Sweeping the Body: Meet Serrapeptase Enzyme
A primer on serrapeptase enzyme (technical details and private philosophical thoughts, never medical advice because I am not an MD)
This story is about the serrapeptase enzyme, an enzyme famed for its ability to clean up cellular debris and eat at biofilm (disrupting biofilm aids in healing chronic infections). Why am I writing about it? Well, we’ve been talking about various ways to strengthen ourselves in the face of the “impending medical doom” (sigh)—and because our job is to take good care of ourselves and not be afraid, it is good to investigate how we can take good care of ourselves.
In my philosophical opinion (which is NOT medical advice as I am not an MD), the serrapeptase enzyme does an excellent job of cleaning cellular garbage, which helps the body do what it needs to do. This enzyme has been called various praise names like “miracle enzyme” etc. I am not a big believer in “one size fits all” cures, nor am I sure if panaceas exist at all—but I do think that it is good to look and think—and so I wrote a technical and philosophical article to help you learn more about this enzyme. (I have kind of missed writing technical articles for a while … this one, I’ve been sitting on for several months—but then I thought, “Hey, what are you waiting for? Send it!!” So here we go.
First, for clarity, we’ll go into various biological terms and conventions (so that we actually understand what is going on, more or less), and then we’ll talk about the serrapeptase enzyme per se and what it does. By the way, our very reliable Wikipedia totally disses this enzyme, which makes me go, hmmmmm….
First things first. What are enzymes?
Enzymes are a type of organic molecules that facilitate chemical reactions (metabolism) in our bodies. They build some substances and break other substances down. All carbon-based life forms produce enzymes to accommodate a broad range of life processes. Many organisms, from bacteria to human beings, not only produce enzymes but also make use of enzymes produced by symbiotic and commensal organisms they co-exist with. Most known enzymes are protein molecules. In some cases, scientists classify mRNA molecules that catalyze chemical processes in the body as a type of enzyme as well. 1
Enzymes demonstrate a high level of specificity, i.e. they bind to and act upon only one specific substance or specific class of substances only. This level is specificity is determined by the fact that the so called “active side” of the enzyme molecule has a very uniquely shaped configuration that narrowly matches the molecules that it has affinity to. [This is a prevailing scientific opinion, in reality no one knows why that is.]
While many enzymes consist solely of protein, many also contain a non-protein component, known as a cofactor, that is necessary for the enzyme's catalytic activity. A cofactor may be another organic molecule, in which case it is called a coenzyme, or it may be an inorganic molecule, typically a metal ion such as iron, manganese, cobalt, copper or zinc. A coenzyme that binds tightly and permanently to the protein is generally referred to as the prosthetic group of the enzyme. The need for minerals and vitamins in the human diet is partly attributable to their roles within metabolism as cofactors and coenzymes. [Did you know that?]
Organic molecules and definition of metabolism
The word “metabolism” refers to the sum of all chemical reactions happening in a living organism. There are three main types of chemical reactions important in human physiology, synthesis (anabolic), decomposition (catabolic) and exchange. In a synthesis reaction, two or more substrates molecules covalently bond to form a larger product molecule. In a decomposition reaction, covalent bonds between components of a larger substrate molecule are broken down to form smaller product molecules. In an exchange reaction, covalent bonds are both broken down and then reformed in a way that the components of the substrates are rearranged to make different products.
Large molecules in the body, composed of hundreds or thousands of atoms, are called macromolecules. Many macromolecules are composed of repetitive units of the same building block, similar to a pearl necklace that is composed of many pearls. Polymers (poly- = “many”; meros = “part”) are long chain, large organic molecules (macromolecules) assembled from many covalently bonded smaller molecules called monomers. For example, carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids (like DNA or RNA) are polymers made of smaller monomer subunits. Proteins are polymers made of many covalently bonded monomers, called amino acids. 2
Enzymes play a key role in the expression of genes
First off, let me say that public-facing genetics is a funny beast. When experts use words like “genes,” or “chromosomes,” or “DNA,” they refer to conventions that they have agreed to use. Furthermore, definitions of even basic concepts sometimes contradict one another, for example, there has been a lot of debate on the meaning of the word “gene.” 3
In plain conventional terms, DNA is defined as a large organic molecule that contains information about coding for various instructions used by cells. Some DNA molecules live in the nucleus, some DNA live in the mitochondria. Some DNA code for proteins, some DNA, until recently considered to be “junk” or “nonfunctional” (“noncoding”) DNA, were recently found to play a critical biological role. 4
DNA molecules, paired with proteins, form larger structures, called chromosomes. Specific parts of chromosomes responsible for a particular function are called genes. Genes are responsible, among other things, for coding for proteins and RNAs, i.e. they contain instructions used by the cell “factory” on how to manufacture target molecules used by cells for different purposes. Additionally, any given gene can be “on” or “off,” which in plain language means that the instructions are either being actively used by the cell or just sitting there as a potential for possible future use.
The formal definition of gene expression is the “process by which the information encoded in a gene is turned into a function. This mostly occurs via the transcription of RNA molecules that code for proteins or non-coding RNA molecules that serve other functions.” 5
Limitations of conventional Western science: a philosophical interlude
Western science views the body as a mechanical machine, which I personally don’t consider true. I think our bodies are not mechanical, they are very intelligent, and what happens inside of us on the level of individual cells and even molecules is not a mechanical affair but more like a live symphony in which the physical and the spiritual are interwoven. It’s a symphony of relationships and events that is as complex and multifaced as the universe itself.
We can even say that our bodies are literally like symphonies because we mostly consist of water, and the water inside us vibrates all the time. As it vibrates, it makes a sound. The sound is too quiet for our ears to hear but it’s a sound none the less, a sound that is completely unique to us.
That principle is one of the foundations of vibrational medicine, such as homeopathy, sound healing, etc. Vibrational medicines may use the “electromagnetic fingerprint or signature of a natural substance.” 67
Our body knows and uses many languages to communicate and get things done. Electromagnetic impulses are a language. Sound is a language. Chemical reactions (moving molecules and atoms around) is a language. Vibration is a language. Our body parts constantly talk to each other, send messages to each other, coordinate what they do. I believe that all this communication is not a mechanical affair but a very complex and multilayer system of relationships, both in the physical world and in the spiritual world.
Are human cells mechanical or alive?
Personally, I believe that different elements inside our bodies, such as individual cells, are not mechanical building blocks but conscious life forms. Consciousness of a cell may be different from human consciousness, and we can’t quite imagine what it feels like to live one’s life as a cell, just like a body cell most likely can’t imagine what it’s like to be us—but in my opinion, both human beings and individual cells are alive.
In that light, when it comes to enzymes as facilitators of chemical reactions, i.e. entities responsible for juggling molecules around, we can compare them to “skilled workers” each of whom knows a particular “trade.” When they encounter an object they know how to manipulate, they manipulate it in a particular way—and without them, there would be no life.
It is important to remember that the language of enzymes is very complex. They are used for many biological processes, and even the smallest organism may be producing many enzymes, while making use of even more enzymes thanks to symbiotic relationships with other organisms. At the same time, the process of regulating enzyme production is intricate, with multiple factors determining what gets produced, and in what amounts.
Role of enzymes in immune response
Enzymes that play a role in our immune response can be secreted by our own cells or by microorganisms that have a symbiotic relationship with us.
For example, within our innate immune system, “neutrophils [a type of white blood cell]] secrete granules containing various enzymes that can synthesize anti-bacterial compounds, as well as degrade the host extracellular matrix to enable cell migration through damaged or diseased tissue.”
“Likewise, classically-activated macrophages produce pro-inflammatory nitric oxide via upregulated expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase, and secrete matrix metalloproteinases … that degrade various extracellular matrix components, including collagen, elastin, and fibronectin.” 8
At the same time, pathogenic organisms may also secrete enzymes—for the purpose of modulating the host’s chemical signaling, uptaking of host nutrients, decreasing the host immune response, etc.
Drumroll now… here comes the serrapeptase.
History of the serrapeptase enzyme
Serrapeptase enzyme was originally isolated from Serratia marcescens, a gram-negative bacterium that produces multiple known enzymes. The bacterium is prevalent in the environment and is said to be commonly present in the intestines of healthy people without any ill effects.9 In hospital settings, however, due to bacteria-contaminated equipment such as blood bags and catheters, it has been reported to have caused outbreaks. The original isolate of the serrapeptase enzyme was made from silk worms who has a symbiotic relationship with Serratia marcescens.
Currently, just like many other medicinal substances, serrapeptase enzymes is manufactured from several bacterial species that naturally produce this enzyme.
Serrapeptase has been used by healthcare professionals in Japan and some European countries for therapeutic applications for decades. Serrapeptase was first used for its anti-inflammatory effects in Japan in 1957. 10
Technical properties of the serrapeptase enzyme
Serrapeptase is a metalloprotease enzyme that consists of 470 amino acids that are important for its proteolytic activity. The enzyme is devoid of sulfur-containing amino acids such as cysteine and methionine. Serrapeptase showed maximum activity at pH 9 and 40°C, and can be inactivated at 55 °C for 15 min. 1112
Its distinctive feature is that its affinity is not just to proteins but specifically to non-living proteins.
Japanese researchers were the first to report and introduce this enzyme to the world. The clinical studies carried out by researchers in Europe and Japan suggested serrapeptase as a “potent anti-inflammatory.” 13 14
Anti-inflammatory action
Inflammation is an innate immune response that causes redness, swelling, and pain in the human body. It is regarded as a response of the human body against any irritant, and can be caused by many reasons, such as pathogens, injuries, and damage of cells. 15 Hence, inflammation within a healthy range can be regarded as a healing mechanism of our bodies to maintain homeostasis.
Serine proteases such as serrapeptase can act as anti-inflammatory agents.16 The enzymes regulate inflammatory cytokines, modify cell adhesion molecules, and act at the site of inflammation. 1718 Serrapeptase has the ability to bind with cyclooxygenase and suppress the release of interleukins and prostaglandins. The enzyme has its mode of action on arachidonic acid pathway. 19
Wound-healing activity
In addition to the anti-inflammatory property, the enzyme is also said to help in wound healing. The enzyme acts by dissolving the dead tissue around the wound and hydrolyses bradykinin, serotonin, and histamine. This improves the microcirculation at the site of injury and results in wound healing. 20
Serrapeptase is known to reduce the capillary permeability induced by histamine, bradykinin, and serotonin, and has the ability to break the abnormal exudates and proteins as well as to improve the absorption of decomposed products through blood and lymphatics. Another finding regarding serrapeptase was related to the tissue repair mechanism. At the site of an inflamed wound, the enzyme assisted in reducing the amount of fluids drained to the wound and facilitated microcirculation, hence improving tissue repair. 2122 23 24
Mucolytic [mucus-thinning] activity
Mucolytics can increase bronchial mucus output or decrease mucus viscosity and make it easier to cough up the mucus. Serrapeptase may be helpful due to its caseinolytic and mucolytic effects on sputum. In patients with respiratory disorders, serrapeptase has improved mucociliary transportability and mucociliary clearance by lowering neutrophils and modifying the viscoelasticity of sputum. 25
During the times of “COVID,” there has been research on a “new combination therapy for COVID-19… A combination of vitamin D and serrapeptase acts as a strong mucolytic agent, and has the ability to fight against the severe effects of COVID-19 syndrome.” 26 [Please don’t gang up on me over whether “COVID” is real or not. I am saying that this enzyme has been reported to help with the symptoms. Personally, I think that “COVID” {when people were actually getting super sick, which some were) was a combination of many factors, some known, some shady, including previously latent fungal and parasitic infections. My opinion on that is strong. But I don’t go to war over opinions. We are all free beings, and the point is to think from the inside and take good care of ourselves in a way that makes sense to us.]
Several proteolytic enzymes are known to act in a synchronized manner in the control and coordination mechanism of viral entry, viral propagation, and establishment in host cells. 27
The serrapeptase enzyme “plays a vital role in the treatment of COVID-19 infection.” [Remember, I am talking about relieving symptoms, and that is what matters. I am citing studies here, yo.] Sharma et al. has conferred the possibility of serrapeptase being used as a mucolytic drug in COVID-19 patients. 28 It was found that serrapeptase can inhibit the cytokine storm in COVID-19 patients. The elevated expression of transforming growth factor (TGF-α), IL-6, and other chemokines may lead to cytokine storms in COVID-19 patients. Increased levels of IL-6 may cause acute lung disorders. Serrapeptase has been suggested as an effective medicine to treat the severe complications of COVID-19. 29
Kase et al. has detailed the importance of serrapeptase as a mucolytic agent, and compared the mucolytic activity of serrapeptase with seaprose. Seaprose is a proteolytic enzyme used in the treatment of bronchitis. Both enzymes showed considerable mucolytic activity in the in vivo animal models.30
Hemolytic activity, blood clots, etc.
Serine proteases are a group of enzymes that includes fibrinolytic enzymes.
“Serrapeptase, which is a serine protease, has high substrate specificity and fibrinolytic activity. Serrapeptase has been shown to contain the property of blood clot lysis, and an ability to remove arterial blocks and cysts.” 31
Antibiofilm activity
In biofilms [a “slimy” protective layer formed by colonies of pathogenic organisms such as bacteria or fungi, including in the gut], serrapeptase can alter the pathogenic phenotype of a pathogen. Serrapeptase, a proteolytic enzyme, was originally suggested by Selan et al. for the treatment of biofilm-related illnesses nearly twenty years ago.32
Another observation regarding the serrapeptase enzyme based on its anti-biofilm activity was against a fully matured Staphylococcus aureus biofilm. Serrapeptase is known to exhibit the property of modifying the adhesion molecules and thereby reducing the cell surface proteins.33 Selan et al. reported that the enzyme could alter the biofilm association of virulent strains, and that it showed activity against a completely developed biofilm.34
Biofilms are normally difficult to destroy. Serrapeptase, in combination with other antibiotics, exhibited potent anti-bioflim activity. The serrapeptase enzyme has reduced the expression of Listeria monocytogens cell surface proteins such as Ami4b, internalin B, Act A, and autolysin. The enzyme significantly precluded the adhesion of Listeria monocytogens in the human digestive tract. 35 According to previous reports, it was found that the enzyme has the ability to interact only with the cell adhesion molecules that formed the biofilm. No cytotoxic activity was recorded. It can act on these surface proteins by altering adhesins and autolysins. In a study reported by Artini et al., it was stated that serrapeptase and carboxypeptidase showed activity against biofilm formation of different strains of Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis. The test results of the previous studies showed that only serrapeptase inhibited the activity of all strains. The enzyme has the ability to modify the phenotype of virulent bacteria and enhance anti-bacterial properties. 36
Another interesting fact was reported regarding the enzyme: it regulates the recruitment of immune cells to the site of inflammation.37
Dosing, etc.
For dosing of this supplement, I am going to cite WebMD:
Serrapeptase has most often been used by adults at a dose of 30 mg by mouth daily. Speak with a healthcare provider to find out what dose might be best for a specific condition.
Please keep in mind that in order to act as a systemic enzyme, it needs to be taken without food, and given a bit of time to work its way down, or else it will just digest proteins in your food.
And whatever you do, please don’t take my word for it. Talk to your doctor, think for yourself, etc.
I hope you found it useful! No matter what comes, we can handle it if we are strong, resilient, and remember love.
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Fantastic article Tessa! Thank you! My 91 year old mum has a Staph aureus infection around her prosthetic knee - she's had it for a year now, and is on strong antibiotics indefinitely. Im going to try adding serrapeptase to the mix now that Ive read your article as prosthetic knee infections are all about the biofilm on the prosthesis! Thank you!
Thank you for this well organized and thought-provoking research on the Serrapeptase enzyme, Tessa. It got me to thinking about potential mechanisms of benefit during COVID treatment. Vitamin-D is straightforward in benefit, but Serrapeptase could have multiple potential mechanisms of benefit.
My viewpoint is that of a treating-physician (until-fired for vaccine refusal), and that both the virus and various gene-therapy vaccine-products are bioweapons. I state this to clarify my view, not to argue against differing views.