Mar 21, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

As always excellent and on point. I agree 1000% ... the Woke are not working class, they are not people who have struggled in any way shape or matter. They are entitled, and their entire agenda is a self-processed form of narcissism, like no other. They are full of rage and they hate themselves, as much as they hate anyone who doesn't hate themselves. They use trauma like a commodity.

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They are compliant slaves walking, virtual-signaling along the way, right off the cliff.

Woke = Yoke. That's excellent and easy to remember. Maybe we start blanketing the world with this message via bumper stickers and billboards.

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Unfortunately, it's a case of the abuse and the abuser being the same person, and so typical for how history has been going for a long time!!!! I often think about it, I think about a little kid born into this world, and then not given proper love (toys are not the same as love), and LIED to about everything, and then the kid grows up having no idea, wanting that love, not knowing how to stand up for himself from the inside and needing all those clutches... a tragedy. And it seems like the healing of this tragedy is our individual jobs since there is no savior politician coming to save us from the tyrants, we need to wake up from the inside and find that illogical love for the ones who are still figuring out who they are)!

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Yes very true. It is a slave system we've all been born into - though far more obvious lately. It's traumatizing.

One individual at a time, and I also think we're getting help from the Universe and nature. Frequency on the planet is going up, and it's having many effects. While challenging there is also incredible opportunity. (But not if you're unwilling to let go of the stories that keep you small and a victim.)

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Yes, one person at a time!!! it is all very traumatizing but we will be so happy when we are done with this crap (even it it takes many, many generations). I think in our individual lives, happiness comes from doing our jobs from the heart, and the higher powers take care of the rest (assuming we do our job). I think.

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Beneath the layers of masking defences set in 'solutions' that protected the problem, that keeps you in darkness is the light of your true innocence of being.

No one can edit their creation, but we ran off with a copy as IF to own the copyright.

The masking lie gives us our 'survival world', of lockdown into a physically determined reduction that locksteps to a death spiral.

Such is the nature of saving a sense of separateness from fear or pain of loss; to wind up to tipping point.

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That's a great word, lol!!! Although algorithmic thinking is of course, not limited to marxists, it is the tragedy of all dogma-based schools of perceiving reality!

And the entire generation of my grandparents, who were raised on marxism and sincerely believe it, were the opposite of narcissists, they were selfless, hard-working people who had very hard lives, many left the village "for a better life," lived in poverty for years, fought against Hitler (and defeated him). They were heroes, really, and they were also lied to by the state (that was funded, originally, by Wall Street from across the ocean, as it seems), and all of it is just one giant act of abuse against the people that needs to be stopped.

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Tessa, the word Marxissists was coined by John Carter. As for your grandparents, I think the term refers more to the current generation.

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By the way, your comment here reminded me of what Jim Marrs (and I'm sure a few others) have written and said about Hitler and Co: The Germans lost the war but Naziism won. Read about "Paperclip" -or just look around. And from my readings of cancer and vitamin B17, I learned that during WW II, the I.G. Farben building complex miraculously survived the bombing of Frankfurt.

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I love a good play on words. But in defense of Marx -- Karl, not Groucho -- his much-maligned fundamental idea was that those who do the work should determine what to do with the profits. That's hard for me to disagree with. And I've yet to hear a persuasive argument against that one.

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:) His economic theory is just another theory that explains a part of the world in terms of material logic, and it does that, well, logically. The caveat though is that he produced his work while being supported by a wealthy friend! So, life tends to insert irony into our theories sometimes. :)

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You mean you shouldn't have to give 30pct to the government if you created your own business? I'm sure that's what he meant right. You can consent to give up that right if you choose to go work for someone else. Division of labor is also an efficient way to run things. Let the engine propel and the steering rack steer.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Please call them "parasites" instead of "elites". There is much power in words...

People have to decouple their basic needs with "the state"/ "the system", but people want money.

The parasites print the money, and fund all the brainwashing required to keep their servants happy.

Just as "The Devil" card in the Tarot, humanity's chains are open, they don't leave because they love their servitude. They are bound by pleasures of the flesh, and that is the fuel of the parasites.

They've developed a sustainable system for themselves, and quietly got most of humanity onboard, while hiding the actual sustainable nature of the world we live in. Something as simple as the understanding of "compost" - most urbanites give you the fluoride stare when you mention it.

"Waste" becomes fertilizer, becomes food, becomes "waste", and on, and on...

Everything was done to break that link in people's consciousness, even the toilet, where they have you defecate on the most sacred resource, water. Were you to defecate on a hole in the ground, microorganisms would munch on that, and the cycle of life carries on.

They had to build very complicated infrastructure to keep people from seeing a flower come out of the place where they previously pooped or buried some living creature. Then, they called it "progress".

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I wrote this entire article about parasites. And I started looking into the topic because of the parasites in human society!!


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Lol, "the fluoride stare". I have to remember that one.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

"There is so much power in words"... So true!!! We must all heed this truth. To acxknowledge this power of language compels us all to think more deeply and speak more carefully... and to LISTEN carefully!

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Yes, most of this is about subtext, not the overt text.

The subtext is embarrassing, which is why it remains subtext. The arguments are just ways to justify the subtext.

You have to understand the subtext even though it is never spoken. Then you can know how to proceed.

It's hard to hear what isn't said, but what isn't said is always the most important point.

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Parasites perform natural functions - whether we see that or not.

In a sense so does the Adversary, and the Deceiver in a world of conflicted identity set in image and form.

Elitism is a sense of exclusive self-specialness.

We can recognise presumption to judge over others in ourself, but are far more likely to join in hating others as an in-group of social reinforcement by which to boost or protect an identity.

So while I include practical matters as we can address the, I also hold that we are more readily blind to what IS within our sphere of responsibility, by socially reinforcing narratives, anti narratives and mutating hybrid, species crossing narratives!

But I wholehearted join in love with you in the power of words to extend meaning that can be felt and shared in - rather than breaking the communication that IS our true consciousness.

Witnessing mass erasure is an extremely weird grief.

But we either open in the call to joy as wholeness in life, or persist in the call to be kept unconscious of the pain of life that we have so long masked as to perhaps lost capacity to simply feel that we are . That we exist - as a felt quality. Something we don't manufacture or in truth despoil, but we believe both as pride and guilt both attest!

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Open Wokeism pledges allegiance to the power structure, no matter how illogical.

It is "Politically Correct" in the Bolshevik sense, I think, though I wasn't there for that epoch.

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Yep, it is similar. I just went through various Soviet posters as I was looking for an image for this story, and I screamed. The propaganda is just so blatant, and it changed from one decade to another, it is so obvious when looking back.

I think the difference is that today, the people who are officially woke are usually a lot better off in the material sense than the early Soviet "proletariat" was. But the principle is very similar!

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Better off materially, and, I would say, far more spiritually deprived and hungry! Spritually hungry people are to be pitied and ultimately loved... but they are dangerous!!!

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I like how you put it. Theresa! Thank you

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Perhaps we meet reflections of as yet unconscious aspects of our self, such that recognising what we judge as NOT who they are, releases them AND us.

This is releasing another of our demands they be as we would have them be. Not releasing them from the consequences of their own choices, and the freedom to uncover better choices.

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Mar 21, 2023·edited Apr 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Yes, the proof that Wokeism is not the resistance is that it supports the current power structure, and the current power structure supports Wokeism.

"When the media supports your movement, you are not the resistance."

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Thank you. And when something comes out of nowhere and then is EVERYWHERE it is the agenda.

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Mar 21, 2023·edited Mar 21, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

What baffles me the most, is the young minds institutionally poisoned en masse into docile instruments of 1337s. Adolescence was supposed to be the very span in one's life characterised first & foremost by revolt against 'polite society' impositions—from times immemorial so—no? 😟

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Every freedom is subverted to serve a 'better mask'.

The conditions for expansion can be (and were) turned on - and shaped.

Children are born as an undifferentiated love that takes on their family stuff. Masking as family survival aligns to a field unseen, but represented by 'Do as I say, not as I do'.

This splits the mind.

The nature learns inductively. The social mask learns to present according to conditions. To become conditioned reiterating trauma - that in a sense goes back before the parents who are also children, but in truth is a past carried forward and gifted to future.

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You may have read some Jung.

Our children were already personalities when they were born, so we just tried not to mess them up, and to have a few fair rules for everybody...

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A PS - While not differentiated to the focus of consciousness we assume to be, a child in the womb is immersed in the energies and sensations of Mother, and thus of here relational experience as well as in the room. Now that may share with qualities of experience that are not translatable to our current sense of self and world - so I stay open to a larger life than we have mapped out and adapted to. I think perhaps all perspectives have something to offer, as a field of potentials from which to paint or create as unfolding experience.

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A co-opted false-revolution.



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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Interestingly, there was apparently some sort of Great Awokening, and maybe even some sort of public health “emergency,” in the third and fourth centuries BCE. Chuang Tzu reports:


Hsu Yu was met by a friend as he was leaving the capital city, on the main highway leading to the nearest frontier.

"Where are you going?" the friend asked.

"I am leaving King Yao. He is so obsessed with the ideas of benevolence that I am afraid something ridiculous will come of it. In any event, funny or not, this kind of thing eventually ends with people eating each other raw.

"At the moment, there is a great wave of solidarity. The people think they are loved, and they respond with enthusiasm. They are all behind the king because they think he is making them rich. Praise is cheap, and they are all competing for favor. But soon they will have to accept something they do not like and the whole thing will collapse.

"When justice and benevolence are in the air, a few peo­ple are really concerned with the good of others, but the majority are aware that this is a good thing, ripe for ex­ploitation. They take advantage of the situation. For them, benevolence and justice are traps to catch birds. Thus benevo­lence and justice rapidly come to be associated with fraud and hypocrisy. Then everybody doubts. And that is when trouble really begins.

"King Yao knows how dutiful and upright officers benefit the nation, but he does not know what harm comes from their uprightness: they are a front behind which crooks operate more securely. But you have to see this situation objectively to realize it.”

- Chuang Tzu (tr. Thomas Merton)

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Here’s the entire passage:


Hsu Yu was met by a friend as he was leaving the capital city, on the main highway leading to the nearest frontier.

"Where are you going?" the friend asked.

"I am leaving King Yao. He is so obsessed with the ideas of benevolence that I am afraid something ridiculous will come of it. In any event, funny or not, this kind of thing eventually ends with people eating each other raw.

"At the moment, there is a great wave of solidarity. The people think they are loved, and they respond wi th enthusiasm. They are all behind the king because they think he is making them rich. Praise is cheap, and they are all competing for favor. But soon they will have to accept something they do not like and the whole thing will collapse.

"When justice and benevolence are in the air, a few peo­ ple are really concerned with the good of others, but the majority are aware that this is a good thing, ripe for ex­ ploitation. They take advantage of the situation. For them, benevolence and justice are traps to catch birds. Thus benevo­ lence and justice rapidly come to be associated with fraud and hypocrisy. Then everybody doubts. And that is when trouble really begins.

"King Yao knows how dutiful and upright officers benefit the nation, but he does not know what harm comes from their uprightness: they are a front behind which crooks operate more securely. But you have to see this situation objectively to realize it.

"There are three classes of people to be taken into ac­ count: yes-men, blood-suckers, and operators.

"The yes-men adopt the line of some political leader, and repeat his statements by heart, imagining that they know


something, confident that they are getting somewhere, and thoroughly satisfied with the sound of their own voices. They are complete fools. And because they are fools, they submit in this way to another man's line of talk.

"The blood-suckers are like lice on a sow. They rush to­ gether where the bristles are thin, and this becomes their palace and their park. They delight in crevices, between the sow's toes, around the joints and teats, or under the tail. Here they entrench themselves and imagine they cannot be routed out by any power in the world. But they do not realize that one morning the butcher will come with knife and swinging scythe. He will collect dry straw and set it alight to singe away the bristles and bum out all the lice. Such parasites appear when the sow appears and vanish when the sow is slaughtered.

"Operators are men like Shun. -

"Mutton is not attracted to ants, but ants are attracted to mutton, because it is high and rank. So Shun was a vigorous and successful operator, and people liked him for it. Three times he moved from city to city and each time his new home became the capital. Eventually he moved out into the wilderness and there were a hundred thousand families that went with him to colonize the place.

"Finally, Yao put forward the idea that Shun ought to go out into the desert to see if he could make something out of that. Though by this time Shun was an old man and his mind was getting feeble, he could not refuse. He could not bring himself to retire. He had forgotten how to stop his wagon. He was an operator-and nothing else!

"The man of spirit, on the other hand, hates to see people gather around him. He avoids the crowd. For where there are many men, there are also many opinions and little

agreement. There is nothing to be gained from the support of a lot of half-wits who are doomed to end up in a fight with each other.

"The man of spirit is neither very intimate with any­ one, nor very aloof. He keeps himself interiorly aware, and he maintains his balance so that he is in conflict with nobody. This is your true man! He lets the ants be clever. He lets the mutton reek with activity. For his own part, he imitates the fish that swims unconcerned, surrounded by a friendly ele­ ment, and minding its own business.

"The true man sees what the eye sees, and does not add to it something that is not there. He hears what the ears hear, and does not detect imaginary undertones or overtones. He understands things in their obvious interpretation and is not busy with hidden meanings and mysteries. His course is therefore a straight line. Yet he can change his direction

whenever circumstances suggest it."

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very good read!

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IMO this is just as good as great reset for dummies.

You nailed it - divide-and-conquer extends all the way to the top of the pigpile - no exceptions. Which is what I think brings the whole pigpile down.

'a classic American soul-wobbly child who is very rude to the parents over not getting the toy he wants—but applied to intellectual toys." So true! but between the childhood vaccine schedule, the magic rectangle, helicopter parenting and tiktok, these children are the most infantilized generation in history (and not all of them are, some of them are incredibly smart). How do we get the slow ones to run when they can't even crawl and they can't get off the phone long enough to learn how? I'm all for being as kind and supportive as we can be, but not if I have to join Facebook to do that.

Maybe our interests are best served by building bridges with those who aren't stuck in an alternate universe? Supposedly it only takes 10-15% of a population to generate a seismic shift

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So sorry for taking a few hours to respond! I saw your comment briefly before going to bed, and then was looking for it by scrolling and found it!! Hooray.

Thank you!!!!! I am smiling from ear to ear, in the literal sense of it. :)

"Maybe our interests are best served by building bridges with those who aren't stuck in an alternate universe?" I think that is it!!! I think we need those bridges because without those bridges, we are just stuck in an echo chamber and a chest-beating competition that disguises the pain. We need to take a deep breath, forgive ourselves, forgive others, and be adults in the happy sense of it (and no, the world is not going to drop everything and start listening but little by little, slowly, very slowly, we get somewhere by not being afraid of loving this world (our ourselves, as a beautiful piece of the puzzle)!!

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and you are this era's emily roebling!

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Thank you!!! :) I typed several jokes about bridges and selling them and then backspaced!!

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Mar 21, 2023·edited Mar 21, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Acknowledging how we all have been victimized in ways, while not living in permanent victimhood, this is tricky, but quite needed. Thank you Tessa for speaking from the heart to the heart.

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Thank you, Jacquelyn!! Yes, I agree, this is a very tricky dance!! But I think we have no choice but to dance it, and then we'll suddenly know why... (if we just keep insisting on being brave and loving ourselves no matter what)

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Left foot, victim foot, right foot, non victim foot. 1 & 2 &....

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:) I think the English word "victim" also spoils things to some degree. "I never deserved to be wronged," feeling that with every cell of your body, is a very powerful thing. Crying to the skies about all the things other people did wrong to you is healthy. Not allowing the cry to transform into joy over no longer hurting is the opposite of healthy. We figure that out only with our own bodies, our own souls, and our own cries to the sky that transform into joy and a feeling of gratitude for having a chance to walk this Earth and do good!!

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it’s hard to confront the woke with the truth because wokism does the job protecting their ego (from admitting they were scammed)… my experience is that those subscribing to wokeness are loathe to be proven wrong at any cost even if they end up paying with their life (maybe the definition of narcissism?)

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I agree. The sincere woke are very wobbly on the inside, like most dogmatically minded people. And then the insincere ones are just lying!!

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

As a trauma survivor who had very successful PTSD treatment, I could not agree more with your analysis here. Nothing will change until people start getting their trauma healed. Everyone in modern society is carrying trauma, because that's how abusive modern life has become. And it's clear that white people are now being "colonized", same as was done to our Native brethren.

I think TPTB know trauma treatment empowers people and prevents manipulations like "woke" from taking over, because there are no almost no trauma therapists under the age of 50 currently in the US. Everyone I know who got advanced degrees in counseling psych in the last 20 years were never taught how to heal trauma. Correct PTSD reatment is not difficult and nearly everyone responds very well to it, but it remains almost unknown in the psych field. It affects everyone and causes addiction, depression, and anxiety (the main reasons people seek out therapy), but the psych field is mostly looking the other way. This may partly explain why psychologists were silent about the lockdowns and shots--they have no trauma training and most cannot even recognize PTSD symptoms. Misdiagnosis is commonplace--complex PTSD is usually mistaken for schizophrenia or other severe disorders, and I've seen it take patients 10 years to get a correct diagnosis. Conventional talk therapy works well for pretty much NOBODY--it's not how you treat trauma--but that's all most people are offered. I worked in hospital mental health, and NONE of the docs and nurses on the psych unit or ER knew how to identify or treat PTSD. And yet, most patients I worked with on the psych unit had severe PTSD symptoms. Since I am not a doctor or APRN, no one would listen to me about trauma treatment.

We have scientific proof that addiction is caused by trauma (physical or psychological), but like everything else, good science is being ignored and dogma prevails. Even in AA, most people don't know they need trauma treatment. Addiction treatment centers rarely address PTSD. If they did, people would not relapse nearly as often, so it's bad for their business model.

So here's what I'm doing to help change things: I am volunteering with the International Association of Near Death Experiencers (IANDS) to help create a manual on trauma treatment because SO many NDErs have PTSD and are struggling. IANDS is the first organization I know of to address this directly with members. I am hoping this spreads to 12 step groups, churches, anywhere wounded people are congregated. I'm also working with some people to help create an organization that supports advanced spiritual healing and helps NDErs enhance and utilize the gifts they brought to our world from the Other Side. UConn's long term studies of NDErs found that we all return with a "backpack full of spiritual gifts" but few are able to understand and utilize their gifts because they're bogged down in PTSD. Imagine a world in which 10 % of us have pronounced spiritual gifts--healing abilities, creative abilities, etc.--and we know how to use them. I'm convinced this may be key to changing the world.

I think the biggest thing the globalists are overlooking is human spirituality--Klaus and Bill do not think it exists. They are drowning in wetiko, as are alphabet agencies and governments worldwide. And this will be what tramples them in the end.

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Jane, thank you so much for your comment, and I am so glad that you overcame your own challenges and are using your knowledge to make the world better!!

I don't remember if you've seen this one, if not, you might like it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6RwkD5vnVs

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Oh my gosh, thanks, Tessa! I've had 6 NDEs and everything in this talk is a big part of what I learned. The UConn NDE studies found the same thing--pretty much everyone reports this after an NDE. NDE studies are still ongoing in many schools, and the big picture of the afterlife we now have is quite amazing and wonderful. Even the direst skeptic cannot explain why we return from NDE's as radically changed people, with gifts, abilities, and knowledge we did not have before. This also applies to people who have not had NDEs but had profound spiritual experiences. They also undergo major psychological/spiritual changes and express what is said in this video. I think human spirituality will be what saves us in the end--true, ancient, ancestor-connected spirituality, not the modern religious kind.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Wonderful you are doing that! If you read the Immortality Key, which is a very scholarly work, there was a systematic assault on early entheogen religions, which afforded people experiences very like what near death experiencers report. Then we get the Church of Rome and the Inquisition, which persecuted women, often soothsayers and "gardeners" as Dante describes them. And what follows is centuries of sadism and dogma and enforced power and doctrines. So we are talking thousands of years. And now, just when so much was beginning to be understood about trauma (see for instance Sandra Ingerman on Soul Retrieval), group psychology, spirituality loosed from left brain dogmatism and power structures, including the fringe-ified paranormal, which is embargoed despite its experienced prevalence, and about evolutionary psychology, for which I think a case can be made that much of evil and "sin" (hamartia, missing the mark) is vestigial from evolution (like perhaps the addictive quality of torture comes from tormenting prey to tenderize it before the domestication of fire), then instead of a synthesis of all of that knowledge bringing forth human flourishing, it is instead wielded to enslave us to the machine, for want of a better term. Just like thousands of years ago. Sadism, dark tetrad personalities, all addictively striving for power. I personally think wokeism is purposefully astroturfed, to deny spirituality and the soul and creativity and the right hemisphere of the brain's conduit, and perhaps the spiritual possibilities of the cerebro-spinal fluid, which intersects with a more complex futuristic understanding of medicine and healing.

I think the force against us, which may exist outside of ordinary time, though that is hard for me to comprehend, coming from the secular West, fears the soul and spirituality, if we just look at the efforts to crush it over hundreds of years. The woke are controlled to substitute gender for the soul, according to one writer I read, and the varieties of it have to shift and update as it must mirror the hypnotizing infinite commodities available online. I'm convinced it is a corporate religion by design, at least now, and perhaps always. But I completely agree with you that that is what they are trying to crush and that that is what will save us, and that the gut/cerebro-spinal fluid/right hemisphere of the brain is the pathway, plus music, which is pooh-poohed as the "cheesecake" of evolution, a spandrel, but as with NDE's, PTSD and progress in psychology and evolutionary psychology, it is a pathway that can unite us all. AI can't get the soul or the quantum aspects of being, or our dreaming, or our poetry and music, and it is wielded by the same force that's been crushing us for two thousand years. I even wonder if Dante was in a secret vestigial entheogen cult on the coast of Italy as the Paradisio talks about "the love that moves the sun and stars" Great post and great article Tessa.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Thanks for your thought-provoking reply! I agree that the West fears the soul and spirituality, because this is what supports personal sovereignty. People who are grounded and based in personal sovereignty are very difficult to manipulate. They call out bullshit and oppose abuse.

I've been taking a hard look at how Constantine's policies subdued the Northern pagans. He knew he could not defeat the Germanic tribes because they were better warriors and battle strategists than the Christians. So he figured out how to use Christianity to kill the warrior spirit and culture of personal sovereignty in the north. Shame was the primary tool of degradation (Christianity became shame-based at this point), and shaming sexuality was the best way to alienate people from their own bodies and from each other. Shame was also a good way to demonize the common Norse/Germanic shamanic practice of spirit marriage, and this is what led to the witch hunts--spirit marriage empowered older women, which made them a huge threat to the Church.

There's an epidemic of shame happening today, handy for demonizing "the unvaxed". "Woke" is also a culture of shame: if you don't agree with us and do as we say you are a bad person who deserves punishment. Shame is commonly used as a way to manipulate behavior online. The goal is to get into both our thoughts and emotions so we will self-censor Wrongthink...just as Constantine did to the Northern tribes.

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Interesting points, although the focus on healing and crying together seems rather too much of therapeutic culture to my tastes. Mere grief is insufficient as a motivator to action.

Wokeness serves as a socially divisive force, yes, absolutely - it weaponizes crimes of the past to justify crimes in the present, committed by the same sorts of criminals. Yet it has another, very important function - it morally disarms the target populations, currently white westerners, by severing us from our ancestors, and by gelding our men. And this too is in keeping with past patterns! You mention the forced religious conversions, for example - these divided one generation from their heritage, and replaced the warrior energy of the pagan heroes with the meek and submissive message of the church (itself a perversion of what that message was meant to be....)

If a people is to be made to submit, its men must be made weak. This, I would argue, is a core dynamic within wokism. It splits men off from women, giving men nothing to fight for; and then shames them for the very instinct to fight. The resulting passivism and atomization results in societies of inert, pulverized dust - easily rolled over and digested by the Great Resetters.

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I agree. I think that is a big part of it, yet another round of attacking people's natural wiring. As far as grief, I think it grief (genuine grief, heartfelt grief, the real feeling) is important to start a process of healing (again, in the real sense of it, not a stupid therapy word). I think we carry in us the sense of truth, and great power, and great resilience. But it's been blocked by many dogmas and many abuses on our bodies. Once we admit to the fact of being treated unjustly, being abused while not deserving abuse, when we let out that primal scream and scream for as long as we need, our souls will get lighter, and it will be easier to think. Good action comes from a clear head and a heart that is relaxed. I think that is the trick, and it is not easy at all, but I think it's unavoidable.

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You're right - light spirits are absolutely essential.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Incredible article! Beautifully written in manner that invites an awakening with healing. Can’t wait to read more of your content!

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Thank you, David!!! Music to my ears. :)

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

One thing that is always left out in a discussion like this is the important relevance of our first few pre- cognitive years. During this time of foundational learning, if we are responded to as nature intended, we learn to trust that we will be given what we need, learn to trust our own knowing, learn to initiate for ourselves. We are learning this in our bodies, not in our heads. When our cognition matures, what we learned in our bodies is still there but it is hidden, and we are ripe for giving up our power to these tragic guys because we don't trust our own knowing. Blaming others for the situation we are in may be partlalky true, but the only way to empower ourselves is by looking inside ourselves and see why we want what we want and respond the way we do.......Why do we always look outside ourselves? A wonderful book, Gabor Mate's 'The Myth of Normal', discusses this process both scientifically and the social implications for it.

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Flynn, thank you for posting this very important comment!!!! Most of us get so screwed up during early childhood that we have no idea why we think what we think, why we feel what we feel... we think it's our smart brains but it's really a lot more than that. The good news, we have a capacity to heal in earnest and be dignified!!

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Yes, this gels with a series of articles I am writing about the role of the development of heathly personal boundaries https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/personal-boundaries-and-their-violations

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I hope that in some future post that you can drastically simplify this message (less text ?)... and then point to some action steps that would lead to change. Thanks for all that you do...

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Oh, that's easy.

1. We've been all been screwed, and still are being screwed.

2. The people screwing us are playing us against each other like a violin, using different talking points for different demographic.

3. The only way out of it is honesty about what has happened in the past, love for ourselves, love for our good ancestors, love for other people regardless of their ideas, and praying for clarity and wisdom and courage to do what's right.

4. Repeat 3 until things drastically improve. (Might take generations but we do our part and enjoy life in the process!)


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I agree wholeheartedly. If only we could isolate and relegate the alphabets onto an island unto themselves where they can torment each other instead of everyone else.

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The best strategy for mice to safeguard 'emselves against the claws of predatory owls? Why, that's easy: metamorphose into hedgehogs! 😂 [You're most welcome 😜]

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I have to at least invite questioning 1 and 2. I didn't say denying or arguing against our experience, but of questioning how we frame our experience, and define our self and world in a current 'take' that can then be a stepping stone.

I feel we need be honest to all our feelings in 1 & 2. Honest in the sense of owning rather than masking over or masking as. Otherwise our questioning of 1 & 2 will be serving the mask and not the revealing to truth that heals.

Our life in the world is set in time and space - this is an amazing feature!

Our life in Spirit is timeless - but curiously inside our now.

Love reveals the second as the true context of the first.

Our attempt to substitute for love screwed us down.

Woking to death!


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And thank you!!

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You're so very welcome. Thanks for not taking it the wrong way. I deeply appreciate you and your work to expose so much in these troubled times...keep going please !

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Thank you Richie!! Oh, we are all thinking together about very important things, and it's a very good line of thought!! xoxo

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And at the end of the day every movement is like the emperor's New clothes. Not one solution in a world that imagined itself into a corner where words no longer had direct meanings. Remember only food can be eaten. How's that food for thought?

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Wow!!!!! Thanks so much for this. The muffled scream...fine, thanks, Epic!!! You always touch my heart in several places. Your love is evident in all your writings.

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Thanks, great analysis, with which I agree. Indeed, I find this informs and overlaps with a series of articles on the role of development and corruption of healthy personal boundaries, I am currently writing about.

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Thank you, Gary!! Great minds :))

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Mar 21, 2023·edited Mar 21, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

This right here:

"We are not our ideas. We are a lot more than that. And identifying with our ideas is a dangerous drug regardless of what the ideas are."

I couldn't be more biased*, but this is still a fundamental truth you bring to light. Ideas are tools, as much scalpels as they are sledgehammers, and as such no idea has anymore merit than its effects when actually implemented, from which follows that any and all ideas are only worth the measurabe effects of said implementation.

Ideas cannot be measured against their own principles and abstractions, only against what actually happens when they are put to use as instruments and patterns for behaviour, nomatter if it is on thw macro or micro scale.

So christianity must be judged as much by looking at christians acting like they think Christ would have done accoring to his teachings, as by the deeds of their churches and the clergy down the ages. Or islam, or hinduism or judaism or... The same goes for any -ism such as marxism or anarchism or capitalism or libertarianism or...

*Having taught ideas, which equires the ability to use meta-cognition to understand them and be fair to them, obviously I'm as biased as can be here.

The quoted part is something all authoritarians hate. It removes their ability to excuse their wrongdoings by blaming a power outside their own will, be it party doctrine or clerical orthodoxy.

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That is such a great point!! Exactly. Talk is cheap, and anyone can say anything. It's the actions that determine what any idea "means" in the practical sense.

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