Tessa, I love your rendition of sovereign womanhood! Certainly chimes with my experience. I also love your generosity in allowing another woman (Alicen) to shine in all her shiny-ness. As you say, talented women who put their gifts into the world are hit from two sides: the men who are attracted and threatened; the women who are envious and threatened. Very much looking forward to this!
Tessa, I love your rendition of sovereign womanhood! Certainly chimes with my experience. I also love your generosity in allowing another woman (Alicen) to shine in all her shiny-ness. As you say, talented women who put their gifts into the world are hit from two sides: the men who are attracted and threatened; the women who are envious and threatened. Very much looking forward to this!
Tessa, I love your rendition of sovereign womanhood! Certainly chimes with my experience. I also love your generosity in allowing another woman (Alicen) to shine in all her shiny-ness. As you say, talented women who put their gifts into the world are hit from two sides: the men who are attracted and threatened; the women who are envious and threatened. Very much looking forward to this!