About That Chris Cuomo and His "Long COVID," Ivermectin, Etc.
How do I personally feel about Chris Cuomo "coming out"?
So, Chris Cuomo now has “long COVID,” and in his interview with Patrick Bet-David, he said that he is taking ivermectin, and that his earlier opinion about ivermectin was wrong. He also said that the medical community had known that ivermectin was a very safe drug with antimicrobial properties all along, and that he believes that thousands of people had experienced “side effects” from COVID vaccines.
At the same time, he was also very protective of the “smart educated person” talking points. He emphasized that he didn’t have “long vaccine” because it couldn’t be proven, and that vaccines in general are still amazing, etc.
How do I feel about all this? Here is how
I have to confess, hearing him praise ivermectin felt a little redeeming. :) Not that I thought that “we won”—but it felt a little redeeming.
Now, first and foremost, I view Chris Cuomo as a fellow human being, which is what he is. My wish for him is to be true to his soul, to have courage, to find whatever he had been missing before, and to turn his health journey into a soul searching journey. And of course, I want him to heal himself.
Do I want him to apologize for having been a authorized bully and a jerk to those who dared “do their own research” before? If you want to know my real opinion on this, I don’t care. Or rather, I care about his choices as a fellow human being but I don’t need his apology to be myself, which is what I am focused on, being myself.
If his soul leads him to do it, it will be sweet. I will very happy for him if he did that, it will make his life better if he did that. Maybe not better in the immediate sense because the mafia bosses will probably try to bite his head off, and he will lose his shiny status in a blink of an eye—but it will take a burden off his heart most likely, and it will probably elevate his soul. I feel very good about people honoring their souls, it brings me joy, so yes, I will feel an uplift if he choses to do that.
The world, of which I am a living part, would be sweeter if he came around completely and saw through the spell he had been subjected to and in a way, had helped propagate. It would be righteous, it would be just if he apologized and came around.
But for me at this point in time, I don’t need his apology. I am living my life either way. There has been too much, too much of everything, there are many things to think about besides Cuomo, and it is not my business to care for the speed at which his soul searches for truth. I wish him well, and I would help him if he asked me for help and listened to me. But he is not a part of my immediate life, so in that sense, I don’t care.
What about that “long COVID”?
I have a very strong practical opinion on the topic.
Seriously, and I mean it, I think that a lot of this whole “long COVID” and “long vax” business is really bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections gone rogue due to multiple factors, including toxic, immunosuppresive, contaminated vaccines.
So for him, and for others who suffer, I would recommend looking somewhere (my articles or anywhere they want) for research into bacteria like mycoplasmas, fungi and parasites. I have a whole page about that that I keep adding on to. I put my soul and my brain into that work. I worked on that for close to two years, and now I kind of like drumming my fingers on the table, waiting for more honest people to join me in my research.
Here is my peasant philosophy angle. There are things that are easier for us to control, and there are things that we have limited control of at this time. Yes, we have the soul duty to fight our good fight in the way that makes sense to us individually—absolutely—but in the immediate, we don’t control what’s being sprayed in the skies. We don’t control the insane 5G rollout, or the smartdust, or the glyphosate. However, we do have the ability to stop eating processed sugar, for example, to protect ourselves from EMFs to some extent, to devise an appropriate antifungal / antiparasitic regimen that suits our individual needs depending on how much of it we need at a given moment, etc. We can focus on what matters in the short-time and balance it with what matters in the long-term. It is less glamorous than saying that we are about to defeat totalitarians but it is better to be real and survive.
Like I told you, I am a practical peasant, I object to the promotion of sensationalist doom or end-of-world thrills, as if we were righteous but helpless little people whose only recourse were shaking our righteous, angry fists at Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.
We are not helpless. We are not given challenges that we can’t handle, helplessness is a trick by master manipulators, and our destiny is healing and joy.
My prediction
I would also want to forewarn that the mainstream narrative is going to go like this, I think:
Ummmm, yeah, there are seemingly some vaccine side effects, more so than we had thought
We are on it!!! Fixing it .. fixing it …and …
Fixed!!!!! Come and get our new safe and effective vaccines!
By the way, yeah, those fungal and parasitic infections are real, and now you most certainly have to get a SAFE-AND-EFFECTIVE-VACCINE!
Climate! Aliens! Puppies!
Climate! Aliens! Puppies!
Climate! Aliens! Puppies!
In the meanwhile, the standards will be dropping, the prices will be growing, there will be more and more sick people who can’t work, etc.
I think that on the level of larger society, things are likely to get crazier than now (maybe) but it means that we need to be focused, not helpless—loving and strong—not dogmatic, and we are still strong people with strong souls.
We are not given challenges that we cannot handle, and our destiny is healing and joy.
May honest people prevail.
May our souls find home.
May our mistakes be forgiven, and may we get healed.
May it be so. May it be so. May it be so.
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It is very important that people change their minds - I can’t think of anything more important. Of course, it really isn’t good enough if they don’t sever themselves from a narrative in which their actions were completely justified. And isn’t actually that I want them to feel pain but it is important for them not to be in denial. I am not very happy if people do change their minds if they are cold shouldered by those who called it correctly and suffered, because actually we need this to happen in order to make political and social progress.
Chris Cuomo could really make a difference and come clean on "the Script" all MSM sang in unison for the past 4 years. He could redeem his journalistic integrity (assuming he ever had any) and expose the suppression of highly accredited professionals in the scientific arena, the lockstep pooh-poohing of anything other than the Injection, rip off the band-aid of censorship. He was there, smack dab in the middle of the propaganda machine. He has nothing to say about that? His conversation with Tucker Carlson (tepid) was turned into a major event by his new network. He's a Nobody now. He will pop his head out every now and then to remind us he exists, but at the end of the day he still bows to his Ma$ters.