Better off materially, and, I would say, far more spiritually deprived and hungry! Spritually hungry people are to be pitied and ultimately loved... but they are dangerous!!!
Better off materially, and, I would say, far more spiritually deprived and hungry! Spritually hungry people are to be pitied and ultimately loved... but they are dangerous!!!
Perhaps we meet reflections of as yet unconscious aspects of our self, such that recognising what we judge as NOT who they are, releases them AND us.
This is releasing another of our demands they be as we would have them be. Not releasing them from the consequences of their own choices, and the freedom to uncover better choices.
Better off materially, and, I would say, far more spiritually deprived and hungry! Spritually hungry people are to be pitied and ultimately loved... but they are dangerous!!!
I like how you put it. Theresa! Thank you
Perhaps we meet reflections of as yet unconscious aspects of our self, such that recognising what we judge as NOT who they are, releases them AND us.
This is releasing another of our demands they be as we would have them be. Not releasing them from the consequences of their own choices, and the freedom to uncover better choices.