Sustainable slavey is closer and closer, it’s almost time to celebrate!
Here, I wrote about feeding human waste to edible insects, and then feeding the insects back to slaves.
Here and here, I wrote about big plans of our caring masters for the reuse of sewage water for things that most of us would prefer to NOT use sewage water for.
(Yes, beauty matters, and when nature does the “recycling” of water, the energy is much different than the energy used by slave masters inside the sustainable slave wheel.)
And now we have a beer made from toilet water. Gulp.
Xylem, a water technology company, has developed a Bavarian-style beer … brewed using wastewater.
The “Reuse Brew” is designed to showcase the latest in water recycling tech, according to the company, and is a collaboration among Xylem, the chair of Brewery and Beverage Technology at Technical University of Munich (TUM), the Chair of Urban Water Systems Engineering at TUM, and the city of Weissenburg in Bavaria.
The wastewater is first treated for solid waste, then filtered to remove trace substances that can come from pesticides, cosmetics and other products used by humans, Yahoo! News reported.
“The source of water should not determine its value, but rather its safety and quality,” Jörg E. Drewes, professor at TUM, said in a statement. “Our collaboration with Xylem on the Reuse Brew project underscores the practicality of converting wastewater into safe drinking water with existing technologies.”
In more complex terms, the water is treated using ozonation and oxidation via ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and hydrogen peroxide. For even better quality, the beer also goes through advanced filtration, including nanofiltration, and purification methods to remove any contaminants from the wastewater. As explained by Xylem, the oxidation processes and adsorption help remove contaminants such as chemicals and microbes, leaving behind clean water for beer production…
“Reuse Brew is not merely an exceptional beer; it exemplifies the vast capabilities of water recycling in combating the pressing issue of water scarcity,” Roxana Marin-Simen de Redaelli, vice president of Central Europe and Nordics at Xylem, said in a statement. “This project is a beacon of modern, sustainable wastewater recycling technologies and underscores the importance of utilizing local resources to mitigate groundwater pressure and ensure supply security during periods of drought.”
According to Montana State University, which was not involved in the project, producing one gallon of beer at best requires two gallons of water, but many breweries may require four to eight gallons of water to produce one gallon of beer.
What’s next? It seems like the slaves are getting off too easy, still! They could do better if they ate permitted foods only to make the processing of toilet water easier on the other end (I am making this up but it is very much along the lines of how the masters think) or, at the very least, flushed less?
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awful marketing. why reinvent the wheel when we already have miller lite?
This beer deserves the Bud Light treatment 😂