May 31, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Seems like you are in a worse place than I am, small town GA here, and life has more or less returned to normal. Last week a few had read the misinformation rags and were wearing masks again. But that were only a handful. Cashiers and delivery people here do their jobs as before the scamdemic. Got other friends than before, we are gathering in small circle again, celebrating birthdays. I am in a majority black town and very little people got jabbed. Mostly richer, white people. I am poor white people LOL

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Jun 1, 2023ยทedited Jun 1, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

I often have to remind myself that throughout history there has always been a "remnant" of people who see the truth regardless of the level of poison, propaganda, and everything else thrown at them. Up to the point of death in many cases. It's tempting to wish for the level of ignorance that most of the public blindly enjoys, but I always end up being glad I am aware of the truth and the discernment I have. What's scary is seeing how many people who claim to be part of the remnant already thinking that everything is back to normal. I see it in comments all over the place, including this post. Nothing is over. The majority of the public still doesn't see what's coming. And many think they can just move and be free from the plans of these monsters at the helm. Sorry to say, there's no where to run. Is no one paying attention? Did no one hear John Kerry gleefully declaring the war on farming? If people think they can just move to a rural area and magically they won't endure the world Tessa described... You are fooling yourselves. I live in a rural area and see lots of the same things here and as far as "covid" went, we were locked down and masked here too. There were just a few more of us who said hell no. People need to take off their rose colored glasses and see what Tessa is talking about. This dystopian hellscape is everywhere. It will be the future. Unless we who can see and hear are willing to permanently join the remnant and *stay awake* and on guard. Only then will we have a chance at stopping or reversing what's happening. I shudder when I remember that only 8 people made it onto Noah's ark. The rest of the world had gone completely mad. Great post Tessa!!!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Your spiritual compass is right on. You know the direction of each wind and what it brings. The light of the world is shinning on you and bringing hope to the rest of us. Your love and insight is true, thank you.

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I read somewhere today that in a very short time (years) 50% of Americans will have a chronic disease.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

I am very much wondering just what they have in mind for the criminals and gangs in their perfect 15 minute cities, owning nothing. Do they seriously think that the criminal element will sit around playing virtual reality games? Is the cartel going to give up their business for the likes of WEF? These elites are very out of touch with reality.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Two things--if you can leave large messy cities governed by overtly corrupted fools do so. Try a smaller town occupied by more middle-class and less affectatious folks. It might not be considered the "cool" place to live, but you might be in a saner environment. Obviously, no place is perfect...

Secondly, "long COVID" is most likely another adverse reaction to the jab. Who the hell knows which substances were actually in the nanoparticles which were mixed with the computer generated toxic concoction. Of course, big pharma mobsters will never admit that the term "long COVID" was fabricated to cover their asses which are now obesely stuffed with billions in tax dollars as well as the usual bullshit.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

I agree with many comments here. Thanks Lena for bringing this up. I really enjoyed this post. I see a lot of people around me who are visually in pain, limp, donโ€™t see or hear, and just plain look unhealthy. It is astounding to me how fast some people I know personally aged in the last 2-3 years.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

I was feeling a little off center recently and my son in law said to me "I heard you were not feeling well, how are you feeling now"? I said to him, "I feel like my body is being poisoned from the outside in". My son-in-law was jabbed FOUR times. My daughter twice. My soon to be 6 year old grandson once, which tore my heart out. I'm one who resisted. I am now surrounded by those who obeyed what they were TOLD to do. My entire town is WOKE. Recently they sponsored a DIsney Villain Drag Queen Musical put on by a local 16 year old self professed drag queen and his entourage of 9 other local drag queens. I read about this in our Local town online newsletter. I thought it was a joke at first, but nope, it wasn't. People are told a story and they choose to believe that story, a story I reject vehemently, like those injections were our salvation and men can now have babies! Although I'm 72, I consider myself still able to reason and think properly. I now feel like I'm living among the walking dead. l feel like I'm living in the movie, The Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I'm not one of them and they don't see what's being done to them via propaganda and woke ideology. There seems to be two sides, those in the Cult of WOKE and those who are not members of that cult of woke. The so called WOKE don't see those lines in the sky and if they do, they think nothing of them. They support the trans movement and teenage drag queen shows for the kiddos! They still plan to vote, which is joke! They don't understand how the narradigm works nor do they recognize who is running the planet as their personal evil empire. It's WORK to be among those who have no idea what is happening to ALL of us with the poisoning of air, soil, water, food and the poisoning of the body, mind and soul. My daughter recently told me, "Mom, you were right about the cvd injections". That is the hope I hold onto that more people realize what is happening to them and what has happened over these last 3 years and what will continue to happen in the future to ALL of us because those powers that shouldn't be have their technocratic futuristic vision agenda to carry out. Humans are being "hacked" to pieces! Soon we will ALL be Anne Frank in the attic!

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Wow, Tessa. You really captured our current reality perfectly here. I wish my kid was your neighbor and listened to you every day. And THIS zombie, working toward my own reformed-zombie status, needs to read this and ponder this again. THANK YOU.

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Currently in NC it's more like "When No One Will Work, What Can We Do?"

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May 31, 2023ยทedited May 31, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

I have to believe that the avarice we see, almost uniformly, throughout the oligarchy is a sign of sick souls, drunk on power, addicted to narcissistic neoliberal capitalism (predatory capitalism). The oligarch's contempt for the "sheeple" grows as they watch the diminishing lives, people who hang on dearly to every clever propaganda devise thrown in front of them. And yet, as they watch this collapse of society, the oligarchs may still be pricked by some small sense of guilt or shame in their atrophied hearts--and that makes them particularly cruel.

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Uhm, we'll own nothing and be happy?

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If I read one more article regurgitating data and despair Iโ€™m going to snap. We know big Pharma and governments everywhere lied to us, to enrich themselves and reduce the population. We have enough evidence already to convict these criminals of fraud and premeditated genocide. They openly admit theyโ€™re evil and taunt us with their untouchable immunity.

Iโ€™m tired of the public and the media ignoring reality. Our house is on fire but they are too busy watching the game on tv. Rather than dealing with the problem, they simply open a window and let out some smoke. There is a global dictatorship bearing down on us but weโ€™re too busy on our cell phones to pay attention or even care.

Once the permanent crisis is completed, once food and energy supply chains have been destroyed, once small business has been decimated and unemployment is rampant, once digital biometric IDs and Central Bank Digital Currencies become mandatoryโ€ฆ it will be too late to defend ourselves. The fourth industrial revolution, artificial intelligence, and hybrid humanoid robots will permanently enslave us while we wait for the eugenicists to finish us off.

We need to organize our citizen resources NOW into one immense global resistance force. All of the separate freedom organizations competing for donations and their own little piece of the social justice turf must join forces, combine finances and coordinate an effective legal challenge. There is no room for competition in this war. The newly created freedom industry that feeds on public donations to sustain fear and despair must militarize a common resistance to defeat the public/private corporate super government that is driving the stakes of โ€œstakeholder capitalismโ€ into the heart of true freedom and democracy.

Please do your part and organize locally to push this agenda forward. https://localresistance.org

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Great post. Reminds me of the book, Dumbing us Down, The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling by John Taylor Gatto. Good read, great man.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you Tessa

All people born on Earth in this period are here for a reason we ourselves (as soul-spirits) decided, of course a veil is placed on this conscious memory so we can play our โ€œgameโ€ honestly and not cheating. if we play our cards with Love and Forgiveness, I think is a sure way to pass all tests and excel in to the beautiful Future our Hearts Know is Possible.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you Tessa! Your voice is one of life, love and agency. Iโ€™m determined to stop my slide into despair and apathy. I needed this essay!

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