It's a very sensitive situation because brain infections are real (and not necessarily that rare) but at the same time, we don't want the Big Pharma syringe!!
I usually don't comment on the biological articles simply because biology is my worst subject. I just don't know enough. But I listen to people who I feel believe what they say, and it's always interesting to learn new things.
What I would like to add is a suggestion for strengthening your immune system and ability to resist bugs. Simply: go outside, as often as you can. Feel the sun and the breeze on your skin. Smell the soil and the plant life or the ocean breeze. Touch grass is such a cliche already, but seriously, touch grass or a tree or any living being and resonate with it. All of the life around us has the potential to awaken our most ancient capacities.
I hope I'm not being trite. I really believe just being outside is one of the best things you can do for the health of your mind, body and soul.
I agree with you!!! Well, in New York, one needs to be mindful of the fact that they spray heavy duty poisons on everything a couple of times a year at least, and I am not even talking about geoengineering here, just the official accounts of pesticide spraying over NYC. Sigh
Escape from NYC. It's not just a movie, it's a good idea.
Large cities are CAFOs for humans. Like chickens living shoulder to shoulder inside building their entire lives, never seeing the sunshine, never seeing a blue sky, never touching the grass. Fed a diet of GMO / gene-edited grains & soy, contaminated with pesticides. No fresh green, bugs, worms, larvae, weed seeds, berries, etc - the natural diet of chickens.
Just please, do not bring big city attitudes to a smaller city, town, or rural area.
Good point about the spraying of toxic substances, into the high atmosphere, and at low altitudes, and at ground level creating a needlessly toxic world.
Since before scientist Rachel Carson brought the overuse of toxic chemical pesticides to public attention in her book, 'Silent Spring' published in 1962, this has been a problem.
An attorney for Informed Consent Action Network - - shares documentation obtained via FOIA requests, of both high atmosphere and low level spraying:
The first step to resolving a problem is knowing it exists - and sharing the information. Hopefully, our species will soon return to working with nature to solve the challenges in our lives. Until then, hope you can 'escape from NYC,' at least occasionally! <smile>
Tessa I just had to comment - you are not getting all crickets in response. I’ve been noting all you say and was recently tested for mold - based on symptoms- and found I have a Ton of mold - also following your toxo theories and everything you write. I personally am Extremely thankful for the light you bring to those of us willing to listen. Please continue!!!!!
maybe we should all be taking some ivermectin annually - what is the rate of Alzheimer's in India where they give it to their population regularly? Also I believe increase in dementia and Alzheimer's is linked to the increased vaccines the proponents have been pushing on those >65 for decades!
I am not an MD so I am not in the position to give medical advice but, outside of the realm of prescription drugs, I think that doing herbal protocols with some regularity sounds like a rational thing to do. And yes, I also hold the opinion that vaccines greatly contribute to the tragic increase in neurological issues, and they do so through multiple routes (inlcuding, in my opinion, through contamination with pathogenic microbes). There have been lawsuits about mold, etc.
If they think herpes causes Alzheimer’s, just wait till they see what the Spike protein does. Ive been talking about this for years, & they perfected their method via SarsCov2 & subsequent ‘study interventions’
On point and well stated. Takes me back to your 2021-2 articles with mercola that helped me a lot in my early waking days.
Parasites are a part of the life field we are participants in! The ancient healers were aware of them too and had protocols to address their existence.
Oddly(?) enough tobacco was sometimes used to address certain parasitic infections.
Great work and insights. So, no crickets from me although I am one of the small fry flying free in this great time of the Bhagavad-Gita wed to the great apocalypse.
All the best with what is changing. Everything changes!
Thank you Guy!!!! Your kindness is very beautiful! And I think we are all equal in size and importance, we are all God's energy. We probably, most likely, no assumptions, agree on that :-)
Yup....this has been around for awhile....DMSO could help some sufferers.
Possibly could be injected to areas needing treatment.
DMSO was run out of the list of potential "cures" for many problems afflicting humans
and their animal companions.
I suggest anyone wanting to achieve "health freedom"...get some information and educate yourself on how this substance can help eliminate pathogens and clean up the body.
Dr. Max Gerson explored DMSO as a help for many problems.
Correction: I meant Dr. Stanley Jacobs at the University of Oregon discovered DMSO and was excoriated by Pharma. They tried to stop the production of this amazing substance but failed. It is truly a wonder drug as far as arthritis goes and has been used to alleviate myriads of painful symptoms.
Max Gerson healed many diseases with a dietary approach....
Both of these scientists/healers deserve a lot of credit for their persistence and bravery.
There are two old patents out for the use of DMSO in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases which I covered last year. This combined with other neuroprotective agents ‘could’ possibly offset this process.
We are in a new era in the area of Neurodegenerative diseases & theres lots they're not telling us.
I think it may be helpful to the virus vs. no virus debate if we just call "the thing" a toxin. We can have biological toxins and chemical toxins and they get into us and we feel symptoms of our body trying to get rid of a 'toxin'.
I find it interesting that the brain needs saturated fat. In the 1950s and 1960s they told us saturated fat is bad and pushed margarin and hydrogenated oils. And now we have brain problems???
There are many dis-ease out there that the cause is not known. Admittedly, I don't have much knowledge of human illness, but I do find your parasite theory to be highly credible. To take possible causes of illness and summarily dismiss them is foolish and unscientific. As you are likely aware, RFK,Jr., now Secretary of HHS,has publicly acknowledged his operation to remove a bug in his brain. Who better to explore your theory? He can authorize a competent study and authorize the funds for the study. Tessa, you need to contact him. He can put you in charge of the study if you wish.
The "viruses don't exist camp", are friends with the "But Tessa, don’t you know, contagion does not exist!” camp...
To the "viruses don't exist and the "contagion does not exist" contingent:
How did my sister-in-law become infected with the genital herpes virus, after my brother, who had a bad case of Herpes B virus ("cold sores"), performed oral sex on her? (I know ewwww, and I'm not saying it caused their divorce but: True Story.)
So anyway... How?
I will look into Alzheimer's further Tessa.
Have looked into everything else that has affected my family and my son. Why not open that can of worms too? (I'm already so popular though, I might need to hire bodyguards to keep my fans from trying to get too close...)
I think that many things can trigger inflammation. In my human opinion, toxins have the ability to simultaneously weaken people and strengthen the ability of various living organisms living inside human body to act out their pathogenic potential.
I am not a doctor either. However, in my younger years I experienced intense suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and could barely walk. I adopted some strict dietary changes and also discovered DMSO. Arthritis is a multifaceted problem to do with "inflammation". There are many ways to eliminate toxins and reduce inflammation...It is also said that the 'nightshade' family of plants....tomato, potato, egg plant...etc etc. can cause inflammation(tobacco is also a nightshade}. I notice when I eat a lot of nightshades I may feel my age....Which I normally do not....I credit this fact that I was lucky enough to have availed myself of the wisdom that real healers were generous enough to share with the public on how to heal most "systemic" problems.
Please don't fall into the Chemtrails trap. You'll notice recently when Donald Trump was talking about autism that he noted that Pennsylvania Dutch don't have it - I believe that he made that comment to clue us into the fact that he knows con/chemtrails are not a major causative factor for these things. The sky above Amish country is just as full of contrails/chemtrails as anywhere else. To me all the focus on so-called Chemtrails is quite suspicious. what are they trying to keep us from looking at?
On the other hand, completely legal jet exhaust is indeed full of aluminum, due to the fuel being unregulated and full of metals. there is also a lot of aluminum in the jet exhaust due to the wearing of engine parts. When you realize this could be regulated by the EPA and the FAA, you can understand why perhaps Airline Industries? would prefer that you think there's a secret government program spraying chemicals on you. Airline industry doesn't want to have their toxic missions regulated, like car exhaust is.
I will include a link here where Jim Lee talks about how Chemtrails are ruining activism.
I have heard Jim Lee disparage and put down others who are looking for answers/information on the spraying and climate engineering that's going on----and I don't appreciate that. He is entitled to say what he believes/thinks, but not name and put down others.
There are a few supplements/meds I really feel like should be studied more. DMSO, LDN and Fenbendazole and Mebendazole. I'm currently using a homeopathic remedy from Heel called Galium. It was "prescribed" to be my doctor for an infection back in 2011 maybe. It used to say something like for acute and chronic viral infections. It worked for the infection. Years later during covid I found some that I had left over and found it in Italy when we were vacationing there in 2023. I should have bought all I could find then. It was made without alcohol. Last year I was on a river cruise thru Germany where they make the stuff and I could only get it the next day. When I finally found some, the label was different and contents changed a bit and now it contained alcohol. I get coldsores and I will tell you 10 drops in water in the am and 10 drops in water in the pm and I don't get them. It stimulates the immune system and I can attest it works. I was getting them like every other month or more and sometimes 2 at a time. I'm not sure what was causing it, but I hope I can get more if I need it. It's not easy to get here in the us (land of the free) and it's soooooo much more expensive. I don't think you can find it here anymore. The pharmacies in Germany all said they could get it later but didn't have it in stock.
LDN (low dose naltrexone) is supposed to be an amazing thing for all kinds of disease. I listened to a liver doctor that said he uses it daily and has his whole family on it (I don't remember if he said the dosage and it does matter) as a cancer preventive. I'll leave a website for a wonderful resource which talks about it as well as other substack links for additional information.
Not well versed in certain aspects of this, but Dr Hulda Clark, who cam at cancer through an environmental lens way before anyone else, said she never saw a cancer that did not have a parasite associated with it, so as a matter of course she assumed cancer. She had people working hard to clean their environment of every sort of pollutant.
I think we are more aware now than years back.
I know you are talking about alzheimers, but let me say this. Right now we have turbo cancers- a new deal where it progresses so fast that some people are diagnosed in stage four right off the bat. In 80 percent of the cases so far, Ivermectin and (sp?) will in the course of 6 months deliver patients of all signs of cancer. So: cancers with parasites.
For me, that means other important illnesses with associated cancers are even more credible. And sure as hell we don’t have to wait to try if this works in Alzheimers. What the hell, if it works, it tells us something. These are intervention proven very safe. Myself Ivermectin made me vomit, so maybe I would need to go with the other one - quinine based.
By the way, i never see tonic water at the grocery these days. It occurs to me it would be a great thing to drink. That with gin was a malaria preventive. The gin was simply entertainment, as would be vodka. Tonic water. Nice idea.
But seriously, I know in Germany people did a parasite cleanse every six months. We should all do it.
I hear you, and I understand why you would have doubts BUT I put a lot of time into my conclusion, and I am fairly certain that in some cases (some, or most, hard to say) it is infectious through bodily fluids because the so called "Alzheimer's" is really an infection of the brain or central nervous system. For example, every second or third person in the world carries toxo. Doctors are trained to think it is no big deal, and it can be "inactive" for decades but if immunity drops, it stops being inactive, and it it is the brain that it attacks, then a person ends up with all the symptoms attributed to "Alzheimer's" There are many factors that go into how immune the person is (i.e. how one can "live with parasites without any significant symptoms.") Aluminum is not great for the body, and I believe it is a contributing factor. Could it be the main factor in some cases? I don't know, maybe, but I think we are looking at a situation where many factors combined, or individually sometimes, can lead to the same result. I am pretty sure that the rate of toxo and similar infections in the elderly is through the roof, and it is flying entirely under the radar because, no vaccine YET. Anyway, I linked to an article about that specifically. So yes, I hear you, yet I am convinced of my opinion.
Yeah, after I wrote that comment I thought about the gut-brain connection, and the microbiome and how it affects our physical and mental health. So microbes could definitely be involved in Alzheimer’s…
Absolutely, the gut-brain connection is a big thing, in my opinion, but it also goes beyond that. We are literally "terrain" for microbes, and good microbes can keep the bad ones in check without us doing anything it all is in balance, but balance is not easy in this world, and so most people aren't in balance I think. And so, if bad microbes get into the brain, or nervous system, or other organs (which they do if allowed), people experience a wide range of "symptoms" that the doctors then call by different names (dementia, asthma, etc.) Again, there can be different factors leading to similar-looking results. So there are probably cases of non-infectious dementia. But I think that in many cases, it is infectious, indeed. And the practical point is that if anyone is caring after an elder with dementia, taking protective measures is very good!
I usually don't comment on the biological articles simply because biology is my worst subject. I just don't know enough. But I listen to people who I feel believe what they say, and it's always interesting to learn new things.
What I would like to add is a suggestion for strengthening your immune system and ability to resist bugs. Simply: go outside, as often as you can. Feel the sun and the breeze on your skin. Smell the soil and the plant life or the ocean breeze. Touch grass is such a cliche already, but seriously, touch grass or a tree or any living being and resonate with it. All of the life around us has the potential to awaken our most ancient capacities.
I hope I'm not being trite. I really believe just being outside is one of the best things you can do for the health of your mind, body and soul.
I agree with you!!! Well, in New York, one needs to be mindful of the fact that they spray heavy duty poisons on everything a couple of times a year at least, and I am not even talking about geoengineering here, just the official accounts of pesticide spraying over NYC. Sigh
Escape from NYC. It's not just a movie, it's a good idea.
Large cities are CAFOs for humans. Like chickens living shoulder to shoulder inside building their entire lives, never seeing the sunshine, never seeing a blue sky, never touching the grass. Fed a diet of GMO / gene-edited grains & soy, contaminated with pesticides. No fresh green, bugs, worms, larvae, weed seeds, berries, etc - the natural diet of chickens.
Just please, do not bring big city attitudes to a smaller city, town, or rural area.
Good point about the spraying of toxic substances, into the high atmosphere, and at low altitudes, and at ground level creating a needlessly toxic world.
Since before scientist Rachel Carson brought the overuse of toxic chemical pesticides to public attention in her book, 'Silent Spring' published in 1962, this has been a problem.
An attorney for Informed Consent Action Network - - shares documentation obtained via FOIA requests, of both high atmosphere and low level spraying:
The first step to resolving a problem is knowing it exists - and sharing the information. Hopefully, our species will soon return to working with nature to solve the challenges in our lives. Until then, hope you can 'escape from NYC,' at least occasionally! <smile>
Tessa I just had to comment - you are not getting all crickets in response. I’ve been noting all you say and was recently tested for mold - based on symptoms- and found I have a Ton of mold - also following your toxo theories and everything you write. I personally am Extremely thankful for the light you bring to those of us willing to listen. Please continue!!!!!
Thank you Jody!!! I feel all warm and fuzzy now. And I am so glad that my explorations were useful to you!! xoxo
maybe we should all be taking some ivermectin annually - what is the rate of Alzheimer's in India where they give it to their population regularly? Also I believe increase in dementia and Alzheimer's is linked to the increased vaccines the proponents have been pushing on those >65 for decades!
I am not an MD so I am not in the position to give medical advice but, outside of the realm of prescription drugs, I think that doing herbal protocols with some regularity sounds like a rational thing to do. And yes, I also hold the opinion that vaccines greatly contribute to the tragic increase in neurological issues, and they do so through multiple routes (inlcuding, in my opinion, through contamination with pathogenic microbes). There have been lawsuits about mold, etc.
I’ve been thinking about that myself - it’s not harmful and could prove hugely beneficial
Prophylaxis starts NOW. Everyone needs to get on a protocol to stop this from happening.
If they think herpes causes Alzheimer’s, just wait till they see what the Spike protein does. Ive been talking about this for years, & they perfected their method via SarsCov2 & subsequent ‘study interventions’
Very thought provoking, Tessa. Thanks.
Dear Tessa, thanks from the heart for your work!
Can you tell me, what appropriate anti fungal and anti parasite regimes are or where I can find out more about them?
Thank you Michael! Let me go through my links and I will respond here. It is scattered throughout my articles here.
Hola, Tessa.
On point and well stated. Takes me back to your 2021-2 articles with mercola that helped me a lot in my early waking days.
Parasites are a part of the life field we are participants in! The ancient healers were aware of them too and had protocols to address their existence.
Oddly(?) enough tobacco was sometimes used to address certain parasitic infections.
Great work and insights. So, no crickets from me although I am one of the small fry flying free in this great time of the Bhagavad-Gita wed to the great apocalypse.
All the best with what is changing. Everything changes!
Thank you Guy!!!! Your kindness is very beautiful! And I think we are all equal in size and importance, we are all God's energy. We probably, most likely, no assumptions, agree on that :-)
Yup....this has been around for awhile....DMSO could help some sufferers.
Possibly could be injected to areas needing treatment.
DMSO was run out of the list of potential "cures" for many problems afflicting humans
and their animal companions.
I suggest anyone wanting to achieve "health freedom"...get some information and educate yourself on how this substance can help eliminate pathogens and clean up the body.
Dr. Max Gerson explored DMSO as a help for many problems.
Correction: I meant Dr. Stanley Jacobs at the University of Oregon discovered DMSO and was excoriated by Pharma. They tried to stop the production of this amazing substance but failed. It is truly a wonder drug as far as arthritis goes and has been used to alleviate myriads of painful symptoms.
Max Gerson healed many diseases with a dietary approach....
Both of these scientists/healers deserve a lot of credit for their persistence and bravery.
There are two old patents out for the use of DMSO in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases which I covered last year. This combined with other neuroprotective agents ‘could’ possibly offset this process.
We are in a new era in the area of Neurodegenerative diseases & theres lots they're not telling us.
I think it may be helpful to the virus vs. no virus debate if we just call "the thing" a toxin. We can have biological toxins and chemical toxins and they get into us and we feel symptoms of our body trying to get rid of a 'toxin'.
I find it interesting that the brain needs saturated fat. In the 1950s and 1960s they told us saturated fat is bad and pushed margarin and hydrogenated oils. And now we have brain problems???
There are many dis-ease out there that the cause is not known. Admittedly, I don't have much knowledge of human illness, but I do find your parasite theory to be highly credible. To take possible causes of illness and summarily dismiss them is foolish and unscientific. As you are likely aware, RFK,Jr., now Secretary of HHS,has publicly acknowledged his operation to remove a bug in his brain. Who better to explore your theory? He can authorize a competent study and authorize the funds for the study. Tessa, you need to contact him. He can put you in charge of the study if you wish.
The "viruses don't exist camp", are friends with the "But Tessa, don’t you know, contagion does not exist!” camp...
To the "viruses don't exist and the "contagion does not exist" contingent:
How did my sister-in-law become infected with the genital herpes virus, after my brother, who had a bad case of Herpes B virus ("cold sores"), performed oral sex on her? (I know ewwww, and I'm not saying it caused their divorce but: True Story.)
So anyway... How?
I will look into Alzheimer's further Tessa.
Have looked into everything else that has affected my family and my son. Why not open that can of worms too? (I'm already so popular though, I might need to hire bodyguards to keep my fans from trying to get too close...)
Wondering if Alzheimer's could be caused/effected by breathing the chemicals/ingredients in chemtrails..........
I think that many things can trigger inflammation. In my human opinion, toxins have the ability to simultaneously weaken people and strengthen the ability of various living organisms living inside human body to act out their pathogenic potential.
I am not a doctor either. However, in my younger years I experienced intense suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and could barely walk. I adopted some strict dietary changes and also discovered DMSO. Arthritis is a multifaceted problem to do with "inflammation". There are many ways to eliminate toxins and reduce inflammation...It is also said that the 'nightshade' family of plants....tomato, potato, egg plant...etc etc. can cause inflammation(tobacco is also a nightshade}. I notice when I eat a lot of nightshades I may feel my age....Which I normally do not....I credit this fact that I was lucky enough to have availed myself of the wisdom that real healers were generous enough to share with the public on how to heal most "systemic" problems.
Please don't fall into the Chemtrails trap. You'll notice recently when Donald Trump was talking about autism that he noted that Pennsylvania Dutch don't have it - I believe that he made that comment to clue us into the fact that he knows con/chemtrails are not a major causative factor for these things. The sky above Amish country is just as full of contrails/chemtrails as anywhere else. To me all the focus on so-called Chemtrails is quite suspicious. what are they trying to keep us from looking at?
On the other hand, completely legal jet exhaust is indeed full of aluminum, due to the fuel being unregulated and full of metals. there is also a lot of aluminum in the jet exhaust due to the wearing of engine parts. When you realize this could be regulated by the EPA and the FAA, you can understand why perhaps Airline Industries? would prefer that you think there's a secret government program spraying chemicals on you. Airline industry doesn't want to have their toxic missions regulated, like car exhaust is.
I will include a link here where Jim Lee talks about how Chemtrails are ruining activism.
I have heard Jim Lee disparage and put down others who are looking for answers/information on the spraying and climate engineering that's going on----and I don't appreciate that. He is entitled to say what he believes/thinks, but not name and put down others.
There are a few supplements/meds I really feel like should be studied more. DMSO, LDN and Fenbendazole and Mebendazole. I'm currently using a homeopathic remedy from Heel called Galium. It was "prescribed" to be my doctor for an infection back in 2011 maybe. It used to say something like for acute and chronic viral infections. It worked for the infection. Years later during covid I found some that I had left over and found it in Italy when we were vacationing there in 2023. I should have bought all I could find then. It was made without alcohol. Last year I was on a river cruise thru Germany where they make the stuff and I could only get it the next day. When I finally found some, the label was different and contents changed a bit and now it contained alcohol. I get coldsores and I will tell you 10 drops in water in the am and 10 drops in water in the pm and I don't get them. It stimulates the immune system and I can attest it works. I was getting them like every other month or more and sometimes 2 at a time. I'm not sure what was causing it, but I hope I can get more if I need it. It's not easy to get here in the us (land of the free) and it's soooooo much more expensive. I don't think you can find it here anymore. The pharmacies in Germany all said they could get it later but didn't have it in stock.
LDN (low dose naltrexone) is supposed to be an amazing thing for all kinds of disease. I listened to a liver doctor that said he uses it daily and has his whole family on it (I don't remember if he said the dosage and it does matter) as a cancer preventive. I'll leave a website for a wonderful resource which talks about it as well as other substack links for additional information.
DMSO info:
fenben and ivermectin for cancer
Ok I am
Not well versed in certain aspects of this, but Dr Hulda Clark, who cam at cancer through an environmental lens way before anyone else, said she never saw a cancer that did not have a parasite associated with it, so as a matter of course she assumed cancer. She had people working hard to clean their environment of every sort of pollutant.
I think we are more aware now than years back.
I know you are talking about alzheimers, but let me say this. Right now we have turbo cancers- a new deal where it progresses so fast that some people are diagnosed in stage four right off the bat. In 80 percent of the cases so far, Ivermectin and (sp?) will in the course of 6 months deliver patients of all signs of cancer. So: cancers with parasites.
For me, that means other important illnesses with associated cancers are even more credible. And sure as hell we don’t have to wait to try if this works in Alzheimers. What the hell, if it works, it tells us something. These are intervention proven very safe. Myself Ivermectin made me vomit, so maybe I would need to go with the other one - quinine based.
By the way, i never see tonic water at the grocery these days. It occurs to me it would be a great thing to drink. That with gin was a malaria preventive. The gin was simply entertainment, as would be vodka. Tonic water. Nice idea.
But seriously, I know in Germany people did a parasite cleanse every six months. We should all do it.
Thank you, Tessa, this is a very big deal.
I have a hard time believing Alzheimer’s is infectious, but I don’t know enough and need to research it.
To me the prime culprit for Alzheimer’s is aluminum, of that I am fairly certain.
I hear you, and I understand why you would have doubts BUT I put a lot of time into my conclusion, and I am fairly certain that in some cases (some, or most, hard to say) it is infectious through bodily fluids because the so called "Alzheimer's" is really an infection of the brain or central nervous system. For example, every second or third person in the world carries toxo. Doctors are trained to think it is no big deal, and it can be "inactive" for decades but if immunity drops, it stops being inactive, and it it is the brain that it attacks, then a person ends up with all the symptoms attributed to "Alzheimer's" There are many factors that go into how immune the person is (i.e. how one can "live with parasites without any significant symptoms.") Aluminum is not great for the body, and I believe it is a contributing factor. Could it be the main factor in some cases? I don't know, maybe, but I think we are looking at a situation where many factors combined, or individually sometimes, can lead to the same result. I am pretty sure that the rate of toxo and similar infections in the elderly is through the roof, and it is flying entirely under the radar because, no vaccine YET. Anyway, I linked to an article about that specifically. So yes, I hear you, yet I am convinced of my opinion.
look up Dale Bredeson -the guy has been curing Alzheimer's for years! his approach is multifactorial. so many potential causative factors...
Yeah, after I wrote that comment I thought about the gut-brain connection, and the microbiome and how it affects our physical and mental health. So microbes could definitely be involved in Alzheimer’s…
Absolutely, the gut-brain connection is a big thing, in my opinion, but it also goes beyond that. We are literally "terrain" for microbes, and good microbes can keep the bad ones in check without us doing anything it all is in balance, but balance is not easy in this world, and so most people aren't in balance I think. And so, if bad microbes get into the brain, or nervous system, or other organs (which they do if allowed), people experience a wide range of "symptoms" that the doctors then call by different names (dementia, asthma, etc.) Again, there can be different factors leading to similar-looking results. So there are probably cases of non-infectious dementia. But I think that in many cases, it is infectious, indeed. And the practical point is that if anyone is caring after an elder with dementia, taking protective measures is very good!