As I was reading this quote kept coming to mind:

“If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.”

― Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow

I have not read Gravity's Rainbow so do not know the context of this quote but the quote in isolation has made sense of a lot of what was/is going on in the last few years/now... distracting people with things that do not matter, or things which do matter but are being twisted out of context...

Think broadly and ask lots of questions is my take away ... and my natural way of being in the world...

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If you earned a healthy salary supporting a biotech or nuclear industry, you tend not to ask questions about whether that industry is a valid business. Imagine putting your kids through college when your job consists of writing technical documents about something. You don’t care whether that thing exists, you just write the papers so you can get a good performance review and maybe a better raise.

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Such a great Quote.

I remember (and sorry i couldn't find the clip) Bill Clinton and David Rockefeller not too long after the Roswell anniversary having a grand-ol time laughing about a gov report. Clinton bragged he answered his dear ol friend David Question : Was there an ET or an UFO retrieved at Roswell . It always sounded like they were laughing at the public in that moment. Like it was the wrong question being asked and they knew coz they were in on it.

In his clip Clinton allude to this in some way. https://youtu.be/tLg8JsLtgcE?si=eTIBHzYkIFtmCGhf

The Clinton & Rockefeller clip exist , i seen it a few years ago if anyone finds it.

plz link in a reply bellow.

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Wolfgang Wodarg and JJ Couey Ask the Right Questions

"Day Tapes Lawrence Dunegan said that Richard Day said, “People don’t ask the right questions.”

JJ Couey and Wolfgang Wodarg are asking some very sharp questions here. https://sagehana.substack.com/p/wolfgang-wodarg-and-jj-couey-ask

P.S. JJ COUEY is the real deal.....

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Sasha Latypova doesn't think so...

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That is between them.... she has posted a request to connect on his substack...... I posted it below......I still think he is a great biologist and won't base my judgment on her assessment...... I am hoping there will be a conclusion to this soon.....in the meantime I will continue subscribing to both of them.......


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One must ask the right questions.

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Thank you Tessa, an excellent article and wise advice. It's distressing to see what's going on, but maybe it just has to be so. Everything must come to the surface, the good, the bad and the ugly, in our own lives just as in the collective. All the more need to connect with our Inner Navigator as we steer through these choppy waters...

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Thank you, Louis, and you put it beautifully,!

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I agree with you however you have done just the thing Lina was talking about - causing unnecessary division by your language. I believe you are just a troll working at dividing us.

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Does it matter if there was a deadly virus and a pandemic or if there wasn't? I'm absolutely convinced it does, and I think so precisely for the reason you say it doesn't. If we wish to defeat the great reset, then I can think of no more important weapon than the truth. It is reality we must escape to, it is only there our spiritual beings can flourish. Beyond that, there is a deeper crisis, we are struggling not just with the effects of the impositions on our lives or the circumscribing of our freedoms inflicted by the powerful, but with the collapse of the natural world brought on by the same destructive forces. The method by which a powerful elite is trying to dominate humanity, is by pushing us further and further from both nature and our own nature, and it is being done by the corruption of truth. It is a mistake then, to think our ultimate task is to beat the great reset; it should never be the aim of conflict to win the war, but to win the peace. The peace we are after is surely one where both humanity and nature can flourish, and that future can only be achieved if we recognise that the battle ground is truth.

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Well, the truth is that the great reset started long before any pandemics or viruses came about. It commenced when the globalists started using what we know today as "world religions" to subdue and subjugate the "old normal" people (whom they slandered as "pagans" and "devil worshippers"). That was the real beginning of the great reset, and the truth that people ned to understand. Are we all willing to dedicate ourselves to this cause and expose the institutional world religions? It is from the institutional "world religions" that the "public health" suthorities borrowed the propaganda methodology and the slandering techniques, only more gently, as Fauci didn't burn anyone at the stake, at least not publicly.. So. who is on the team to expose that most important truth? Very few, I must say, and without exposing THAT truth, we will be facing one great reset after another, under different sauces and different pretexts.

We are now in the "climate" phase. Does it require anything about viruses or pandemics? Nah. It does not.

The notion that we need to immediately come to the ""correct conclusions" about viruses and pandemics, and go to war to each other over it instead of fighting to very spirit of tyranny, is what the spies want. It's a spell. It is very different from the general curiosity to understand the world.


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I think we need to go one step above the religious institutions...it’s the false illusion of authority that is continually weaponized against mankind that is the true problem. Until we realize that only through self-government do we prevail in life, we will be under the yoke of some form of tyranny. Whether that be religious or secular.

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Exactly, alfawarrior! And that is the reason I love Steven Newcomb's work so much, it goes to the heart of it. But he is so on the money with his work that it scares a lot of people, especially the people who were raised in one of the traditional European world religions. People have been conditioned to look down at anything that comes from the "pagans," and to be afraid of it without even thinking. And that is how the great resetters keep winning! The psyop goes so deep that it's very scary for a lot of people to face the fact that EVERYTHING they have been taught is a lie. And that, yes, there is God, but God never wanted people to go kill, steal, subjugate, convert, and so on. It is a very scary truth for so many!

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And the true irony here is that most ‘Christian’ institutions take much of their ritual from ancient pagan traditions!

BTW I’m one of the core producers of The End of Covid which lays out in granular detail the entire scientific basis for no virus and terrain medicine. If you would like free access to the entire 90+ sessions I will be happy to hook you up. Please email me mike@alfavedic.com cheers

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I find it odd that you choose to pick on religions specifically rather than civilisation in general. Religions are a symptom of civilisation, and civilisation is the first great crime against our nature and all nature. You say few are prepared to think about going against all that. Perhaps, but unless we, as a species realise that we must do so, then we will continue to drive off a cliff. That, in a nutshell is the problem; not vague ideas like spells, but a collective unwillingness to find the root problem and then try to solve it. To me though, doing anything less will result in pointless amelioration.

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I disagree with you, religion is not a symptom of civilisation, rather religion and civilisation are both symptoms of mental illness.

As you said in another comment, it was the agricultural revolution and centralisation of grain that lead to the domestication of humanity by an elite master class.

They trained humans to behave how they wanted using the grain, and these humans went out in groups to murder others and grow their master's territory.

This danger forced everyone to erect walls to protect themselves, accelerating the centralisation of food production and banking.

Confined inside the walls, humanity collectively went insane.

Children grew up isolated from nature, and this lack of familiarity lead to both fear of the outside world and dependence on the 'authorities' that managed the territory.

People began to specialise in certain tasks and forgot how to take care of themselves in other areas. So that trade became a necessity instead of a luxury.

However these groups weren't safe from even larger groups, which began to specialise in besieging and capturing other settlements. So an arms race began to develop stronger defences and stronger weapons to breach those defences.

Organised violent religion became successful because it could convince someone to throw their life away for the 'greater good'.

The promise of valhalla being an obvious example.

In conclusion, the mental illness of humans raised in abusive environments was cultivated and weaponised by an elite few for their own imagined benefit.

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There is an interesting book i am reading, that may really answer this for you...By David Graber and David Wengrow, called "The dawn of everything"...a new history of humanity...they make a compelling argument....about How things got this bad. I point out to you the ancient custom of the May king and Queen, and ancient Irish who elected their Kings and high kings every 4 years....the Oppression did not start with the Monarchies....it started with the Priest class. The magicians who could convince people of hellfire and damnation....because they knew when the eclipse and such would happen they could get people to burn their first born sons....there is an old Cherokee tale of the time when they had priests ...who bossed everyone around and were controlling... one day they killed them all..... and lived well, until the magicians of the white man......justified by their god book murdered and stole their way of life ..

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“ The notion that we need to immediately come to the ‘correct conclusions’ about viruses and pandemics, and go to war to each other over it instead of fighting to very spirit of tyranny, is what the spies want. It's a spell. It is very different from the general curiosity to understand the world.” #truth

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Thank you again, Gary!!!

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Yes there are many control grids including religion but I don't think discouraging investigation into any of the other major control grids is helpful or unworthy of investigation.

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If the many, many perpetrators of the Covid scam get away, there is no hope to defend against the great reset. It is all linked. That's why I think we are losing. Because it has been four years, since the many, many lies and the unnecessary totalitarian transgressions have been exposed. Even mainstream, ordinary folk sees that now. And everyone is waiting for judgement day. But there is not enough anger, power and political will for judgement day. It is not happening. And they will wait quietly for maybe another two years to see if they really all get away with the biggest fraud and mindfuck the world has ever seen. And if judgement day won't happen in the next two years - God help us. If you are older stock up on some good opium and MDMA and plan a graceful exit to celebrate the extremly unique, short, historical period of the past 60 years or so where a maximum of people on this Earth where allowed to live in relative peace, wealth and freedom. It is coming to an end.

I love the authors assessment of the religious psy-op going on for millenias. Most people don't realize how this has turned most people into the immature little children they are.

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Worse than that... the Abrahamic religions have done the Worst disservice by laying the foundation of the DEAD Matter way of viewing the world. In their Bizarre world view, humans, have consciousness, (a soul?) and nothing else does. The indigenous people have it right and far more rationally. Consciousness did not suddenly come out of dead matter...there is no dead matter. water soil, plants animals are also conscious like unto their nature. That is the eden were were kicked out of. A lot of the horrible and stupid things humanity has been deceived into doing , would be impossible if the world view were more accurate. Qantum physics would not seem insane.

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All matter is spiritual. I’m even willing to go so far as to say that all matter is conscious and alive. I have come to this believing awareness as the result of believing in the power of the sublime and glorious and gracious and loving Spirit — which spirit is creative and redemptive and sustaining — making a covenant with Abraham.

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Yep .. as long as we keep saying there was some engineered thing, people will keep being afraid next time..

Here's a great article about what happened in New York.


And here's the plain stats showing that there was nothing before the jabs came out.


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The globalists have no problem using any talking point. Climate lockdowns don't require pandemics or viruses. I rest my case, with hugs for you regardless of whether we agree or disagree! :)

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Try and get people to volunteer for climate lockdowns.

They'll push back, like we see with 15 minute city crap they pulled in the UK.

On the other hand, keep people afraid of imaginary flying genetic codes and they'll be afraid as long as we keep promoting the lies. Why do you think the aholes are trying to scare us with disease X (placeholder name lol)? 😂

They found that this fear of contagion worked great.


"Empirical evidence indicates that the spread of pathogens leads populations to become more conformist and accepting of authoritarian behavior from governments – what does this mean for the world of COVID19?"

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What makes you think that the very people who wore masks for singing and refused to see their grandparents for a couple of years will push down if told to stay at home for dangerous weather? And the youngest people who are terrified of the imminent end of the world due to climate change? It's a thing!

So I have to disagree with you strongly on this. Knowing the truth for our understanding of the world is very pleasant and good but the tyrants absolutely do NOT need any pandemics or viruses to do their thing. If worst comes to world, they will say, like they said in the past, that God told them to kill and steal. Or that there is an alien invasions, and we need to say home until further investigation.

Only staying spiritually strong and not succumbing to any negative energy can get us through this, and that implies respecting other people's right to understand the world how it makes sense to them, and not fearing that other people's OPINIONS are going to kill ya. Opinions are harmless, it's the hysterical energy applied to ANY opinions that allows for tyranny and genocides.

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“Opinions are harmless, it's the hysterical energy applied to ANY opinions that allows for tyranny and genocides.”

FWIW, i wholeheartedly concur. Negative psychic energy is as poisonous as physical toxins. We will be separated from our mortal physical bodies when we take our last breath. It’s a temporary thing. We will all be raised, resurrected at Judgement Day, if not before. Physical toxins are inevitable, because of industrial civilization’s plethora pollutants which causes various pestilences. Our minds are the battlescape, or so it seems to me; “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance”.

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I have had joy and a lot of suffering, that did not need to happen in my life. Before the suffering i was positive all the time. so i am not sure this is a good idea since it went so colossally bad for me.

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"the tyrants absolutely do NOT need any pandemics or viruses to do their thing."

They needed our belief in those things. The tyrants could have swapped 'the virus' with 'the unicorns' and had the same success, but only if belief in 'unicorns' was as widespread as belief in 'viruses'. It isn't, which is why nobody ever tries to use 'unicorns' as a fake threat.

The case against 'viruses' can be made in about 5 minutes with very simple language. All contagion experiments of the last century have failed to demonstrate contagion. This alone refutes 'viruses' which are defined as contagious particles.

All pandemics of history have perfectly credible 'non viral' explanations such as environmental pollution, industrial toxins or mass vaccination campaigns (or a combination of the above). Either that or they can be exposed as pseudo-pandemics created by reporting on normal flu deaths but with lots of drama (a strategy explained by Dr Dr Marc Van Ranst in a 2019 lecture, where he literally confessed to selling the 2009 Swine Flu fakedemic by reporting the normal seasonal flu mortality rates).

As soon as the public becomes aware that viruses are imaginary, and that the ruling class just shut down, robbed and poisoned the entire planet based on this lie - a lie which they all knew was a lie - public trust in the ruling class / media/ academia/ health agencies etc will be lost forever and this means they won't be able to use PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION ever again.

That strategy will be well and truly useless. As a 'technology' it will become worthless scrap.

"OK so we lied about the virus thing and murdered millions of people and stole all your money ... but hey guys, seriously, this climate threat is real - trust us".... I don't think so.

"The people behind the curtains want us to focus on hostilities over technicalities "

Are you suggesting the existence / non existence of the alleged 'virus' (or viruses generally) is a technicality?!

Let's say YOU had just shut down, robbed and poisoned BILLIONS of people based on a particle which - truth be told - does not exist. Are you seriously suggesting that you would not care if the public started to investigate the existence of this alleged particle?

Surely, the masses realising your alleged particle was actually a fake threat you created to justify your campaign of terror and murder would be the outcome you would fear the most?!

"it's the hysterical energy applied to ANY opinions that allows for tyranny and genocides"

Where is the 'hysterical energy' in stating the plain and provable fact that science has failed to prove the existence of 'viruses' (as pathogenic, contagious particles)?

In fact, that statement is literally the only aspect of the entire 'covid' discourse which is NOT charged with hysterical energy.

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The industrial medical complex's growth was all based around Louise Pasteur's fear based Germ Theory. Louise Pasteur on his death bed admitted that his rival Bechamp was correct all along. Pasteur got the support of the medical establishment who could see that there were vast profits to be made in having a sick population reliant on their patent drugs.

It's easy to see the lie of viruses but people DO NOT WANT to look into it. The implications of seeing through this lie is immense in that we begin to comprehend how we have been controlled by corporate power and corrupt government everywhere!

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If you believe in viruses and round earth, you are a TRAITOR and CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.

Nobody isolated viruses or put a perfect circle around the earth!

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What I like about you, Igor, is that you peacefully stand your ground. Having a Russian sense of humor helps, too.

TRAITOR!!!!! :))))))))

For the sake of understanding how the world works, I am open-minded, and it may turn out that what we call "viruses" today is completely diagonal to what both sides are saying now. And because structurally, it seems like "viruses" and "exosomes" are near undistuinguishable, it could be just a description of morphology, a model of morphology, an umbrella term for different things that serve different functions. And it's fine by me!! The world is mysterious! Some say that DNA is merely a model, a fictional concept. And it could be, how can I know with certainty? I can't, and I don't.

I am at the point where I care about understanding the world, yes, but this topic cannot appear without immediate theological debates over it, and the only people who benefit from bitterness and fanaticism are the spies, even if the bitter debaters are sincere. Regardless of what viruses are or are not, the tyrants can use any other idea to promote the yoke. Surprise!

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I agree 100% that the "virus/no-virus" conflict has become a detriment to the efforts to say "no" to the Great Reset. I think that is happening largely not because it is a tempest in a teapot, but because there are voices in the discourse that are more interested in sowing dissension than in uncovering the truth, and that makes me even more certain that this is a key point to all aspects of the freedom movement.

You say, "If our goal is “defeating the Great Reset,” then who effen cares whether viruses exist or whether there was a pandemic or not." As I see it, there are several reasons why it is important to the very core of resistance to the Great Reset to understand that viruses don't exist and pandemics are a construct.

1. They will keep bringing out viruses and contagiousness as long as doing so generates fear. Yes, they will lie about everything. And the issue of health is so personal, so visceral, so directly linked to life and death and the most primitive parts of our brain, that it is the one with the highest potential for them to control us.

2. Germ theory and all its corollaries, including especially virology, are part of a huge lie about health that has been told for centuries but especially the past 150 years or so. Why do we get sick? We are randomly exposed to "pathogens." We have bad genes. We are unlucky in the roulette of cancer, heart disease, MS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, etc. Nowhere in this narrative is there room for looking at any other cause of disease, so this narrative has kept us from looking at industrial toxins, microplastics, EMFs and other radiation, and other productions of the system we live in which are keeping us ill and killing us, as well a the conditions of our lives that take huge physical tolls, such as stress, inadequate sleep and poisoned food. To say nothing of direct deadly results of "standard of care" medical protocols.

3. It is this false narrative of what sickness is and what causes it that, I firmly believe, is a main reason why so many aren't connecting the dots about the huge rise in unexplained illness and death since the jabs rolled out. Injections by definition can't cause disease, because microbes cause disease--if not microbes, the causes are "unknown" or attributed to bad genes or bad luck.

4. The whole narrative mis-educates us about our bodies--they are flawed, prone to random breakdowns, needing regular insertions of foreign material to "protect" them and of surgery and toxic chemotherapy and doses of pharmaceuticals to keep us alive. So we don't learn how amazing our bodies' self-healing mechanisms are, or how much control we ourselves have over whether and how we get sick.

5. To me, understanding that germ theory and virology are false paradigms is the key that unlocks the door of how we have allowed ourselves to be controlled, not just regarding our health, but in all the ways. We have been taught for centuries, millennia, that we are flawed, prone to being incorrect and incapable of knowing how to manage our own lives, cruel and selfish by nature, needing to trust experts to take care of us, rightly subject to the control of those who "know better." Doctors. Religious leaders. Governments. The whole age-old notion that control of some by others is natural and inevitable is called into question once we open the door to seeing that we are not weak, random victims of microbes that want to kill us, but are more powerful as physical and spiritual beings than we have ever been allowed to believe.

This understanding of who and what we are is emerging now, and is a reason for the frenzied efforts to maintain the germ theory narrative by those still hanging onto control by their fingernails. When one really entertains the notion that germs to not cause disease and contagion is a myth, vistas open up before us of what we are and what life is that were not visible before. It is a very potent, perhaps the most potent, way to collapse the whole charade of the Great Reset.

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But germs do cause disease, and contagion does exist, and that is true even if the notion of viruses are a model, which I think is shady waters altogether but regardless. It's good to disagree but tyranny does not depend on virology. "Climate change" does not require viruses. Forced religious reforms have never required viruses. Political morals don't require viruses, either!! And yes, there are many things in history that were perhaps the opposite of how we learned about them, and yes, it is important to know the truth, but the fight against tyranny is about something else, the main thing is that abusing other human beings for ANY reason is not okay!!

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Tyranny certainly does not depend on virology. It does depend on keeping people afraid and convincing them they are powerless. Germ theory does that big time.

Germs do not cause disease, but they can get out of balance when there is too much dead and dying tissue in the body, which is their food. They do not attack healthy tissue. Hundreds of experiments have tried to prove contagion and all have failed. The best-known are those by Dr. Rosenau during the Spanish "flu," where he had 100 healthy soldiers sit with very sick ones, get breathed and coughed on, have the sick ones' nasal secretions rubbed inside the healthy ones' noses, etc., and not one healthy soldier got sick. Not one. This experiment has been done numerous times since then with the same results. Contagion is a myth and serves to make us both afraid of each other and believing we need injections and pharmaceuticals in order to stay healthy.

Certainly abusing other humans is not okay for any reason, and that is the main message of opposing tyranny. What we have is a lot of people who accept abuse because they believe they must subject themselves to someone else's authority, be it a doctor, a bureaucrat, a priest, a "ruler." That's how germ theory is used, to convince us that we can't stay healthy on our own, and by extension we can't make decisions for ourselves because we aren't smart enough. I could be wrong, of course, but I see cracks in the acceptance of germ theory as letting light into all the ways we give away our power and allow ourselves to be abused by any kind of authority. That's why I think it matters.

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However, the CURRENT tyranny that's controlling us right now certainly DOES depend on "virology".

It's true that "tyranny in general" doesn't necessarily depend in "virology", (as there were clearly many examples of "tyrants" throughout history before the advent of germ theory), but at the present time, "virology" is the cornerstone that's supporting this whole thing, and once it's removed, it all comes down.

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"Climate change"? :)

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This is the most important sentence in your article:

"However, if our goal is “defeating the Great Reset,” then who effen cares whether viruses exist or whether there was a pandemic or not."

It's 100% wrong. Exposing the fraud of germ theory is the BEST possible solution to "defeat the Great Reset." This is the most powerful hidden truth, because humanity actually has the ability to stop it, (by refusing ALL vaccinations, total avoidance of the medical system aside from injuries, poisonings or other emergency care, and most importantly, to stop being afraid of each other).

There is no such thing as "contagious disease". The elites who are enacting the Great Reset MUST keep the medical establishment in tact to keep control. (It's $10 Trillion/year that's at stake for them too). This is the most important debate happening right now. This changes everything.

Even if you still believe in "viruses", how could you not "effen care" about this debate that's raging? I mean...you did write this article :)

Take another look into it! Have fun with it! No-Virus is the most powerful hidden truth. I wrote an article called "LIES" which explains in further detail why this is most important topic to focus on. Why not give it a chance! It'll blow you out of your noodle!

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Around the world in 80 days in a balloon was the first psychological operation. Or did anyone do that with a boat? I can’t remember because it was so long ago and I wasn’t in the balloon or boat. But it was in the newspaper so it must have been true. Why would a newspaper print anything that was not true?

Is my sarcasm showing?

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It is showing! But Apparently MINE was not showing :-)

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I am sure that Tessa Lena will love us both, regardless.

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I love you both, regardless. :)

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Xoxoxoxoxo. ❤️

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Igor! How's it going man! It's my first time commenting here on this blog. (I just noticed you're here). It's great to see you again!

"If you believe in viruses and round earth, you are a TRAITOR and CONTROLLED OPPOSITION." Oh the irony!

Were you also being "ironic" when you said:

"It turns out that Boostershots was the coordinating site of the psyop and instructed people how to post on forums promoting the no-virus theory."


It's your best article of all time! (Has Tessa read this one yet?) Same Team Bro!

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Phineas Fogg (spelling?) started out in a balloon to cross the English Channel on his wager to circumnavigate the world in eighty days. Do you think that the author Jules Verne was in on various malevolent psychological operations and, therefore, became interested in predictive programming?

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I guess it depends if the Fogg character makes a full lap around the world you know, head east, over Europe then China then the pacific ocean up over America and then over the Atlantic back to merry old England. I apologize for not reading the book. But the premise would have at worst a cylindrical world or maybe a globe.

How much trust should we give to NASA?

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I (somewhat) trust amateur photos taken from high altitude weather balloons. Do I trust NASA? Nope. My trust in all government agencies (and in NGOs and think tanks) has almost completely waned.

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The highest level from a balloon that I’ve seen is from 120,000 feet, and no visible curve. So I remain agnostic.

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I ought to be agnostic too, never having definitive proof from a high altitude weather balloon. I depend on the arguments of others, and even then i have a challenging time following their train of thought.

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Great job trying to link fe to questioning virology. Sounds like how the mass media does it... They link a subjective thing like fe to factual points about other things, like vaccines or virology.

Guilt by association is your strong suit 😂

Questioning virology is easy by reading their own "proofs" and nowhere in history has any experiments on transmission succeeded.

Here's a good write up if you want to see the gaping holes that even doctors can see as soon as they get their head out of their asses.


Here's the "gain of function" covid 19 pandemic, not increasing total deaths until after the jabs came out. But feel free to keep peddling fear porn on your blog.


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Rob, please be nice to Igor! Igor is a friend whom I like, and it is much better if scientific debates are done without personal accusations. I don't care if viruses exist or not, it is okay to disagree, and sincere disagreements on science happen all the time. That is what my article was about. :))

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Rob, did you delete your comment? I was typing an EXTREMELY FUNNY, GRACEFUL AND DIPLOMATIC response (in all caps, yeah), and then it disappeared mid-typing, alongside your comment.

In any case, I am toasting Russian vodka to peace. I like my readers, I like my friends, and I don't even truly hate my enemies. And I can't stand vodka, either, but I am toasting it to save the world here!

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Hi want to commend you for this, it is a topic very close to my heart. I am disturbed by the same and wish people would see what they are doing to their own cause.... I believe that "those who are not against us, are for us" in the words of Jesus. Also that acting in love is what finally wins the war... May this message of your go out and reach those who need to to hear it. All people I admire for what they set out to do, but are now distracted by some small matter which they seem to blow up bigger than is needed. Let us first win the war, then settle our differences!!! Love your message!!!!

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Thank you, Theo! God bless you!

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So I would say this more like the Antiwar movement -an entity with many well known personalities speaking from their situational stance, some subsidized knowingly and unknowingly. See The Cultural Cold War. https://oxfordre.com/americanhistory/display/10.1093/acrefore/9780199329175.001.0001/acrefore-9780199329175-e-760

I also add that there is absolutely a need for truth in Rockefeller medicine. Truth about money and medicine. We face a determined and entrenched global cadre who want Totalitarian Medical Dictatorship. If the evidence is explained then it can be as simple as Firesign Theater --"Everything you know is wrong."

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Thank you, Stegiel! I can attest to the following quote from your link: "During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union each sought to portray their way of organizing society—liberal democracy or Communism, respectively—as materially and morally superior." I was kid over there, and we were taught that the Soviet Union was not only morally superior but also the freest country in the world. I believed it, too! Little did I realize that no country was free....

And of course, it was very important for "the man" to destroy the antiwar movement, or, better yet, to destroy it by corrupting and hijacking it, just like what is happening today with the "medical freedom" movement.

And yes, I think there is absolutely a need for the Rockefeller medicine to be seen for what it is, i.e. a mafia arrangement. I believe it can only happen if we approach it with total spiritual integrity, courage. humility before the spirit, and love for our brethren." Otherwise we will just drown in anxious fights!

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It would be nice if The Science was more personalized than profiteering

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Well said.

I could care less if there are, or aren't viruses.

The current arguments are pointless and change nothing about our current situation.

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I love this article. Speaking not exactly from the front row but definitely at least ten rows from the stage, I can relate to many points or types/characteristics. On one hand I feel like the "less expertise but getting ahead" type. I'm doing something unique and running circles around some real analysts or computational biologists. However I've been auditing medical fraud by profession and been in the game for 25 years straight. Am I confident to the point of arrogance, maybe? I'm brash and I've had the fortune to fire 6 medical doctors in one day in 1998 when I wasn't even 30yrs old. I was on the island of Saipan and being paid by McKesson no less. Short/long story but it's who you know, plus I'm good at what I do.

In hindsight I've seen the handcuffs tightening on medical professionals and this kind of fraud developing and putting physicians in line or a sort of compliance especially if they want to be reimbursed for services rendered.

This germ/terrain debate is kind of a big deal. This anti-vaxx vs pro-safe vaxx debate is another big deal. As more gets exposed and the anti-vaxx and anti-this vaxx people start to bleed together, now I see some pro-safe-vax people back peddling. The ones who openly do a mia culpa is great, but there are many more who are silent and just hope you forget they were once on the pro-vaxx side but just not this vaxx, just like it's not so cool now to be into "transhumanism"? I try to make myself crystal clear, I'm antivaxx, never been vaxxed, and beware of the person that has ideas of fixing the formula in the future. It's easy for me to see who "my" people are and who aren't. I've always said take off your uniform and put on an all-star uniform for this battle and when we are done you can go back to your regular team.

However, it doesn't feel like we are going to beat this covid jab or mrna or constant virus threat, new vaccines unless we burn down the whole thing? Which brings us back to this germ/terrain debate IMO? It's clear peoples survival and income causes people to be quite on some issues, and align or not align with certain people or issues. You can still be good for the team, just not my cup-o-tea. That's how I feel towards many in the MFM. All things considered, I think I'm one of the best at what I do. I want to work with the best, practice with the best, compete against the best. And if things get rough I got yo momma jokes for days! lol I'm at peace but I'm ready to go eyeball to eyeball with anybody! I'll take a MS full stack certified developer over a MD or PhD any day of the week, and I have the wisdom to know the difference. Maybe that's why I feel like people don't want me playing in their sandbox? Anyways great post! I got the best interactive dashboard and best toxic lot look-up. The other stuff is child's play and v-look ups. I don't care who is offended, you come strong or don't come at all, the world deserves the best. God Bless https://www.vaersaware.com/ Obviously I like to platform everybody in my space, because I want people to see everything out there. I want something better to come along. I could feel relieved and go back to making money knowing a real pharmacovigilance tool exists better than my dashboards.

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Thank you, Albert, you are a brave man, and God bless you!

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Dear Welcome the Eagle, If I could send you a big bouquet of sunflowers and a hug I would do that right now.

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You already have! Thank you and God Bless.

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You just got another paid subscriber. Don’t disappoint! {just kidding} 😊

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Thank you, Gary!!! I will try not to disappoint. :-)

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You never have and I sincerely doubt that you never will. You’ve endured so much. I have no doubt that you will continue to endure and bear good fruit until the end. 😊

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A great presentation of the situation, Sister Sasha. For some time, I have commented on various substances about the destructive nature of infighting within the "medical freedom" community. Some of them are truly concerned about bad info or false facts. Some are jealous. Some (grifters) are worried about their bottom line as they sell overpriced cures. Some are concerned about spies, rightfully so. We are wasting time, energy, resources, instead of saving humanity. The Davos Devils are full of glee as we fall for their divide and conquer modes operandi, dooming our opposition. Stop the infighting. Stand united. We have precious little time left to kick the shit out of the Davos Devils, the Deep State, the Uni-party, the One World Government loonies.

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"... I have commented on various substances"

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Thank you so much, Freedom Fighter!!

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Damned Davos Devils. Constant mind games causing dissension among the freedom fighter crowd. They have even invaded my spell check, making coherent discourse appear to be nonsense. In spite of all their trickery, they will be defeated by common sense thought, respect, and love of humanity.

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Thank you, Tessa. I have been drowning in the ethers of this recently and I'm so grateful for your help in processing it. I so appreciate the way you bring compassion, understanding and light to some of the dark and ugly parts of our collective growth curves.

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Thank you, Ann!!! I hear you! Hugs

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We need to focus on strategies to secure our right to self-determination and to turn back the power of the state, which is now being used by factions that want to abuse that power. If we fail in this, who is controlled or whether viruses exist won’t matter.

The core problem is how to turn back the police state. The divisiveness is used to cloak that task.

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We should be creating a new system. Rather than being reactive, or trying to incrementally change structures that are rooted in oppression and designed for corruption and money laundering. I have been thinking about this ever since 1970, when I had my first vision. How to design government that is structurally preventing corruption? Also, how about a review of all of the wonders that industrialization has brought us, and sifting out that which is too polluting, or does not serve all beings in the long or short run. This is the Pluto return of the USA, and a good time to restructure all of our institutions, re work what is wealth, and how to be fair with distributing the means to a happy life. Those are discussions I am interested in. The system is in free fall, and we can do so much better. I care so passionately for the children, and their futures. Of course, there are some who want to make local economies impossible, but we are doing it, all over the world. With respect, and humility, and love.

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Huge challenges but I think the first steps include re-asserting individual sovereignty and establishing scientific integrity.

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100% true.

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I’ve so much to say on this topic of “what’s real and who’s to blame for mind-screwing the public, for effect, to trap the majority people to multi-layers of “argumentative debate” conflict modes, therefore, far, so far removed from the greater truths that do in fact matter—if solving real problems with real “evolving” solutions matters, which it does. So I’ll hold off for an article for proper articulation. Thank you, Tessa, for the motivation to think. God I love solving complicated problems with human-natural-elemented science and technology, and I so despise the monsters using good science & technology for very bad purposes in conjunction with mid-evil politics, media and fear trapping the people to bogus, generational fights and wars.

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Well said. Humility and generosity are key to keeping an open mind - which is essential to ongoing learning, and becoming more effective in the fight

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Yes! Thank you, Karen!

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I have frequently commented here and there a similar argument you have made from a slightly different angle: so long as the (so-called) mfm language is grounded in fear- mongering and divisive language against the 'bad' guys -- the BIG BAD ones or the wrong thinking 'good' ones -- then that energy supports the tyranny. It IS tyrannical energy. The cabal are categorizing a group as really bad -- the so-called us -- and them as the really good. 'We' have categorized them as the really bad and us as the really good. Checkmate: splitting energy wins and the opportunity for embracing intimacy in life ends.

Have you noticed how much of the 'good' guys advertising and language is also fear based? More than 90%. Likely more than 95%. That is the measure of the success that the tyranny have inculcated fear enough so we keep looking for scapegoats, enemies and heros.

We have met the enemy. Us. I have met the enemy. Me.

I suggest that n 'easy' way to begin eroding the grip of that tyranny in our life and world-view is to stop using the language of the bully: stop saying to others and yourself what you have to do. That is cabal fear and violence-forced (injections) language. Stop saying should to others and yourself: that is religious psyop guilt-fear (killing your grandmother) language.

My thought and suggestion.

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Thank you, Guy!! Very wise, as always!

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not sure about 'wise'. wisened, perhaps. agéd like old cheese, maybe. good night.

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Good night, Guy! :)

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I like this so much! Yes indeed, the fracturing can/does drive one nuts. The obsessive attention to things that won't get us anywhere. And oh, it's just coming to me now, how similar this all is to when my honeymoon with (fellow) environmental activists came to an end. When I realized that the people in that movement are just as screwed up & neurotic as everyone else. Just as subject to ego games & virtue-signalling & making claims about what matters most that fly in the face of what really DOES matter the most. & so on, & so on. The "who got there first stuff" (which is bugging me currently) is of course just virtue-signalling, that same stuff we criticized the mask-wearers for. And finally. I suppose it's all like a 5000-piece puzzle. I'm working on the top right corner - very obsessed with my pieces of the puzzle. Others are over on the top left, or bottom right ... or, well, you get my drift. We do not exactly excel at collective action, we modern humans. It's been wired out of us after thousands of years of me vs. you in all its ugly forms. Sigh. We humans are such a trial. But bless you, Tessa, for so often hitting the nail on the head, & in such articulate fashion. Reading good stuff is always such a pleasure in these terribly difficult times.

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Thank you, Janet!! I so hear you. I think all useful movements are targeted in similar ways, and sadly, people tend to have weaknesses regardless of what theoretical values they subscribe to. My dream is for more people to be rooted in doing the right thing, really the right thing, honestly, not on just arguing to assert their dominance. One day, it will happen!! When though is unknown. :)

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Tessa, so beautifully written as always. I’ve been down the germ vs no germ rabbit hole and it’s a page turner. I agree with a few of the comments below about it being an extremely important topic. After all it concerns the very future of healthcare and our body autonomy. However I also agree with Tessa; is it the right time to have this discussion? Many people have woken up to the Covid corruption and ‘mysterious’ excess deaths, but still so many haven’t. Do people have the bandwidth to deal with another fraud when we are already trying to resist becoming CBDC slaves with no sovereignty, or are worrying about dying from myocarditis or turbo cancer? That is a genuine question...

This quote rather sums it up: “the most right and virtuous word or deed, done at the wrong time, done in the wrong order, can blow everything up”

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Oh, and as far as viruses, I think the truth (from the scientific perspective, that is) is somewhere diagonal to all current opinions. And I am okay with it. I can wait to understand it. Right now all eyes should be on being grounded in love, the strong love, the spiritually clear love, and in being brave and refusing to betray or mistreat fellow human beings, for profit or for ego. Just that would would lead to actions and choices that would deflate the great reset in time.

Thank you again!

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Yes absolutely Tessa.I have so much respect and love for everyone who is fighting, especially those in the limelight. It takes strength and courage to stand up for what you believe in, especially when it is often at the cost of careers, reputations and relationships. This pressure will inevitably lead to human moments, but then we need to do everything we can to get back on track exactly as you have so eloquently described. After all love, tolerance and kindness is what separates us from the psychopaths.

I look forward to delving into the diagonal one day!

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Thank you, Zoanna! Beautifully put, and a great quote!

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