Soul Deprivation and the Trojan Horse of Wokism
Looking behind the curtain of woke and finding a yoke
Let us talk about wokism.
Let us talk about it like it is, as in, not a whim of a redemption-seeking and perhaps more than a little entitled college kid—but a brain child of the alphabets, an energy that was “genetically engineered” by taking real problems and real hurt feelings that have piled up—and grafting dead-end, anger-inducing talking points and irksome absurdities onto pain.
(Think of it as a classic American soul-wobbly child who is very rude to the parents over not getting the toy he wants—but applied to intellectual toys.)
Let us look at wokism as an expression of energy that was carefully engineered to irreparably divide and to appeal to the innocent undernourished souls who have been born into an emotionally starved, consumerist culture—who feel a lack of respect for their soul with their gut—but who are too young, too inexperienced, or perhaps too lazy to go on a journey and do an investigation of who had actually stolen the respect.
A one liner definition? Here it is. Wokism is a deliberate and malicious rerouting of the innate desire for respect.
I mean, how absurd is it when a kid is taught that firing people or kicking people out of restaurants for declining a medical product is fair (and an appropriate punishment for the selfish, unfair, and, frankly, subhuman types), that censoring dissent is good for freedom—but the use of an unwanted pronoun is a dangerous and violent act? Methinks, it’s very absurd! But this absurdity is by design.
Weaponizing trauma
A wounded person in charge is a dangerous person in charge. And that is exactly the reason why the masters at the top and their servants underneath have designed a strategy to weaponize the wounded and the pissed off against the dignified. It is to keep the dignified in check. It is to level the dignified to the wounded and ensure that regular people take the initiative and keep each other down. Saves a lot of overhead! And yes, there is a lot of complexity and a lot of nuance—no doubt—but the broad brushstroke is just that. It’s a Trojan horse.
“Identifying with ideas” is a dangerous drug
We are not our ideas. We are a lot more than that. And identifying with our ideas is a dangerous drug regardless of what the ideas are. Of course, some ideas are better than other—but the addiction part is the truly dangerous part. The non-addict happily changes his mind when a new understanding shows up. The addict doubles down.
And the psychos at the very top of the society would be powerless if they couldn’t successfully—and continuously—weaponize a combination of material deprivation (“do this or else you’ll die or starve”) and ideological goo. And they weaponize it so successfully—for centuries now—by constantly reshuffling who gets the stinkiest end of their stick.
Anatomy of wokism: the drivers and the parts
In this story, I want to get to the heart of the beast because this beast is killing us all—or rather, its driving principle is, and it’s important to understand what lies underneath the facade.
The metaphorical “agents of chaos,” working on every side (think about this please, it also applies to the MFM!!!!!), have long figured out that “yelling at the enemy” works like a charm to create an illusion of care and respect—and as anguish and anger rise, as the people feel increasingly violated in their own ways, the people stop thinking, stop relating to each other—and so the “agents of chaos” and their bosses then produce a “Dr. Evil” laugh and toast with champagne. This, by the way, is mostly how the real bad guys have been staying in the driver’s seat for such a long time. It is because every time there is an opportunity for an awakening of massive kindness and new clarity, and new healing, when there is new pain-driven honesty forming in the air, they insert a blinding, anxiety-based, anger-producing narrative—and kill that chance. (And as long as we the people keep going for the mostly-anger story, thinking that “our” cause is an exception to the rule—their champagne will not run out. It’s for sure.)
Anyway, the anatomy.
In this world, there is a ton of very real pain. As a collective human organism, we have been through multiple senseless wars, genocides, forced religious conversions based on political ambitions of the individuals in charge (in no relation to God, even though the converters lied), suppressions of vital energy, stolen land, stolen respect, stolen bodily and spiritual autonomy, stolen support of the people who would have been there for us if not for the propaganda du jour, etc. If one could just ‘scan” the souls of westerners, for example (don’t get any ideas, Schwab) and draw a picture of our emotions, it would be a picture of a massive muffled scream, often buried under a thin veneer of “fine, thanks” … with islands of love. That was true before 2020, it is certainly true now.
Up until recently, the “global” ambitions of various insane dominators (also known as “the elites,” which really is a psychological type with a predatory mission in life) have been only half-realized. By the way, “the elites” are not one pile of homogeneous hulk but separate twisted-minded people whose individual ambitions may very well be in conflict with each other—after all, they’ve been poisoning and murdering their own family members left and right!—but their overarching ambition is the same (“take over the world, for ME ME ME ME ME”). And so, they’ve been trying forever to establish their empire. To feed their addiction to power.
On personal emotional note, I have unkind words to say about the iteration of this obscenity that impacted me. I am very mad at the ones who financed and orchestrated the Bolshevik color revolution of 1917 and created so much pain in my people that I had to spend years to sort it out, even though decades and decades had passed between the 1917 color revolution and me. Yes, I am very mad about that. I am also mad at all the “successful reformers” and “religious converters” of the centuries past who betrayed the principle of respecting other people’s free will and installed rape as the a priori modus operandi of the world. Was it necessary to collectively go on that journey? I don’t know. But it hasn’t been too great.When it comes to the tyrants, their whole personal dynamic is not about their relationship with the plebs but about their “horizontal” relationships with foreign leaders and—in case of active wars—with whomever who could help foot the bill. As far as the plebs, they don’t care about the little ants as long as they can control them, either by force or by fog.
(Here, one could raise a legitimate practical question. What if you are born with strong prospects of leading a nation, and perhaps you want to do good but the world around you is run like a mob, and so if you try to be a “nice” leader, you’ll be likely eaten, and fast? What do you do? That is a very fair question, and I don’t know how exactly I would handle that problem, if it were mine. It’s an effort enough to choose the right thing in my own life, and if I am ever born for such a function an any future life, I’ll think about the plan of action then. And by the way, I wish more people focused more on their area of practical impact and the unglamorous, difficult, low-visibility job of trying to do what’s right than on the glory of the imaginary, Hollywood-inspired task of “saving the whole world.” After all, all the little things we do in our own lives, all our choices, our relationships with the people in our close circles weave the fabric of history—whether we get a billion immediate followers for that or not.)Anyway, the elites. They’ve been trying and trying to establish a global empire, run by them. Of course. But as hard as they’ve been trying, only now they seem to have developed the kind of technology that (in their dreams) can manage and monitor all people on Earth “under one machine.” (See the interlude about the machines.)
Now, the critical part. What can get in their way? What can hinder their effort of imposing this horrible digital neoufeudalism onto the people of the world? What can really-really hinder it?
What can get in their way is if we all start talking to each other and listening to each other’s unique and similar stories of being screwed. If we compare notes. And then ACT with hearts on protecting each other, and with a total dedication to respecting LIFE.
What can get in their way is if we open our hearts and ears to the stories from other families and clans and cultures (especially the ones who were abused at a different point in time and by different mobs). Because if we do, and if we do it with honestly, we will come to the inevitable conclusion that we’ve all been had.
Can you imagine the power of that? Can you imagine the power that will rise against the Great Reset if your regular busy, somewhat sheltered, westerner with classic American values realizes that what is being done to him today (the Great Reset, etc.) is exactly what’s been done to the indigenous, slandered as “savages,” and, earlier, to his own ancestors in Europe—under the auspices of roughly the same elites? That is was done under the same philosophical principle, and in the name of the talking points that were merely customized to the target demographic and the marketing campaign of the time?
Can you imagine the power of that emotional uprising and the strength of all of us suddenly realizing that the twisted-minded ones have lied to all of us, killed all of us, starved all of us, and they they’ve stolen respect from all? Can you imagine the mountain of power coming from the decision that we are not going to put up with this for a second longer, and that we are going to protect each other, and stand up to our dignity, and refuse to comply with abuse, and, while we are at it, most certainly put a hammer to our damn TVs?The elites aren’t stupid, and neither are their servants in the alphabets. And so, to prevent any chance of us talking to each other at this turn of history, they invented and elevated “wokism,” and they made it so ugly and absurd that the very people who are about to develop the ears for the stories of their brothers in other cultures who still remember the original great reset—shut their ears with vengeance because the stories on the topic come with sloganeering, accusations and insult.
Think about this way. Here is analogy that is close to home. Say, you are boiling over how the past three years went (legitimately so, as the past three years have been an insult). Say, you are focused on boiling, and the voicing of your boiling provides some release (again, legitimately so). And so then, you are so pissed off (wounded) that don’t even want to heal from the inside—and you intend to stay pissed off until they change. Because they are wrong. And so you talk exclusively to the ones who think like you and relentlessly SHAME THE COVIDIANS ON THE GROUND. Granted, that feels good. But in terms of general strategy for actual victory of a loving, soulful world, what do you think the practical outcome of anger will be? I am not saying who’s right and who’s wrong about the ideas (you are right). I am talking strictly the practical outcome. If your focus is on yelling vs. healing yourself first and then seeing what’s what, what is the chance of you convincing your “covidian” brother and of standing up together against the real source of the abuse? I think the chance is slim.
Now apply this logic to, for example, the topic of “indigenous rights” that has been hijacked by the WEF and friends. The actual indigenous people in the Americas (really, just regular, normal people who were going about their business until the ships showed up) have been under the great resetters (roughly the same elites, equipped with a marketing brochure that worked back then) for five centuries now. They are tired of the boot. (Wouldn’t you be? Hey, we are tired after three years!). But if this fact is yelled at another regular, normal person, say, someone with classic American values, that person will probably shut his ears because, well, what does this have to do with him? And so then, different demographics get raped in separate compartment with soundproof walls, during different times, and don’t really care to stand up for each other—and that’s what the alphabets (and their bosses) want. Because if, God forbid, we all compare notes and open our ears and hearts, we’ll cry, scream, spit at all of our lying leaders, and refuse to be abused.In wokism, there is also this whole thing with training people to deny the evidence of their eyes, leading to, very soon, declaring that AI is “human” and punishing sane people for transphocally saying that AI is not alive (which, I believe is the real and only reason the notion of “transphobia” has been introduced). And, by the way, I am subscribed to the notion that the people born with unique mixes of sexual energy to their souls are gifted people and healers, and I mourn the way the alphabets are stealing the unique spiritual power of the healers and mixing them up with cray-cray, pop culture poisoned, aggressively acting freaks.)
This, wokism kills multiple birds with one stone:
It prevents the people from honestly facing history, crying together for all the pain of today and of the centuries past, then drying our tears, comparing our notes, and coming up with a strategy for strength, love, courage. dignity, and mutual support
It creates a diversion of attention toward ridiculous causes, such as portraying pronoun use as abuse (while the real abuse is going on full force)
It brings upon a gigantic “generation gap” where the children just won’t listen to their parents, based on the alphabet-sponsored talking points
And importantly—and I can’t say this loud enough—it puts the people whose current dominant feeling is anger in positions of mid-managerial power, so that they bulldoze over the ones who are still dignified
Interlude (“All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace”)
“All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace” was a culturally significant poem by Richard Brautigan, published by 1967. The idea of a technoutopia was heavily promoted, among others, by Steawrd Brand, who at the time was believed to work for the alphabets. (If you want to do down that rabbit hole, here is my story, “World Wide Web: Whom Was It Designed to Catch?”)
I like to think (and
the sooner the better!)
of a cybernetic meadow
where mammals and computers
live together in mutually
programming harmony
like pure water
touching clear sky.
I like to think
(right now, please!)
of a cybernetic forest
filled with pines and electronics
where deer stroll peacefully
past computers
as if they were flowers
with spinning blossoms.
I like to think
(it has to be!)
of a cybernetic ecology
where we are free of our labors
and joined back to nature,
returned to our mammal
brothers and sisters,
and all watched over
by machines of loving grace.
The solution, I think, is entirely unglamorous. It is in the active sensible opposition to the undignifying goo—bit it is also in growing our spine of love so much that we can love the sincere woke young souls, love them all over, give them the soul food they crave, listen to their side of the story until they are ready to hear that they’ve been had. Like earlier generations have been had. Like all of us have been had. (But there are also islands of love.)
And I think it’s important to avoid the intentional trap of mixing up the Trojan horse of wokism and the real need to heal the massive accumulated trauma that is killing us all.
The great resets are not going to stop until we unwrap the entire Russian doll of lies, until we reject the Mother of All Psyops (which, I think, is that God is a God of domination who somehow instructs the people to dominate, kill and steal) and until we shed the burden of having to choose between siding with the boot and being under its sole.
That choice is a horrible burden on our psyche. We are all bleeding from it. We are being tricked, and our brains are often too proud to admit to being abused. We say, “Oh, they are being abused (but not us).” Or we say, “Oh, no one is being abused (except by the globalists).” Not true. We are all being raped with no lubricant. But, while the tyrants’ reason for raping us is to humiliate us and drink our energy, the existential point for us is to wake up to our courage and love.
For example—during the invasion of the Americas, the psychopaths in charge led the psychopaths in training to do unthinkable things. There were things like live human beings fed to dogs, babies pinned to boards and cut in half, children drowned while the parents were made to watch, slavery, rape, child abuse, kidnapping of children into boarding school, rape of little Native kids (actual kids), and so on. And all of this was all done, officially, in the name of Christ. There even exists a Bible with a cover made from human (Native) skin (which I learned from Stveven Newcomb). How godly is all that? To me, in sounds like an unthinkable case of “using God’s name in vain.”
That is factual reality. It cannot be shoved under the rug just like vaccine injuries cannot get shoved under the rug. We are not beasts. We were not supposed to be beasts to each other. This is all heartbreaking!! And I believe that in order to stop the great resetters of today, we need to revoke our consent from the great resetters of the past—and hear the victims’ stories from different eras, and cry together, howl, scream, cry over all the slain and all the slandered—and then let our tears dry and pray for guidance to mend it all in a fair way.
It is a very long journey. And we need help as we can’t sort this all out on our own. But we can make the first step. And then another step. And they maybe, after a thousand steps, it will start making sense. And then, if we just keep walking no matter what anyone says, we will one day look back at all this and know why we had to go through all this crap. And there will be no yoke.
Note to readers: If you are in the position to do so, I encourage you to become a paid subscriber or donate. I love you in any case, but it helps A LOT. Thank you from my heart for your support!
As always excellent and on point. I agree 1000% ... the Woke are not working class, they are not people who have struggled in any way shape or matter. They are entitled, and their entire agenda is a self-processed form of narcissism, like no other. They are full of rage and they hate themselves, as much as they hate anyone who doesn't hate themselves. They use trauma like a commodity.
Please call them "parasites" instead of "elites". There is much power in words...
People have to decouple their basic needs with "the state"/ "the system", but people want money.
The parasites print the money, and fund all the brainwashing required to keep their servants happy.
Just as "The Devil" card in the Tarot, humanity's chains are open, they don't leave because they love their servitude. They are bound by pleasures of the flesh, and that is the fuel of the parasites.
They've developed a sustainable system for themselves, and quietly got most of humanity onboard, while hiding the actual sustainable nature of the world we live in. Something as simple as the understanding of "compost" - most urbanites give you the fluoride stare when you mention it.
"Waste" becomes fertilizer, becomes food, becomes "waste", and on, and on...
Everything was done to break that link in people's consciousness, even the toilet, where they have you defecate on the most sacred resource, water. Were you to defecate on a hole in the ground, microorganisms would munch on that, and the cycle of life carries on.
They had to build very complicated infrastructure to keep people from seeing a flower come out of the place where they previously pooped or buried some living creature. Then, they called it "progress".