Aug 1·edited Aug 2Liked by Tessa Lena

Even the innocent Medics were dragged into disrepute - Excuse = 'having to put food on the table'.

When confronted about 'Do no Harm', 'Informed Consent', 'ZERO LIABILITY', etc, my UK GP states; "Yes, it's a mess, isn't it?" and "What can we do about it?". Understandable but unacceptable!

Using Coronavirus, the WEF went after our health in order to break our resolve, judgement, and to obtain total dominance of our will. Next in line is their modified Bird flu, which will justify Stage 2. By maximising existing viral diseases, Big Pharma & the chain they support, created a vast and highly profitable market of new customers experiencing their money making diseases.

VAX induced DEATHS are caused by the pretend injections that Moderna, Pfizer, FDA, CDC, etc, call 'vaccines'. These jabs are designed to frequently cause harm and to reduce LIFE EXPECTANCY.

It seems the FDA, CDC Big Pharma, all collude to hide such info.

'NO LIABILITY' for human DEATH by injection must mean the continuance of DEADLY mRNA injections ('vaccines') must cease immediately. They do NOTHING except reduce life expectancy and cause infertility! Perhaps that was the designated purpose of such useless 'medicines'?

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer without medical intervention (AKA Pre-Meditated Mass-MURDER!)

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Aug 1Liked by Tessa Lena

Leslie Manookian is a Health Freedom Rock Star. 🌟 Thank you for sharing this important message. I'm passing it on so others can hear why health freedom is so important for all of us.

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Yes, she is amazing, and thank you so much, Tracey!!

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1Liked by Tessa Lena

Yeah, they won that Jacobson doesn't apply.

This blocking the transmission argument is absolute shit. Next time, they can easily fake it like they did with all the previous shots which are mandated in some states.

Even if it did apply, Jacobson was given a FINE equal to a few hundred of today's dollars. It DID NOT JUSTIFY LOCKING SOMEONE OUT OF THEIR JOB OR SCHOOL!

But for some reason the industry, govt, and lawyers/judges allowed for the ability to block someone based on Jacobson which was only a fine. School mandates in some states have been around for decades. Where were the lawyers pointing out that Jacobson only justified a fine? Why did it somehow mutate into blocking kids from school?

I'm sure many people would have rather paid a fine than get fired or blocked from school.

Makes you wonder why the lawyers and judges aren't pointing out that Jacobson was only a freaking fine.

Nah, let's waste money and time arguing on efficacy. 🤦‍♂️

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I hear you, Rob! I think in the legal world people have to operate in the semantic realm of legalese, that's the nature of the beast. That said, I hear you. it was about a fine even on the level of legalese, to the best of my understanding of that case,

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Aug 1Liked by Tessa Lena

Love to you both for keeping us informed and all you are doing. Bless you! Thank you!

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Thank you, Kelly!! xo

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COVID showed me that "my body, my choice" only seems to apply when you're of a certain political persuasion...

Are the 'fully vaccinated' even fully human at this point?


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Sadly, yes! And then the tagline was tossed back and forth, and back and forth again, with every side arguing that it only applies one way.

In my opinion, regardless of what I think is good or bad or right or wrong in terms of what other people do with their bodies, if they are grownups, it is their business. Respect of free will makes it a non-argument (especially given that people are going to do what they want to do anyway, shouting doesn't convince anyone), and then we can focus on a meaningful conversation about life and freedom, and what it means. Which is one thing the aspiring masters are afraid of!!

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I agree!

The free and respectful exchange of ideas is the biggest threat to The Cabal.

We can't forget that. As a 'conspiracy theorist,' I know all too well ;)

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Aug 1Liked by Tessa Lena

Frankly, I have no clue what it even means to be “human” anymore. If viruses can spread throughout the world from contagious person to un-infected person — something I really don’t believe — then why can’t mRNA genetic engineering spread from person to person via (so-called) “shedding”?

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we need a gradient for 'humanness' lol

oh, and apparently there are 'self-amplifying vaccines' now

as for the mRNA shedding, I've never experienced this but I know people who claim they have, just being around the recently 'boosted'

I dunno, but Pfizer's own documents seem to recognize this risk

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Aug 2Liked by Tessa Lena

That was so exciting, and so heartening! It is a dream coming true. The court’s response was to side with justice. Yes, we must all hold Leslie and all the good people working to save us all. I will send this as widely as I can. Thank you!

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Yes, Bobbie, and thank you so much!!

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Aug 1Liked by Tessa Lena

Delinquent Truth News:

Global Allopaths admit, the world is suffering and dying from a deficiency of Pharma drugs & vaccines. Allopathic medicine treats & manages all diseases, disorders, and illnesses.

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Essential knowledge!

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Thank you, Luc!

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Aug 3Liked by Tessa Lena

Clear legal analysis without condescension--just what Leslie Manookian has given me reason to expect and consistently delivers.

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Leslie is such a beautiful human being! Love her

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I realize that I’m coming from an extremely pessimistic and cynical attitude — “Scratch a cynic and underneath you’ll find a disappointed idealist” — so consider the source when I write that human beings, after the Neolithic Revolution, have never been all that “healthy” and have never been “free”. Although it’s a worthy goal, I kinda sorta agree with George Carlin here, although George was way more atheistic and nihilistic than myself, although he considered himself to be a “personal optimist.” Maybe I’d be optimistic myself if I had had a successful career as a comedian

{begin quote} My interest in “issues” is merely to point out how badly we’re doing, not to suggest a way we might do better. Don’t confuse me with those who cling to hope. I enjoy describing how things are; I have no interest in how they “ought to be.” And I certainly have no interest in fixing them. I sincerely believe that if you think there’s a solution, you’re part of the problem.{end quote}

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"Maybe I’d be optimistic myself if I had had a successful career as a comedian." That is very funny, Gary!! I think you'd be a successful comedian!! :)

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Thank you isn't enough for what you're doing, but a heartfelt thank you. Your contributions are invaluable. I hope this can help; it's an organized summary of reports and research on vaccines, always being updated. More than 200 reports at the time of this writing.


And this is a compilation of key reports and research on the medical system as a whole:


It links to the web page that has more, all freely available to help others research efficiently.

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