Very profound insights!! One of the greatest things about Substack is how brilliant many of the writers are (including you Tessa). I spent many years working in academia directly with lots of professors who hold all kinds of degrees from the most esteemed halls of learning. But what became obvious in 2020 was how ignorant and arrogant so many (not all) of them are. And it makes you wonder how many asses they had to kiss to reach their desired high place in society.

But now I’m done with all of that and my journey of healing commences. Every day includes thousands of moments which offer countless choices. And believe it or not every one of those choices count. So instead of treating each day as a mundane series of events requiring tedious actions and humdrum thoughts, I just look at the whole journey as one amazing ride where I’m both the passenger and the driver. And as long as I can keep the heart as my guide, the journey will take me back to the place where it all begins. All it takes is the resolve to kiss the

fear parasite goodbye every time it shows up. And also it takes a good sense of humor at the absurdity of it all 🐸.

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Thank you Jeff!! I agree, arrogance is a friend of learning. I ran away from the academia at some point precisely because I did not like the staleness of it, so I hear you!

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Also ran away…

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I loved this piece, Tessa. I agree wholeheartedly with everything you wrote. As do you, I continue to grow in knowledge and understanding every single day and it is so helpful when someone (Tessa) can spell out that unexpressed thought that's been hanging around your mind for a while. Thank you.

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Thank you Susie!! I am glad you found it helpful!

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What a brilliant, unique piece Tessa. "…tricked into being orphans." YES.

I wonder if you know Douglas Gabriel is writing a book about plasma. You would enjoy listening to him I think if you don't already know his work.

Yesterday I had a visit from a recurring thought, very simple. It sounded something like this. "Our problem is we don't have love. All the healing talk, healing fields…The problem is not that we are not correct enough, it's that we are not loving enough." The message meant to say, all of us, all the time, coerced to this quasi-robotic existence, with all sacrifices made from love being scorned and condemned in the name of "boundaries" and other sterile idols.

I am "working on" forgiveness. I don't want to be sick anymore.

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Thank you Tessa for willing to dive in those subjects.

From what I read in spiritual texts, the “elinini” if not embraced and dissolve its energy in one’s incarnation, will accompany the person in the next incarnation.

In some spiritual schools the “elenini” are called elementals.

Also a lot of trauma is generated in the fetus by the feelings of the parents and more trauma during birth in the sterilized, soulless, indifferent people in the maternity wards of todays hospitals… and after comes the trauma of the “compulsory educational system”, that tells our children that the don’t worth much and must learn how to be slaves.

From the wise ones”

“ All illnesses are the manifestation of our thoughts.”

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Thank you Vaios, I always enjoy your comments. I think that if we are honest with ourselves, we will have to admit that at the end of the day reality may be something deeper and not exactly how any of us imagine it. I think that "from one lifetime to another" and "from the past to the present within a given lineage" are two trajectories that sometimes interact with each other, especially when the soul is reborn as one's own descendent. I cannot claim any sort of "final" understanding of it, not at all. Based on how I feel about things at this moment, I think that if we don't complete our task list for a given life, we are reborn into that same life (if time were a sphere, it would be another "spike" that goes from the center to the outer surface.) Once we have done with the task list, that lifetime is done, done done, complete. But we can choose to build on it and be reborn in a manner that is connected to it in some way. That is my understanding as of this second. One day, we may know how this works more precisely, I hope we do, and I hope it's sweet.

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Tessa please keep writing your feelings, as for your :

“… One day, we may know how this works more precisely, I hope we do, and I hope it's sweet. “

We will know for sure, it is sweet, some earlier (you) some later. If only 1% of humanity starts imagining a better and brilliant future, according to spiritual law, it will come to pass.

So let’s as all subscribe to light and love, and project ONLY light and love in our thoughts, words and actions.

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wow Tessa , in true robot fighting fashion :)

the only problem we face is an ancient artificial form of fungi that has been traced back to the 1400's - and it looks like our only chance to banish it once again is to send the love , the energy with the right frequency , yes that - before our entire micro-biome is turned into AI.

Will the right energy enable the right frequencies or will the right frequencies enable the right energy ???

Will elaborate on this further and I will also introduce a dear friend who heals with chi to your substack.

may this world be closer to paradise by the time I rise again...

good night from australia

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The difference between energy and matter is density.

Free electrons are now thought to be mathematic probabilities.

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Thank you, Vonu! There are so many theories, it's amazing and very interesting to me. I think that a lof of terms (even terms like "atom") are more or less approximations, conventions, models, one of those things. And also, when we say "energy" what do we mean? I thought about it when I was writing this essay. We use those words every day sometimes but the meaning can be so broad.

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I think you meant to say that sound is also energy. Sound is kinetic energy instead of electromagnetic or radiation. Unless the sound is of a very low frequency and high intensity, the only organ that detects it is the inner ear. Sound can't get to other planets because there is no air in outer space for it to be carried by.

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Great read, Tessa. I agree completely, and thanx for introducing me to the concept of elenini.

It reminds me of a book I read years ago about the native American concept of wetiko (or wendigo). Unfortunately, the author suffered from the generational trauma of being a native American, and his permavictim anti-white bias really turned me off. But I still do recommend it - https://www.sevenstories.com/books/3026-columbus-and-other-cannibals - and another writer picked up the concept and expanded it: https://www.awakeninthedream.com/


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Thank you, Ol' Doc Skepsis! Yes, I think there are some parallels between the concept of elenini and the concept of weitiko. There is actually a book called "Dispelling Wetiko," by Paul Levy. It is about a similar topic. Maybe not exactly the same but similar. It is an interesting book! https://www.amazon.com/Dispelling-Wetiko-Breaking-Curse-Evil/dp/1583945482

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"...now we are smart ... we are modern and shiny..."

So true. I would even take it a step further:

"...now we are RATIONAL ... we are modern and shiny OBJECTS ..."

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Yep, that, too!

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Frozen light. Read CS Lewis’s Space Trilogies and you’ll also get this theory! Especially book two!

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The energy of anguish, which you describe is called "Loosh", and feeds a form of spiritual-parasite, demons... Don't feed those trolls, nor hate them. ;-)

What is Loosh? https://theethicalskeptic.com/2023/11/25/what-is-loosh/

Faith is the absence of loosh. Faith is the refusal to wallow in its addiction. The progression of faithfulness itself involves a deliberate abstention from a specific set of logical conditions. This broaches the question: What therefore, is ‘loosh’?

Loosh is the intoxicating energy extracted from an ignorant, abused, and captive source. That source is us. It acts as a kind of spiritual tax, drawn from the visceral suffering of innocent victims and paid out to a hierarchy of sycophants. This energy fuels a spiritual madness in its abusers, numbing and blinding them to their own encroaching darkness.

Darkness will dark; it cannot help itself. For these, there is no such thing as free will.

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Thank you, Brother John! I remember reading Ethical Skeptic back in the early days of "COVID," I have a lot of respect for him (or her, I don't know his real name).

This is an interesting article, thank you for the link. In this case, I think the definition of "elenini" is somewhat more comprehensive that his definition. One of the key points to me is that this energy is really not "evil." Suffering is the only thing it knows, and it is not conducive to human existence. It is not good for us. But "spook" around it is an elenini of its own.

I think two things are true at the same time. I think that this energy is the energy of suffering. In African spirituality, it is called an elemental spirit In quantum physics, it is called a plasma cloud. Spirit is present in our lives at all times, it watches out for our needs and uses those "negative" energies to point at individual and collective problems that are waiting to be solved. Even literally, the purpose of pain is to indicate that something needs to be stopped or avoided.

At the same time, people with vampiric intentions artificially manufacture great amounts of that energy (elenini, or plasma clouds coded with suffering). That, I think they do. And a lot of dark and horrible things done are for that purpose.

However, the energy itself is not spooky, it is elemental energy of suffering. People make it when they suffer. Most people carry a lot of that energy from even centuries ago (forced conversions and witch burning weren't pretty, neither were colonial pursuits, and even if one does not consciously think about those things, if that pain is unresolved or ignored, it may make itself known. Everything IS energy, after all.)

I think the loving Spirit allows people to experience the influence of elenini because we are out of balance, and people have been tricked into ignoring their own bloodlines and their relationships with their own ancestors from a long time ago. My feeling is that opening the ears to our ancestors and the real histories of our families going back a long time is going to be very healing. The controllers are very afraid that people will figure it out, and THAT is the reason why there is such a renewed push against the so called "darkness of paganism," and the artificial association between ancient wisdom and darkness. It's a deliberate psyop by the controllers. "Pagani" means "rural dweller" in Latin, it is as much of a pejorative term as is the word "antivaxxer." Both are fake pejoratives. The push against "paganism" is not well-intended at all in my opinion. It is an attempt to slow down ancestral healing and reconciliation, without which I don't think we can really heal effectively. That is my opinion, I feel strongly about it, and everyone is free to make up their mind.

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Yes, loosh and elenini are different, but conceptually related.

I am working with broader concepts of the origins of our world, holding nothing too firmly, and appreciating Cyd Ropp's work explaining the Gnostic text, attributed to St. Valentine, "The Tripartite Tractate".

Thank you for the introduction to her and her work.

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And once again, thank you for being a force for good in this world, Brother John!

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Cyd is great, I love her! I am also working with broader concepts, maybe we can all compare notes one day :)

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I am satisfied where I am on my journey having banished my individual trauma (or addressing it immediately if some does still pop up) but I feel there is more ancestral trauma to be dealt with. This is difficult to address because it’s largely unknown. Unless it slaps me up the head in a dream or I stumble on it in historical accounts it goes unresolved.

For example; I was looking through the contents of my family’s cedar chest and started connecting some dots regarding my grandfathers work in the US penitentiary system. Names came up regarding connections to Martin Luther King. Some of these connections also involved my father post war. I only have bits of info of that time but I can foresee a narrative that if true would create great trauma in my grandfather and father. Looking forward to the new MLK dump. Kind of a real life intrigue.

So for lack of better info, all I can do is offer blanket forgiveness to my ancestors and offer my gratitude that the sum total of those energies and my current state are good.

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Thank you, Mike, and I pray that your journey takes you places that support you in the sweetest way!!

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Tessa, you are a treasure. Thank you for bringing in and shining your light. May your words help many others to shine their light as well 💕

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Thank you Susan!! xoxo

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Excellent article! Just a short opinion: This dispute over Germ v Terrain emerged at an unusual time. I see it as a distraction and a possible division. As for contagion: I have had personal experiences that couldn't be explained any other way unless I blame "evil spirits"

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Thank you, Daniel! I personally think that some of the militant reactions to this whole contagion debate are sincere and are rooted in ... well, trauma ... and some are intentional to disrupt. That is true for any topic, I think, and "militant" is the key word here. Holing any opinion is fine by me, it is the wounded need to have the last word that I don't find particularly helpful to the evolution of the world.

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Tessa, this really resonates with me, I am in the phase where I try to detect and sublimate every negative thought I think, because it stays around and it is indeed infectious! I am also learning to generate thoughts of joy and love. I used to think it had to 'descend' on me, like a silver cloud...

The challenge is, I am really fascinated by what is going on in the world in a practical historical sense, now, not to become infuriated by what a small clan of very much 'hurt' souls (or soulless psychopaths in real life) have done to the lot of us, well that is the challenge. And not to resent those who are not interested...

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I hear you Claudia!! I think it's a work in progress for all of us. It could be the point why we are here - to learn how to do it and remember the original joy, and then practice it without any bullshit, for real.

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Very interesting as always. A few thoughts come to mind.. When we want to study something complex, it's useful to start simple and general, and then work to the details. Health (and illness) has causes in six domains: diet, body, mind, spirits, communities, and environments. Environments are terrains. Our external environment is the external terrain, our bodily is the environment for our cells, our bodily terrain.

Individuals can be very healthy, not so healthy, sick, very sick. They can even be very healthy at the same time as they have an illness - most obvious examples are when we get an injury or cut. Communities can also be very healthy, not so healthy, sick, very sick and they too can be healthy in general, but sick in specific ways.

As you have stated, illness usually comes from imbalance, has imbalance as a cause.

However, some illnesses can be due to disharmonies, which might match your phrase "human organism is greatly out of whack" - the phrase "human organisms" refers to the larger community, but this can occur in individuals and communities of all sizes from individuals (me, myself and I) to families, extended families, ... to the human organism.

I am very interested in the concepts of elenini and the works of Awo Falokun. I'll be looking him up. thanks

to your health, tracy

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Thank you Tracy. Awo Falokun's books are very interesting, I am very grateful for his wisdom. They do require some familiarity with the indigenous worldview, if one is willing, they are a real treasure.

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Interesting essay,will look into shadow work.your approach resemble buddhist view (Sgi-Uk) xx

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I agree about the energy, although I see it as psychological and not supernatural. I think our ancestors just didn't have the knowledge of how the brain works to understand this effect.


As for parasites, I recently heard that tuna, which have high levels of mercury and other heavy metals survive because of parasites. They feed on the metals and sequester them so that the rest of the tuna is not damaged.

Same can go for bacteria which only feed on dead matter. Having an infection is the result of damage, not the cause.


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Thank you, Rob. I know that our debate on this is ongoing. We disagree, i addressed my approach in the article in part due to our debate (for which I am grateful). I think that just because life knows how to turn everything into an opportunity for learning and healing (even things that aren't good for us), doesn't mean that things that try to harm us need to stay. They don't. And of course there are symbiotic relationships between living beings. They exist, we are composite beings in different dimensions, it is true biologically and spiritually in my opinion. But I still stand by my analysis, and I do so strongly. Thank you again for our exchanges.

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Speaking of bacteria, there is a bacterium that is capable of killing a human being very quickly by paralyzing tissue that does breathing. Last year, a bunch of restaurants in Moscow had to shut down because there was an outbreak (quoting from memory, I don't remember if it was restaurants or a food delivery service but there was an outbreak, people had to be taken to the hospital quickly in order to stay alive, etc.) At the same time, other bacteria help us stay alive Which is to say, there is no "one size fits all" approach in my opinion, it all depends.

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Botulism... A toxin from clostridium botulinum in Moscow.

Yeah, it's an anaerobic bacteria (lives in no oxygen). Anaerobic bacteria cannot live in oxygen environments like most of the body, except for the lower half of the digestive system.

But the toxins that build up on the food can kill.

Same with mold issues and that's why they also respond to chlorine, iodine, peroxides.

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Yes, it was botulism. That incident demonstrates that a presence of a hostile organism may not be very good for us, and that is the conventional meaning of "infection," i.e. a pathological development connected to a presence of a hostile organism in the body. And "hostile" does not mean "intrinsically evil in the absolute sense," it means "poorly compatible with the host." I feel we are getting somewhere in defining linguistic nuance!

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Yeah, the point I learned to not worry about bacteria infecting me, but yes the toxins -the waste of the anaerobic bacteria can be toxic to a oxygen breather lol.

Many terrain theory people are usually against ivermectin. They read stuff on how it can cause sterility, but this only happens with consistently taking it.

I'm not against it. I don't think it works by killing parasites.

It probably works because it helps the body break down the things that the parasites were feeding on!

That's a terrain explanation for how it works on parasites and why it's helpful to many with other conditions, not just parasites!

But like the germ theory camp, terrain theory camp has their "beliefs". 😂

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