I think he was a consultant for a company that was working on a DNA vaccine, and he is no longer a consultant for them (quoting from memory so could be an approximation).
My reasoning is very practical. In general, I pay more attention to the combination of one's sincerity, general good intention toward a goal I share, and usefulness to t…
I think he was a consultant for a company that was working on a DNA vaccine, and he is no longer a consultant for them (quoting from memory so could be an approximation).
My reasoning is very practical. In general, I pay more attention to the combination of one's sincerity, general good intention toward a goal I share, and usefulness to the community than to what one said at any point. Most people say a lot of stupid things very often. People also use echo chamber talking points to get heard by that echo chamber, and then another echo chamber finds out and goes OMG he used enemy words!!! In our insane cancel culture, this pattern of behavior is almost imposed on us, while from nature we are wired to talk face to face, in context, etc, and not broadcast to the entire world all the time.
So, in practical terms, I filter out a lot of things that people do imperfectly, and try to understand the underlying currents. Do I think that Robert is a perfect human being? God no. I don't think that, and that's not what I am trying to say. But I think he is being set up to make him unable to do his job, which is help the mainstream-minded people get more skeptical about the virtue of the shots etc. That hurts all of us. That's what I object to, the plot to derail his and other people's ability to do their job due to having to spend the time on internal wars. I want him to succeed at his job at influencing the mainstream people, for the benefit of us all.
I guess in general, I am not strung out about people doing occasional stupid stuff, we all do that. Also, does Robert often use mainstream language? Yes, and I have no problem with it. I am happy to use mainstream language myself if it helps make the world better. Would it be great if everyone involved in this awful conflict didn't act on their wounded egos? It would be amazing, and I want that to happen. But the most important things that I advocate for is that we all possess the main weapon to defeat the great reset, which is to learn how to have no ego and work toward a good world from a place of love. When other people mess up, it's their responsibility to fix that. But in our individual places, our main job is to practice wisdom as much as we can, in our own place, and realize that we are not going to defeat the great reset by pointing fingers at other people's imperfections but by cultivating love that melts all crap. Sorry for the lengthy and very imperfect talk, I am trying to say something important and I wish I had better words, maybe I'll write something about it later.
I think he was a consultant for a company that was working on a DNA vaccine, and he is no longer a consultant for them (quoting from memory so could be an approximation).
My reasoning is very practical. In general, I pay more attention to the combination of one's sincerity, general good intention toward a goal I share, and usefulness to the community than to what one said at any point. Most people say a lot of stupid things very often. People also use echo chamber talking points to get heard by that echo chamber, and then another echo chamber finds out and goes OMG he used enemy words!!! In our insane cancel culture, this pattern of behavior is almost imposed on us, while from nature we are wired to talk face to face, in context, etc, and not broadcast to the entire world all the time.
So, in practical terms, I filter out a lot of things that people do imperfectly, and try to understand the underlying currents. Do I think that Robert is a perfect human being? God no. I don't think that, and that's not what I am trying to say. But I think he is being set up to make him unable to do his job, which is help the mainstream-minded people get more skeptical about the virtue of the shots etc. That hurts all of us. That's what I object to, the plot to derail his and other people's ability to do their job due to having to spend the time on internal wars. I want him to succeed at his job at influencing the mainstream people, for the benefit of us all.
I guess in general, I am not strung out about people doing occasional stupid stuff, we all do that. Also, does Robert often use mainstream language? Yes, and I have no problem with it. I am happy to use mainstream language myself if it helps make the world better. Would it be great if everyone involved in this awful conflict didn't act on their wounded egos? It would be amazing, and I want that to happen. But the most important things that I advocate for is that we all possess the main weapon to defeat the great reset, which is to learn how to have no ego and work toward a good world from a place of love. When other people mess up, it's their responsibility to fix that. But in our individual places, our main job is to practice wisdom as much as we can, in our own place, and realize that we are not going to defeat the great reset by pointing fingers at other people's imperfections but by cultivating love that melts all crap. Sorry for the lengthy and very imperfect talk, I am trying to say something important and I wish I had better words, maybe I'll write something about it later.