Beware of What's Coming: Insanely Bad Antiparasitic Vaccines Against Very Real Parasites
A long article about a topic of major importance that no one seems to care about (yet)
There exists a giant, glaring under-the-radar problem that no one I know of is talking about. Before I describe the problem once again, I want to emphasize that problems exist as gateways to growing our souls, so in my opinion, the appropriate way to react is to think it through and figure out a way to live and thrive. Our job is to be aware and to think about how to solve the problems we face, from a place of dignity and without fear.
The practical problem the way I see it is two-prong. On the one hand, I think that lots and lots and lots of people in western countries are secretly ailing from various invasive fungi, intracellular parasites, etc. while blaming their troubles on secondary factors that are real, too, but secondary none the less—and on the other hand, I think that the Medical Machine is making active preparations to start talking about this real problem out loud but not in a way that is good for anyone. I think they are setting up to offer or even attempt enforcing health “solutions” that make my hair stand up. So that is the gist, now let’s look at the detail. The article may be long so you may want to scroll and look for things that specifically interest you. There is also an Appendix that has articles I have written in the past covering different aspects of this beast.
The problem, biological part
The bodies of unsuspecting westerners are richly populated by various pathogenic molds, other fungi, intracellular parasites, maybe other parasites as well. Those bugs are actively making people sick.
Most people don’t think about it, however. They don’t think about it because, for one, the thought of it is disgusting, and for two, we’ve been largely brainwashed into thinking that it is the dirty ones in third world countries that have parasites etc.—not us.
Oh and three, reliable diagnostics is typically unavailable unless one is very rich, and sometimes even then. As a result, most people just don’t think about it. And if they end up with a mysterious illness, there are so many thing to blame for mysterious illnesses (environmental toxins, EMFs, oh-we-dont-know-what-it-is-but-its-definitely-not-vaccines, etc.) that they may never even get to molds and parasites. (If you are passionately married to an alternative theory and want to say, “But Tessa, no, no, all problems are because of aluminum, or EMFs, etc, to that I will say that internal and external factors work all together, i.e. environmental toxins weaken us and strengthen our microbial foes, and of course each body and each circumstance is unique and needs to be treated as such.)
And so, those who develop a mystery illness either commit themselves to the Medical Algorithm that stuffs them with dubious pills and potentially extra-contaminated vaccines—or they go on a wild alternative medicine hunt that turns into a soul searching journey, etc. etc. And sometimes, after a while, something, works. (A side note: I am not subscribed to the “panacea” model, I think that people who sell panaceas are mostly charlatans, this is far more individual, spiritual, and nuanced.)
The problem, philosophical part
As usual, the root of the problem is philosophical and deep. Over the centuries, the aspiring masters, the cruel teachers of what not to do , breathed into life a society that fights nature or tries to get things from nature through rape. Can that work? No. So it doesn’t work. The aspiring masters may be fat and smiling but lots of people are miserable, despirited, and sick.
There also has been a tremendous amount of abuse, all kinds of abuse, blatant abuse and covert abuse. The initial reaction of human spirit to abuse is often confusion, self-punishment, and getting deflated, which decreases the life energy of the people and allows the enemy bugs to be more “successful”—until the soul remembers one’s importance and fights back from a place of love and self-love.
And while the masters upstairs have access to fancy cures, most people don’t, or don’t know where to look, etc.
(That said, the soul searching journey that people go on out of necessity still leads to good places if the journey is not abandoned, and, assuming we choose to treat ourselves with respect, the loving spiritual forces find ways to turn our suffering into medicine for the soul, so at the end it all works out. And if we don’t choose to treat ourselves with respect, then we walk in circles until we do, and then the loving spiritual forces still find ways turn our mistakes and pain into sweet medicine for the soul. But we gotta abandon fear and reactive behavior and start treating ourselves with respect!)
The problem, the Medical Machine 5D Chess part
Here is why this is very important in practical terms at this very moment. Up until now, molds and parasites have been largely under the radar as far as medical establishment goes. Neglected infectious diseases, etc. Well, I think it’s about to change, possibly soon, and if my nose is correct, the promoted change is going to be outrageously bad for actual people’s health. Not just a little bad but very bad, worse than “COVID health response.” And, while there are lots of gray areas and disagreement even among the honest people about “COVID,” fungal and parasitic infections are undeniably real, and some of them are contagious with long incubation periods, so….
I believe that they, the Medical Machine they, are going to come out and say, “OMG, surprise!! We had no idea but now we know that there is a massive problem of non-viral infectious diseases, the reason is probably racism, antivaxxers, and climate change but worry not, we have been toiling day and night and we now have the solution, everybody needs to get vaccinated, etc. etc.” (And this way, they get to kill two birds with one stone, and some people, whether it’s intentional or not, in either case they don’t care. They get to sell massive amounts of extremely bad medical products, and they also get to cover up the fact that a big part of the problem came from decades of environmental poisoning and contaminated vaccines.)
I have looked at what kind of “vaccines” they are working on for toxo, for instance, toxo being a super prevalent intracellular parasite, and it made my hair stand up.
Now, of course, the reasons for the rise of fungal and parasitic infections are the business model based on poisoning, a lack of any care for life, the resulting disruption of nature and microbiome, unsanitary production of foods and pharmaceutical products leading to contaminated foods and especially vaccines, plus meddling with pathogenic organisms like toxo in the lab and making them more “robust.” It is more or less that, with some nuance. But the Medical Machine people are going to scream about the need to get vaccinated with really awful products, wear masks, change our diets so that Bill Gates and friends can profit more, etc.
“March, march the Great Reset, on the backs of beautiful human beings who are beaten into acting like tired slaves!”
Okay, so let’s dive into what kind of developments I am seeing in the area of fungal and parasitic infections.
Parasitic vaccines
See the bolded part.
“The difficulty in developing vaccines against parasitic diseases is to identify (and produce) appropriate protective antigens because of the lack of complete understanding of the type of immune response required for protection. Despite these barriers, a number of candidate vaccines are under development for each disease; at least one promising candidate vaccine is in late clinical testing.” (SOURCE)
Let me translate this from corporate Orwellian to English:
“We have no idea what we are doing but hey.! We are going to develop a vaccine for ya’ll anyway. Or ten. Or a hundred. And you’re going to take ‘em, for your own good. You don’t know what’s good for you. Your body doesn’t. We do.”
The magical golden goose of mRNA
In general, the industry darling of today, the mRNA platform, is a symbol of our times. The establishment scientists mostly aren’t healers, they are engineers with lots of enthusiasm to play God and an approximate idea about how things actually work. Many of them are like arrested development, glory-seeking children with matches, except they are not children but adults, and those are not matches in their hands but a nuclear button.
Here is a 2023 paper titled, “The mRNA Vaccine Technology Era and the Future Control of Parasitic Infections.” It talks about new wonderful antiparasitic mRNA vaccines for humans and farm animals, too.
Despite intensive long-term efforts, with very few exceptions, the development of effective vaccines against parasitic infections has presented considerable challenges, given the complexity of parasite life cycles, the interplay between parasites and their hosts, and their capacity to escape the host immune system and to regulate host immune responses. For many parasitic diseases, conventional vaccine platforms have generally proven ill suited, considering the complex manufacturing processes involved and the costs they incur, the inability to posttranslationally modify cloned target antigens, and the absence of long-lasting protective immunity induced by these antigens. An effective antiparasite vaccine platform is required to assess the effectiveness of novel vaccine candidates at high throughput. By exploiting the approach that has recently been used successfully to produce highly protective COVID mRNA vaccines, we anticipate a new wave of research to advance the use of mRNA vaccines to prevent parasitic infections in the near future.
The mRNA vaccine platform makes it feasible to develop veterinary-based transmission-blocking multivalent vaccines targeting multiple helminth and other major zoonotic diseases spread between animals and humans, which would be acceptable and appealing to farmers in areas of endemicity.
There’s lots to look forward to…. But wait, mRNA, shmRNA, here are other great ideas!
Infecting people with attenuated (live but allegedly weakened) parasites
Mommy, no! No, no, no! This is like avoiding being hit by a truck by voluntarily being hit by a motorcycle and then saying that motorcycle accidents save lives!
Given how sloppy everything around vaccines is, and how little the scientists actually know, I don’t trust attenuated anything. They think they have weakened the bug but, in case of some intracellular parasites (that can kill you over time), there could be one resistant bug left in the mix, and that bug would be escorted straight into the bloodstream for a feast. No!
Radiation-attenuated intracellular parasites are promising immunization strategies. The irradiated parasites are able to invade host cells but fail to fully replicate, which allows for the generation of an efficient immune response. Available radiation technologies such as gamma rays require complex shielding constructions and are difficult to be integrated into pharmaceutical production processes. In this study, we evaluated for the first time low-energy electron irradiation (LEEI) as a method to generate replication-deficient Toxoplasma gondii and Cryptosporidium parvum.
Before we go any further, let me tell you that when it comes to toxo, for example, the foundational concepts that some traditional scientists are juggling in their deliberations about this parasite are actually wrong in the biological sense (based on more recent research). And so, even assuming the uttermost honesty and good intention of these blindfolded dreamers, even setting aside the toxicity of vaccine ingredients, the ways they measure the “success” of their products is, to use a Russian expression, “sucked out of their thumb.”
A very short primer on toxo
Here is how it actually works. If the host gets infected, for which there are many avenues in modern life (definitely not just cats), the initial infection could express itself just like a regular cold. It is possible that a super-healthy body may completely kill the invader—all gone—but no one seems to have ever shown that scenario to the best of my knowledge, so this pattern is unknown. The likely scenario in healthy people who are not on a steady antiparasitic regimen at the time of infection is that the super active and aggressive form of the parasite (tachyzoites) recedes and transforms into a more slowly growing form known as tissue cysts (bradyzoites), which park themselves in muscle tissue, in any organ, and especially in the brain and in the eyes.
At this point the confident scientists claim, “Hooray! Antibodies produced, life-long immunity achieved! And yeah the tissue cyst form can turn back into the super active form if the person gets immunocompromised (AIDS, etc.), but generally speaking, hooray!”
Well, all this life-long immunity talk is utter bollocks. First of all, the bug can actually wreak havoc in the tissue cyst form, it can cause various inflammatory symptoms of the mysterious kind. Second of all, it can sit in a tissue form for a very long time (with hundreds of organisms in one invaded cell), and then as soon as the immunity weakens, it goes full war, causing issues and mega inflammation in different organs depending on the location of the battle field, severe neurological or psychiatric symptoms, dementia, etc. And so they, the scientists they, pretend that those bugs are not a big deal, and it’s just a coincidence that so many elder become demented and frail. My heart!!!!!
Going back to the attenuated toxo vaccine candidates, they are proposing injecting people with LIVE toxoplasma on the assumption that it can’t replicate. Well, how good is their attenuation technology? Do they really count each parasite organism before the injection to make sure it can’t replicate? (Of course they don’t.) Only one tiny viable organism is sufficient to create an infection. This idea is so insane!
But wait.
(Deliberate) infection and treatment
This is not specific to toxo but, in the infinite genius of The Science, it may apply.
An alternative to attenuated parasitic vaccination is infection and treatment (I&T), whereby susceptible parasites are killed within the host after infection and before disease develops [THERE IS NO FOOL-PROOF AND FULLY RELIABLE TREATMENT, YO!!!! Even malaria can reactivate]. With I&T, host immunity is elicited by antigens released from drug-treated parasites or those that die naturally in the host. A feature observed in Plasmodium and Schistosoma infections, I&T can provide the catalyst to improve our appreciation of induced rather than acquired antiparasite immunity. (Source)
Vaccinating farm animals with live protozoan parasites
This is the craziest idea ever. Like I said, their idea of “immunity” is misguided, the “vaccinated” animals will be infected, after a while their tissues and body fluids will be full of parasites. That’s a solution alright! (Unless the actual underlying goal is to make people lose any desire to eat any meat.)
Human Alzheimer’s vaccines based on a wrong principle altogether: an interlude
So, the researchers are working on Alzheimer’s Disease vaccines that block the production of beta amyloid or tau in the brain. However, for some odd reason, they forgot that they are produced in the brain for a reason! The body doesn’t just do things for no reason, it’s an immune response to something, and, based on recent research, that something is likely to be a brain infection with one or more pathogenic bugs (with all other factors playing a role, etc,)
And let’s not forget, two decades of glorious and prestigious Alzheimer research and drug development might have been based on fraud!
Anyway, here is the braggadocio about Alzheimer’s vaccines:
Clinical trials are underway or completed for at least seven Alzheimer’s vaccines designed to harness the immune system to rid the brain of the disease-related proteins beta amyloid or tau, a review of the U.S. government’s database found. More are on the way…
The renewed interest in Alzheimer's vaccines follows a promising first attempt more than 20 years ago that was abandoned after 6% of study volunteers developed life-threatening brain inflammation known as meningoencephalitis.
Researchers then pivoted to a safer route, infusing highly targeted man-made antibodies into patients that sidestep the body’s immune machinery. (SOURCE)
But wait, there’s more.
Fighting cancer that can kill you by infecting you with parasites that can also kill you
This one almost takes the prize.
In the alternative medical circles, there is talk about a link between cancer and parasites, which makes sense because when a person’s immune system is weakened by one foe, that person would be more susceptible to other foes, too. Furthermore, even American Cancer Society mentions the link, albeit in a passing way. And here is a 1891 (!!) Jama paper titled, “Is Cancer a Parasitic Disease?”
However, there is a trend in medicine and vaccine development to try and play pathologies one against the other, seemingly without having any idea about how things really work., especially in the long term (surprise).
Recently, I wrote about the “promising cancer treatment “ (a proposal, not yet in use to the best of my knowledge) that consists of deliberately infecting people with Neospora caninum, a protozoan parasite and a cousin of toxo, to counter cancer. Their reasoning is that they don’t think that Neospora caninum presents a danger to humans, despite the fact that until less than 40 years ago they couldn’t tell it from toxo, and there is evidence of human infection, etc.
There is also a brewing idea of infecting people with live toxoplasma to shrink tumors. (see here and here).
That is obviously a fantastic idea given that American Cancer Society mentions the fact that being infected with toxo correlates with an increased rate of brain tumors (SOURCE).
“A hidden treasure” … a pathogenic black mold that is
And another thing. As I am sure you know, the pharmaceutical industry is transitioning to the mode of manufacturing where they “farm” genetically modified microorganisms to produce target molecules and substances such as enzymes, drug ingredients, etc. Given the decay and the generally abysmal state of pharmaceutical manufacturing, I have zero faith in how well they purify stuff. And so of course, the idea of using a nasty pathogenic mold in production of various things for the people sounds like a great idea!
Fungi are renowned as a fountainhead of bio-metabolites that could be employed for producing novel therapeutic agents, as well as enzymes with wide biotechnological and industrial applications. Stachybotrys chartarum (black mold) (Stachybotriaceae) is a toxigenic fungus that is commonly found in damp environments. This fungus has the capacity to produce various classes of bio-metabolites with unrivaled structural features, including cyclosporins, cochlioquinones, atranones, trichothecenes, dolabellanes, phenylspirodrimanes, xanthones, and isoindoline and chromene derivatives. Moreover, it is a source of various enzymes that could have variable biotechnological and industrial relevance. The current review highlights the formerly published data on S. chartarum, including its metabolites and their bioactivities, as well as industrial and biotechnological relevance dated from 1973 to the beginning of 2022. In this work, 215 metabolites have been listed and 138 references have been cited. (SOURCE)
If you remember, Aspergillus niger, another pathogenic mold, is used to produce more than 90% of all citric acid in the world. I wrote about it for Dr. Mercola here.
Concluding remarks
Like I said before, I think that sane detoxing and maintaining an antifungal / antipaasitic tegimen are in the cards for all of us. I don’t think there is a panacea but I believe that the loving spiritual forces are guiding us toward the answers we need to walk our destiny. Fear is not an answer. And for useful supplements and herbs, here is a good start. It so happens that many herbs and supplements seem to have a broad antifungal / antiparasitic effect but of course, all this is just my philosophcal thoughts, not medical advice. Talk to your doctor, etc.
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Three articles I wrote for Dr. Mercola (I am including links and PDFs for each)
Unraveling the dual nature of brain CD8+ T cells in Alzheimer’s disease
Gum spirits of turpentine I use for routine cleansing. 3 Days a week (at least I have morgellons disease and take it more often than that at times with not a single ill effect except for looser bowel movements which are necessary to eliminate. . Antifungal antiCandida antic-cancer anti parasitic highly anti-inflammatory, liver restorative, renal restorative anti malarial, anti leishmania, microbiome friendly it crosses the blood brain barrier and chelates calcified glands.
My understanding is It’s basically a vaccine that pine trees develop from their immune system and excrete as a resin against the elements that would cause it harm. Trees are certainly exposed to plenty of environmental toxicity, GMO insects and while cleaning the air full of chemical trails heavy metals hydrogels ect. I swear by it. Everyone should have in their medicine cabinet.
Pretty comprehensive....Thanks Whatever happed to the maxim - let your food be your medicine? Even before Covid I have been looking at natural ways to boost/maintain my immune system. It is amazing what it can do if allowed to operate properly and avoids all of the injected poisons we take. Look, no one lives forever but with a little common sense and natural ways one can extend the endeavour. Pax