Wait, smallpox? Or was that Marburg? .... CORONA-THRAX wtf? Can't make this stuff up.


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They are SIGNALING their intent. And because we said and did nothing, they deemed we acquiesced to their plans!

Look at the London Olympics ceremonies. See they even had Boris hospitalised!

See also the Tokyo Olympics ceremonies.

If you have time, start archiving some articles on anthrax. Be sure of your sources.

Remember that all major disasters were caused by "them".

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Aaaaaand don't forget Omarova was arrested for shoplifting (https://dailycaller.com/2021/11/17/saule-omarova-shoplifting-joe-biden-tj-maxx/), which just goes to show she has the requisite "rules for thee, but not for me" mindset this admin so prizes.

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Shoplifting at TJ Maxx? Hahahaha.... classy. That almost sounds like a poorly conceived street-cred stunt attempt.

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Yessss! LOL she's just one of the peeps, tryna get by!

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The Central Bank giveth, and the Central Bank taketh-away...

Omarova's proposed reform includes the following:

(1) Moving all commercial bank deposits from commercial banks to so-called FedAccounts at the Federal Reserve;

(2) Allowing the Fed, in "extreme and rare circumstances, when the Fed is unable to control inflation by raising interest rates," to confiscate deposits from these FedAccounts in order to tighten monetary policy;

(3) Allowing the most Wall Street-conflicted regional Fed bank in the country, the New York Fed, when there are "rises in market value at rates suggestive of a bubble trend," such as with technology stocks today, to "short these securities, thereby putting downward pressure on their prices";

(4) Eliminate the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) that insures bank deposits;

(5) Consolidate all bank regulatory functions at the OCC – which Omarova has been nominated to head.

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Pretty much nobody got vaccinated against smallpox after 1971, because it was eradicated. So all of the people who never got that oozing, itching vaccination scar on their shoulder are susceptible.

Smallpox was more contagious than COVID and killed about 1/3 of those who contracted it.

I had that scab on my shoulder that my grandmother wouldn't let me scratch in 1961 or 1962.

I remember...

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As with "COVID," it is likely smallpox/marburg will merely be the *pretext*- "Dissolving Illusions, Disease, vaccines, and the forgotten history" https://davidpratt.info/humphries.htm

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Where's the exit?

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I think the exit is where people find courage, driven my love. Sooner or later, it will happen!!!

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Inside, expansion within our hearts, the portal to our big self. Little self/ ego fears. Our hearts are portal to source which is Us, our big magnificent self, and of which we are a part

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If you are in Australia, take the next turn left.

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What do you think they are now doing right now, with the lockdowns, job losses, hunger, mental health, vaxing, etc?

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Schwab’s “Great Reset”is the “Mein Kampf” of the 21st century. Had anyone bothered to read “Mein Kampf,” they would have known of Hitler’s plans to invade Europe and Russia. Anyone who bothers to read “The Great Reset” (or watches James Corbett’s excellent video on the subject) knows that Schwab’s plans are not the fruit of whacko conspiracy theorists, but of whacko conspirators! (Corbett: https://www.corbettreport.com/explaining-the-great-reset-to-conspiracy-beginners/)

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