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I think that 'solution selling' is mostly a product of a sales-oriented culture. Which, in turn, is a product of the missionary culture. In my opinion, one of the most brilliant frameworks of looking at the great reset and the digital enslavement is Steven Newcomb's. https://tessa.substack.com/p/how-domination-drives-genocides

Is is t a very popular framework though? No, not at the moment, because it throws away all talking points and forces honesty. And that is the reason why I personally care a lot less about people's "ideas" or "opinions" than their actions, whether their actions are toward love and healing and happy humility, or toward partisan divisions, the word "partisan" being used broadly here.

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If those are your criteria....like Tereza, I can’t understand your defense of RM.

And, you know, as I reached out to you privately...I have my own concerns about those within the MFM rabid defense of him (RM) while also refusing to be honest and engage in discussions that broaden the scope of the resistance to really examine elements that are about more than the vaccine. But alas, they mostly beat one drum and only one drum on their terms while ignoring the underlying process that shifts the financial markets and turns us into commodities. But again, when and if that comes to pass....where will those standing against the vaccine stand? Do they understand the bigger picture? Do they willfully ignore it or refuse yo enlighten the masses because they want it as an option for themselves in reserve? That is a legitimate question that needs to be explored....not treated as some slanderous remark. Seriously, we are either fighting for humanity or we are participating in political theatre.

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My defense is of fairness and intellectual integrity. I believe he is being set up, just like his rivals are. And we all lose from it. It has nothing to do with perfection, or character flaws, or who took tor didn't take he jab, etc There are many forces at play, and I don't like the sacrifice of the innocent, even if the innocent are imperfect. I also don't like it when people's potential for doing good is curbed in front of us, and even with some sincerely cheering.. I am cool with people liking or disliking whomever they want, it's a matter of free will choice. And surely, most people are extremely imperfect. But I feel obliged to act on what i think is going on, which is not always what it seems to be. And then everyone can decide.

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Fair enough. For me, when he chose to attack me and go on about my supposed “vicious attacks” and claimed or suggested that I was some how blackmailing him….really?!?! He is a problem, I don’t care on whose damn side he is. He needs either to get over himself and not expected people to just fawn over him. I am quick to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I have also learned to recognize that when people strike out like that it is because they feel cornered.

I was not cornering him…but the fact he perceived it that way and attacked me in response…in the way he did….a couple of things come to mind….1) he was cornered because he did not want to answer the question and I’d note, the answer he gave was a non-answer relative to my point/question of him; and 2) he was not cornered but is a narcissist that lacks self awareness.

I also found it troubling that his reply suggested he had been stalking my comments. That just plain gave me the creeps because he only ever replied to one or two of my comments. And Nass did the same routine. Interestingly, she went and testified, like me, regarding COVID legislation (which Ivam grateful for) …but unlike me, she did not point to the elephant in the room! That is the globalist in our state who is building a biopharmaceutical corridor with the likes of Gates. Still left wondering why she refuses to name names of those doing the dirty deeds in her backyard. Guess it is easier to stay above the fray and have notoriety than have skin in the game at a local level.

Maybe that is not fair and some will perceive my comment as unkind or ungrateful. I am left wondering though why one would not name names when so much is at stake?

I notice how it is ok to name certain names ….Gate, Schwaub, Soros, etc. but the reality is there are plenty doing their bidding or working the agenda under radar in our neighborhoods, cities, states….we need to start naming names and exposing the game at that level or the resistance goes no where. The big names at the top have protection and they know it. It is the proxies working the plan that once called forward to account that will have to choose….loyalty to the agenda and the fin/tech elite bosses with a price to be paid or perhaps rethinking their actions because their friends and neighbors now know they are a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Such are the predatory philanthropists.

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Laura, I tried to respond to your comment the other day but Substack ate it and it was too long to retype, so here is the gist.

I don't know what happened in Robert's threads. If you were consistently nuanced, benevolent, respectful, not accusatory, not trying to grill him like he is a potential criminal or twist his arm, and he snapped at you out of the blue, then he is responsible for his lack of constraint, and I am sorry you found yourself on the receiving end of an internet conversation gone south. Since I don't know how the thread went, I cant say that I side with you or with Robert, I presume you were both sincere and it was of those things on the internet that spin out of proportion.

I can tell you that on my end, I usually ignore such things and forget about it immediately. One particular smart person blocked me based on that person's internal dynamic, after being rude to me on my own page, and I happily forgot about that person's existence, and I don't even have hard feelings. I truly don't care. Mind you, I also don't feel any urge to go around and criticize because honestly, the world is full of people acting on bad habits so who cares.

As far as Meryl, I love her. She is a human being of great courage and integrity, and I stand by her. She has done more for the world than many, and deserves a ton of gratitude and admiration.

Again, the devil is in the detail (and I don't know the detail) but every human being, including you, Meryl, Robert, Ginger, Peter, and everyone else, is entitled to selecting the areas of work on which we focus based on internal preference alone. That's a sacred part of life. And time is limited, so we all spend it where we want to spend it. So suspecting people based on the fact that they are not a clone of you (abstract you), your preferences and priorities, is a certain recipe for never leaving the state of feeling tragically underappreciated, and that's a miserable state.

My own philosophy is that if I feel like something needs to be done and no one's doing it, well, maybe then I should do it. It takes as much time to do that than to complain about others not doing it. And then I can feel at peace and bring my work to the world and seek dialogue from a place of love, confidence, and peace. But in any case, Meryl is one stunning human being with a great heart, and i don't want to see her name in the light of suspicion, she doesn't deserve it.

There are sacred things in life, goodness and courage are one of those, and I find it far more useful to support the people who do good work even if I don't agree with them on 100% of things (this is my general philosophy that works for me, you obviously are not me and you do what you like to do, etc.)

And also, I personally don't get mad at people if I have a theory that to me feels very important, and they don't pay attention, or disagree, etc It is possible to care passionately about something and not get mad at other for not caring about it! Perhaps it is one of the things we all need to learn at one point in life... it certainly was a useful discovery in my own life when I figured that out.

Perhaps I was influenced by the old art critic joke. As an artist, it reflects how I feel about life in general. :)

And truly, if Robert answered to only two of your comments and you are complaining, I don't think he answered to more than one comment by me (maybe two :), so.... you can imagine what it is like to get hundreds of comments, one cannot physically respond to every comment and stay sane and actually also do other things, like live in the physical world. People who have the time to be super active in comments either sit on their computer all day and work comments in cold blood as a marketing tool (I've worked in marketing and I know industry standards, that is the cynical reality:), or have a team of people working for them behind the scenes. There is no other way. No normal person has the time to hover every comment. Doesn't happen. Comments are meant to be a community of many people!!

Like, for example, this one took me probably an hour because I had to think it though. How many hours are there in a day? See?

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Was I rude to him? NO, I asked a naive question about the mrna. I was truly unaware of all that's going on behind the scenes, and I trusted him. I asked in good faith. He called me a troll. I was like, Oh. My. God. He treats you nice tessa lena because you have influence. I am a nobody.

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You are entitled to ask questions….always.

Only those who think they are above reproach or better than others resort to the tactics you describe and I experienced.

It is not ok. And only leads to more questions not the supposed unity that they keep insisting is essential.

I called Meryl out on her need to claim that she broke some fact or story before Karen Kingston. In my view, it was more about Meryl insisting that Karen Kingston was trying to step some standing it accolade that belonged to her. I basically said isn’t what matters is the truth was now out there and questioned the need for some to be constantly jockeying for being the “heroes” or latest set of “experts” even as they bemoan the splintering of the MFM. She called me a fragger and was not nice about it.

She insisted it did matter who broke the news first. Really? Why? Sorry, but over time I have begun to see some have egos as big as Fauci and I personally have no desire to be beholden to them than I want to be beholden to Fauci.

As for bowing down and being so grateful and gracious about all they are doing for us. What? Seriously, I just can’t even get on board at this point with that kind of hero worship….many in the MFM participated in this predatory system for years….I stood up before they did.

So NO they do not get some loyalty for being on a national or global stage asserting themselves, especially when I have been in the trenches fighting with all I have for the little guy and then get called a fragger because I don’t think the resistance should be about getting “credit.”

At this point, I have come to see the substack community as a silo into itself where the needle isn’t being moved with regard to where it will make a difference….in the trenches.

As to Tess’ point….I am doing day in and day out what I feel needs to be done. And I will not apologize for noting that some in the MFM refuse (to use their platform) to get their hands dirty in a way in the trenches that might ultimately make a difference. The globalists are busy controlling my state and it sure feels like some refuse to actually name names. Why?

For what it’s worth…I went to the public hearing in my state and named names….but I guess I can do that because I’m not part of the industry or peer group we are supposedly fighting.

My bad. Just a fragger I guess.

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Everybody may have the right to ask questions but everybody also has the responsibility to first and foremost, curb their own ego and not allow one's own self-righteousness (something that I am sure we all have to some degree) to get ahead of us, I remember that article by Meryl. She was 100% spot on in it. And she was also fair. On a side note, I am personally not subscribed to the genre of "calling out," by which I mean I don't engage in endless purity test back and forth threads, and I consider them extremely unhelpful. So My take on this is in principle different from yours. Cancel culture and its tool of "calling people out" is the last thing we need if we want to defeat Klaus Schwab, in my opinion.

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Tess....Here is what object to about Schwaub and his ilk....

“Rules for thee, but not for me.”

So before you school me on the use of the phrase....”calling out” and make that sound like a bad thing....it was not a purity test as you suggest. It was my saying to Meryl, arguably the same thing you are pitching....we need to work together and not get hung up on petty matters (and sorry but claiming credit for the sake of claiming credit to assert one’s dominance or importance within the collective MFM is exactly that). And if you say, as she said, truth matters....yes, yes it does. So exactly what was untrue about what I was saying or asking Meryl about in that circumstance? Or perhaps it is ok in your book for some within the MFM to make charges of CO or be dismissive to their peers, but others are not allowed without it being some transgression against unity. Surely you see my point. I believe it is the same point/observation that Tereza was making.

So exactly was it that Meryl was doing with regard to her post about being first to make a revelation which she wanted to be sure no one would credit Kingston with?

To my point, what I have come to find that I object to Malone and a few others in the MFM is that they seem to have a similar way of thinking as the Schwaub et al crew...

“Rules for thee but not for me.”

Not only is one allowed to ask questions....these times demand it. Shaming others because you seemingly characterize raising legitimate questions does not align with your ideas of what is required for unity or acting from love begins to feel like dialogue around these important issues takes a back seat to “allegiance” to a cause or personalities. After living through the hell of the pandemic and having suffered very personal an intimate losses due to that kind of thought....I can’t get on board with that.

For what it’s worth, I hope my and others questions and concerns turn out to be unwarranted....but you know what they say....trust but verify....and always follow the money.

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Like I said, Laura, criticizing Meryl for defending her dignity was uncalled for, in my opinion. She is just an stunning human being doing things that are very useful to the world. What I see, and you are of course to disagree with me, is that you "have a hammer," and so everything is a nail. See how quickly, and under the same breath, you moved from criticizing Malone to criticizing Meryl? And then you say, "Are we required to agree about Malone? Because it seems strange and odd that we are told we can have our own opinion, but that f it is different than yours it is not valid." The impression that I get, and again, we don't have to agree, just like we don't have to agree on Malone or anything else under the sun, is that you are on the ready to jump at the other person at all times . Which to me is something that calls for compassion as it speaks of unhealed trauma (and God knows that the world is full of traumatizing things, and we have all been on the receiving end of abusive behaviors in this way or another). But as much as I feel a genuine loving feeling and appreciate your sincerity without a doubt, I also know how dangerous it is to allow the unhealed feeling in myself or in others to take over. Knowing that, I feel very good expressing very strong disagreement with you on the place from which to approach evaluation of others, and since we have different perceptions on the perception of life, it is very unlikely that we are going to come to the same conclusion. And it's all good. No one is oppressing you here for sure. ::) But I certainly feel very comfortable saying that I completely disagree with the need to carry one's trauma forward as opposed to accept that fact that it's in the driver's seat and kick it out. This also very closely related to the inner workings of the cancel culture. And this, by the way, is also very closely related to what drives the Great Reset. So my position against allowing the trauma to drive things is very strong and practical. I don't want the world in which the great resetters are in power forever!!!!

And, once again, disagreeing is fine, what is not fine is an implication that by disagreeing with you and not being shy about it I oppress you. I don't. I respect your right to make any choices you like, where I make similar choices or opposite choices! That's what free will is about.

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Her dignity? Please do explain. How was claiming rights and to breaking a story defending her dignity? Setting the record straight, perhaps. But then the question must necessarily follow….setting the record straight served what purpose? My point to Meryl was simply that the information being disseminated is the most important thing, yes? Was Meryl’s need to set the record straight about casting aspirations of another member of the freedoms movement, Karen Kingston? And then the question follows….why? They agree on the facts, yes? So then I arrive at this place of….so some in the MFM can cast aspirations and be indignant about being wronged, but others (particularly us peons) are not allowed to because that is disruptive to the “unity” and healing needed to make progress and effect change.

And Meryl called me a fragger and proceeded to make proclamations about either people can get on board with her views or get lost.

I do not really want to continue this exchange, Tess. I reached out to you some time ago, nearly a year ago…personally and directly because something was not setting well with me. I felt disoriented and was trying to make sense regarding my exchanges privately with some in the MFM.

And I stand by those instincts. I flagged an issue with Meryl about Malone in the context of his claim to only newly learning the DOD’s work with cyborgs. I found his claim troublesome and disingenuous. How could he not have known? You and I knew. Meryl tried to shame me into silence for asking the question. She told me she was not her brother’s keeper (although she now seems rather assertive about defending RM since way back then/nearly a year ago) and told me “we need more hands on the Bible” implying anything short of just accepting Malone as a hero was to be met with a rebuke.

So was I out of line for noting the discrepancy of his narrative (I’m connected to the deep state…but whoah, cyborgs, I had no idea!) Is that due to me having trauma and being out to get anyone as a result or demanding purity? Come on.

I got the message loud and clear from Meryl who I had been doing research from. Stay in your lane. Her reply was a politely veiled attempt to Shane me into silence. It was uncalled for and was a tell, IMO.

Still I continued on, but after that I began asking more direct and pointed questions about what they actually do know on certain parts of the bigger agenda. And how committed are they to real change….I approached from a place of how can I help them to understand what those of us in the education sector had realized even before COVID. In short. They did not care…did not want to listen…and were already on their way to staking out their territory as the newest and best experts on the block. So, one has to ask themself…do they really have the average person’s best interest at heart relative to what is coming? That’s the lens I have been forced to look through. And yes, it is in part because of very real trauma and the price zi have personally paid.

And Tess….do not use one’s trauma against them as you have tried to do here. I’m going to be equally firm with you on this as you are in saying/suggesting you are being firm with me about seeing it as some weakness or ailment on my part that misdirects me and causes me to jump on people and will leave me a broken person unhappy and unable to fulfill my purpose in life through love.

I stand more by the quote…”If everything in life were easy, one would miss out on opportunities for growth.”

Sure feels like you want to use my trauma to shame me into going along to get along. Whereas my trauma informs me… Should I be ashamed I can’t heal myself and move on for the betterment of all and poor me…it hurts my soul too.

Is this where I am supposed to forgive on the name of unity and love those who both caused my trauma and also wish to minimize it? You of course, will say no…but they are on our side. And again, as Tereza and others point out….are they?

Next, I do not jump on people…”have a hammer and see everything as a nail”….you quickly went to generalizing me based on my reaction to Malone and Nass. I get it, you champion them. But so your championing them and my not doing the same translates to my having a problem, ingested trauma.

Show me or tell me where I am jumping on others as if it is some signature trait of mine on substack. The same could be said of you. You claim your virtuous position of love and feel every situation benefits from being clothed in that, shrouded, etc. your hammer is “love” and you feel every situation should be seen through that lens (and we could discuss what your version of “love” is, but let’s not….because I do think you are genuine in your approach)

Does that heal the trauma? Does that enhance understanding…help the person heal? Or does it minimize and tell the person to eat the shit sandwich for the benefit of those who want to skip over the trauma and go to a solution, that can’t actually serve as a real solution until you examine fully and transparently the trauma, it’s source, and the reason it has come to pass. In other places on substack, I have discussed how healing can only happen through a true accounting of harm done and accountability…not a nod of the head and a push to get those harmed in the worst ways to prematurely say “bygones.” I often reference AA and the 12 steps.

So yeah, Malone saying that my trauma is just the result of misguided bureaucrats and I need to move on to healing as he directs….is asking me to be part of a solution that guarantees more trauma down the line.

In short, he has not earned my trust and your ideas about living in love and accepting Malone’s caustic personality because he gets it….yeah, sorry….he does not get it. And yes, I’m entitled to my opinion and you yours.

I wish you well. I am not trying to bad mouth anyone. But I will stand up for the little guy. And that means some in the MFM do not just get a pass because of “who they are” while the peons are told to shut up and sit down….and I have no use for them then being told they are misbehaving and not operating from love but trauma if they don’t.

To your credit….you allow the debate. Malone censors and silenced. He’s not a victim. But you excuse his actions because of his supposed “trauma” of being mistreated by those who don’t hero worship and ask questions. Try to remember there are a lot of us who are not famous who have suffered as well, it’s not just your heroes. And your heroes would do well to remember that or else they are operating like Fauci et al….and I can assure you it comes from a place of power not love.

And I suspect Meryl and I would be fine (on the same page in many respects) and I admire her…but her defense of Malone is troublesome. And her seeming inability to see that she holds others to standards that she and Malone do not adhere to themselves relative to the right to seek truth…well, arrogance of that kind on others, even your heroes, is a tricky thing for me to accept at this point in the game given my trauma stems from the fact that kind of arrogance is often blind and I and my loved ones are the ones who paid the price. That is why I am in this battle. Never again.

In short, not going to just bow down when some one assets themself and their authority.

Best to you in the future.

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how is it "respectful" when you assume our trauma as you call it is clouding our reason? degradation all dressed up in new age "love and healing."

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Interesting put-down, fragging. I read an article on fragging in the Vietnam war. Soldiers would frag their superior officers. Colin Powell called it "attacks on authority." If there's anything authoritarians hate, it's attacks on their authority. Nass took your disagreement as a murderous attack. She needs to get over herself.

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And I did not deserve to be called a fragger.

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well no! of course not. it says everything about her and nothing about you.

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Laura - He did that to me, too. I was shocked and dismayed at first. Then it gradually dawned on me that that's what liars and abusers do to deflect. I know from experience. Then I started checking out what other people, like you, have been saying.

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the sacrifice of the innocent doesn't apply to malone. he is not innocent.

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