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Health Freedom Is an Essential Human Right: Conversation with Leslie Manookian

Milestone legal victories and a ton of love

I recently had the joy of interviewing Leslie Manookian, the founder of Health Freedom Defense Fund. It is our second interview, the first one (from May 2023) can be found here.

Leslie is a long-time health freedom activist and a loving heart. The interview speaks for itself. We talked about the extremely impressive legal victories that Leslie’s organization has won in the past four years, and how health freedom should really be an inalienable human right.

Well, health freedom is an inalienable human right—but for some reason (okay, for theft and control) the people with an insatiable thirst for power want to make us forget that it is an inalienable human right. The wounded souls with darkened hearts hope to scare us with disease, trick us into betraying ourselves, coerce us into throwing others under the bus, corner us, and turn us into obedient receptacles of whatever they want to put insert into our arms, stomachs, brains, hearts, private parts, etc., for whatever purpose they say.

Like Leslie says in the interview, “Where does this end?”

I think the answer is, it ends where and when we stop allowing them to trick us into using our own energy to erode our own power. It stops when we start using our brilliant ability to think and feel from the inside, when we ask ourselves, “Why, on what spiritual basis are they telling us to do things that we don’t want to do? And if their proposition is so good for us, why do they have to lie? No really, why?”

When we allow ourselves to see things through the eyes of our inner five-year-old child, and when we feel ready to defend our right to think however we want to think, it stops.

Anyway, Leslie is a lioness, I love her. I hope you enjoy the talk!

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