Tell Me Traitor: Everyone Fighting Everyone Over Everything, What's Going On?
A philosophical and also practical take
If you have been paying attention, you’ve noticed that the so called “freedom movement” has died, and exists at the moment in the form of some individual honest people fighting the good fight, a few tight social clubs that sometimes work together and sometimes compete for the status of being correcter and for the freedom buck, and a whole lot of temporarily thriving infiltrators of different kinds.
This is existential. It’s happened to every movement that was born and died before our time. It is happening right now to us because the spiritual imbalance that had been set in motion centuries ago by the metaphorical vampires is still around, and shortcuts don’t really happen in the spiritual realm.
If you look around, you’ll see with a grieving heart that the courtesy is gone, opinions are RELIGIONS—tell me, traitor—and everyone is fighting everyone over even the smallest difference in opinion, every mini-religion of the day. It’s not sufficient to just voice your opinion on a given subject, one just has to contrast it with the opinions of those other control-opposition-useful-idiot characters who need to be reined in, for the sake of our freedom, etc.
Why is that? Meobserves, and mesbeenobserving this for a while now, that this is mostly due to the efforts of the somewhat metaphorical Bad Witches toiling for the you-know -who—and of course due the ease with which good people who carry some kind of unresolved emotional conflict, go under the influence of their somewhat metaphorical spells.
There are many things going on in the battle fields of the great reset but the main battle field, in my opinion, is the invisible one. And no, reading a hundred books on MK-Ultra or a thousand clever blog posts about mind control is no help. What may help, in my observation, is honest, humble prayer, confronting the tyrant in the mirror, and resolving one’s internal emotional conflicts in a way that they actually go away (which is usually super hard, and most people, myself included, walk around those conflicts in circles until life simply can’t continue without tackling them head on).
I have stories, oh I have stories that I won’t tell because there is no benefit in airing dirty laundry for any reason at all. I have watched in amazement some of my very smart friends, whom I loved and protected, go under somewhat metaphorical spells and transform into people whose learning experience then became to turn into zombies, act badly, suffer, and be forced to eventually snap out of zombiehood and be real again.
On occasion, I was given a choice to either get emotional and get dragged into public rifts, or just let it go. I let it go. Some good, honest people chose to be dragged into public rifts or even start them, it is their choice and I feel bittersweet about their not-so-helpful choices, but I let it go. I believe it’s a dead-end. First, one gets elevated to the drum of the you-know-who, one gets brand growth from all the commotion, but then the balloon deflates, and one may nosedive, which then serves as fruitful grounds for soul growth and eventual freedom from the somewhat metaphorical spell.
If you want how I feel about my friends whom I loved and protected and who chose to betray? I love them but I let them go. It is their journey, they are learning. I am learning something that pertains to me, it’s all good. If they come around, I will maybe yell at them briefly but with love, and then give them a hug.
Unresolved emotional conflict, sometimes a part of generational trauma, is a very difficult beast. In earnest, it remains at the very center of the System of Domination and its subset, the proverbial Great Reset. In my own life, I have made so many mistakes based on trauma that I feel obligated to be kind when others stumble, and I mourn them, oh I mourn them, but I hand it all to the Creator and I pray to solve it in a joyous, meaningful way.
At the end of the day, doesn’t matter who is correcter, we are all on a journey, we are all discovering something, learning something, learning how to be arrows of brave, meaningful love (and it’s not BS, not cheap words, it is what this is all about).
We are all on a journey to bring the love from heaven to earth and not spill too much. If we knew who we really are, we would know that we are fearless, meaningful, and very respected arrows of love.
So, the freedom movement may be dead for now but we are still here, and no one can get in the way of us being who we are, yes, fearless, meaningful, conscious arrows of love.
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Perhaps it is not just this movement but movements in general - philosophies based on some version of what the truth is and what must be fought for - that are dying. Have you noticed that the latest outrages have attracted fewer and shriller followers and that more and more people are choosing to live their lives, to find joy in forests and moon rises and and gardens and community? That has been my perspective, though perhaps I am biased by my own seeming transformation over the past few years.
I am finding more resonant people - poets, farmers, authors, naturopaths - who are not out there with protest signs or proclaiming some version of the truth but are simply quietly living their own authenticity. And increasingly I believe that - if this is indeed a war - we will win it not by fighting and gathering a mass truth-based movement to overthrow the lies but simply by individually awakening and making choices in alignment with our own sovereignty. Perhaps it is less about doing and knowing and convincing and more about being, and as long as we are alive our being-ness cannot be contained.
They should never have invented (rolled out/ deployed) the fucking internet. It's making people crazy and dissociated and prickly and bristly. Besides, nobody knows how to grow a lowly potato anymore. My two shekels.