This story is a philosophical response to the current disarray where everyone in the medical freedom movement is super divided again, this time over the Middle East.
Let me get straight to the punchline. How was it not predictable?!! The ambition of “defeating the great reset” can be only accomplished if we get honest with ourselves about what has been driving the great reset in the first place—and what has been driving this great reset and all other great resets is the dominator mindset. Based on sheer logic, we are destined to keep walking in circles until we kick that ghost out.
In relation to the latest divisions in the MFM, I believe that the only thing that happened in the medical freedom community over the past two weeks was that the ghost of domination reared its ugly head. It was there all along, it really was there all along, it just reared its ugly head. I keep saying that the people who ignore honest philosophical thought make that choice to their detriment. Is it not so?
(Later in the story, I will comment on how I personally see the difference between the natural joy of winning and the urge to totally dominate. Those two are not the same.)
“The System of Domination”: an interlude
One of my favorite analytical frameworks to understand what we are going through is Steven Newcomb’s “System of Domination.” Steven looks at history, language, philosophy, and the Papal Bulls that proposed the theological impetus for great resets, etc. His analysis is really beautiful and intellectually exciting. I can’t praise it enough. (And here is his open letter to Naomi Klein.) On a fascinating note, I’ve noticed that when I mention Steven’s work in conversations, it attracts the people who have been on the receiving end of domination for long enough and are fed up with the entire bullsh*t of the Machine—but it repels the ones who don’t mind the system of domination and just want to make sure they are the ones who dominate (because they are better qualified to dominate than others, etc.). I’ve seen it happen again and again.
We are living history
The latest throat-cutting rift makes me feel humble and saddened, yet I am at peace. I am at peace because I saw it coming. We are living history, and it is the same ghosts yanking people back and forth—back and forth—that have been eating people for a long time. One day, we will kick them out. One day, we will be so fed up with walking in circles and being half-alive and stepping into the same pile of brown for the hundredth time that we will just kick them out. And then suddenly, we will know what it feels like to be completely alive, all joy, no ghost buzz. Total joy! Total joy!!
(By the way, a good time to start on a journey of separating from our handler ghosts is now. We are entitled to walking that journey victoriously, we are entitled to kicking the ghosts out!)
I believe that the world is driven largely by spiritual and emotional states. To me, the most important distinction is not between the “opinion camps” but between the people who respect other people’s free will and the sanctity of their soul—and the ones who don’t. To me, the person who hates “the Arabs” and the person who hates “the Jews” are the same person. The person who wishes pain on the unvaxxed and the person who wishes pain on the vaxxed are the same person. The members of clergy who are in favor of annihilating or humiliating various barbarians and infidels—because the outsiders aren’t properly Christian, or Muslim, or Jewish, or Buddhist, or whatever the case may be, are the same person. The conniving agent of the KGB and the conniving agent of the CIA are the same person. The CIA agents moonlighting as Arab leaders, or Jewish leaders, or important members of various clergy, or BLM activists, or brave COVID dissidents—all these extremely diverse individuals, even as they try to kill each other, are the same person, seeking to dominate! Our world today is in a very convoluted place, and the deeper I see, the humbler I feel.
Humbler and calmer
Without humility, one would quickly die of grief. Why? It seems like that the more you see, the more you want to cry over the fact that the truth is over there, and the conversation is over here, and the conversation does it every time. With just a handful of joyous exceptions, the loudest, the most influential voices in any community (that stay alive) are the voices that are either deliberately misleading the masses or just talking out of their arses. It’s amazing. The impact of the dominator mob over the minds of the sincere people is amazing. And it’s been this way for a long time.
We’ve been walking in circles for centuries. For centuries! And yet here we are, our timeless souls and our loving hearts and all, and we need to be brave—now. Brave amid the liars, the arrogant bullies, the agents, the hypnotists, the traitors, the temporarily enchanted … we need to be brave. We need to believe in ourselves, and hold on to our soul, and respect our soul, and pray however we pray, pray to protect us and guide us to do what’s right at all times. And to make us strong and even-headed, so that we have the soul connection to do everything from love.
Here is my outcry of an illustration of where the truth lives relative to popular conversations. Forgive my very minimal drawing skills, please. :-)
In my own life, I became significantly calmer and happier once I realized that the majority of people are lovable but unhealed and extremely stubborn, and there is nothing I can do about it besides doing my individual job on this Earth with integrity and leaving the rest to the universe. I am not into arm-twisting. All falls into places in due time.
In the longer term, people’s brokenness is temporary. People are on a journey, and the destination is always remembering one’s soul’s purpose, remembering the love. No one is intrinsically better or worse or more valuable or less valuable, we are all on a journey that is all about love.
I suppose the practical trick is to find some nourishing co-travelers and leave the rest to the universe. The way I see it, we are lucky if we find a few people in our immediate circles who will nourish us and whose journey is truly compatible with ours. And the rest of it …. well, we showed up on this Earth to enjoy ourselves, to grow our souls, and to do useful work—so we might as well do all that and leave the rest to the universe.
Dogma is a result of being disconnected from the soul
When good people cling to “ideas” militantly and get triggered by the fact that your reading of the world is different from their reading of the world, it’s because their connection to their own soul is weak, and they are under a significant influence by a “handler” ghost.
When they feel an impulse to convert you to their faith against your will, or to humiliate you and then do a little dance on top of their mental hill, it’s not them running the show, it’s their handler ghost.
A diversity of ideas, same ghost
Let us look at a few examples that currently pain my heart.
If a person is speaking against the annihilation of Gaza today but yesterday, he cheered for the discrimination of the unvaxxed and even wanted to throw COVID dissidents into camps, is he some kind of humanitarian? No. He is just an emotionally hungry person who gets agitated on trigger—and I am saying this with compassion and love but… Even if he loves you now, he may throw you under the bus the moment you think thoughts that go against his “talking points.”
Similarly, the person “stands with Israel” today out of love for the Jewish people but feels disdain for his fellow human beings who practice Islam (because animals)—he is most certainly no humanitarian, either, but a willing victim of the same ghost. On my end, I feel the same compassion and the same sadness toward both.
Here is a story. After my most recent article about Wars and Genocides, a reader sent me a condescending email saying that I lost my way, and how dare I even … because, look, an Israeli soldier would never hurt a Palestinian child, etc. Since that statement of hers was grossly inaccurate, I politely shared a story of an acquaintance of an acquaintance who loved to go to the border of Gaza and shoot civilian Palestinians who were merely going about their day, for patriotic fun. To which the reader said, “It did not happen,” and continued scolding me for losing my way. Luckily for me, I know that it’s not my job to twist arms, I don’t have the desire to twist arms, and besides I can’t. People usually believe what they want to believe, there is tremendous spiritual value in figuring things out from the inside in due time. So I breathed out deeply, remarked her endearing sense of confidence on the subject of my acquaintances, and left it behind. Sometimes, knowing your limitations allows you to stay sane!!
The dominators
Domination is an action performed to satisfy one’s malignantly overgrown desire for control. It’s an evil twin (or rather, the unbalanced version) of the healthy human desire to win in a competition—to win in a passionate, playful, spiritually legitimate way.
Let me use a metaphor. Imagine an old radio with just one dial. Domination is like that radio with the dial stuck at the maximum volume, and it’s screaming at you ridiculously but you can’t make it quieter, and you can’t turn it off. It is not that all radios are evil, it’s just that this particular one is broken and out of whack.
I believe the distinction between the spiritually sound competition and the maniacal desire for control is that the former is playful and creative—and the latter is anxious and soul-dead. Little boys can hurt each other when they fight—but there is a big difference between those little boys and, I don’t know, the people behind BlackRock. People on the good side of things enjoy victory. They just remember not to go overboard so as not to cross over the other side.
The relative insignificance of ideas in the grand scheme of things
As a general rule, I don’t put a lot of weight on people’s ideas. It has been my entire life’s experience that ideas are the tail that wags the dog. They are just self-directed marketing brochures that the brain reads out loud to us as it works to justify our right to act on our emotional desires.
We, human beings, tend to use all sorts of ideas to “validate” our emotional desires—and so we act on our love, our courage, our jealousy, anger, insecurity, etc.—and then tell ourselves fairy tales about why we did that. If history is any evidence, it seems clear that both acts of outwardly beauty and bloody atrocities have been committed—again and again—in the name of every religion and every ism!
Self-advertising can be easily hijacked by bad actors
An important caveat is that our brain’s self-directed adverting brochures are often composed by various tricksters who “slip” those ideas into the people’s heads and then convince them that the ideas are their own. It works like metaphorical sorcery. Alongside the ideas, the tricksters often slip “ideas adoption incentives” (economic, psychological, social, and otherwise).
The “advertising” effort is usually made in combination with the effort to disconnect the people from their souls by exposing them to violence, humiliation, fear, lies, distraction, etc.—which sometimes leads the people to lose faith in the sanctity of their own sovereign souls and become perpetually sad—or go toward another extreme, get arrogant, and commit acts of cowardice and betrayal.
Once s person commits an act of cowardice or betrayal, for example, his intellectual mind may be in denial of his act of cowardice but his soul knows—and so his “helpful” brain would double down on defending the fairy tale that “validates” the questionable act.
And that is how a human being starts on a philosophical journey of separation, the destination of which is always remembering and reuniting with the soul.
There is infinite love is out there. Massive love is here, too. That is where our home is, love.
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I love raw organic philosophy. More soulosophy, from Tessa the Soulosopher…..
This is the post that I have been waiting for!!!! To say you have nailed the best way to look at life in a single article sounds dogmatic, which I am not. And yet I want to put a ring on this one and marry it!
Your beautiful article, Tessa, just embraced my soul with a warm hug and a gentle kiss.