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As a trauma survivor who had very successful PTSD treatment, I could not agree more with your analysis here. Nothing will change until people start getting their trauma healed. Everyone in modern society is carrying trauma, because that's how abusive modern life has become. And it's clear that white people are now being "colonized", same as was done to our Native brethren.

I think TPTB know trauma treatment empowers people and prevents manipulations like "woke" from taking over, because there are no almost no trauma therapists under the age of 50 currently in the US. Everyone I know who got advanced degrees in counseling psych in the last 20 years were never taught how to heal trauma. Correct PTSD reatment is not difficult and nearly everyone responds very well to it, but it remains almost unknown in the psych field. It affects everyone and causes addiction, depression, and anxiety (the main reasons people seek out therapy), but the psych field is mostly looking the other way. This may partly explain why psychologists were silent about the lockdowns and shots--they have no trauma training and most cannot even recognize PTSD symptoms. Misdiagnosis is commonplace--complex PTSD is usually mistaken for schizophrenia or other severe disorders, and I've seen it take patients 10 years to get a correct diagnosis. Conventional talk therapy works well for pretty much NOBODY--it's not how you treat trauma--but that's all most people are offered. I worked in hospital mental health, and NONE of the docs and nurses on the psych unit or ER knew how to identify or treat PTSD. And yet, most patients I worked with on the psych unit had severe PTSD symptoms. Since I am not a doctor or APRN, no one would listen to me about trauma treatment.

We have scientific proof that addiction is caused by trauma (physical or psychological), but like everything else, good science is being ignored and dogma prevails. Even in AA, most people don't know they need trauma treatment. Addiction treatment centers rarely address PTSD. If they did, people would not relapse nearly as often, so it's bad for their business model.

So here's what I'm doing to help change things: I am volunteering with the International Association of Near Death Experiencers (IANDS) to help create a manual on trauma treatment because SO many NDErs have PTSD and are struggling. IANDS is the first organization I know of to address this directly with members. I am hoping this spreads to 12 step groups, churches, anywhere wounded people are congregated. I'm also working with some people to help create an organization that supports advanced spiritual healing and helps NDErs enhance and utilize the gifts they brought to our world from the Other Side. UConn's long term studies of NDErs found that we all return with a "backpack full of spiritual gifts" but few are able to understand and utilize their gifts because they're bogged down in PTSD. Imagine a world in which 10 % of us have pronounced spiritual gifts--healing abilities, creative abilities, etc.--and we know how to use them. I'm convinced this may be key to changing the world.

I think the biggest thing the globalists are overlooking is human spirituality--Klaus and Bill do not think it exists. They are drowning in wetiko, as are alphabet agencies and governments worldwide. And this will be what tramples them in the end.

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Jane, thank you so much for your comment, and I am so glad that you overcame your own challenges and are using your knowledge to make the world better!!

I don't remember if you've seen this one, if not, you might like it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6RwkD5vnVs

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Oh my gosh, thanks, Tessa! I've had 6 NDEs and everything in this talk is a big part of what I learned. The UConn NDE studies found the same thing--pretty much everyone reports this after an NDE. NDE studies are still ongoing in many schools, and the big picture of the afterlife we now have is quite amazing and wonderful. Even the direst skeptic cannot explain why we return from NDE's as radically changed people, with gifts, abilities, and knowledge we did not have before. This also applies to people who have not had NDEs but had profound spiritual experiences. They also undergo major psychological/spiritual changes and express what is said in this video. I think human spirituality will be what saves us in the end--true, ancient, ancestor-connected spirituality, not the modern religious kind.

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Wonderful you are doing that! If you read the Immortality Key, which is a very scholarly work, there was a systematic assault on early entheogen religions, which afforded people experiences very like what near death experiencers report. Then we get the Church of Rome and the Inquisition, which persecuted women, often soothsayers and "gardeners" as Dante describes them. And what follows is centuries of sadism and dogma and enforced power and doctrines. So we are talking thousands of years. And now, just when so much was beginning to be understood about trauma (see for instance Sandra Ingerman on Soul Retrieval), group psychology, spirituality loosed from left brain dogmatism and power structures, including the fringe-ified paranormal, which is embargoed despite its experienced prevalence, and about evolutionary psychology, for which I think a case can be made that much of evil and "sin" (hamartia, missing the mark) is vestigial from evolution (like perhaps the addictive quality of torture comes from tormenting prey to tenderize it before the domestication of fire), then instead of a synthesis of all of that knowledge bringing forth human flourishing, it is instead wielded to enslave us to the machine, for want of a better term. Just like thousands of years ago. Sadism, dark tetrad personalities, all addictively striving for power. I personally think wokeism is purposefully astroturfed, to deny spirituality and the soul and creativity and the right hemisphere of the brain's conduit, and perhaps the spiritual possibilities of the cerebro-spinal fluid, which intersects with a more complex futuristic understanding of medicine and healing.

I think the force against us, which may exist outside of ordinary time, though that is hard for me to comprehend, coming from the secular West, fears the soul and spirituality, if we just look at the efforts to crush it over hundreds of years. The woke are controlled to substitute gender for the soul, according to one writer I read, and the varieties of it have to shift and update as it must mirror the hypnotizing infinite commodities available online. I'm convinced it is a corporate religion by design, at least now, and perhaps always. But I completely agree with you that that is what they are trying to crush and that that is what will save us, and that the gut/cerebro-spinal fluid/right hemisphere of the brain is the pathway, plus music, which is pooh-poohed as the "cheesecake" of evolution, a spandrel, but as with NDE's, PTSD and progress in psychology and evolutionary psychology, it is a pathway that can unite us all. AI can't get the soul or the quantum aspects of being, or our dreaming, or our poetry and music, and it is wielded by the same force that's been crushing us for two thousand years. I even wonder if Dante was in a secret vestigial entheogen cult on the coast of Italy as the Paradisio talks about "the love that moves the sun and stars" Great post and great article Tessa.

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Thanks for your thought-provoking reply! I agree that the West fears the soul and spirituality, because this is what supports personal sovereignty. People who are grounded and based in personal sovereignty are very difficult to manipulate. They call out bullshit and oppose abuse.

I've been taking a hard look at how Constantine's policies subdued the Northern pagans. He knew he could not defeat the Germanic tribes because they were better warriors and battle strategists than the Christians. So he figured out how to use Christianity to kill the warrior spirit and culture of personal sovereignty in the north. Shame was the primary tool of degradation (Christianity became shame-based at this point), and shaming sexuality was the best way to alienate people from their own bodies and from each other. Shame was also a good way to demonize the common Norse/Germanic shamanic practice of spirit marriage, and this is what led to the witch hunts--spirit marriage empowered older women, which made them a huge threat to the Church.

There's an epidemic of shame happening today, handy for demonizing "the unvaxed". "Woke" is also a culture of shame: if you don't agree with us and do as we say you are a bad person who deserves punishment. Shame is commonly used as a way to manipulate behavior online. The goal is to get into both our thoughts and emotions so we will self-censor Wrongthink...just as Constantine did to the Northern tribes.

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