Perhaps it is not just this movement but movements in general - philosophies based on some version of what the truth is and what must be fought for - that are dying. Have you noticed that the latest outrages have attracted fewer and shriller followers and that more and more people are choosing to live their lives, to find joy in forests …
Perhaps it is not just this movement but movements in general - philosophies based on some version of what the truth is and what must be fought for - that are dying. Have you noticed that the latest outrages have attracted fewer and shriller followers and that more and more people are choosing to live their lives, to find joy in forests and moon rises and and gardens and community? That has been my perspective, though perhaps I am biased by my own seeming transformation over the past few years.
I am finding more resonant people - poets, farmers, authors, naturopaths - who are not out there with protest signs or proclaiming some version of the truth but are simply quietly living their own authenticity. And increasingly I believe that - if this is indeed a war - we will win it not by fighting and gathering a mass truth-based movement to overthrow the lies but simply by individually awakening and making choices in alignment with our own sovereignty. Perhaps it is less about doing and knowing and convincing and more about being, and as long as we are alive our being-ness cannot be contained.
That is such a great point, Markael! At the end of the day, it boils down to living our own lives well, and no "leader" is gonna save us, etc. The more people get into creating good energy in their own lives, having loving relationships, growing food, etc, the better for all of us and for the world. There is a reason why the metaphorical vampires invest so much into trying to isolate everybody emotionally so that people don't have communities to derive joy and sustenance from!
What a beautiful comment. I agree. Unfortunately, in my area where there are still good paying blue collar jobs and people are partying like it's 1999, the awakening is pretty much non-existent. But, I am finally noticing some people outside of the area who have had enough of "movements" and "sides". A great book I read called "The True Believer" by Eric Hoffer does an excellent job of laying out these movements, the friction they cause, etc. It is a very good (and short) book. After reading it, I realized that almost everything I had ever been involved with in my life had been some kind of "movement" or "group think". Needless to say, I no longer allow myself to become involved with any of these movements. I focus on my friends, family, and myself.
"I have had with my friend Wes Jackson a number of useful conversations about the necessity of getting out of movements—even movements that have seemed necessary and dear to us—when they have lapsed into self-righteousness and self-betrayal, as movements seem almost invariably to do. People in movements too readily learn to deny to others the rights and privileges they demand for themselves. They too easily become unable to mean their own language, as when a “peace movement” becomes violent. They often become too specialized, as if finally they cannot help taking refuge in the pinhole vision of the institutional intellectuals. They almost always fail to be radical enough, dealing finally in effects rather than causes. Or they deal with single issues or single solutions, as if to assure themselves that they will not be radical enough."
Glad you thought so Tessa. On another note - and while I have your attention - I left a link to this little ditty on another of your posts the other day. You may not have seen it. But I would go so far as to say you should have a conversation with this guy. He is an amazing prodigy pianist and unparalleled satirist. The song in question was this - I'm sure you'll find it tremendously hilarious.
Thank you Neo, great article, very well said from the beloved farmer-pholosopher.
“ We are involved now in a profound failure of imagination. … One way we could describe the task ahead of us is by saying that we need to enlarge the consciousness and the conscience of the economy. Our economy needs to know—and care—what it is doing. This is revolutionary, of course, if you have a taste for revolution, but it is also a matter of common sense. How could anybody seriously object to the possibility that the economy might eventually come to know what it is doing?”
I have been loving Wendell Berry for 40 years, ever since I read his essay “ A Good Scythe”, where he spoke of the virtues of using a handheld scythe compared to a gas-powered weedwhacker. I bought a scythe then, and still use it and love it now.
I also want to recommend Berry’s fiction writings, particularly ‘Fidelity’, a book of short stories. They are so heartfelt, revealing both the failures and the triumphs of the human heart, that I always cry when I read them.
Thank you Marcus, as a child in Greece we used scythes to cut the alpha-alpha, and α sickle to cut the wheat (that shows how old I am!). Now we have a lot of technological conveniences and very little essence.
The book sounds interesting - I will check it out! I have for sure been involved all my life with one kind of groupthink or another. Not that I knew that until the Covid times roared in. It's been quite a learning curve, these past 4 years...
hola, markael. yes! you have stated my own recent experiences that have filled me with optimism and hope completely independent of any movement. in twelve hours of recent travel i met 4 extraordinary people, 2 young 2 older. the older included an american doctor now driving taxi after quitting being a doctor because his successful jabless treatment protocols were shunned by his fellow doctors! a man who, with his mother, recently graduated from a 4 year german-based programme of epigenetic healing modalities. and a young mexican woman who has taken full responsibility for being powerful and choosing freedom through the expansion of consciousness.
clif high has observed that 2024 will be the year of hypernovelty, when all authority structures lose their 'authority'. and that includes the so-called mfm or alts who are falling apart because they have aligned themselves with the same energy of blame and complain that is being used by the so-called oligarchs. there has been some kind of shift, and that energy is no longer being supported and/or tolerated by life: it is falling apart, and that is one reason we have come into active craziness in the reset movements, imo; they intuitively know that they are no longer being supported by life and so are desperately bailing their leaking boats instead of noticing the lifelines hanging from the planes of consciousness above them.
all the best with what is changing — everything changes.
There are not enough “love” buttons for me to give this! I think you are spot on about movements—what we have known of that kind of action is playing their game on their playing field. The best way to build the world we want is to be fully human and love this earth. That’s just what the whole frantic effort, which in my opinion is definitely losing now, is trying to stop us from doing.
I think there is definitely a role for movements, and we need to unite around the total focus on spiritual clarity and refusal to throw other people under the bus even if their ancestry or opinions are different from ours. Some efforts require coordinated work! But our efforts require help from good spiritual forces, and that requires humility and prayer, and less focus on branding, IMO :)
Perhaps it is not just this movement but movements in general - philosophies based on some version of what the truth is and what must be fought for - that are dying. Have you noticed that the latest outrages have attracted fewer and shriller followers and that more and more people are choosing to live their lives, to find joy in forests and moon rises and and gardens and community? That has been my perspective, though perhaps I am biased by my own seeming transformation over the past few years.
I am finding more resonant people - poets, farmers, authors, naturopaths - who are not out there with protest signs or proclaiming some version of the truth but are simply quietly living their own authenticity. And increasingly I believe that - if this is indeed a war - we will win it not by fighting and gathering a mass truth-based movement to overthrow the lies but simply by individually awakening and making choices in alignment with our own sovereignty. Perhaps it is less about doing and knowing and convincing and more about being, and as long as we are alive our being-ness cannot be contained.
That is such a great point, Markael! At the end of the day, it boils down to living our own lives well, and no "leader" is gonna save us, etc. The more people get into creating good energy in their own lives, having loving relationships, growing food, etc, the better for all of us and for the world. There is a reason why the metaphorical vampires invest so much into trying to isolate everybody emotionally so that people don't have communities to derive joy and sustenance from!
What a beautiful comment. I agree. Unfortunately, in my area where there are still good paying blue collar jobs and people are partying like it's 1999, the awakening is pretty much non-existent. But, I am finally noticing some people outside of the area who have had enough of "movements" and "sides". A great book I read called "The True Believer" by Eric Hoffer does an excellent job of laying out these movements, the friction they cause, etc. It is a very good (and short) book. After reading it, I realized that almost everything I had ever been involved with in my life had been some kind of "movement" or "group think". Needless to say, I no longer allow myself to become involved with any of these movements. I focus on my friends, family, and myself.
Beautifully said, Rob!! Big hugs to you!
There is a great little essay you may consider reading called "In Distrust Of Movements" written a few decades ago by Wendell Berry.
Here is a link and the Intro paragraph to whet your appetite:
"I have had with my friend Wes Jackson a number of useful conversations about the necessity of getting out of movements—even movements that have seemed necessary and dear to us—when they have lapsed into self-righteousness and self-betrayal, as movements seem almost invariably to do. People in movements too readily learn to deny to others the rights and privileges they demand for themselves. They too easily become unable to mean their own language, as when a “peace movement” becomes violent. They often become too specialized, as if finally they cannot help taking refuge in the pinhole vision of the institutional intellectuals. They almost always fail to be radical enough, dealing finally in effects rather than causes. Or they deal with single issues or single solutions, as if to assure themselves that they will not be radical enough."
Wow, this is brilliant! I've never heard of him. THANK YOU!
Glad you thought so Tessa. On another note - and while I have your attention - I left a link to this little ditty on another of your posts the other day. You may not have seen it. But I would go so far as to say you should have a conversation with this guy. He is an amazing prodigy pianist and unparalleled satirist. The song in question was this - I'm sure you'll find it tremendously hilarious.
The Parasite Pill 2.0
But I can't help but add these as well.
mRNA (Speed of Science) - ORIGINAL SONG
Anxious Axolotl Rag (2013)
Saw it now, thank you Neo! And thank you again for the essay link!
Thank you Neo, great article, very well said from the beloved farmer-pholosopher.
“ We are involved now in a profound failure of imagination. … One way we could describe the task ahead of us is by saying that we need to enlarge the consciousness and the conscience of the economy. Our economy needs to know—and care—what it is doing. This is revolutionary, of course, if you have a taste for revolution, but it is also a matter of common sense. How could anybody seriously object to the possibility that the economy might eventually come to know what it is doing?”
I have been loving Wendell Berry for 40 years, ever since I read his essay “ A Good Scythe”, where he spoke of the virtues of using a handheld scythe compared to a gas-powered weedwhacker. I bought a scythe then, and still use it and love it now.
I also want to recommend Berry’s fiction writings, particularly ‘Fidelity’, a book of short stories. They are so heartfelt, revealing both the failures and the triumphs of the human heart, that I always cry when I read them.
Thank you Marcus, as a child in Greece we used scythes to cut the alpha-alpha, and α sickle to cut the wheat (that shows how old I am!). Now we have a lot of technological conveniences and very little essence.
We (at least a significant portion of us) prefer NOT to know what we are doing, it would seem.
Thanks for reading. (There is nothing I like more than reading Berry from actual in a book).
I am a gardener and I almost worship him.
I honour you! Gardening is a fine avocation!
The book sounds interesting - I will check it out! I have for sure been involved all my life with one kind of groupthink or another. Not that I knew that until the Covid times roared in. It's been quite a learning curve, these past 4 years...
We've finally reached a point where personal = important, haven't we?
hola, markael. yes! you have stated my own recent experiences that have filled me with optimism and hope completely independent of any movement. in twelve hours of recent travel i met 4 extraordinary people, 2 young 2 older. the older included an american doctor now driving taxi after quitting being a doctor because his successful jabless treatment protocols were shunned by his fellow doctors! a man who, with his mother, recently graduated from a 4 year german-based programme of epigenetic healing modalities. and a young mexican woman who has taken full responsibility for being powerful and choosing freedom through the expansion of consciousness.
clif high has observed that 2024 will be the year of hypernovelty, when all authority structures lose their 'authority'. and that includes the so-called mfm or alts who are falling apart because they have aligned themselves with the same energy of blame and complain that is being used by the so-called oligarchs. there has been some kind of shift, and that energy is no longer being supported and/or tolerated by life: it is falling apart, and that is one reason we have come into active craziness in the reset movements, imo; they intuitively know that they are no longer being supported by life and so are desperately bailing their leaking boats instead of noticing the lifelines hanging from the planes of consciousness above them.
all the best with what is changing — everything changes.
Thank you again, Guy! Great stories from you as always, can't wait to hear your stories in more detail!
There are not enough “love” buttons for me to give this! I think you are spot on about movements—what we have known of that kind of action is playing their game on their playing field. The best way to build the world we want is to be fully human and love this earth. That’s just what the whole frantic effort, which in my opinion is definitely losing now, is trying to stop us from doing.
I think there is definitely a role for movements, and we need to unite around the total focus on spiritual clarity and refusal to throw other people under the bus even if their ancestry or opinions are different from ours. Some efforts require coordinated work! But our efforts require help from good spiritual forces, and that requires humility and prayer, and less focus on branding, IMO :)