It seems like divisions and rivalries in our various “camps” are becoming more bitter and more granular by day. If you feel disappointed by it, this story is for you.
A year ago, I wrote a long article about the current state of the medical freedom movement. A lot of the things I wrote about last winter are still here. There is still pure courage, there are petty rivalries and competition over the “freedom buck” (and various kinds of end-of-the-world sales), and there are still spies. Plus, since October, the classic division over Israel / Palestine—a division that had been sitting in a dormant state for a couple of years—came to the emotional forefront. And this very second, it feels like in addition to all classic divisions, the aspiring masters are trying to put the final nail in the heart of the post-COVID medical freedom movement, making everyone fight with everyone over every imaginable point.
I want to talk about it with kindness, paradoxically as it sounds. There is a lot of enchantment going around. I feel mostly kindness toward the enchanted. In my own life, I went through great pains due to the choices of a few bright, born-to-be-beautiful people who let me down badly once they succumbed—temporarily—to metaphorical spells. Yes, there is a lot of enchantment going around, and a lot of intra-MFM bitterness that has suddenly come to the forefront is rooted in that.
Luckily, there is still amazing courage, and some of the bravest people, I am honored to call my friends. At the same time, on the front of competitors for the “freedom buck” and toilers of the state, some of the trending “Klaus Schwab Bad” reporting has been leaving a funny taste in my mouth. Some of it feels like phantasmagorical, Kafkaesque “Stalin Digests” in a GULAL where the prisoners are spiritually conditioned by the rats to fight with each other over tag lines and bylines in the “Stalin Digest” while they could be planning escape, and while Stalin is going about building more GULAGs.
Controlled opposition vs. fake opposition
The sexy topic of “controlled opposition” makes me sad because of how enchanted and diagonal to reality the heated conversation about it tends to be, according to my nose.
First off, I want to clearly mark the difference between “controlled opposition” and “fake opposition.” The difference is important. From what my eyes see, a lot of people in the MFM are currently “controlled.” But they are none the less sincere. What do I mean by that? I meant that they are controlled in a spiritual sense. They don’t speak for or from their true selves, just like the mainstream-minded folks angrily yelling at the antivaxxers weren’t speaking for or from their true selves.
There are many tricks that tyrant in power employ, and penetrating people through their weaknesses is one of the oldest tricks in the book. Some people are traumatized and unhealed and thus angry, some people are insecure, some people are arrogant, some people are vain, some people don’t want to be patient about recognition and are easily triggered when someone (possibly with less expertise) gets ahead, etc.
To be controlled, one doesn’t have to be aware that they are controlled. In fact, an enchanted person is very likely to believe that they cannot be controlled. Also, one doesn’t have to be ill-intended, unspiritual, or dumb. Furthermore, one doesn’t have to be controlled completely, either, it can be partial, and people can go in and out of it, and in and out of it, depending on the circumstance. Sometimes, you can tell by an intolerant tone and restless eyes that the enchanted ones are speaking not for themselves but for a metaphorical ghost.
Now, those are the enchanted. But obviously, there is also a fake opposition, the ones who work for the man but pretend to be “on our side.” In my observation, they are very impressive, and there might be only a small overlap between the actual spyfolk and our imperfect brethren who are handed a bad rep.
What can we do?
When it comes to reacting to bad-energy bickering all around, there are four thing that are big on my list, and those are being rooted in my soul, praying like a child, patience, and keeping a cool head about things. Our plight against the Great Reset is a long haul. It has always been a long haul. It is a spiritual plight. It’s about remembering the love. And it sucks big time that people get enchanted and sidetracked so easily but each of us can still focus on doing what’s right in our place and leave the rest to the Creator (good spirits, the universe, whatever words we use to pray). And that is what I personally try to do. I pray for the enchanted to the extent my souls desires—and I carry on.
Are there viruses? Was there a pandemic? Tell me, traitor!
It’s time to showcase the #1 trending elephant in the room. Here’s the elephant: If our goal is to satisfy our very curious minds, it is great to gain the ultimately accurate understanding of viruses and pandemics. I get it, I have a very curious mind! However, if our goal is “defeating the Great Reset,” then who effen cares whether viruses exist or whether there was a pandemic or not.
Why? Because the tyrants can use any lie. Yes, they are currently using the biosecurity scarecrow to promote the yoke for the peasants. So? The tyrants are shameless. Is there a lack of tricks to play with in their bottomless basket of lies? Have the tyrants ever been shy to use any trick, including the trick of putting their own desires into the mouth of God?
The people behind the curtains want us to focus on hostilities over technicalities so that we don’t have the energy for the main—universal, powerful, and uniting—point. And they want us to spend our time on fighting over things that have zero chance to appeal to the mainstream-minded folks—whom we need to “defeat the Great Reset”! Do you see what’s going on there?
The uniting point is our refusal to participate in abuse of any kind. Whether there was a pandemic or not, and whether there is going to be a pandemic again, it is still not okay to institute abuse, and it is not okay to install a totalitarian rule. It is not okay to do so on philosophical grounds and on political grounds, based on the fact that we are free.
Let us say that we had a deadly viral pandemic in 2020 (which I think is shady waters but let us say that we did). So? It is still absolutely not okay to run a country like it is a dictatorship—and that is the main, uniting, and universal point.
It is the total dedication to freedom for all that can defeat the Great Reset, not the debate about whether there was a pandemic or not. And by all means, let us have this debate—but let us please have a cool head and not do it the expense of actually fighting the Great Reset! Please good people, please!
And if we are in the sexy business debunking psyops, let us aim BIG and ponder how many institutional world religions came about. Why are they called “world” religions? Does it not have a globalist ring to it? And if so, is it possible that the entire domination-driven theological sentiment of the past few thousand years has been a psyop? What an inconvenient elephant that is! It takes up the entire room, with its hind legs sticking out of the door—anyone see it? Yes? No?
Who woke up first?
Another bickering theme is “who woke up first.” It’s an interesting theme. On the one hand, I totally understand how frustrating it may be when you sweat a topic for what feels like forever, and then some new face shows up, says the same thing, doesn’t credit you, and gets the applause. I believe that crediting those who “worked our turf” before us is a decent thing to do.
For example, I got some informal “conspiracy theory” education from Mark Crispin Miller some fifteen years ago or so, and so I owe it to him. Cory Morningstar wrote about the fake green agenda at the time when I was merely thinking about it in my head, and it is from her that I got the idea to look at the Harper’s Magazine 2008 article titled, The Next Bubble.
On my end, I was looking into Big Tech and transhumanism for about ten years now, which includes over six years before 2020 when absolutely no one cared about this topic in any way. And so, yes, it is somewhat annoying when the people who just learned about it this morning “sell” the topic as their own—but as long as they mean well and do good work, I look at it as a part of living on Earth. And if they are effective in educating the mainstream folks, I say, great! God bless their work! And besides, there are many paths to knowledge. There exist brilliant people who have been toiling at “my” topics independently of me and sometimes before me—while I had no idea about their existence—and it works both ways.
But here is yet another elephant in the room. The very first fighters against the Great Reset were the people who were handed the Great Reset 1.0. some centuries ago. I am talking about our ancestors who were labeled as so called “pagans,” and the ancestors of today’s “indigenous” people in different parts of the world. They really were the very first people whom the globalists (the Vatican, the bankers, and the Crown) tried to eat. And so they fought. And some still fight today.
And so, if anyone has the right to sit in the highest dissident chair, it’s the indigenous dissidents who have been raging against the globalists all their lives, while most of us still drank the “our democracy” kool-aid. For example, my friend Steven Newcomb, whose framework explains the historical and linguistic context of our current condition so beautifully, has been working on his Doctrine of Domination for several decades. I believe he deserves to be in a very high dissident chair! Hi! Is anyone out there offering high dissident chairs?
Swimming with zombies
I want to end this story with a link to an article about dealing with the enchanted. It goes much deeper into how to handle living around the enchanted and keeping your heart loved and your head high. You were born to keep your heart loved and your head high.
Time to shine.
A note to readers: If you are in the position to do so, I very much encourage you to become a paid subscriber or donate. I love you in any case, but it helps A LOT, and I am in a dire need to get more donations and paid subscribers while keeping my posts free. Thank you from my heart for your support!
As I was reading this quote kept coming to mind:
“If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.”
― Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow
I have not read Gravity's Rainbow so do not know the context of this quote but the quote in isolation has made sense of a lot of what was/is going on in the last few years/now... distracting people with things that do not matter, or things which do matter but are being twisted out of context...
Think broadly and ask lots of questions is my take away ... and my natural way of being in the world...
Thank you Tessa, an excellent article and wise advice. It's distressing to see what's going on, but maybe it just has to be so. Everything must come to the surface, the good, the bad and the ugly, in our own lives just as in the collective. All the more need to connect with our Inner Navigator as we steer through these choppy waters...