Autism Deciphered
One of the most important articles I've written, given the tidal wave of neurological disease
This story is about “autism.” It is somewhat radical, and it’s by design.
I believe that I have figured out a few crucial points about the so called ‘autism,” and I want to share them with as many people as I can. It’s important to me. I applaud the courageous souls who have been looking into autism for years and risking livelihoods for the truth—I applaud them, and my take, original as it may be, is not about debating who is “correcter” (different takes aren’t mutually exclusive) but about helping and reaching the ears that want to hear this. If you find it helpful, please send it to those who may benefit from it. I want to help.
Executive summary
In biological terms, the so called “autism” often stems from undiagnosed and unnoticed infections in the brain or the CNS. Brain / CNS infections aren’t the only way to cause inflammation but it’s a common—and vastly underappreciated—way.
The relationship between “autism” and the overall health of the microbiome (paging Dr. Sabine Hazan) plays into this very neatly because when the friendly microbes are abundant, they may nuke the microbial hooligans or at least keep them in check without us doing anything consciously, and we won’t even know. But if the friendly organisms (like bifidobacteria) are depleted, either through toxicity, or through a temporarily military success of a pathogenic bug, the pathogenic bugs then have an easier time doing their thing
Yes, vaccines can trigger neurological symptoms via both ingredient toxicity and biological contamination, and thus, in my opinion, vaccines can and do “cause autism.” Yes, there is a direct mathematical correlation between the number of injectable products received and the chance of eventually getting sick. And yes, as it was very astutely mentioned during today’s paid subscriber call, if people stopped to vaccinate the hell out of every kid, there is a very good chance that the rates of autism would eventually fall. Aaand one may get a vaccine contaminated with an infectious agent at the age of three and then get dementia at the age of eighty three, as a result of one’s immune system getting weaker, and the microbe that has been sitting there modestly and multiplying slowly for eighty years, suddenly going rogue
Many typical symptoms of autism (like high-pitched screaming, avoiding eye contact, or repetitive behavioral patterns) can be explained very easily if we view them as one’s body’s and soul’s protest against being violated, both on the physical level (infection of the brain and surrounding tissues, i.e. one’s sensitive parts being eaten alive)) and on the soul level. If we can understand those behaviors more accurately, they can be addressed more helpfully, and a lot of people’s lives could get much easier as a result. That’s important to me!
When it comes to the existential perspective, everything that exists in our world first comes into existence in the invisible realm for a deeper reason, then shows up in the visible realm. From the perspective of the spiritual realm, the tidal wave of neurological symptoms and other chronic conditions could be the Spirit’s way of bringing our attention to the fact that the world needs to come back to balance, and that when love gets forsaken and replaced with violence—violence against nature, our bodies, and our beautiful souls—it breeds disease
When it comes to the practical steps, none of what I write is ever intended as medical advice since I am not an MD (please consult your doctor, etc.) In philosophical terms though, it might make sense to look into antifungal / antiparasitic herbs and spices, into supplements that have an anti-inflammatory effect, especially the ones that cross the BBB (like cinnamon or curcumin), into essential oils like pine essential oil or thyme essential oil, into probiotics, into limiting processed sugars, etc. And it may be just as important to work with the soul of the person who is exhibiting neurological symptoms and infuse spiritual respect and love for their soul, either directly or as a prayer, depending on the circumstance
Wait, what is “autism”?
“Autism” is an umbrella term that describes a bunch of neurological symptoms and behaviors that used to be very rare and now are commonplace. Why are they commonplace? There are practical reasons and philosophical reasons, I may write a philosophical piece about that one day. But before we dive in into detail, let us first get one clumsy and barely-controversial elephant out of the way.
Do vaccines cause autism?
There is zero doubt in my mind that over the decades, mass injection of God-knows-what into people’s arms has been a major factor contributing to disease, including neurological disease.
The mechanisms are of course more complex and diverse than just “heavy metals in vaccines.” Injecting heavy metals is an insane idea by any count but it is not the only mechanism of harm.
Let us not forget that in the United States, biologics manufacturers are immune—legally immune, that is—and so, even the manufacturing practices for biologics have been in the toilet for quite a while (see the notorious case where the FDA discovered a bucket of urine on the manufacturing floor, or the recent lawsuit alleging massive presence of mold at the facility related to the production of COVID “vaccines”).
There gotta be a ton of contamination of injectable products with pathogenic microbes. Are they testing for it? Eh … meh …. nah. Dr. Garth Nicolson mentioned in one of his talks how years ago he talked to a pharma exec and asked him about testing for mycoplasma contamination of vaccines—and the exec allegedly responded with something like, “Test for mycoplasma contamination? Are you trying to put us out of business here?”
Wait, let me look this up, I wrote about it before, just one second … oh, please never mind.

You can go to Rumble and look for “Garth Nicolson mycoplasma,” Rumble still has a few of his talks like this one.
So, you get the idea. Mind you, microbial contamination would be particularly unhelpful to the injectee if the injected product has an in-built immunosuppressive effect (which is explicitly true for mRNA “vaccines” and implicitly true for traditional vaccines since they mess with body’s natural ways).
Aaaand, since many people unwittingly carry bugs like molds, mycoplasmas, toxo (from food, or other people, or earlier vaccines), the immunosuppressive effect of an injectable product can serve as a mechanism to push those “latent” infections out of “latency” and into a place where they cause problems, including “autism.”
In addition to that, it so happens that many human parasites seem to thrive on metally stuff, and metally stuff like aluminum is a common ingredient of vaccines….
If you are interested in my whole dive into fungi and parasites, I have a dedicated page on my Substack just for that.
Souls bringing attention to the pain of the world
As I am typing this article, I am realizing that a piece about the philosophical underpinnings of the tidal wave of “autism” needs to be written, and I will write it.
In short, to my senses, it is a reaction to the metaphorical Spirit of Violence that is so prevalent in our society today. There is too much violence. Violence is everywhere. People with not-so-good intentions are violating nature and our bodies. They are poisoning land, water, food, and air, and they are imposing “medicines” that are not natural or helpful—but they are imposing them anyway.
If we go with the indigenous view according to which we choose our “task list” while still in the spirit world, before being born, some souls choose to experience sickness as a way of bringing attention to a particular problem causing sickness, and to find ways to heal. Some souls may have chosen to be people with neurological problems, and they act out the pain of the world for everyone to see, very loudly. And they scream for everyone to hear.
Infectious disease: an interlude
I am absolutely positive that infectious agents play a very big role in neurological symptoms. A couple of years ago, I wrote a long article for Dr. Mercola about the infectious theory of Alzheimer’s disease, “autism” is operating in a similar vein. (You can find both my Substack and my Dr. Mercola articles on the subject here, I included PDFs.)
The high-pitched scream
Repetitive high-pitched screaming (“screeching,” “vocal stimming”) is considered one of the signs of autism.
Here is what I think it is. Autistic children scream out of protest to an energetic interference into their very being. it’s not a behavioral disorder, it’s a natural and logical reaction to being violated, spiritually and often physically as well.
There can be many factors causing the violation but in many cases, they have an actual infection in their head, a bunch of living beings that are chewing on their brain, their connective tissues, etc., They are being quite literally eaten alive, which is unpleasant, and so they scream.
That high-pitched scream could be metaphorically described as a voice of the “spirit of being violated,” something that does not require an infection in 100% of the cases but that often can be an indication of an infection in the brain.
Trying to hush the sound assuming that it is a “behavioral issue” is like trying to hush the person who is screaming because a stiletto shoe just went into their foot.
For example, this video is sometimes cited as good advice. I can totally see how the parent might be driven bananas by having to deal with this all the time but what if this poor child is screaming not because he has behavioral issues but because his brain is infected and inflamed?
And here is a story of total horror and a case of child abuse. The parents of an autistic child decided to surgically alter their child’s vocal chords to stop his screams!
My God…
Sensory overload
It is often mentioned how in systemic infections, fungi or parasites may modulate one’s taste in food, making the host crave the foods that the parasites want to eat (sugar, etc.). What I am about to say is somewhat similar, just applied in a different way.
The microbes that infect the brain can bring in a “sensory filter” that makes people see, hear, and smell closer to the way those microbes perceive things, and it messes people’s sensory filters up. Certainly, there are also physiological changes accompany the change, and inflammation may impact the neuronal function, and so the problem can be described in terms of physiological changes, or in the lofty terms of “energy.” We can go with a simple physiological explanation, or with a loftier explanation. They are two sides of the same thing.
There is a Tibetan Buddhist metaphor that is relevant to what we are talking about. It says that “water,” what we perceive as water as human beings here on Earth, is perceived as “nectar” by the inhabitants of the celestial realm in their home dimensions, and as “blood” by the “hungry ghosts,” which is a type of non-human beings in Tibetan Buddhism. If we stay with that metaphor, it would mean that different dimensions come with their own sensory filters.
We, human beings, have our parts in the visible (physical) realm and in the invisible (spiritual) realm. Same is true for bugs. Some microbes may have parts in dimensions where human beings aren’t at home. If a person is hosting a ton of those organisms, it impacts the sensory perception due to the presence of the energy of a foreign dimension, which is present due to the large amounts of bugs’ energy that is at odds with ours.
From that point of view, a mildly unpleasant sensory signal that s barely noticeable to an average healthy person (let’s say, a soft annoying sound, or a very soft disgusting smell) is perceived as much “louder” by a person who is “listening” through the foreign-dimensional senses of non-harmonious microbes.
Not looking into people’s eyes
Eyes reflect people’s energy. Different people have different degrees of perceiving other people’s energy but we all see or feel other people’s energy to some extent. If the energy is not very beautiful, and the sensory filter is set up in a way that “broadcasts" ugly things at a much higher “volume” than beautiful things, it’s not pleasant to look at people’s eyes whose energy is messed up. For example, many healthy people prefer to not look at extreme violence, etc. It’s the same mechanism, just applied to a more sensitive filter.
Repetitive behaviors
It’s an act of trying to balance one’s energy. You know how people may sing or dance in order to harmonize their state? Autistic kids who engage in strange movements are doing an impromptu dance, they are trying to harmonize their life.
They are trying to mitigate the feeling of being violated, they are protesting being violated. Movement and sound are natural human ways to harmonize one’s state. It’s just that, a reaction to a great distortion through natural human ways of harmonizing one’s state.
Out of sync?
Here is another explanation of what creates a sensory overload. The researchers here discovered that, according to them, some people on the spectrum may perceive sight and sound “out of sync” when they watch people talk. I don’t have a final opinion about that, it’s an interesting thing to think about.
Solutions (not medical advice, etc.)
There is an association between the state of the gut microbiota and the autism spectrum disorder. There is no “one size fits all” explanation for this, there are many factors, and each case is different—but it’s known that a whole slew of microorganisms that have an adversarial relationship with the human body also have an adversarial relationship with the “good” microbes (the microbes that have a symbiotic relationship with the human body). For example, many human pathogens go to war with bifidobacteria, while bifidobacteria play a very important role in the human immune response.
It is a bit like the “chicken and egg” dilemma. Do the pathogens deplete the “good microbes,” or do the pathogens thrive because there are not enough good microbes when they come in? I suspect that both statements are true, and that it works both ways. Probiotics are often recommended in the context of “brain / gut axis, ” and whether this theory offers a full explanation of the problem or only a partial explanation, if they work, they work, and that’s the most important thing.If it’s possible to test for a variety of potential pathogens (toxo, molds, etc.), it can’t hurt. Some of those infections are not easy to diagnose, actually most aren’t easy to diagnose, and even the “reliable” tests can get it wrong, so it’s a bit of a wobbly effort—but if one can do those tests, it can’t hurt.
It so happens that many antifungal / antiparasitic herbs are broad spectrum, and they work against many pathogenic bugs at the same time. It’s a very good idea to consult an honest naturopath and be watchful of reactions. Take too little, and they won’t work, take too much and the reaction can get too strong, so it is very good to consult an honest naturopath.
There are essential oils that seem to be almost universally beneficial (broad spectrum action, small molecules that can potentially cross the BBB if inhaled). One of them is pine essential oil.
Lots of pathogens thrive on sugar. Limiting refined sugars in particular seems like a swell idea. There are tasty sugar substitutes like honey, (clean, non-candy) licorice, etc. Licorice is antiparasitic but it also has a reputation for raising blood pressure, I am not convinced it applies to all types of licorice in practice but it’s always good to watch out, talk to an honest doctor etc.
We are in a time now when the medical system is getting wobblier and wobblier by day. For that reason alone, it is good to take the matters in our own hands, think from the inside, do our own research, and do every second what makes the most sense.
It’s good to look into different theories. The better we understand what’s going on, the easier it is to solve things. At the end of the day, it’s not about theorizing, it’s about solving things. And there is always hope.
Okay, I have typed a lot. What is your experience? Please let me know what you think!
A note to readers: If you are in the position to do so, I very much encourage you to become a paid subscriber or donate. I love you in any case, but it helps A LOT, and I am in a dire need to get more donations and paid subscribers while keeping my posts free. Thank you from my heart for your support!
I have been following this issue for a long time. He latest stuff I see is about healing the gut. Andy Wakefield, a British gastroenterologist got his license pulled for stating in a paper that the relationship between gut issues and spectrum disorders might be worth investigating.
Certainly it’s true that detox protocols and ways to clean out the gut so it can repopulate have had success.
Filtered music is used to bring harmony to the autonomic nervous system (Mozart instrumentals and gregorian chant) encourage the ANS to calm down is beneficial to self healing. It also encourages full dominance of the right ear in listening, a path to language and reading. I have experience with this, but only with ADD types and gifted and talented, mainly in music.
I had one fascinating story in this context. A Canadian nurse has a son who spent most of his time screaming, and occasionally throwing things. His mom was able to arrange 6 dives in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. He sat on her lap each time. At the end of the treatment his first ever words were: “me no like popcorn. That’s why I throw it at you.”
So here is this kid who could not speak. And what was locked inside him was complete syntax and cause and effect reasoning!
We must release these people! How many gifts they have to share.
O the fungi are spongi-ng our brains
Not to mention the toxical pains!
Your Aluminum vaccine compliance
Will do heaps to further the science
And also the capital gains!