An alleged team of researchers and an AI language model walk into a bar...
Scary or hilarious, this is a sign of our times
As few years ago, my Uber driver nearly drove the car into a wall because her GPS glitched and told her to do so. During that ride, I had to act extra calm and respectful because she was visibly neurodivergent and proud, and I just really wanted to make it to my destination alive. It was not her fault that she was neurodivergent. But it also was not mine!
In the meanwhile, while we are talking about the comedic and tragic strangeness of our times, here is a scientific paper published in Radiology Case Reports via ScienceDirect. Take a look at the second screenshot. Do you notice anything funny? How is that possible? I don’t know how but it’s there!
That’s it for this story. Enjoy your day. :)
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To keep me modest, there had to be a typo in a solemn sentence where I was complaining about the lack of alertness in another human being. Point taken. :-)
I used to peer review papers until I realized that it was a waste of my time. AI is obviously much better suited to perform that task.
What I like about AI at this stage is that it is being funny without realizing it. Can't wait to see what happens if AI masters sarcasm.