A short video about post-vax suffering you can send to your mainstream friends
Oh how times change...
This is a great short video that you can send to your mainstream friends who think that vax-injured people are full of $hit.
In practical terms, I think that the mechanisms of vax injury are complex, and being dogmatic about it (“it’s definitely this and you are an idiot if you disagree”) is very little help to the people who need help. I spent two years looking into undiagnosed fungal and parasitic infections as an underlying cause of many chronic conditions, and I think that a large percentage of vax-induced neurological issues may be infections in disguise, greatly exacerbated and sometimes directly caused by toxic and/or contaminated vaccines.
Here is the video, and I will follow up the video with my philosophical thoughts.
Here is how I look at it. Yes, Chris Cuomo was kind of a dick before. And yes, I have no verifiable way of knowing whether he has really stopped being a dick now. His eyes look okay but he may be changing his views fifteen times a day, and I am not a part of his immediate circles, so I am not going to spend a whole lot of my time investigating the state of his soul.
I know, however, that I am much happier and much more useful to the world if I accept the fact that I don’t have as good of an understanding of all layers of why things happen as the (non-branded and love-feeling) Creator does, and so I will leave all judgement to the Creator and focus on solving problems that I can solve, the best way I can.
In order to solve problems, we need to talk to each other.
It is important to talk to each other sincerely across ideological divides because without that, we will keep feeling proudly and painfully right in our little bubbles but the problem will stay in place.
Keeping the focus on pain is a very sophisticated weapon of the metaphorical vampires, and it is in our very best interests to refuse to take the bait, refuse to cooperate, and insist on our right to joy because we were born for joy.
If we don’t trust the spirit’s ability to melt away our pain regardless of other people’s choices, the tyrant vampires may keep us trapped in the prison of suffering and use our focus pain as that “straw” that they put into people’s souls to vampire creative energy out of good people and into their vampire pockets. From a practical standpoint it is very important to keep an open mind and to be willing to talk to others with the eyes on moving forward in a positive, spiritually dignifying and mysteriously healing way. Doesn’t mean we are depending on those people now, it just means we want to do our part and trust the spirit to do the rest.
Snapping out of righteous suffering is the hardest thing a human being can do because when we feel pain, pain feels like the most righteous thing, and reacting to pain feels like the most logical thing to do. And it’s true, it’s a logical thing to do but it is also a choice that keeps us trapped, and the metaphorical vampires fat. Snapping out of it is a very complex process, it can take years, it can take a lifetime. But when we snap out of it, we come alive, maybe for the first time in our lives.
I applaud Brianne Dressen and Aaron Siri for having this conversation with Chris Cuomo.
At the end of the day, we want our mainstream friends to see that they, too, have been had. If one soul is moved, it is worth it. Our job is not to shove our truths down other people’s throats, our job is let go of our pain (which is hard), to be strong because we were born to joy and are willing to fight for joy, our job is to pray for the truth and healing to come in a way that the spirits know, and we don’t.
Being human can be humbling and sometimes painful but we can also learn about the beauty of imperfection from our own mistakes, we can allow others to walk their path however makes sense to them, and insist on being happy without waiting for others to be perfect to us.
We can make a commitment to doing our part and be willing to accommodate the spirit whose job it is to heal. We don’t heal. The spirit heals. If we worship our righteous pain (that was set in motion by metaphorical vampires), the spirit will wait until we are ready to understand that our pain is not us, and that we can be healed.
Parting with old pain may feel like dying but it is when we actually come alive.
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Yes indeed. "Chris Cuomo was kind of a dick"...... Interesting how things seem to be changing lately.
Although, I honestly don't know if or when anybody will wake up to the reality of what just happened to them. Ego? Fear? Who knows? In any case, Tessa, thank you for your brilliant work. Helps me feel less alone for my own personal views in this crazy-ass world.
Thank you for sharing this video of Cuomo interviewing Siri and Dressen. It was eerie to watch-- Cuomo acting like this is a story he would oh so naturally cover, how much he cares, and saying he will follow up on the story, as if it were news— after all this long time of silence, after all the censorship. Siri and Dressen and many others were speaking out about severe jab injuries in 2021. They haven't been trying to hide under a rock. That said, I thought it was an informative interview, and I expect it will prove influential in helping more people wake up to what has befallen them.
PS Dear Tessa, I appreciate your metaphysics.