The central banks are currently creating the framework for what will be their chosen crypto solution. If a decentralized cryptocurrency existed which was an actual threat to their coming "solution" it would be strangled in its sleep and then its house would be set on fire. There is no chance of a last minute upset in this race.
I'm a computer expert. I've been programming computers since I was in 2nd grade. That was a long time ago. Bitcoin was created by the NSA. You've been had.
I've noticed a pattern with Bitcoin shills--whenever confronted with legitimate criticism of their false god, they always characterize the other person as being a simpleton who's too stupid to understand their pet digital 1's and 0's.
Thank you! You've done such a great job of proving my point, I barely have to explain anything.
See how this juvenile responds? The crypto "game" is full of jackasses like this.
Cryptocurrency is, as one would guess by the name, based on cryptography. And cryptography is at the very cutting edge of mathematics. Can you produce a mathematical *proof* that the Bitcoin algorithm does exactly what is claimed? Of course you cannot. Nobody can. If you could do such a thing, you'd be getting paid millions per year to make or break crypto for the NSA or some other rich organization, rather than running your mouth online.
The nature of cryptography is that it cannot be proven to be secure. Indeed, flaws are discovered in crypto algorithms all the time. Indeed, it's inevitable. Because that's how the universe works.
A given algo does not have to be totally broken in order to be rendered useless for practical purposes. If some flaw is discovered which only degrades its strength to the point where a supercomputer can crack it, or even commodity hardware, it becomes totally worthless as a means of hiding information, or as the backbone of a crypto currency.
The people who created Bitcoin--who are world experts in cryptography--have already decided how it will crash, when the time is right. The crash is literally built in. All it will take is for a one page PDF to be released summarizing a flaw discovered in the crypto algorithm, and Bitcoin will quickly crash to ZERO.
There will be a couple hopeful pauses before the very bottom, of course, to give this tool and his friends the opportunity to "buy the dip" with everything they've got. lol
Right now you are a crypto millionaire. Tomorrow you will be only one of millions of crypto paupers. But don't worry, you may be able to exchange your worthless shitcoin for the new Fedcoin, at 1 cent on the dollar, so at least you can buy a bottle of whiskey to drink your sorrow away.
Afterwards, I recommend suicide.
By the way, tool, I do not use Windows, and haven't for decades. I use my own Linux based operating system that I built from scratch. But please, continue believing you are the smartest little shit who has ever been shat out into the universe.
I think sadly that you are right. They showed their might with Switzerland's privacy laws, they have none if push comes to shove. We live on a Plantation but most just don't see it or could accept using that word to describe their Reality.
“The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debt.” ― Henry Ford
“In Washington right next to the Holocaust Museum is the Federal Reserve where they print the money. Is that an accident?” ― Louis Farrakhan
“I fear the Jewish bankers with their craftiness and torturous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt modern civilization. The Jews will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos so that the earth should become their inheritance.” ― Otto Von Bismark
Thank you for a very creatively and cleverly written essay. loved it. One point. With all due respect, you need to study 911 because that psy op rolled out the fear porn, almost as dress rehearsal, long before covid. See for example 16 Glaring Parallels Between the 9/11 and COVID Ops
Thank you for sharing this! I'm a new subscriber and writing a highly controversial memoir. Everything changed for me after this 9/11 event....much cost but I'm free now. Been reading Tessa's articles. Looking for anything she might have written on this 2001 event and came across your comments here. Perhaps she will look into this at
Will open your link now. I also subscribe to the freedom articles. Smiles!
You do know that it was printed on our money (back in 1998 I believe) as were the oklahoma bombing, the pentagram bombing and future bombings yet to come creating a tsunami over ny and finally a hoover dam one. Here is a video to aid you if you're so inclined. They use it as a form of sorcery or witchcraft bc money is "currency" or carries a current and I believe the devil must tell us what he's going to do for spiritual reasons and we give our tacit permission by using and carrying the currency. Jesus Christ is our only way out.
This is the first I've checked out Tessa's Substack because one of my most perceptive readers was reading her. And I'm captivated! On 9/11 and Covid, I did a YT on that, before I started putting my videos on Substack. It's called Cui Bono Covid? Here's the description:
In this video I look at who benefited from the pandemic, other than just pharmaceutical companies, and how the left became so obedient. I examine presentations linking 9-11 and C-19, and compare biodefense labs to breeding sabertooth tigers, just in case they came back in the wild. I ask whether we've been masterfully played by both sides to make the left into non-questioners of authority--Big Government, Big Tech & Big Pharma. I examine the savings to Medicaid from nursing home mortality, and the bankruptcies of small businesses, eliminating the competition for Amazon and Big Box Behemoths:
In response to Dawn, I interviewed Richard Gage, founder of ae911truth, two decades ago on my radio show at the time. He changed everything I thought I knew. Once you know that there's NOTHING they won't do, you'd be a fool NOT to question everything.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
A friend sent this, and I started reading, and I kept reading, and it mainly just got better and more sane.
Grow vegetables. Ride a bike. Be a friend. Share. Fix something. solve a problem. take 5000 units per day of vitamin-D to support normal immune system function. (Meditate on compassion, if you are up to it.)
I'll put this as lead story on my blog today. Thanks Tessa,
Thank You, Elizabeth. It is a 12 oz. tomato, a Russian variety, "Paul Robeson" , named after the black American who sang "Old Man River". The comrades liked him and imortalized him in a tomato.
One of the best thought-out and articulated pieces I've come across recently! Unfortunately, this pretty much sums-up where our collective consciousness has taken us. Those in-the-know of how this works has duped and manipulated mankind for eons, kept us fighting each other and rewritten or erased our history. They've finally got us (or think they have) where they want us, or very close to it.
I like what John Day has to say in his comment below. We can each do our small part to better the situation by taking as much responsibility as we can for our own physical and spiritual welfare and helping others along the way. Human consciousness is our most powerful tool, if only enough of us wake up before they take even that away.
Thank you Diane! And I agree with what you and John are saying about taking responsibility in our own lives and trying to be our best, our bravest selves. It's no small feat but there are many of us!! Many more of us than of the predatory individuals who want to steal joy from us.
It might be true that there are "many more of 'us' than there are of the "predatory individuals..." aka " they". But at least the "predatory individuals" know each other, have banded together very effectively, often secretly in the past, (The Illuminati) & influentially in groups like the G7, WEF, IMF, or are 'recognised' leaders or dubious icons like Prince Charles & most importantly are unburdened by taxation, (having effectively threatened gvts) & IF we can in fact agree that they are planning this "Reset" for their own agenda. They are helped in truth by the fact that the 'us' don't really know who 'us' might be, nor can they easily recognise themselves if they happen to be walking around now sadly boarded-up former bustling, vibrant, town centers; primarily because of current 'pandemic' levels of divisiveness amongst them, inflamed by that previously reliable watchdog, the Press, sometimes in the interests of promoting free thought & speech but mostly, nowadays, to disseminate thought control by co-opted psychopathic Press barons. Thanks to the glare of the camera, invading the usually no-go area of IC wards by the general public & exposing the horror of what it takes to care for seriously ill patients, it has become very easy to dismiss as conspiracy theories, thoughts revolving around COVID, particularly around the issue of how bad "a type of 'flu" it might really only be & vaccination. Vaccination, against what many ("us") regard as just another of the many examples of seasonal flu, is the only real but small clue a lot of 'us' have, that predatory Big Med & Pharma & any other Big Self-Interest groups & Individuals might just be trying to implement control over & make more billions of dollars out of 'us', as has been so very effectively set out in this essay by Tessa. And for every "us" dissenter, convincing promoters of the vaccine provide persuasive arguments for mass vaccination, particularly if they ("us") number amongst the ranks of the self-employed in the hospitality industry - most of whom are going under as I write. If only to save our economy, enough of "us", caring souls really, will rush to have the vaccinne, even if we must wait in line while the cohorts of "the predatory few" get immunized. How to mobilize against these greedy Techno elites & their ilk is a huge challenge, & one not easily resolved, since technology, is a 2-edged sword - so far having promoted an albeit failed Arab Spring, or the Hong Kong protest action, #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo etc - capable of mobilizing people on a grand scale, yet also of monitoring & undermining their efforts at the press of a button & inserting a "fake news" story in a broadsheet that changes minds faster than an F1 driver changes gears. Equally, organization is important - any action group, despite its motives, needs to group together
& have a plan, ie get organized & that depends on leadership & hierarchies, which, as we always come to learn, are corruptible & become corrupted. It certainly seems impossible for "us" to organize to mobilize & mount an effective opposition to predators' plans, before p9lice & armies take us out on their account. But if ever there it is to be our moment, it's now & "f..k the economy!" Ultimately, & in the long term, in the event of "us" staying in instead, to celebrate Christmas this year , whether a plan fails or succeeds, depends on the Will of the Creator, the Universe. There are many stories that have filtered out into our culture, surrounding incidences of a mysterious, 'Helping Hand' that changed the course of battles, allowing Ultimate Good to triumph. BUT all that went before the levels of sophistication embedded in the current generation of technologies emerged & which has often compelled us to pose the question of "who is really in charge (of our technology)?" We need proof of whether it truly can & does have an Evil Mind of its own, capable of outwitting humans & even the Hand of God. If it's the former, then we truly are on the path to self-destruction because either the button to set off the nuclear blast is incapable of being jammed, or we suffocate on an overheated planet, under heaps of discarded solar panels & other techno gadget detritus, while the rich take off for Mars or the Moon to wreak further havoc.
A lot of people would resist to the death if the takeover were open. But when I try to explain what's going on, their eyes glaze over or they roll them and get irritated at my "conspiracy theories." Mock me as paranoid and crazy. So alone. I'm tired of everything. Let them take boosters till they die. Let them get enslaved and locked in pods. Forget them. I give up!
well said tessa.... here is me own take on solutions and/or how to balance with, (rather than polarize with) the centralized hierarchies in control....
Thanks for great insights "In the eyes of a slave, there is an acceptance of a strange feeling of numbness where the soul used to be." capitalism's bottom line = 1. cut throat 2. apply tourniquet
Thank you, Jerry!! And it's so strange that I wrote this song a few years ago as a metaphor and a poetic warning.... and look at 2020! I almost feel like screaming, "Hey, it wasn't an instructions manual by the way!"
I lived in Apartheid South Africa from birth until its demise in 1994, so I have some idea about what its like to be part of the "expendable, slave" class & how suppressing people seems to instill a steely determination to become part of the elites, rather than to offer an alternative. The battle was against race ostensibly, or sonit appeared to me as a child & then as a young adult. I very soon came to realise that it was about who can gain access to the most lucrative sources of wealth & then political power. The fight soon spread to include battles against power generally, sexism,
misogyny, etc etc. It is thus astonidhing that this small country set in motion an awakening. But people elsewhere now feel so much more controlled & suppressed by elites than we were at that time. I wonder that you don't discuss what has contributed to the breakdown of the idea of philanthropy for its own sake, which seemed to motivate some 19thC American (& others) industrialists whose generosity contribulted to the growth of universities & intellectualism there? What killed idealism in America? Was it WW2 & beyond? Was it just Vietnam that changed America? Foreign policy? Henry Kissinger? Richard Nixon? It would appear that this is merely an idealistic perception on my part & that any good anyone is capable of doing after making their fortune is motivated purely by egocentric concerns & megalomania? No matter who that person might be, they will always think that they can rule the world & its economy with a little help from their "friends"?
Thank you again Tessa! I am grateful to have discovered your writings. A short time ago none of this was being taken seriously; now many are seeing the connections.
Thank you, Kamilla! and it's so true, many are starting to see the connections, and that's where the power of regular people is, I think. The more of us connect to our own truth for real (not like a soundbite or a personal brand that is easy to corrupt, but for real), the harder it is for anyone to eat us.
Wonderful commentary! Our very own 'dear leaders' and their sires brought us all of the major problems we have today. Just in the last century--two world wars, a 'cold' war.... They created an 'accepting' and 'appropriate' population...they won't tolerate a forensic audit of their magic piggy bank--the FED--and its sordid international associates, but they want us stamped, chipped, vaccinated and controlled with no secrets...such is the open, inclusive, democratic yet lovingly authoritarian society they wish to promote...where, as you note, Green-ness is not necessarily Green and Freedom is to obey them and not suffer the consequences. Thanks!
“The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debt.” ― Henry Ford
“In Washington right next to the Holocaust Museum is the Federal Reserve where they print the money. Is that an accident?” ― Louis Farrakhan
“I fear the Jewish bankers with their craftiness and torturous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt modern civilization. The Jews will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos so that the earth should become their inheritance.” ― Otto Von Bismark
"When it comes to the masterminds of the Great Reset, we are dealing with a combination of standard greed—and the emotional pathology of restless, rotting madmen who are freaking out over the maintenance of their property in this new era, and who resent their biological nature as such and want to be gods."
This is the era of myth-busting and the most important one is the century old false belief in germ theory, that Pasteur himself recanted on his deathbed. He knew that the state of the inner terrain was what determined whether we would succumb to disease or not. But Bechamp's philosophy of eating healthy food, getting exercise and sunshine wasn't profitable. Pasteur's lie that the body is sterile (it's not; it's teeming with 380 trillion viruses, bacteria and "germs") and that we must rely on outside remedies like drugs, vaccines, radiation and chemotherapy to militaristically destroy the enemy made the capitalists salivate with anticipation of patent profits. They themselves would use homeopathic medicine, allopathic is for the plebs!
More and more doctors are breaking away from the old boys' network and admitting the truth. There is a revolution in the medical model of health and it's about f-king time. Rockefeller Medicine is the rot holding this whole bio-tyranny attempt up and it will not hold.
Thank you!!!
:)) Thank you!!
Thank you Tracie!
The central banks are currently creating the framework for what will be their chosen crypto solution. If a decentralized cryptocurrency existed which was an actual threat to their coming "solution" it would be strangled in its sleep and then its house would be set on fire. There is no chance of a last minute upset in this race.
I'm a computer expert. I've been programming computers since I was in 2nd grade. That was a long time ago. Bitcoin was created by the NSA. You've been had.
I've noticed a pattern with Bitcoin shills--whenever confronted with legitimate criticism of their false god, they always characterize the other person as being a simpleton who's too stupid to understand their pet digital 1's and 0's.
Thank you! You've done such a great job of proving my point, I barely have to explain anything.
See how this juvenile responds? The crypto "game" is full of jackasses like this.
Cryptocurrency is, as one would guess by the name, based on cryptography. And cryptography is at the very cutting edge of mathematics. Can you produce a mathematical *proof* that the Bitcoin algorithm does exactly what is claimed? Of course you cannot. Nobody can. If you could do such a thing, you'd be getting paid millions per year to make or break crypto for the NSA or some other rich organization, rather than running your mouth online.
The nature of cryptography is that it cannot be proven to be secure. Indeed, flaws are discovered in crypto algorithms all the time. Indeed, it's inevitable. Because that's how the universe works.
A given algo does not have to be totally broken in order to be rendered useless for practical purposes. If some flaw is discovered which only degrades its strength to the point where a supercomputer can crack it, or even commodity hardware, it becomes totally worthless as a means of hiding information, or as the backbone of a crypto currency.
The people who created Bitcoin--who are world experts in cryptography--have already decided how it will crash, when the time is right. The crash is literally built in. All it will take is for a one page PDF to be released summarizing a flaw discovered in the crypto algorithm, and Bitcoin will quickly crash to ZERO.
There will be a couple hopeful pauses before the very bottom, of course, to give this tool and his friends the opportunity to "buy the dip" with everything they've got. lol
Right now you are a crypto millionaire. Tomorrow you will be only one of millions of crypto paupers. But don't worry, you may be able to exchange your worthless shitcoin for the new Fedcoin, at 1 cent on the dollar, so at least you can buy a bottle of whiskey to drink your sorrow away.
Afterwards, I recommend suicide.
By the way, tool, I do not use Windows, and haven't for decades. I use my own Linux based operating system that I built from scratch. But please, continue believing you are the smartest little shit who has ever been shat out into the universe.
I am not sure who you are addressing in these diatribes you have shared, but you are unnecessarily rude. Be nice.
I think sadly that you are right. They showed their might with Switzerland's privacy laws, they have none if push comes to shove. We live on a Plantation but most just don't see it or could accept using that word to describe their Reality.
“The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debt.” ― Henry Ford
“In Washington right next to the Holocaust Museum is the Federal Reserve where they print the money. Is that an accident?” ― Louis Farrakhan
“I fear the Jewish bankers with their craftiness and torturous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt modern civilization. The Jews will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos so that the earth should become their inheritance.” ― Otto Von Bismark
Thank you!
Over the top, spectacular essay!!! Thank you so much Kamilla. A MUST-READ!!!
Thank you! My blog appears occasionally as I try to work more on the novel I am writing.
Thank you for a very creatively and cleverly written essay. loved it. One point. With all due respect, you need to study 911 because that psy op rolled out the fear porn, almost as dress rehearsal, long before covid. See for example 16 Glaring Parallels Between the 9/11 and COVID Ops
Thank you for sharing this! I'm a new subscriber and writing a highly controversial memoir. Everything changed for me after this 9/11 event....much cost but I'm free now. Been reading Tessa's articles. Looking for anything she might have written on this 2001 event and came across your comments here. Perhaps she will look into this at
Will open your link now. I also subscribe to the freedom articles. Smiles!
You do know that it was printed on our money (back in 1998 I believe) as were the oklahoma bombing, the pentagram bombing and future bombings yet to come creating a tsunami over ny and finally a hoover dam one. Here is a video to aid you if you're so inclined. They use it as a form of sorcery or witchcraft bc money is "currency" or carries a current and I believe the devil must tell us what he's going to do for spiritual reasons and we give our tacit permission by using and carrying the currency. Jesus Christ is our only way out.
Talking about fear porn, the conspiracy theories combined are themselves fear porn, and constructed crisis.
People do plot and carry out conspiracies. Pursue truth. Follow the reliable evidence, always.
This is the first I've checked out Tessa's Substack because one of my most perceptive readers was reading her. And I'm captivated! On 9/11 and Covid, I did a YT on that, before I started putting my videos on Substack. It's called Cui Bono Covid? Here's the description:
In this video I look at who benefited from the pandemic, other than just pharmaceutical companies, and how the left became so obedient. I examine presentations linking 9-11 and C-19, and compare biodefense labs to breeding sabertooth tigers, just in case they came back in the wild. I ask whether we've been masterfully played by both sides to make the left into non-questioners of authority--Big Government, Big Tech & Big Pharma. I examine the savings to Medicaid from nursing home mortality, and the bankruptcies of small businesses, eliminating the competition for Amazon and Big Box Behemoths:
In response to Dawn, I interviewed Richard Gage, founder of ae911truth, two decades ago on my radio show at the time. He changed everything I thought I knew. Once you know that there's NOTHING they won't do, you'd be a fool NOT to question everything.
and here's my last Substack on the Great Reset, examining the impact in Australia:
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
Excellent piece! I was referred to here by a link on Facebook--yes, I know!--and I was not disappointed. I will definitely follow your blog.
A friend sent this, and I started reading, and I kept reading, and it mainly just got better and more sane.
Grow vegetables. Ride a bike. Be a friend. Share. Fix something. solve a problem. take 5000 units per day of vitamin-D to support normal immune system function. (Meditate on compassion, if you are up to it.)
I'll put this as lead story on my blog today. Thanks Tessa,
Oops: 5000 units/day vitamin D, not 500 (old keypad)
Thank you, John!! Very kind of you :)
John Day, you have a great blog.
Thank You, I try to be of useful service to people.
It’s a SuperBlog! Just checked it out.
Also, tell Jenny I have tomato envy.
Thank You, Elizabeth. It is a 12 oz. tomato, a Russian variety, "Paul Robeson" , named after the black American who sang "Old Man River". The comrades liked him and imortalized him in a tomato.
One of the best thought-out and articulated pieces I've come across recently! Unfortunately, this pretty much sums-up where our collective consciousness has taken us. Those in-the-know of how this works has duped and manipulated mankind for eons, kept us fighting each other and rewritten or erased our history. They've finally got us (or think they have) where they want us, or very close to it.
I like what John Day has to say in his comment below. We can each do our small part to better the situation by taking as much responsibility as we can for our own physical and spiritual welfare and helping others along the way. Human consciousness is our most powerful tool, if only enough of us wake up before they take even that away.
Thank you Diane! And I agree with what you and John are saying about taking responsibility in our own lives and trying to be our best, our bravest selves. It's no small feat but there are many of us!! Many more of us than of the predatory individuals who want to steal joy from us.
It might be true that there are "many more of 'us' than there are of the "predatory individuals..." aka " they". But at least the "predatory individuals" know each other, have banded together very effectively, often secretly in the past, (The Illuminati) & influentially in groups like the G7, WEF, IMF, or are 'recognised' leaders or dubious icons like Prince Charles & most importantly are unburdened by taxation, (having effectively threatened gvts) & IF we can in fact agree that they are planning this "Reset" for their own agenda. They are helped in truth by the fact that the 'us' don't really know who 'us' might be, nor can they easily recognise themselves if they happen to be walking around now sadly boarded-up former bustling, vibrant, town centers; primarily because of current 'pandemic' levels of divisiveness amongst them, inflamed by that previously reliable watchdog, the Press, sometimes in the interests of promoting free thought & speech but mostly, nowadays, to disseminate thought control by co-opted psychopathic Press barons. Thanks to the glare of the camera, invading the usually no-go area of IC wards by the general public & exposing the horror of what it takes to care for seriously ill patients, it has become very easy to dismiss as conspiracy theories, thoughts revolving around COVID, particularly around the issue of how bad "a type of 'flu" it might really only be & vaccination. Vaccination, against what many ("us") regard as just another of the many examples of seasonal flu, is the only real but small clue a lot of 'us' have, that predatory Big Med & Pharma & any other Big Self-Interest groups & Individuals might just be trying to implement control over & make more billions of dollars out of 'us', as has been so very effectively set out in this essay by Tessa. And for every "us" dissenter, convincing promoters of the vaccine provide persuasive arguments for mass vaccination, particularly if they ("us") number amongst the ranks of the self-employed in the hospitality industry - most of whom are going under as I write. If only to save our economy, enough of "us", caring souls really, will rush to have the vaccinne, even if we must wait in line while the cohorts of "the predatory few" get immunized. How to mobilize against these greedy Techno elites & their ilk is a huge challenge, & one not easily resolved, since technology, is a 2-edged sword - so far having promoted an albeit failed Arab Spring, or the Hong Kong protest action, #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo etc - capable of mobilizing people on a grand scale, yet also of monitoring & undermining their efforts at the press of a button & inserting a "fake news" story in a broadsheet that changes minds faster than an F1 driver changes gears. Equally, organization is important - any action group, despite its motives, needs to group together
& have a plan, ie get organized & that depends on leadership & hierarchies, which, as we always come to learn, are corruptible & become corrupted. It certainly seems impossible for "us" to organize to mobilize & mount an effective opposition to predators' plans, before p9lice & armies take us out on their account. But if ever there it is to be our moment, it's now & "f..k the economy!" Ultimately, & in the long term, in the event of "us" staying in instead, to celebrate Christmas this year , whether a plan fails or succeeds, depends on the Will of the Creator, the Universe. There are many stories that have filtered out into our culture, surrounding incidences of a mysterious, 'Helping Hand' that changed the course of battles, allowing Ultimate Good to triumph. BUT all that went before the levels of sophistication embedded in the current generation of technologies emerged & which has often compelled us to pose the question of "who is really in charge (of our technology)?" We need proof of whether it truly can & does have an Evil Mind of its own, capable of outwitting humans & even the Hand of God. If it's the former, then we truly are on the path to self-destruction because either the button to set off the nuclear blast is incapable of being jammed, or we suffocate on an overheated planet, under heaps of discarded solar panels & other techno gadget detritus, while the rich take off for Mars or the Moon to wreak further havoc.
A lot of people would resist to the death if the takeover were open. But when I try to explain what's going on, their eyes glaze over or they roll them and get irritated at my "conspiracy theories." Mock me as paranoid and crazy. So alone. I'm tired of everything. Let them take boosters till they die. Let them get enslaved and locked in pods. Forget them. I give up!
well said tessa.... here is me own take on solutions and/or how to balance with, (rather than polarize with) the centralized hierarchies in control....
“In Washington right next to the Holocaust Museum is the Federal Reserve where they print the money. Is that an accident?” ― Louis Farrakhan
Thanks for great insights "In the eyes of a slave, there is an acceptance of a strange feeling of numbness where the soul used to be." capitalism's bottom line = 1. cut throat 2. apply tourniquet
exploit the expendable until death-do-us-part.
Soul Eaters (You Are the Content)
Hating yourself for not being sick
Soul eaters, soul eaters
Look at that chick, she is so slick
Soul eaters, soul eaters
Go for the children, teach them to please
Soul eaters, soul eaters
Steal their sky and give back the disease
Soul eaters, soul eaters
There’s no soul, ask the scholar
Chew your content, wear your collar
There is no soul, ask the scholar
You are the content, you are the dollar!
Hating yourself for not being sick
Soul eaters, soul eaters
Jump in the circle, don’t be a dick
Soul eaters, soul eaters
Magical Tinder, swipe and be quiet,
Soul eaters, soul eaters
Love left the house, it got sick and it died
Soul eaters, soul eaters
There’s no soul, ask the scholar
Chew your content, wear your collar
Chew your content, wear your collar
There is no soul
I miss my soul
I miss my soul!
I miss my soul!
I miss my soul!
You are the content...
from Tessa Fights Robots, released March 17, 2017
Music, lyrics, and production by Tessa Lena
Thank you, Jerry!! And it's so strange that I wrote this song a few years ago as a metaphor and a poetic warning.... and look at 2020! I almost feel like screaming, "Hey, it wasn't an instructions manual by the way!"
I lived in Apartheid South Africa from birth until its demise in 1994, so I have some idea about what its like to be part of the "expendable, slave" class & how suppressing people seems to instill a steely determination to become part of the elites, rather than to offer an alternative. The battle was against race ostensibly, or sonit appeared to me as a child & then as a young adult. I very soon came to realise that it was about who can gain access to the most lucrative sources of wealth & then political power. The fight soon spread to include battles against power generally, sexism,
misogyny, etc etc. It is thus astonidhing that this small country set in motion an awakening. But people elsewhere now feel so much more controlled & suppressed by elites than we were at that time. I wonder that you don't discuss what has contributed to the breakdown of the idea of philanthropy for its own sake, which seemed to motivate some 19thC American (& others) industrialists whose generosity contribulted to the growth of universities & intellectualism there? What killed idealism in America? Was it WW2 & beyond? Was it just Vietnam that changed America? Foreign policy? Henry Kissinger? Richard Nixon? It would appear that this is merely an idealistic perception on my part & that any good anyone is capable of doing after making their fortune is motivated purely by egocentric concerns & megalomania? No matter who that person might be, they will always think that they can rule the world & its economy with a little help from their "friends"?
From birth until... err... I'm still here :)
coronavirus? landmines for lungs. watch your step_ _ _ respiration inspiration expiration extinction
Thank you again Tessa! I am grateful to have discovered your writings. A short time ago none of this was being taken seriously; now many are seeing the connections.
Thank you, Kamilla! and it's so true, many are starting to see the connections, and that's where the power of regular people is, I think. The more of us connect to our own truth for real (not like a soundbite or a personal brand that is easy to corrupt, but for real), the harder it is for anyone to eat us.
Great essay!
There is only one thing we should do now.
Thank you! And yes, that version of "new normal" is atrocious!
Wonderful commentary! Our very own 'dear leaders' and their sires brought us all of the major problems we have today. Just in the last century--two world wars, a 'cold' war.... They created an 'accepting' and 'appropriate' population...they won't tolerate a forensic audit of their magic piggy bank--the FED--and its sordid international associates, but they want us stamped, chipped, vaccinated and controlled with no secrets...such is the open, inclusive, democratic yet lovingly authoritarian society they wish to promote...where, as you note, Green-ness is not necessarily Green and Freedom is to obey them and not suffer the consequences. Thanks!
“The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debt.” ― Henry Ford
“In Washington right next to the Holocaust Museum is the Federal Reserve where they print the money. Is that an accident?” ― Louis Farrakhan
“I fear the Jewish bankers with their craftiness and torturous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt modern civilization. The Jews will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos so that the earth should become their inheritance.” ― Otto Von Bismark
"When it comes to the masterminds of the Great Reset, we are dealing with a combination of standard greed—and the emotional pathology of restless, rotting madmen who are freaking out over the maintenance of their property in this new era, and who resent their biological nature as such and want to be gods."
This is the era of myth-busting and the most important one is the century old false belief in germ theory, that Pasteur himself recanted on his deathbed. He knew that the state of the inner terrain was what determined whether we would succumb to disease or not. But Bechamp's philosophy of eating healthy food, getting exercise and sunshine wasn't profitable. Pasteur's lie that the body is sterile (it's not; it's teeming with 380 trillion viruses, bacteria and "germs") and that we must rely on outside remedies like drugs, vaccines, radiation and chemotherapy to militaristically destroy the enemy made the capitalists salivate with anticipation of patent profits. They themselves would use homeopathic medicine, allopathic is for the plebs!
More and more doctors are breaking away from the old boys' network and admitting the truth. There is a revolution in the medical model of health and it's about f-king time. Rockefeller Medicine is the rot holding this whole bio-tyranny attempt up and it will not hold.
In the shadow of war: Ukraine as the great reset laboratory of the global tech elite . . .