Over the past few years, given all the craziness happening in the world, I spent a lot of time evolving different aspects of my understanding of health and disease. I believe that my understanding can help others in a unique way, and I would like to share it with you.
Being a practical thinker, I would like to first put my foot down and say that my intention is sharing thoughts, and that I am not even a little bit interested in bickering over correctest opinions, traitors, contagion wars, etc. My conclusions are based on my own observations and “doing my own research.” If you are interested to learn what I share, I am grateful and thrilled. If you have a different opinion, I am not hurt, and we are still friends. We are all free people, which means that you are free to think from the inside, and I am free to think from the inside.
Quantum physics-wise, in our essence, we are all light. Everything in the world is light. What we call “matter” is “frozen” light. 1 2 Therefore, everything , including us and the outside world, can be described as ‘energy.” Health is an energy state reflecting balance and wholeness. Disease is an energy state reflecting an imbalance of some sort. All very fancy! However, our material relationships with other living beings in the material world can’t be shoved under the rug just because we know a few fancy words! :-)
Yes, this physical world is a reflection of other dimensions, and yes, everything in our life—including our interactions with other living beings-—originate in the invisible world. But even so, they are real, and the energy exchange between the visible world and the invisible world is a two-way exchange.
Everything is energy. All energy, even subatomic particles, have consciousness. Different energies impact us in different ways. Trauma is an energy that disrupts the “terrain.” Toxins are energies that can disrupt the “terrain” as well. Living beings in the conventional sense can enhance our health or disrupt our health. Which means, yes, in earthly terms, contagion is also real because living beings are capable of trying to invade other living beings.
One can ignore this fact, debate it, and I have the fullest respect for everyone’s right to believe whatever they wish to believe. But I am still going to “do my own research” and say what I actually think. Based on my observation of life, invasions can happen—and when they do, it is prudent to be honest about this fact.
A philosophical interlude
As you may remember, I have taken a deep and somewhat unique dive into the topic of parasites and their impact on health (including through contaminated vaccines). In the process, I sometimes stumble upon the train of thought that goes like this: “Tessa, parasites aren’t a bad thing for us, they just come to detox us from heavy metals, etc.”
Okay now. In philosophical terms, everything that happens to us shows up in our life for a reason and ultimately serves our growth.
For example, the existence of tyrants and technocrats in today’s world is due to the fact that our human organism is greatly out of whack. In a sense, they are here “to detox us from our collective imbalances and blind spots.” That, however, doesn’t meant that they are good for us. Just like real parasites, they can cause harm. They are “parasites” on the level of the human organism. So, while it’s true that biological parasites often favor environments rich in heavy metals, it is still important to drive them out (while healing the “terrain” as well). That is true in the biological sense, and that is true in philosophical sense.
Plasma clouds
Our universe has more dimensions that what we can see with our eyes. When we talk about the physical world, we talk about the dimensions that we can see with our eyes. When we talk about the spiritual world or the invisible world, we talk about the dimensions that we can’t see with our eyes.
Just like things and people take space in our physical world, things in the invisible world also space. Our thoughts take space. Our feelings take space. All energies in the invisible dimensions take space. In the “physical world” (i.e. the dimensions we can see), things consist of atoms, etc. There is an opinion, to which I am subscribed, that the medium that carries energy in the dimensions that we can’t see (i.e. “spiritual realm”) is what scientists call plasma clouds. 3
Elenini: a West African concept that is extremely helpful for understanding the impact of our emotional experiences and thoughts
The concept of “elenini” comes from the traditional Yoruba culture in Africa. In my opinion, understanding this concept is super helpful in understanding of how the world works. Western psychology offers some crude offshoots of this concept but to my senses, the original concept, even in my imperfect understanding of it, is far more effective and clear than the western offshoots.
I would like to make it transparent that this is my personal interpretation. There are very few people in the western world talking about this, You are not going to find a lot about it on the internet, and what you are going to find may or may not be intended well. I learned about it from the works of Awo Falokun Fatunmbi, whose books are brilliant and require a degree of familiarity with indigenous thought and a lack of Eurocentric bias. I am very grateful to him for his courage and wisdom, a lot of my insights (including my current understanding of plasma clouds) have been greatly inspired by his work.
Very vividly, I remember stumbling about the concept of elenini in a book by Awo Falokun for the first time on the day when I wrote an article on artificial spirits, as I was trying to figure out how it all worked from the inside. I wrote that article—and then a few hours later, I stumbled upon Awo Falokun’s explanation and exclaimed to myself in amazement, “OMG that is exactly it!”
The interpretation below is my own interpretation, as it has evolved so far. Not perfect and not final, it is simply an interpretation as I feel it now. As it evolves, I’ll write more.
Energy—and everything in this world is energy—is not a mechanical thing. All that exists is conscious. When we think thoughts, our thoughts are not just nuggets of inanimate energy that we excrete, they are actual living beings, “thought forms.” Same goes for feelings Which is to say, every moment of our existence, we give birth to a large number of invisible living beings who then roam in the invisible world, interacting with our physical world. It is my belief that those thought forms have different life spans. Some “die” and transform into something else sooner than other. Some stick around for a while. (And in fact, the Christian “devil” may very well be a giant, conscious, collectively generated plasma cloud that was born from pain.)
The word is usually used to describe negative thought forms (fear, suffering, pain, etc.) I believe that positive thought forms (joy, love, spiritual faith etc.) function in a similar way. But, by convention, to the best of my understanding, the word “elenini” is used to describe persistent negative thought forms, or elemental energies, which is spiritual energy beings born from human pain (fear, suffering, shock, etc.).
It is my understanding that in its essence it is simply the energy of pain. It is not evil. It is not “bad” in absolute terms but if it grows too much, it may act like the Christian devil, like a “cancer” of the soul that creates more experiences of pain. It does so because it is pain, it’s the only thing it knows how to do until it dies and becomes something else.
When a human being experiences significant trauma, violence, or shock, the elenini that are born from such experiences are stronger than the ones produced by short-term or smaller pain.
Generational trauma
If that energy does not get dissolved right away (by healing the pain for real, no lies) that particular elenini grows bigger. As it grows bigger, it gets stronger, and because it is nothing but elemental energy of pain, it tries to create more pain. That is the reason why sometimes, people have the same painful thing happening to them again and again. What is required to stop that experience is face the root of the issue, do what psychologists call the “shadow work,” and then the elenini die and become something else. And the cycle gets broken for good.
If a person does not heal their pain during their lifetime, that energy may stick around and follow the family. That energy becomes the carrier of what we call “generational trauma.”
Collective entities, such as families and communities, are living beings in their own right, and we relate to those collective entities like cells in our bodies relate to us. So what we are looking at here are collective organisms who are “sick” with persisting pain.
Now, I am subscribed to the indigenous cosmological concept according to which we are in our essence eternal souls, and that we choose our general ‘task list” for a given life time before we come to Earth. If that is so, then we can imagine that a soul has a desire to express itself (and Creator’s unconditional love) by helping a particular lineage heal—which in practical earthly terms requires being born into that family, inevitably experiencing the energy that hangs around, remembering the purpose of that experience, and then healing both the individual pain (individual elenini) and the ancestral pain (generational trauma, or ancestral elenini).
If the soul who came to earth with this task sorts it all out in due time, the lineage gets healed. If the soul gets confused and stuck in pain, then the ancestral elenini sticks around, and the next generation gets the task of healing the pain. And it goes on until there is success.
Health and disease
Again, everything is energy. If a person’s energy is completely whole (healed, no mechanical or other damage, no individual trauma, no ancestral trauma--in other words, something that is very rare in today’s world), it is harder for any destructive energy to cause harm.
When I say “destructive energy,” what I mean is any energy that is not conducive to the person’s wellbeing and health. It could be poison, magic, EMFs, a pathogenic organism, emotional trauma—and there is really no reason for any of us to go at other people’s throats over which of those things are the “real” reason people get sick.
The Spirit is very precise in matching the needs of the soul (healing and spiritual growth) with the circumstance. I believe that people get sick when there is spiritual need for that, or we can say that people can sick if their energy needs to get whole.
I find it important to not fall for the trap of arrogance. I have seen people throw around words like “frequency” and “energy healing” and pretend that throwing around those words is enough. I have also seen deliberate charlatans and worse who greatly enjoy the state of the world in which the people delude themselves and stay sick.
Yes, everything is energy. And sometimes, if one’s body has been invaded with parasites or similar hostile organisms like molds and sometimes even bacteria, healing one’s energy requires actions to remove molds and parasites. Those things don’t just go away because you say OM. (They could in theory if you are super ninja but most people are still working on it, and lying to oneself about one’s current state is not a very effective technique of improving one’s health. Herbs and other natural remedies exist for a reason, our diets and environments matter, so…. )
It’s like, if you live in a village, and the village becomes invaded by some horrible Nazis because the village fence wasn’t tall enough, the Nazi are now running around and doing crap. And so you need to do away with the Nazis first, and then build a new tall fence. If you just build the fence while the Nazis are still around, they aren’t going to magically disappear.
I have written many articles about the connection between many common health conditions and molds and parasites, and I created a dedicated page on Substack where list my articles on the subject. If you want to know more, here is the page.
Ancestral healing
It is my opinion and experience that whatever we see in this visible world has a source in the spiritual realm.
The history of the past few thousand years has been brutal, every lineage possibly carries some unresolved pain. Our ancestors are real, they are energy, too, and if there is unresolved pain, it is the pain that wants to be healed. We can’t heal what we don’t want to see.
For example, for those with European roots, there is a massive history of abuse, forced religious conversations, invasions, witch burnings—and yet we are told that none of it matters, that people used to be stupid or misguided but now we are smart, that we are modern and shiny, that we are our national flags and somebody else’ written word—while in the actual reality, we are the DNA and the hopes of our ancestors (all created by God), and our ancestors might be screaming to be looked at and understood as an expression of God.
I believe very strongly that a lot of imbalances in the world today exist because we’ve been tricked into living like orphans. We’ve been tricked into looking down at our own blood, into being in denial of goodness of our own ancestors from the olden day.
I think that ancestral healing of the real kind is a part of our collective health. I think that if we open our ears, we will learn a lot about how to be well, And I think it’s time.
Okay, this article is already long, so let’s continue this conversation, and let us all get well.
A note to readers: I said that I would do a fundraiser but then I got self-conscious and decided to write a comprehensive article before doing so. I feel a great responsibility in terms of being useful to you, my dear readers. And yes, if you are in the position to do so, I very much encourage you to become a paid subscriber or donate. I love you in any case, but it helps A LOT, and I am in a dire need to get more donations and paid subscribers while keeping my posts free. Thank you from my heart for your support!
Very profound insights!! One of the greatest things about Substack is how brilliant many of the writers are (including you Tessa). I spent many years working in academia directly with lots of professors who hold all kinds of degrees from the most esteemed halls of learning. But what became obvious in 2020 was how ignorant and arrogant so many (not all) of them are. And it makes you wonder how many asses they had to kiss to reach their desired high place in society.
But now I’m done with all of that and my journey of healing commences. Every day includes thousands of moments which offer countless choices. And believe it or not every one of those choices count. So instead of treating each day as a mundane series of events requiring tedious actions and humdrum thoughts, I just look at the whole journey as one amazing ride where I’m both the passenger and the driver. And as long as I can keep the heart as my guide, the journey will take me back to the place where it all begins. All it takes is the resolve to kiss the
fear parasite goodbye every time it shows up. And also it takes a good sense of humor at the absurdity of it all 🐸.
I loved this piece, Tessa. I agree wholeheartedly with everything you wrote. As do you, I continue to grow in knowledge and understanding every single day and it is so helpful when someone (Tessa) can spell out that unexpressed thought that's been hanging around your mind for a while. Thank you.