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I forgot to mention this article which clarifies the idea.


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Thank you, Rob, I wholeheartedly disagree! Yeah on a high philosophical level the things that cause us problems have a role to play, and dealing with them may lead us to a better place at the end of the day, but it does not make them "friends." I think that if the goal is promotion of health, it does not help to promote the idea about how parasites are good for us, they are not. They may "absorb" heavy metals but they also can cause tremendous problems, it is more like the presence of heavy metals helps them thrive, and their thriving is detrimental to the host usually, either a little bit or a lot. That said, I greatly respect our ability to debate those things and disagree and think from the inside, hugs to you and to Betsy who wrote the article!

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Yes, but aren't the heavy metals causing the sickness whether there's parasites or not?

It's like the COVID shots…. Years before mRna and spike protein they had issues with the lipids (same used today).

Perhaps the spike protein is the result of the lipids clogging things up and not the cause.

It's ok we disagree. I just hope that we eventually discover the truth in medicine because right now the backwards interpretation of results vs causes of diseases leads to obfuscation of what would really help stop the issues!

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It seems like we kinda agree that there are multiple factors that work together in a complex manner! I think in general, a human body can deal with some amount of poison just fine, it's the combination of multiple factors that make things harder to deal with! And I believe that heavy metals aren't good for us as such, and same is true for pathogenic organisms that aren't just "sitting still" (which most of them either don't to from the start, or stop doing when the immunity drops). And yes, the more accurate our knowledge is, the better for everyone!

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Oh and bacteria most definitely can cause disease. They just recently hospitalized a bunch of people in Moscow because some restaurant was selling a Georgian dish contaminated with Clostridium botulinum, a bacterium whose toxin can lead to paralysis of the lungs, in which case unfortunately the infected person needs urgent help or departs this world. it is the toxin they use in botox, allegedly. So, I am not sure why anyone would claim that bacteria can't cause disease, I leave in the realm of free speech. But I don't have to agree with the things that go against the evidence of my eyes! :-)

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Yes, the toxic metabolites of those bacteria can cause sickness just like mold!

I remember an article about smallpox and how sanitation was what helped reduce the toxic load of bacteria and fungus that fed on the manure they used to leave on the streets and in alleyways.

Meanwhile, the smallpox inoculations increased sickness.

It's amazing how long cities and towns went without clean water and people were cramped in small apartments and they focused on a bacteria instead of those horrid conditions!

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Oh an innoculations are another matter altogether...

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LOL, our conversations always seem to come to the same point, i.e. why is there a need to pick ONE cause and not pay attention to ALL OF THEM? :-)

PS. You said, "Yes, the toxic metabolites of those bacteria can cause sickness just like mold!" So does it mean then bacteria can, in fact, cause disease? :)

And if so, then it would be factually incorrect to claim that bacteria can't cause disease in humans?

And if so, would we benefit from focusing not on talking points but on practical measures that are based on facts of nature and our circumstance at this moment? Striving for a world without toxins is great. I strive for it.. But it is not likely to show up any time soon!! And so we need to do things as they apply to our life here and now and address all factors that we have the power to address, as much as possible?

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