Are grownups supposed to have heroes? It's a reasonable question. Isn't that how we got here? "A Hero Ain't Nothing But a Sandwich" was a movie, an old one at that.
Are grownups supposed to have heroes? It's a reasonable question. Isn't that how we got here? "A Hero Ain't Nothing But a Sandwich" was a movie, an old one at that.
To be perfectly honest, I haven't either. But the plot is an interesting one and I frequently think of the title. I have meanwhile watched "The Ruling Class" a few times. It's a spot on British dark comedy that expresses what we the living formerly suspected and now know and see (more every day), i.e. the nature of those running the show.
Are grownups supposed to have heroes? It's a reasonable question. Isn't that how we got here? "A Hero Ain't Nothing But a Sandwich" was a movie, an old one at that.
I haven't seen the film but maybe I will one day.... :)
To be perfectly honest, I haven't either. But the plot is an interesting one and I frequently think of the title. I have meanwhile watched "The Ruling Class" a few times. It's a spot on British dark comedy that expresses what we the living formerly suspected and now know and see (more every day), i.e. the nature of those running the show.