False Advertising: A Short Collection of News and Thoughts
Yeah, about that existential fine print in the marketing brochure...
If you missed my article about the commercial and regulatory push for normalizing the literal and figurative pipeline from the toilet to the drinking glass, here it is (PDF / Dr. Mercola’s Substack).
After I wrote that article, this news came out:
Radioactive waste
Speaking of radioactive waste, I am sure you’ve heard the latest about Fukushima. All safe and effective of course. I am being laconic about it because I feel very sad about it. I am grieving the destruction that the maniacs keep bringing about.
So unnecessary!!
UPDATE: One thing led to another, and I undug the “nuclear” Twitter thread that I started in May 2020.
Has any brain-generated ideal ever delivered on its marketing brochure?
The philosophical angle is that there is a stark contrast between an ideal that being falsely advertised (in this case, the false advertising of “civilized” western cleanliness) and reality.
Whatever ideal that the shapers of public opinion advertise to us at any given point in time— be it “progress,” “communism,” “capitalism,” “better living though chemistry,” safe nuclear power, or “safe and effective vaccines”—it just never turns out quite like what they had advertised.
And so my very straightforward inner five-year-old child wants to know, if the pie-in-the-sky ideal has never succeeded in materializing on planet Earth without being accompanied by grave negative consequence, did, by any chance, the marketing brochure lie? Or did we neglect to read the existential fine print?
What kind of consequences am I talking about? Well, consequences like seemingly “inevitable” dumping of sewage or radioactive waste into oceans, lakes, and rivers, like super toxic chemicals found in tissues of new-born babies, like giant landfills filled with crap, like visible and invisible suffering of the innocent, like perpetually super-squeezed existence—or completely unnecessary, artificially created disease.
My theory is that none of this has to do with any isms. I think that we, as a species, are simply not wired to make much sense outside of the context of a smaller community where we view other people as family and don’t need any “law and order” because “law and order” comes from the inside. What do you think?
I feel that there will be a day when we all regain our clear thinking and clear eyes, when we heal and get smarter, when we will look back, and there will be no more pain.
But for now, we are dealing with the consequences of centuries of false advertising and calculated tricks, much like in the children’s story about the Bad Witch.
And it will take a lot of courage and a lot of love to discard the entire marketing brochure wholesale (all of it!), to snap out of the enchanted existence, and to heal it all. Yes, we have a very, very big job, and there is plenty of difficult but soul-nourishing work for every soul.
May our path to awakening be as kind as possible.
May we heal as soon as possible, in every way, in every way.
May it happen the soonest.
May our souls’ highest, most pleasant purpose be fulfilled.
We are born for beauty and happiness, may we find it without delay and hold on to it without letting go.
Yes, I say, may it be so.
Note to readers: If you are in the position to do so, I encourage you to become a paid subscriber or donate. I love you in any case, but it helps A LOT. Thank you from my heart for your support!
"Normalizing the literal and figurative pipeline from the toilet to the drinking glass..."
Notice how climate change is used as a literal and figurative smokescreen, especially in places like Maui 🔥 to cover up the real threat to humanity and that's industrial wastes which are poured into the water supply, agricultural crops, and air. Not to mention, the insane amount of pollution on every military base.
So many of our fellow Earthlings resonate and wait.....your reminder here cannot be said too often. Thanks for saying it again!! peace love
"‘Inner Net’ exhibits characteristics of Hive Mind. For example – termites are a society of creatures capable of building mounds that rival our tallest skyscrapers in relative scale. Fungi beneath the forest floor form an organic internet that precedes humankind. Bees communicate with plants in a survival symbiosis that we do not yet fully comprehend. These sentient beings create and flourish collectively within domains of interspecial synergy with an order and efficiency that make our atrocious political conflicts here at our self-authorized ‘top of the food chain’ appear ludicrous and primitive. They accomplish all this without technology or money. They operate unimpeded by negotiations about who does what for how much, and devoid of the vanity of who gets credit. This does not mean to portray our potential future as a matrix of mindless humatons. Rather, as evolved beings, our interests will best be served by developing (awakening?) similar sensitivities and channels of communication. As the new humanity, our current climate change crisis might be clearly acknowledged around the globe relatively spontaneously and inspire an appropriate, self-evident local response by each one of us. This is our evolution."