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Oh you just helped me realize an important thing. I think that we fall into brainy analysis of people when we feel smaller than we actually are, thanks to all different abuses we've been on the receiving end of. It's almost like protection. We elevate ourselves by using our ability to dismantle and criticize. And then when we feel fully entitled to goodness, we want to fix and heal. And this is not a property of this human being or that human being (predators not included, they make different choices altogether). It is a state. And I pray for a world in which all of us fully connect to our greatness and always have our hearts and hands on the healing, automatically.

For example, would it have been nice if, say, Robert, credited the humble me for writing about the great reset before he did? Yeah it would have been nice But I don't care enough, I care that he does his job well. And would it have been nice if Desmet got back to me when I reached out to him to interview him? Yeah it would have been nice. But I don't care enough. I want the world to be beautiful. I remember when the main feeling for me as an artist was that my (oviously genius, lol) message was not finding ears, and I tried, and tried, and tried, and tried. and was just tormented over it. And then I stopped being tormented, and I don't know how. I just focused on the service. And so, taking it back to the conflict between the Breggins and Malone, I care about fixing the broken parts. I don't think any of them are CO, i think they are just imperfect human beings, and hopefully they will learn, too. That is what my prayer is for.

Thank you for a thought-provoking exchange, Tereza!!

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I'm so sorry, Tessa, but I'm again confused. Who feels smaller and who's been abused? The Breggins? Me? JJ Couey? Mathew Crawford? Diana West? Sage Hana? Paul Alexander? These are a few of the people presenting the anomalies in Robert's past. But the most important question is what direction he's steering the movement.

If you look at this as a healer, a doctor, you can't just numb the symptoms and call it good. You need to find the cause. You're ruling out that Robert could be still representing the interests for which he worked his entire career. Others are looking at and weighing the evidence.

If I had an ego, it would be more important that you like me and think well of me. At one time, I wanted that from Robert--he had subbed me and often liked my comments. It wasn't him ignoring me that caused me to question him. It was the evidence I couldn't ignore. And I had to give up my ego and decide it was okay if he didn't like me ... really didn't like me. And since I was almost alone at the time, and saying he was not who he said, that was scary. You've helped me have the courage to do it, even if you didn't want the result ;-)

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Sorry, I was typing at a hundred miles an hour in a "stream of consciousness" mode. :) I was talking about the Malidoma Some reference I mentioned and not anyone in particular.

Also, I was not debating your article or defending any of my own on the topic. I was observing it unfold in real rime between semi-private exchanges and postings, and it was not a natural occurrence. What I am trying to say is that the Breggins and Robert need our help. We need to focus on prayer for clarity and healing, it doesn't matter who said what, people say stupid things when they are off balance and especially when they are helped into acting self-destructive. it's a philosophical matter but also a very practical natter. They need our help, and if we can focus on prayer for clarity and spiritually clear and good resolution, we will do a fantastic job all together toward the victory against the tyrants of the world.

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Tessa...don’t be an apologist for bad behavior in the name of being an advocate of love in the world. Sometimes tough love is necessary to ensure that true love is not corrupted by those who would exploit one’s desire to believe in hood to the point of ignoring trouble, evil, ill intent or malfeasance in one’s midst.

Should we not, on your premise of get along to go along embrace Fauci?

How is it at this point that so many have come to know of Fauci’s lies? Even Malone claiming to only recently have come to see the lies?

Was it not through questioning and trying to reconcile experience and facts with what we are told?

In part, you are suggesting that once the freedom movement was established we must embrace any and all that grab the label and attach it to them in the name of what is good and just? But isn’t that exactly what the likes of Gares, Schwaub, Soros, Fauci et al did in the name of public health?

Sorry. No offense intended but it begins to feel like that you are asking us to surrender our critical thinking skills at perhaps the most critical hour in this battle and to simply trust our fate to those who claim to be doing good for our benefit.

Think of it like this....I was awake before Malone about the mRNA vaccines and the danger they presented.....so why should I defer to him? Why should I thank him and be grateful for what he brings to the table....so far, especially compared to others in the MFM, he has brought very little of any new information to my awareness. I mean that sincerely....I have learned little from him.

Second, I ask questions and stay vigilant because of my love and caution for my fellow man....not who or a need to agitate. I am a mom....that compels me. And as I learned in the education space....the moms are operating from the purest form of love in rooting out what may harm or compromise the health and well being of our children. And having been on the receiving end of the patriarchal and mysogynystic behaviors that have allowed the world to evolve from a place of power and control....like Tereza....your seeming acceptance of the “flawed” personalities (is that all it really is? ) and insistence that it is best to go along to get along....is beyond concerning knowing what is at stake.

Finally, Malone himself has exhibited repeatedly this air of it was all just s colossal blunder of small minded bureaucrats and we need to love our neighbor to heal....yeah, sorry....that was a tell for me nearly 6 months ago.

Do you ever wonder if Malone will be the new head of the FDA especially if Kennedy were to succeed? I do, and the thought of that makes me sick to my stomach. Can’t even explain....but my stomach has saved my life on more than one occasion when following the experts would have virtually guaranteed my premature death.

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Your explanation is so beautiful, Laura. It humbles me. And your 'authority' as a mother makes it clear what's at stake and why we can't let men take our inner knowledge away from us.

When you mentioned "having been on the receiving end of the patriarchal and mysogynystic behaviors that have allowed the world to evolve from a place of power and control....like Tereza" I didn't know if you'd seen my recent post on toxic masculinity that's stolen my term 'tonic masculinity' and applied it to them: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-twisting-of-tonic-masculinity. I'm doing a follow-up to that today and I'd like to quote from your comment. I think it ties together the different threads and illustrates what's at stake, and that I'm not looking to agitate in either case.

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Thank you, Tereza. Feel free to use the quote. Please correct any misspellings. 😉 Autocorrect and my fingertips are not always my friends.

I very much appreciated your back and forth with Tessa. I appreciate the space of positivity and love that drives Tessa. I respect it. And I know in my heart that I am driven from a similar space.

But I also know from my own experience in the trenches (began actively participating in the current battle pre-pandemic in the education space) efforts to meet others from a genuine place of respect and love for mankind, in an effort to enhance understanding was often exploited. I did not just go to school board meetings and explode….I asked questions and my concern grew proportionately as attempts were made to say the questions were not legitimate, then it was attempts to shame or humiliate….for purposes of silencing you (“how dare you question my authority or expertise”—-so over that at this point…I dare because it is my god given right and they are not entitled to my deference until and when I decide to give it and accept their authority. And when it comes to my kids’ future….I’ll keep asking the messy and hard questions that some do not want to answer. And where is the respect for what drives those of us to ask the questions? Where is the understanding relative to the price we have paid in the past three years? ) .

I persisted….then there was the misleading and misrepresenting….Finally, I had to learn to stand firm in my instincts and pursue truth nonetheless. And that meant going toe to toe with those who did not want to have to answer to the public. I had to learn it was ok as a woman to get angry, ignore the suggestion that I was being unladylike or not respectful. The irony….those who were demanding I be “positive” in interactions were anything but that themselves.

I had to learn the hard way that sometimes standing your ground (is love….love for oneself and a desire to protect the future for one’s family) and not letting the forces who want to control us bank on your being positive and conciliatory in efforts to enhance understanding….because they quickly will exploit it or misdirect one’s search for truth and accountability.

Maybe my problem is I am a hardened warrior at this point. But when other warriors want a right to be hardened (thin skinned, victim because they are ‘giving’ so much for me 🙄, are misunderstood, yada, yada, yada) and at the same time use that as the excuse for attacking one ….cause “your not playing nice” when you ask fair questions and get less than satisfying answers….Well, it gives me pause. And I’m not interested in apologizing for my instincts. Instincts are the tools of survival.

So at this point for me, the suggestion one is not “operating by and through love” because they ask questions or require accountability from their fellow human being in matters that affect us all….well, that is treacherous territory today, IMO. It also plays into that male dominance aspect of power that is a common theme and thread through the deadly and totalitarian actions that are manifesting locally, nationally and globally today….all in the name of “diversity, equity and inclusion.”

Sorry, my thoughts are a bit jumbled this morning….but I suspect you get my point. And I may need to now check out your substack. I like your style and approach. A gentle and firm warrior!!! But a warrior all the same.

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I am very happy to see that you made friends!! That's the best part about comments, when people connect and find camaraderie. We can argue about things all day but when I see people connecting, it makes me just so delighted. Yay!

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Your experience was the same as mine. At first I ignored it, because I wanted to believe. Then I realized....I was actively refusing to look closer because I did not want to see.

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