is one to promote helplessness and division. She is successful by the nature of the comments, which many of them are likely psyop agents. I've had two people comment on my critique of Polly working with and energising the very energy that supports the cabal. I've had two people comment on how much they like her research and trust her. I agreed that her research is good, and I will do something about her Soros/Gates/Rockefeller connections in communication with ARC. And I added that our words our powerful, are what energise our creation of life. Her words disempowered, victimised and promoted anger. I'm not sure that her 'good' actually outweighs energising the cabal and victimising the non-cabal while entrenching the division.

Recently, while writing a post, (Dear Michael) I came across two senior highly respected Buddhist monks from different schools say: don't trust *anyone*. It is you that you trust, and from that place of trust, you will act appropriately. Of course, that becomes the nub, the pith, the core: do we *actually* trust our Selves? Do I actually trust my Self? LoL! It begins with the breath, Michael Stone said. Do you trust your body to breathe? Amazing time of looking within and finding who we might be, could be, are, across the spectrum of probable or less probable selves.

Thank you Tessa. It is wonderful to read your essays of wisdom that comes from of a peace knowing that the real enemy is us. That awareness is what gives us pretty much limitless power to create and express compassion to all.

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Your comment hits the nail on the head! Thank you for that.

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Don't have heroes.

Be the heros.

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