Just like I said it would, the "infectious" theory of Alzheimer's disease is making rounds
It's a very sensitive situation because brain infections are real (and not necessarily that rare) but at the same time, we don't want the Big Pharma syringe!!
This blogger is a little frustrated because this blogger’s predictions on Alzheimer’s disease are starting to come true—and, if you care to hear me out, it’s been very lonely times for me screaming my useful hunches from the rooftops and getting, in relative terms, crickets in response. You, too, probably know what it feels like … that feeling you get when you figure out something huge that can help the entire world and you tell people thinking there would be a major shift in how we do things—but then you discover that barely anyone wants to hear because the time for that understanding has not come yet. Has it come now? Does it only come when those in power decide to spin their own—less than well-intended—version of what you found?
You wanna know what I’ve been screaming from the rooftops about for some time now? (Not medical advice, by the way, but my opinions that are rooted in digging through obscure studies, life observation, logic, connecting the dots, as well as the gut feeling, which is the same gut feeling that led me to determine that “COVID” was not what we were told it was).
Here is my hunch: Alzheimer’s disease may be often triggered by infections of the brain and the CNS (central nervous system)—and specifically, by protozoan and other intracellular parasites. Same is true, I believe, for many other common medical conditions, especially neurological and psychiatric conditions (and yes, of course I also think that vaccines can cause autism, and not just due to aluminum and immunosuppressive action but also due to being contaminated with pathogenic bacteria like mycoplasmas, molds, parasites, etc.)! Addressing the potential infectious vector in Alzheimer’s Disease and neurological issues means two things:
Appropriate antifungal and antiparasitic regimens may have the ability to prevent AD, and in those who are already sick, they may have a strong positive impact on how the person feels. Also, when done right, those regimens have the potential of removing the offending bug altogether, giving space to restorative work. The reason it matters is because restorative work done as the battle is still going on may not register as restorative work because, well, there is a war inside one’s cells!
Alzheimer’s disease can be contagious through bodily fluids (which I firmly believe, and I don’t care if it conforms to the current dogma or not). And yes, for individuals with healthy immunity the incubation period may take decades (in other words, the currently healthy person may get infected through bodily fluids while young, notice nothing, then develop AD in the old age or when additional stressors come—and never even connect the two.
That is it in the nutshell. I’ve written about it in detail many times, I recommend that if you want to dig deeper you check out the links.
Beware of What's Coming: Insanely Bad Antiparasitic Vaccines Against Very Real Parasites
My page dedicated to all the things I have written about parasites and their impact on our health
Can You Catch Alzheimer’s Disease? (an article I wrote for Dr. Mercola two years ago)
Human Brain Parasites: Don’t Look Away (another article I wrote for Dr. Mercola)
Yet another article I wrote for Dr. Mercola about toxoplasma, a “stealth” intracellular parasite
“But Tessa, don’t you know, contagion does not exist!”
I find that argument inconsistent with reality. We even pick up emotions from one another, let alone microbes. And yes, I will treat you with love and respect regardless of whether we agree or disagree on this. But I choose to be honest to reality and not disregard the evidence of my lying eyes.
Now, one wants to argue that infections aren’t possible in principle in any way at all because there is no such thing as a pathogenic bug, I will refer that debater to the article that I wrote about the “energy” side of health and disease, the “terrain,” etc. In that article, I’ve addressed the topic in depth from multiple angles, and, having done so, I refuse to partake in the circular argument about the supposed contradiction between “germs” and “terrain.” To my individual senses, it’s a circular argument that is not a productive way to spend time, much like arguing about what is more important, the left hand or the right hand. We are composite beings! There are many factors that go into our state of health! We are also free beings, and my goal is always to provide information that I personally find helpful, as opposed to establish some kind of a dogma over which we can righteously fight and debate whose opinion is “correctest” in absolute terms. You are free, I am free, everyone is free. Living free is the point.
Historical approach
As you probably know, the prevailing theory of Alzheimer’s Disease used to be about amyloid plaques as a biomarker of AD as well as its “main cause.” You may have also heard that the prevailing theory was based on scientific fraud, and the “seminal” study was retracted last year. Never mind those innocuous billions of dollars in drug funding and pharmaceutical profits because … look, puppy, look, a very cute puppy over there!
What I said in the past is that there is a need to really look into the “infectious” theory of Alzheimer’s disease because, who knows, it may save your life (in addition to eliminating toxicity to your best ability, being good to your soul, watching what you eat, avoiding certain notorious medical interventions you don’t need, etc.)
What I also said in the past is that the “infectious” theory will find its way into the mainstream once they figure out a way to properly milk it, sell more vaccines etc. And that is what I am seeing unfolding, and I pray that more people, including more brave doctors, start really looking into it before the mainstream medicine brings its own version of it and comes like a bulldozer with a syringe.
The theory is making rounds
A couple of new studies came out recently potentially linking Alzheimer’s to HHV / HSV1 (examples: a study in Alzheimer’s & Dementia, and another study in Cell Reports).
No, it is not the first time studies of this kind have come out—and if you read the article that I wrote for Dr.Mercola in March 2023, you will see more studies like this. For a long time, the “infectious theory” of AD has been considered “controversial,” and it used to fly under the mainstream radar—but now it is starting to make rounds in the mainstream.
Does it matter that these particular studies are about a virus? What I am seeing in the grand scheme of things is the entrance of the “infectious theory of Alzheimer’s” into the mainstream (just like I predicted), and that’s the important part in practical terms. Sure they are talking about viruses because they mostly talk about viruses but they can also start talking about parasites and still reduce it to vaccines!
As far as I am concerned, it is equally important to protect us against the actual parasitic and other brain infections (that are largely ignored to nobody’s benefit)—AND against the prospective syringe!
From Harvard University (they are talking about viruses and gum / gut bacteria, not about parasites, yet):
A page from the NIH website:
Here is a one of many recent Facebook ads:
Now, each of us may think whatever we want about the existence of viruses or not, it’s a personal opinion that we make based on “doing our own research,” and it’s a beautiful thing that we can do that. That is not the point. Viruses may or may not be real but intracellular parasites, molds, and bacteria are real beyond any doubt, and their potential pathogenicity can cause brain disease.
Yes, everything is energy, and everything comes from the invisible world. But we are still living in this physical world right now, and the physical world has its law. I don’t want to make any assumptions about anyone’s current state. Maybe, some of us are super ninjas who need not fret about infections of any kind because no humble earthly bug can ever even come near them. If you are a super ninja like this, good for you (and I mean it). But if you roll like a mere mortal living in the world as it is right now, it may be beneficial to consider the potential impact of microbial bandits on your brain health and maybe take protective or curative measures before some clever mainstream doctor shows up, citing a half-truth and aiming an anti-Alzheimer’s syringe at you.
I think we are meant to be healthy, and I think that in order to accomplish that, it’s good to keep an open mind.
The end.
A note to readers: If you are in the position to do so, I very much encourage you to become a paid subscriber or donate. I love you in any case, but it helps A LOT, and I am in a dire need to get more donations and paid subscribers while keeping my posts free. Thank you from my heart for your support!
I usually don't comment on the biological articles simply because biology is my worst subject. I just don't know enough. But I listen to people who I feel believe what they say, and it's always interesting to learn new things.
What I would like to add is a suggestion for strengthening your immune system and ability to resist bugs. Simply: go outside, as often as you can. Feel the sun and the breeze on your skin. Smell the soil and the plant life or the ocean breeze. Touch grass is such a cliche already, but seriously, touch grass or a tree or any living being and resonate with it. All of the life around us has the potential to awaken our most ancient capacities.
I hope I'm not being trite. I really believe just being outside is one of the best things you can do for the health of your mind, body and soul.
Tessa I just had to comment - you are not getting all crickets in response. I’ve been noting all you say and was recently tested for mold - based on symptoms- and found I have a Ton of mold - also following your toxo theories and everything you write. I personally am Extremely thankful for the light you bring to those of us willing to listen. Please continue!!!!!