Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by Tessa Lena

I have been following this issue for a long time. He latest stuff I see is about healing the gut. Andy Wakefield, a British gastroenterologist got his license pulled for stating in a paper that the relationship between gut issues and spectrum disorders might be worth investigating.

Certainly it’s true that detox protocols and ways to clean out the gut so it can repopulate have had success.

Filtered music is used to bring harmony to the autonomic nervous system (Mozart instrumentals and gregorian chant) encourage the ANS to calm down is beneficial to self healing. It also encourages full dominance of the right ear in listening, a path to language and reading. I have experience with this, but only with ADD types and gifted and talented, mainly in music.

I had one fascinating story in this context. A Canadian nurse has a son who spent most of his time screaming, and occasionally throwing things. His mom was able to arrange 6 dives in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. He sat on her lap each time. At the end of the treatment his first ever words were: “me no like popcorn. That’s why I throw it at you.”

So here is this kid who could not speak. And what was locked inside him was complete syntax and cause and effect reasoning!

We must release these people! How many gifts they have to share.

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This is so beautiful what you said!!! And wow, what a story!!

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Wakefield was Right!

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Wakefield tortured young autistic and non-autistic kids with colonoscopies that children are too little to have and tore their intestines causing one child to be damaged for life. He did not get informed consent to do these procedures because he did not reveal all of the facts to the parents. He maimed children because he was greedy and wanted to sell his own vaccines. He was far from an anti-vax hero. I am not making any of this up. They are facts.

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O the fungi are spongi-ng our brains

Not to mention the toxical pains!

Your Aluminum vaccine compliance

Will do heaps to further the science

And also the capital gains!

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Wow, Mark, that's an impressive one! :) Good to hear from you!

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Thanks, Tessa. Thoughtful article... adding other modes of brain contamination beyond aluminum is intriguing. Yes, it's good to hear from you too. I miss the Friday meets. Hope mom is doing well.

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There is also a literature on links between fungal infections and related neurological conditions, such as Parkinson's, which may be of interest, summary here https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/fungalyeast-overgrowth-and-dopamine

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Here is the story I wrote some time ago about the "industry trends" in this regard. I think it is coming!


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Thank you, Gary, yes!!! It is starting to all come out, the link between fungi, parasites, etc. and various neurological conditions (and not just neurological). I think the industry is setting up to sell us new vaccines, and THEN it will be really talked about!

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Scary thought, but I would not be surprised. Another reason they tried to damage the reputation of ivermectin etc, preparing the way for this.

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There must be a reason they were after IVM and HCQ so harshly. I believe a lot of "severe COVID," when it actually happened and was not a result of medical abuse, was latent infections with fungi, parasites, maybe some bacteria, coming out. Toxo alone is super prevalent in the West, and symptoms match. I don't take sides in the debate about SARS-CoV-2 because I have no way of knowing this way or the other, and I have honest and smart friends on both sides of this debate. But I think that even if it's a real particle, it merely pushed other things out of latency, and it wasn't the only factor doing that. So........ IVM and HCQ and various herbs would address those other infections, at least curb them, and the attack on antiparasitics was just way to conspicuous.

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Interesting. Is the fungus the cause or the result of damage/imbalance?

Example: toxic DDT caused neurological issues such as paralysis. But they discovered polio virus and claimed that was the cause of paralysis, ignoring the elephant in the room- DDT/toxins.

In the case of Parkinson's from what you and Lillian wrote, there's a feedback loop of damage leading to stress which leads to more damage!

So it's not only toxins, but the state of mind/body resulting from that which amplify it more.

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All good point, Rob, and as usual, there is no need to choose one factor and ignore others. If the goal is to be well, it is important to look at ALL factors and do one's best balancing the situation, both through harmonizing what can be harmonized, and through the elimination of hostile organisms like molds, parasites, etc. :)

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Jul 13Liked by Tessa Lena

These ideas are pretty amazing and give a glimpse to how limited the mainstream world's thinking is. This is the kind of thinking the world needs to begin healing. Along with needing open hearted and minded people to receive it.

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Thank you, Kathy! xoxo

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Liked by Tessa Lena

I can't remember the numbers, but Autism cases have 'exploded' since the 1960's - coincidentally, with the increased use of poorly tested and poorly evaluated post-vax statistics. Apparently, highly profitable Vaccines increasingly hit the market within months of a disease being released. I say 'Apparently', because my cynical hunch is that the, now corrupt, world of medicine has become so profitable, the manufacturers (and invested benefactors,) sponsor those making diseases using Gain of Function. I seem to remember that Autism was in single digits. per 1000, back in the 1960's. Now it's 'exploded in line with injected (pretend vaccines) to something like 1 in 100 identified as being on the Autism scale. Obviously, this could be due to better identification, but I think profits drive greed to make a fortune with no consideration of casualties.

'Gain of Function' is the evil art of finding a disease or virus and modifying it to be as lethal to humans as possible - using Bio-weapon scientific technology. Having become an ardent Conspiracy Theorist since the creation and release of Covid, I believe that in some cases, the lab work probably starts at the same time as the 'deadly' viral danger is being 'maximised' for human impact - by GoF.

With ZERO LIABILITY, injections they pretend are 'VACCINES' can be churned out with little or no quality control, no testing and no proper Safety trials on humans. these disciplines are now unimportant and incidental because the organisations 'policing' these companies share in the enormous wealth these depopulation exercises create!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Jul 13Liked by Tessa Lena

Much of what you say resonates As in most matters parents of children with a neurodivergent issue use allopathic treatments. Or worse resort to specialists who only treat one aspect. My 5 year old grandson is clearly suffering but both parents are struggling to come to terms with it. They don’t want him labelled!

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I am sending love to you and to your beautiful grandson!!! Maybe his parents can look into alternative treatments, talk to a good naturopath, etc.? I pray for his healing.

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Seeking truth...

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Yes!! Thank you, Brother John!

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Jul 14Liked by Tessa Lena

Yes and we have so much environmental pollution of every sort that permanent detox has to be our way of life.

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Jul 14Liked by Tessa Lena

A comparison between autistic and normal subjects intestinal flora shows the autistic have gut flora that is poor in numbers of species and when their feces were injected into mice, the mice became autistic.

Autistics have less ability to detox.

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That makes perfect sense! I do think that in many cases, "autistic" people have an infection of the brain that has never been diagnosed. There are several known bugs that can do it. and maybe other ones no one has ever looked into. It doesn't mean that every single person with neurological symptoms has an infection but I suspect many do, and there will come a time when it will be common knowledge. I am trying to help now since it is not common knowledge!! And there is also an easy pathway from a toxic and potentially contaminated child vaccine to neurological issues, so it makes perfect sense how more vaccines contribute significantly to more autism!!

Another issue is that it seems like some of those infections are actually contagious through bodily fluids, which would mean that "autism" and "dementia" would run in the family, and blamed on genetics. Which is what happens now. I am of the opinion that probiotics, a healthy diet, and regular antifungal / antiparasitic cleanses are in our future for the rest of our lives!

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Extra perception overload, Autism.

What part of the brain controls the sensory input?

A great post today on conditions stopping blood to certain parts of the brain, possibly linked.

I understand the different regions of the brain have different tissue makeup, this may lead to clues on what type of infections effect what regions.

They're not slow, they are bombarded with to much information, constantly.

A bit like screaming at the internet!

Without screens.......

Great work.


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Thank you!!

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I'd look into off gassing chlorine dioxide suspended in filtered water, to decalcify the pineal gland. Andreas Kalcher (on the internet) has many testaments of his procedure and has helped (real life verifiable cases treated successfully) many severe cases of autism, the children brought back to normal.

It IS treatable.

Young minds can recover quickly!

I wish you blessings on your endeavors.


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Love your work! I am @julie4butte5 on X and share our battle against local public health. I am vax-injured from the COVID shot and was forced to quit my beloved work at Enloe Hospital because of the mandated booster that could kill me. So I now spend 24/7 for past 2 years researching the vaccine phenomenon. Crazy. I went from pro-vax to ZERO-VAX on 8/15/22 when Mom was killed by her 4 shots. Thank you for your fight & knowledge! I use it!

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I am so sorry about your Mom, God bless her soul. What a tragedy.

And thank you for your kind words!

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Wow. So sorry

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Can antibiotics taken during pregnancy exacerbate or play a role. All the pregnant women I know have been forced to take antibiotics for strep something? It goes by a three letter acronym. The one who refused figured out how to get rid of it organically and just tested negative. She was thrilled. Thanks so much for this important information. So sick of these eugenicist medical mafia using uneducated doctors without their knowledge to deliver inexhaustible number of toxins as our. kids get sicker and sicker.

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Thank you, Gayle!

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I'm pretty sure Dr. Klinghardt said years, perhaps decades ago that without Lyme there is no autism. Or ALS or MS. We are all subject to an onslaught of toxins and chronic infections now, and the bucket gets full, particularly if you have dirty genes.

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I think it's a very good point, "autism" is just a term they came up with to describe common neurological symptoms, and the latter are a result of toxicity and infections, in my opinion. So I agree!

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It's aluminum toxicity. Before it was also from mercury.

Aluminum not only damages nerve and brain cells, it also interferes with signaling, creating "short circuits" in the brain.

It must be hell for an autistic person to deal with this!


The bacteria and other issues are a result of toxicity, not the cause. An example: you get a splinter deep in your finger. It gets infected and inflamed and eventually the pus helps push out the splinter. The cause of damage was the splinter, not the infection.

I find the same confusion with what makes the COVID shots lead to issues. Many talk about mRNA, DNA contamination, pseudouridine, spike protein, etc while ignoring the elephant in the room... The lipids which build up in key organs like the liver, spleen, and ovaries and also clog up blood vessels like the ones that feed the heart, leading to myocarditis.


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In my opinion, aluminum toxicity plays a role. Aaand, many parasites LOVE heavy metals for some reason, so.... like in many of our exchanges, it boils down to the fact that it doesn't have to be "either / or." Perhaps, without the presence of pathogenic bugs, aluminum would not cause as much damage, and perhaps, without aluminum and other toxins, the pathogenic bugs would not cause that much damage. And it may vary from person to person, from one life story to another, etc. There is no need to choose one factor and then debate its only that! :-) I always appreciate our exchanges, thank you Rob!

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Yes, it seems that parasites show up to do a job that the body cannot do. They consume those toxins. Perhaps killing the parasites is not always wise if they're doing a service to isolate toxic metals.

(Edit: link added) https://open.substack.com/pub/barn0346/p/parasites-friend-or-foe?r=63lh2&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web


I think this works because the castor oil and turpentine help solubize toxins so the body can eliminate it which reduces parasites because there's less toxins to feed on.

Ivermectin has a similar effect in that it helps optimize processes that the body uses to detox. Despite being anti parasitic, it worked well on many diseases and issues like treating vaccine adverse effects.

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I think your views on parasites are significantly more extreme than mine, which of course is fine, as long as we exchange views and make up our own minds!! I am of the opinion that parasites need to be eliminated, in a way that is harmonious to the body.

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Extreme? How is it extreme to look at nature as a helper instead of an invader?

We all currently have ecoli in our digestive system and strep in our throats. They are a part of our microbiome and only become a problem when they're working on an issue, such as tissue damage like in strep.

Same with parasites.

I used to be a believer of getting rid of parasites. A decade ago I did numerous parasite cleanses with natural herbs and supplements like oregano and caprylic acid. I would feel better for a while only to drop back into the low energy state that I did the detox for.

The others in the forum that used pharmaceutical drugs to detox had bad side effects and rebounded quicker than using the natural routes. The belief at the time was that these herxhimer reactions were good, that the body was getting rid of toxins.

Later on, some found studies where during this period of die off, levels of toxins were very high in the body! Yikes!

Those drugs were too quick to kill the parasites, leaving the heavy metals in the body instead of giving it time.

If I were to do it again, I would do it very slowly with the natural stuff. Rushing the detox or kill off can cause more issues.

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Where I agree with you wholeheartedly is that the elimination of pathogenic organisms needs to be done thoughtfully, at a correct pace, and in combination with harmonizing measures. Detox can be dangerous if done too fast. So i am grateful to you for bringing up this point, even though our conclusions are polar opposite!

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Let me respond with a metaphor. If you have a robber with a gun in your house, there is probably a spiritual lesson in that, and maybe the lesson is that you need to use better locks, but if you have that robber there this very second, it is certainly better for him to leave and take as little of your stuff as possible, right? And you may still need to change the locks, and maybe move to a different neighborhood if robbery happens all the time where you are.... but it is still better if he leaves! :)

I am very much at peace with disagreeing. Nature is our home, it offers different lessons, sometime the lesson is to learn how to send the invaders away in the best way for the person!

And of course, I always respect the fact that you have your own path and experience, and you are fully entitled to disagreeing with me, just like I am fully entitled to disagreeing with you! Hugs!

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I forgot to mention this article which clarifies the idea.


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Can't read now, just have to tout the book and movie "The Horse Boy" - true story. Shamans, horses, journey to Siberia, healing, irresistible.

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Hello Tessa. I think this needs some clarification between what "is" autism, what "causes" autism and what "caused" autism. The statement in your post, "“autism” often stems from undiagnosed and unnoticed infections in the brain or the CNS" is what "caused autism." What "is" autism seems to be unclear, or perhaps missing.

Autism is clearly a brain or CNS dysfunction (processing), a dysfunctional (damaged) brain or CNS. It could be one or both depending on the case. Medically, autism is a spectrum - although medically, autism is only diagnosed when the condition is severe, when it requires medical attention. This is true of most, perhaps all diseases, from the common cold to cancers.

The status of autism is the "present cause." If that status is changed favorably, such that medical attention is no longer required, an event more likely to occur in less severe cases, the autism is cured - although our medical systems have no definition of and no test for autism cured. In severe cases, there can be many dysfunctions, many damaged locations - and partial cures may be possible and necessary for a complete cure. Severe damage might also be "partly cured." Our medical systems have no theory of cure, and therefore no theory of "partial cure" and thus can not recognize, much less document such cases.

When most people speak about autism causes, they speak about "past causes" not "present causes." Past causes include inflammation and damage due to inflammation, which can be caused by many things, including vaccines. However, past causes can only be used to design preventative actions, they cannot be used to cure unless the cause is also present (gut biome problems).

Modern medicine has no concept of "present causes" of "cure causes." A present cause is one that, when successfully addressed, results in a cure.

Present causes of autism can be attributes or processes - the damage caused, or something that is continuing to cause damage or dysfunction. Brain damage from inflammation is an attribute cause. Gut microbiota is a process cause. It is ongoing. When the autism (or a portion of an autism state or diagnosis) is "being caused" by a faulty gut microbiota, then when the microbiota cause is addressed the autism it caused will be cured. Of course any permanent damage will not be cured, although addressing the ongoing cause might facilitate healing.

There are two types of present causes - and two types of cures, two types of actions to address them. If the cause is simply damage - then brain cures can be difficult or even impossible. If the cause is, as you mention, a parasite - it may be sufficient to eliminate the parasite, a one-time cure. However, causes that cannot be eliminated may require ongoing curative actions. We consume Vitamin C after curing scurvy to "maintain the cure". A dietary change, like elimination of sugar - is also a process cure, one that must be maintained to maintain the cured status. If essential oils alleviate the pressure of an autism case, they might become necessary on an ongoing bases, an ongoing or process. cure.

Because the definition of autism is so broad, autism is not "one thing." We need different cures for different cases. In addition, every different present cause might be cured by many different actions; as James Lind noted - there are many cures for scurvy - even though the definition of the cause of scurvy is trivial. Depending on the present cause, what provides a complete cure in one case might only provide a partial cure in a different case, and no cure at all in another. A curative action against the gut microbiome will not be successful unless that is one of the causes.

We should expect mild cases to be easier to cure and more severe cases to require more than one cure and perhaps more ongoing or process cures. However, whether the case is minor or severe, simple or complex, and whether the cure action is trivial or requires difficult ongoing actions - modern medicine has no definition of "autism cured" and cannot recognize any cures - whether they be partial or complete. Doctors who claim cures are quacks - it makes no difference if a cure is present or not.

to your health, tracy

Author: A New Theory of Cure

I am not a doctor.

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Thank you, Tracy!

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