My Article About Complete Overhaul of U.S. Financial System Published by Mercola
No longer a conspiracy theory.
This story is a collection of news that caught my eye.
#1. My article on Mercola
Last month, Biden’s nominee Saule Omarova published a rather outrageous paper proposing a complete overhaul of the U.S. financial system, moving all accounts to the Fed, and making it possible for the Fed to freeze accounts in case of an “emergency” (which, as we know, in today’s world is a very flexible notion). Omarova’s paper is not a bill, it’s a legal paper—but given that she has been nominated to regulate the U.S. banking system, her position matters—especially given that her position coincides so completely with the stated goals of the Great Reset.
Here is a PDF of the story (since they only live for 48 hours on the Mercola website).
#2. FDA asks for 55 years to show us Pfizer safety data
It took the FDA precisely 108 days from when Pfizer started producing the records for licensure (on May 7, 2021) to when the FDA licensed the Pfizer vaccine (on August 23, 2021). Taking the FDA at its word, it conducted an intense, robust, thorough, and complete review and analysis of those documents in order to assure that the Pfizer vaccine was safe and effective for licensure. While it can conduct that intense review of Pfizer’s documents in 108 days, it now asks for over 20,000 days to make these documents available to the public.
And here is an interesting comment by James Lyons-Weiler below on regulatory capture:
“Last we checked, every member of the ACIP committee has conflicts of interest with vaccine manufacturers.”
#3. Statistical correlation between higher vaccination rates and higher excess mortality
There is quite a bit of data showing that statistically, people who have taken the product are seemingly having more overall health issues than those who didn’t. These issues are not necessarily “COVID.”
It can be logically explained by the pre-COVID trend in medicine where they try to “cure” one thing but mess up many others. For that, one needs no conspiracy theory. (There could be a conspiracy—but a combination of negligence and arrogance is sufficient; this is how it’s done in our culture, in different areas of life.) For instance, here is an official 2017 study that looked at a “natural experiment” where in one community in Africa, the kids were getting a DTP vaccine, and in an adjacent and very similar community, they weren’t.
The kids in the first community weren’t getting sick with DTP but they were dying at a much higher rate from other illnesses. Most likely, this is because the introduction of the DTP vaccine impacted their immune systems in a wrong way, and while that particular disease was getting “defeated,” they were made more vulnerable to other diseases because their immune systems weren’t getting a chance to train properly in a nature-designed way.
Back to COVID:
Obviously, the world is complex, there are always many factors at play—and many things depends on the person—but the data on the correlation between vaccination rates and the overall health issues in large groups of people (not necessarily COVID) is as alarming as it is not getting the light of the day. It’s almost as if we lived in a world where someone were trying to push a product no matter what, under the condition of complete regulatory capture and complete media censorship.
I am including a few pieces of analysis from Berenson, Kirsch, and Lyons-Weiler that look into various buried pieces of data and appropriately drag them into the daylight. Please dig in, look at the data, and see for yourself.
(with a disclaimer that these tests should be abolished yesterday as they are not a scientific way to diagnose an illness, and it’s been known from day one)

#4. Smallpox games
Smallpox has been eradicated, they say.
Meanwhile, several things are happening. In June of this year, the FDA quietly approved a smallpox treatment (also here). In 2019, they approved the “first live, non-replicating smallpox vaccine.”
Just a few days ago. Bill Gates opined on a possibility of a smallpox terror attack.
Also a few days ago, strange smallpox-labeled vials were found in a lab in Philadelphia, there was a big fuss—but in the end, the trustworthy CDC said that those vials did not contain smallpox.
Are funding-hungry bureaucrats playing dangerous games with our health? Something else? What a world..
(If you are curious, here is my article about secret military and medical experiments done in the past in the U.S.)
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Wait, smallpox? Or was that Marburg? .... CORONA-THRAX wtf? Can't make this stuff up.
Aaaaaand don't forget Omarova was arrested for shoplifting (https://dailycaller.com/2021/11/17/saule-omarova-shoplifting-joe-biden-tj-maxx/), which just goes to show she has the requisite "rules for thee, but not for me" mindset this admin so prizes.