As we are dealing with the another wave of contagion fearporn, I would like to revisit the topic of the “dark winter for the unvaccinated” from last year.
Remember the dark winter for the unvaccinated?
The Daily Beast even assigned an appropriate rubric to the story!
Well, I am in a community of mostly unvaccinated people, and I don’t know of anyone who died from COVID this past winter. Or after. And yes, the engineered synthetic spike protein is a toxin—and on environmental exposure, our bodies react to it like bodies react to toxins. Occasionally, someone gets spike poisoning—and they deal with the poison by either just resting or taking supplements and the horse dewormer.
(Speaking of the horse dewormer, here is a really interesting paper by Dr. Sabine Hazan that suggests a mechanism of action; she proposes that it feeds good bacteria in the gut, which is critical to our immune response; and yes, there could be many mechanisms of action, and there certainly are different opinions about viruses, etc.
On a side note, it is true that at any point, mad scientists can come up with new synthetic biology and release it; I was just reading about a DARPA project from a few years ago where they took insects, infected them with genetically modified pathogens, and released them, allegedly into greenhouses—and on contact with plants, the pathogens edited the genes of the plants in real time, and the change was heritable.)
None the less, right now, I don’t know of any unvaccinated people who passed away during the proverbial “dark winter.” Or later.
Unfortunately, a friend of mine who was likely vaccinated, based on his general worldview, passed away, no reason given, and no one was able to find out what happened. He was I think in his fifties. Shortly prior to his passing, he sent me a very regular email asking how I was, I got distracted and forgot to respond, and the next thing I knew, a friend in common called me and shared the tragic news about his passing. It was very weird. It is very weird because the last time I saw him was before COVID, and none of this even existed. And now he is gone, and that email is an email from a friend who is no longer here. God bless his soul!
And yes, it could have been anything, and it’s not like people in their fifties have never passed away before COVID injections were rolled out—but up until last year, naming the cause of passing was pretty standard but this tradition seems to be suddenly abandoned.
Young healthy people keep dropping dead on stage, at sporting arenas, in their sleep, and as they go about their lives—and it is now perfectly normal! In parallel, stats keep coming out showing that it’s mostly the boosted and the vaccinated who are currently dying from COVID—however they measure COVID (here, here and here)—and yet mainstream newspapers keep saying it’s the other way around.
And here is an absolutely horrible story about an increase in demand for children’s caskets.
And a story about the disastrous situation with airlines and vaccine-injured pilots. That news has received exactly zero coverage in the mainstream media. The scoundrels!
(Thank you for your support; I depend on it)
I confess I never expected that I'd be expected to pretend that I believe that Suddenly is a valid cause of death. The more menticided the NPCs get the weirder their belief structure becomes.
On the Tour de France half of the cyclists are suffering from lung problems. Two or three admitted that it started with the second dose... MSM don't talk about this very much needless to say.