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Open Wokeism pledges allegiance to the power structure, no matter how illogical.

It is "Politically Correct" in the Bolshevik sense, I think, though I wasn't there for that epoch.

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Yep, it is similar. I just went through various Soviet posters as I was looking for an image for this story, and I screamed. The propaganda is just so blatant, and it changed from one decade to another, it is so obvious when looking back.

I think the difference is that today, the people who are officially woke are usually a lot better off in the material sense than the early Soviet "proletariat" was. But the principle is very similar!

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Better off materially, and, I would say, far more spiritually deprived and hungry! Spritually hungry people are to be pitied and ultimately loved... but they are dangerous!!!

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I like how you put it. Theresa! Thank you

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Perhaps we meet reflections of as yet unconscious aspects of our self, such that recognising what we judge as NOT who they are, releases them AND us.

This is releasing another of our demands they be as we would have them be. Not releasing them from the consequences of their own choices, and the freedom to uncover better choices.

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Yes, the proof that Wokeism is not the resistance is that it supports the current power structure, and the current power structure supports Wokeism.

"When the media supports your movement, you are not the resistance."

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Thank you. And when something comes out of nowhere and then is EVERYWHERE it is the agenda.

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What baffles me the most, is the young minds institutionally poisoned en masse into docile instruments of 1337s. Adolescence was supposed to be the very span in one's life characterised first & foremost by revolt against 'polite society' impositionsтАФfrom times immemorial soтАФno? ЁЯШЯ

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Every freedom is subverted to serve a 'better mask'.

The conditions for expansion can be (and were) turned on - and shaped.

Children are born as an undifferentiated love that takes on their family stuff. Masking as family survival aligns to a field unseen, but represented by 'Do as I say, not as I do'.

This splits the mind.

The nature learns inductively. The social mask learns to present according to conditions. To become conditioned reiterating trauma - that in a sense goes back before the parents who are also children, but in truth is a past carried forward and gifted to future.

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You may have read some Jung.

Our children were already personalities when they were born, so we just tried not to mess them up, and to have a few fair rules for everybody...

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A PS - While not differentiated to the focus of consciousness we assume to be, a child in the womb is immersed in the energies and sensations of Mother, and thus of here relational experience as well as in the room. Now that may share with qualities of experience that are not translatable to our current sense of self and world - so I stay open to a larger life than we have mapped out and adapted to. I think perhaps all perspectives have something to offer, as a field of potentials from which to paint or create as unfolding experience.

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A co-opted false-revolution.



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