People with unusual combinations of male and female energy are. it's been known for many thousands of years, then suppressed. But today it's all mixed up, the proverbial "elites" try to spoil everything and confuse everyone, and many kids are cruelly tricked into thinking they are who they are not. That is my observation, and I will write about it in more detail one day. And i am happy to have you here if you stick around but this is a place to talk, not for talking points. :)
Let's just say what's going on currently with the politicization of our children is driven by a rather dark undercurrent of the medical-pharma-transhumanist machine. If you go down the rabbit hole you'll discover some very sobering things.
I can feel my head cracking open as I ponder this concept! As a playwright, I have encountered many, many theatre artists who were drawn to the art form because of its inherent healing potential -- and they definitely fit the "unusual combinations of male and female energy" description. Wow...
Is this like the Native American concept of the berdache? I also remember reading that a woman who became one of the early doctors in Spain had to pass as a man to be able to practice - sorry, I don't remember her/his name...
I would really appreciate it if you could point me towards further reading on this! It sounds par for the course with the transhumanists stepping in & ruining everything they touch!
Hi Riff, a book that I am very fond of is Sobonfu Some's "Spirit of Intimacy." I don't know if you like this book, it is written by a wise tribal woman about being a woman in her culture. I'll say in a second why I mention it here. When I read it I cried many times because that kind of wisdom and joy has been stolen from the people of the "civilized" world, and nobody teaches kids (girls in particular) just how much fun it is to be fully alive and connected to ones Creator-given gifts and joys and how honoring it is to be a woman (or a man for a man, or one of other combinations if that is what one is born with in earnest). So she mainly talks about the female perspective on human intimacy and relationships, as it is understood in her village. But she also mentions their views on gender relations and combinations in general.
It is worth remembering that different old cultures were not at all identical to each other. There is some common shared foundations, which probably came from older older days of knowledge, but customs vary a lot, and so when modern people draw generalizations on the way old cultures approached sexual unions, for example, it usually speaks of a lack of knowledge.
Thank you so much Tessa! IтАЩm not familiar with the book but I ordered it now! I expect it will be something weтАЩll enjoy sharing with our daughter! The article on Native American culture is fascinating; thank you again!ЁЯЩПЁЯП╝ЁЯШК
Trans people are very gifted healers by birth ??? Well, I never read/heard that before. I think I've come to the wrong place.
People with unusual combinations of male and female energy are. it's been known for many thousands of years, then suppressed. But today it's all mixed up, the proverbial "elites" try to spoil everything and confuse everyone, and many kids are cruelly tricked into thinking they are who they are not. That is my observation, and I will write about it in more detail one day. And i am happy to have you here if you stick around but this is a place to talk, not for talking points. :)
Let's just say what's going on currently with the politicization of our children is driven by a rather dark undercurrent of the medical-pharma-transhumanist machine. If you go down the rabbit hole you'll discover some very sobering things.
I can feel my head cracking open as I ponder this concept! As a playwright, I have encountered many, many theatre artists who were drawn to the art form because of its inherent healing potential -- and they definitely fit the "unusual combinations of male and female energy" description. Wow...
Is this like the Native American concept of the berdache? I also remember reading that a woman who became one of the early doctors in Spain had to pass as a man to be able to practice - sorry, I don't remember her/his name...
I don't know how Substack handles comment notifications for threads so just in case, I just posted this one, it has some references
I would really appreciate it if you could point me towards further reading on this! It sounds par for the course with the transhumanists stepping in & ruining everything they touch!
Hi Riff, a book that I am very fond of is Sobonfu Some's "Spirit of Intimacy." I don't know if you like this book, it is written by a wise tribal woman about being a woman in her culture. I'll say in a second why I mention it here. When I read it I cried many times because that kind of wisdom and joy has been stolen from the people of the "civilized" world, and nobody teaches kids (girls in particular) just how much fun it is to be fully alive and connected to ones Creator-given gifts and joys and how honoring it is to be a woman (or a man for a man, or one of other combinations if that is what one is born with in earnest). So she mainly talks about the female perspective on human intimacy and relationships, as it is understood in her village. But she also mentions their views on gender relations and combinations in general.
It is worth remembering that different old cultures were not at all identical to each other. There is some common shared foundations, which probably came from older older days of knowledge, but customs vary a lot, and so when modern people draw generalizations on the way old cultures approached sexual unions, for example, it usually speaks of a lack of knowledge.
To your question specifically, here is a reference, I would recommend it as food for thought and an opinion, there are probably many ways to look at it.
Thank you so much Tessa! IтАЩm not familiar with the book but I ordered it now! I expect it will be something weтАЩll enjoy sharing with our daughter! The article on Native American culture is fascinating; thank you again!ЁЯЩПЁЯП╝ЁЯШК
My joy!!
"it's been known for many thousands of years, then suppressed. But today it's all mixed up".
Me too.
One signs up for these based on one posting and then finds out one has erred.
Thank you for stopping by then, we all have our preferences! :) xoxo