Absolutely! And such a great synchronicity for me, as I was recently introduced to the self-proclaimed Amazing Polly examining the framework of the keel of Jordan Peterson's ARC. She has done some good research, linking some of the founding members to the likes of Soros, and the philanthropathic foundations. (For the curious, I wrote abo…
Absolutely! And such a great synchronicity for me, as I was recently introduced to the self-proclaimed Amazing Polly examining the framework of the keel of Jordan Peterson's ARC. She has done some good research, linking some of the founding members to the likes of Soros, and the philanthropathic foundations. (For the curious, I wrote about that here: "ARC Has (Unholy Ass) Holes: The Amazing Polly Was Not Amazed and Other Snarks" https://gduperreault.substack.com/p/arc-has-unholy-ass-holes.)
However, her presentation is one to promote helplessness and division. She is successful by the nature of the comments, which many of them are likely psyop agents. I've had two people comment on my critique of Polly working with and energising the very energy that supports the cabal. I've had two people comment on how much they like her research and trust her. I agreed that her research is good, and I will do something about her Soros/Gates/Rockefeller connections in communication with ARC. And I added that our words our powerful, are what energise our creation of life. Her words disempowered, victimised and promoted anger. I'm not sure that her 'good' actually outweighs energising the cabal and victimising the non-cabal while entrenching the division.
Recently, while writing a post, (Dear Michael) I came across two senior highly respected Buddhist monks from different schools say: don't trust *anyone*. It is you that you trust, and from that place of trust, you will act appropriately. Of course, that becomes the nub, the pith, the core: do we *actually* trust our Selves? Do I actually trust my Self? LoL! It begins with the breath, Michael Stone said. Do you trust your body to breathe? Amazing time of looking within and finding who we might be, could be, are, across the spectrum of probable or less probable selves.
Thank you Tessa. It is wonderful to read your essays of wisdom that comes from of a peace knowing that the real enemy is us. That awareness is what gives us pretty much limitless power to create and express compassion to all.
Absolutely! And such a great synchronicity for me, as I was recently introduced to the self-proclaimed Amazing Polly examining the framework of the keel of Jordan Peterson's ARC. She has done some good research, linking some of the founding members to the likes of Soros, and the philanthropathic foundations. (For the curious, I wrote about that here: "ARC Has (Unholy Ass) Holes: The Amazing Polly Was Not Amazed and Other Snarks" https://gduperreault.substack.com/p/arc-has-unholy-ass-holes.)
However, her presentation is one to promote helplessness and division. She is successful by the nature of the comments, which many of them are likely psyop agents. I've had two people comment on my critique of Polly working with and energising the very energy that supports the cabal. I've had two people comment on how much they like her research and trust her. I agreed that her research is good, and I will do something about her Soros/Gates/Rockefeller connections in communication with ARC. And I added that our words our powerful, are what energise our creation of life. Her words disempowered, victimised and promoted anger. I'm not sure that her 'good' actually outweighs energising the cabal and victimising the non-cabal while entrenching the division.
Recently, while writing a post, (Dear Michael) I came across two senior highly respected Buddhist monks from different schools say: don't trust *anyone*. It is you that you trust, and from that place of trust, you will act appropriately. Of course, that becomes the nub, the pith, the core: do we *actually* trust our Selves? Do I actually trust my Self? LoL! It begins with the breath, Michael Stone said. Do you trust your body to breathe? Amazing time of looking within and finding who we might be, could be, are, across the spectrum of probable or less probable selves.
Thank you Tessa. It is wonderful to read your essays of wisdom that comes from of a peace knowing that the real enemy is us. That awareness is what gives us pretty much limitless power to create and express compassion to all.
Your comment hits the nail on the head! Thank you for that.