This story is about my conversation with the writer and musician Alicen Grey. It is also about the beauty and significance of unshackled female power used for good. This is going to be a very imperfect and emotional post because my conversation with Alicen stirred a lot in me of my own.
Alicen, whom I met through Mickey Z of Post Woke, is a sovereign soul, a seeker, a woman who is in touch with her powers and does not apologize for that.
She says things that stomp all talking points. Over the course of her life, she has published her works on polar opposite news sites. She has seen through the scam of the “COVID response” right away—but notably, what Alicen says has the potential of scaring the more traditionally minded people a little because she is as unconventional as it gets. She is not see-through, and not a repeater of other people’s words.
Alicen has walked a very fascinating path, being raised in a Christian-flavored cult, rebelling, joining an opposite (radical feminist) cult, then figuring out that she was probably following radical movements out of a need to belong to a group, and leaving them all behind, and now just trying to understand herself in the world.
Alicen is an iconoclast. She considers herself a Christian but maybe not a traditional one. She views Christ through a mystical lens. She is interested in the notion of immortality in Christianity and mystical monastic traditions. (Alicen is opposed to transhumanism, on the other hand; her interest is of a mystical kind. And on my end, I have never pondered the topic of physical immortality in the Christian faith but I am also not scared of the fact that she is thinking independent spiritual thoughts and asking questions that I don’t ask.)
On a shallow note, our conversation made me think of just how dramatically different the types of acceptable expression are in the world where I come from, the pre-2020 music world, and the “COVID dissident” world that I hang around today. I feel at home in both, I love people with very different worldviews, and I generally care a lot more about people’s hearts and intentions than about their ideas or symbols—but then, Alicen’s recent article in which she critiqued the obsession with symbolism in the “freedom community” made me laugh in a ‘pre-COVID” way. (If you are easily triggered by “suspicious” symbols, you may be better off skipping it and reading her article in The Federalist instead. But I laughed like a baby, Alicen has a really sharp wit!)
More importantly, our conversation made me think of something that is bigger than life: the bleeding scarcity of confident women who support other confident women without trying to do the “one up” thing.
The way our modern society works, the women who are born with abundant powers and an attraction to healing, are beaten on the head with a hammer from an early age.
They are bullied and asked to please shrink themselves asap so as not to intimidate, not to annoy, not to scare, not to interrupt other people’s comfy slumber, and so on. On the enemy line are envious women with tricks, the men who want to destroy all they don’t understand or can’t control, and many centuries of lies.
Then there are men who want that massive beauty to work for them but strictly under their management and within the limitations of their point of view.
Then there are loving people who are afraid that if such a woman sticks out too much, she’ll be harmed, and so they say, “Please, shine a little dimmer, no, please be happy, of course, but if you shine like you shine right now then someone will come and bite your head off so please, shine a little dimmer, and smile more often, and maybe pretend to be a little dumber,” etc.
It’s a mess!!
By the way, guess what happens when women with abundant powers and an attraction to healing succumb to the yelling, ascribe the abuse to their own shortcomings, and dim their own light?
What happens is a tragedy that hurts all. When the healers shrink themselves, those who choose to use their powers for bad use the opportunity to make the world worse. And because of them (and people’s ignorance), so called “female power” gets a bad rep. And people get scared. And women get burned on a stake. And little girls get bullied out of their very dignified powers.
So, I say, I support Alicen. Yes, her expression is different from mine but I do not have to have identical interests or beliefs to support another woman using her powers for good. The world is better this way.
When we, human beings, are afraid of power as such, we inevitably also become afraid of power in the people who use it for good, and we also become afraid of power in ourselves. That is not just true for women, this is true for all people on Earth, perhaps, but it is easier for me to speak about if through the eyes of a woman because that is what I am.
How many women, born beautiful, have shrunk themselves under hatred so that the world stops hurting them?
Time to come alive.
I am calling on women to mount a wall of power against the ones creating pain and hurting our family. Healing may be harder than stealing. Healing may be a leap into the unknown that requires a lot of faith. But it is in us. It is why we are here. May the Creator help us and protect us from negative forces. May the Creator make our lives sweet. And may our sisters who have shrink themselves under the burden of rejection and hatred, come back to full power and join us in healing. Young or old. We have a job to do.
Time for our crying is over. We are real.
Note to readers: If you are in the position to do so, I encourage you to become a paid subscriber or donate. I love you in any case, but it helps A LOT. Thank you from my heart for your support!
AAAAA! I'm so excited to rewatch and relive our epic conversation! Gonna hit "play" now and come back to comment again after. But in the meantime: THANK YOU for having me on, and THANK YOU for all your kind words! I feel so seen and understood! 🥹💓 You are such a beautiful soul yourself, I'm glad we connected and resonate so much!
Thank you Alicen!!! And please shine on. :)
Tessa, I love her -- and you, of course -- for having this conversation! <3
Alicen! Have you ever studied A Course in Miracles (which is an OG giant books and considered the metaphysical teachings of Jesus/Yeshua)?!!! There is also another book entitled “Jesus: My Autobiography”
which, among other books, is channeled by a woman named Tina Louise Spalding. She studied the course for over 10 years and through a deep forgiveness practice (which is one of the main threads in ACIM) she did majorly deep healing, had a kundalini awakening and became a clear trance channel.
I bring this up because it may resonate with your personal awakening and relationship to this Ascended Master!
Either way, I appreciated this conversation and offer you a hug from the collective consciousness of love.
Okay, I just rewatched our conversation and I'm SO hyped about it, haha. LOVE!!! That's it! That's the answer to every question! 🥰
Thank you again for having me, Tessa. I love your philosophical mind and commitment to Truth.
Oh, and since I didn't mention it explicitly (oops), hey everyone! My musician name is When Humans Had Wings. You can stream my music anywhere! Since Tessa already kindly linked to my Substack, here's the link to my music: 💫🩶
I'm putting out my second album soon (!!!) and would appreciate your support as that comes to fruition 😊
Thank YOU, Alicen! I love your philosophical mind and commitment to Truth as well!! :)
Your music is awesome really enjoy your voice, lyrics and distortions.
Your view on life is cool to, I belong to no group either at present.
Hi Tessa, great interview. I think many people, men and women, of all cultures want women to be like children, to be seen and not heard, depersonafied. Their creativity and insights and perceptions dismissed. It's an injustice and a waste and we should not allow this to persist.
That is very true, sadly. And I think that we need to shake off the pain and shine, for real. That is the first step, removing the shackles of shaming and hushing. And after that, there are many steps, all for joy.
Tessa, I love your rendition of sovereign womanhood! Certainly chimes with my experience. I also love your generosity in allowing another woman (Alicen) to shine in all her shiny-ness. As you say, talented women who put their gifts into the world are hit from two sides: the men who are attracted and threatened; the women who are envious and threatened. Very much looking forward to this!
Very interesting, still watching. The Nano Tech back in the day, specifically the Quantum Dots are used to target the Vagus Nerve. Makes so much sense now. Ugh such evil.
This hits HARD, Tessa, in the best possible way. Just what I needed to hear right now, today. Thank you, and I can't wait to listen to the two of you radiant goddesses!
Thank you, Mary, and I am sending you big hugs!!!
Back atcha!
The Romans burned the Druids first, then the Christians burned the witches. Hadrian's wall was built to keep out the ideology of rebellion, from the Pict's, the natives of the Isles. Seems that sort of thing was carried out all over the place as the centuries progressed even culminating into todays version of the covidian cult. Everyone has their own reasonings.
When you find love that is for sure where it's at.
I really enjoyed that conversation. I'll check out your music Alicen, I was an avid indie genre listener when growing up.
I kinda realized today, I do have the knowing, yet the path I took gave me great insights a long the way to know about stuff, like physics, biology, pathology, medico, applied plant biology my fav, soldiering, and Magik. :)
Tessa check out this interview you'll see Infra red footage of the EMF attacks everyone has had to put up with. This one is 5G I think I have an inkling how they do the triangulation to the marked targeted individual, what I learned in my old unit in Artillery 131 Surveillance Targeting Acquisition, before I was a Medic. The snow flake stuff is the hyper excited Nano heavy metals and synthetic biology in the air everyone is exposed to. We really do breath it in, unfortunately.
What a wonderful conversation with a beautiful soul.
The honesty and search for true independence and sovereignty is so resonant.
Thank you both so much for this. ❤️
Thank you, TFish!!
Thank you both, one of your best Tessa, Yah Bless <3
when i first stumbled onto alicen's music, i thought to myself, "wouldn't it be cool if she and tessa did a podcast together."
and then it happened.
thanks for letting me in on your summit meeting. great minds think alike.
Thank you!!!! And yes, Alicen is just wonderful!!
love how the two of you did such a beautiful takedown of credentialism.
and it's almost funny how it took you awhile to find your voice but when you found it, WOW
Thank you!!!!!!! xoxoxo
omg, thank you for psychically orchestrating this episode! i think that technically makes you the producer lol
What a wonderful conversation! I felt similar about so much discussed! I intend to re-listen. :)
Thank you, Kelly!! xoxoxo
Pardon the offbeat intro, but it’s kinda what I do:
More than 40 years ago, Michael Jackson asked Eddie Van Halen to play the iconic solo on “Beat It.” A huge new swath of music fans suddenly discovered Eddie’s virtuosity, and they were mesmerized. When David Lee Roth (the singer in Eddie’s band at the time) witnessed this, he said something like: “It’s really fun to watch everyone go nuts for something I get to hear all the time.”
As someone who knows Alicen for many years and is well aware of her diverse and immense talents, it pleases me to see her interviewed by Tessa and given space to reach a new audience that will also surely be mesmerized.
Bravo and thank you to both Tessa and Alicen! 💕
🥹 thank you bess fren!!!
I genuinely read it at first like this: "As an official patron of the intro..." (which would be a factual statement).... :)) Jokes aside, thank you both. And Alicen is indeed a very special and brave human being (with wings :)
Thank YOU, Tessa! I'll share your interview with Alicen on my Substack tomorrow at some point.
Yay :)
This interview with Alicen was great Tessa! I resonated with so much of it, especially the parts where you both discuss your own voice... the silencing of, the playing with, the joy of singing. Hear, hear to all of us owning our voices, knowing our own minds, our own self-sourced truth without needing credentials to support it. Also this: "How many women, born beautiful, have shrunk themselves under hatred so that the world stops hurting them?"
Sending you hugs. You, too, are so beautiful.
Clearly an old soul with many profound things to say. I was very intrigued with Alicen's language and intellect, very impressive. Thank you Tessa for bringing this person to light.
Yes, Alicen is very impressive!! And it is my joy, the entire point is that people working for the good can support each other and reverse the "domination system" (in Steven Newcomb's words).
Powerful & informative again, Tessa. Based on having only 24 hours per day available to me, identifying as a more or less regular human, I was somewhat concerned about subscribing to Alicen's stack/website, but after scanning the her stack's inventory and seeing a large number of one-minute texts and then checking into the music on her website, I'm more concerned about *not* subscribing, so I'm going with the texts and music option and hope for the best. "I'll sleep when I'm dead." (Zevon)
I was sending someone some money via Paypal yesterday and thought to find out when the last time I had sent you any. I had to scroll back quite a ways, so I set up a transfer. I didn't see any 'bounce notice' from Paypal today, so I'll assume you received it in good order. If not, please let me know. If I had also sent some via the Robots webpage or some other $$channel, put it all to good use. :-)
Hi Vince, I am very happy to hear from you!! Yes, Alicen is so very talented!!!
And thank you for your kindness! I did not get anything, strangely.. I just checked, nothing!
I'll check w/ Paypal. Do you prefer $$ via a link on the Fights Robots website? I don't recall seeing a KoFi button. If you have one, tell me where it's located and I'll send an XLG thermos.
I found it, thank you again!!! And I deleted your comment with details, like you asked. :) xoxo
Good news! Glad I don't have to tilt at Paypal's windmill of Customer Service. Te amo, querida. A friendin CA calls me Pugsley, and I call her Wednesday, but you can always call me Gomez.
Alicen is not only a talented musical artist and beautiful human being but also an inspiring lyricist! I closed out the following piece with her spectacular “I’d Rather Be High” from her album “When Humans Had Wings”:
• “Letter to the German Bundestag” (
I am so moved by your experiences Alicen, and by this whole interview & article. It spoke to me on a number of levels. Thank you Alicen & Tessa for sharing 💜
Oh my gosh dear Tessa, thank you so much! How powerful your words are and much needed to get the Divine Feminine back up on their horses and riding as the warriors we are!!!
What Jill Biden does and doesn't do, tells me all I need to know about female power.
Thank you for sharing your spiritual feeling, Richard!!! I believe we all have different ways to talk to the Creator, and that the Creator does not discriminate (unlike imperfect human beings who like to discriminate).