Gum spirits of turpentine I use for routine cleansing. 3 Days a week (at least I have morgellons disease and take it more often than that at times with not a single ill effect except for looser bowel movements which are necessary to eliminate. . Antifungal antiCandida antic-cancer anti parasitic highly anti-inflammatory, liver restorative, renal restorative anti malarial, anti leishmania, microbiome friendly it crosses the blood brain barrier and chelates calcified glands.

My understanding is It’s basically a vaccine that pine trees develop from their immune system and excrete as a resin against the elements that would cause it harm. Trees are certainly exposed to plenty of environmental toxicity, GMO insects and while cleaning the air full of chemical trails heavy metals hydrogels ect. I swear by it. Everyone should have in their medicine cabinet.


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Excellent article. Thank you.

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Apr 17Liked by Tessa Lena

Pretty comprehensive....Thanks Whatever happed to the maxim - let your food be your medicine? Even before Covid I have been looking at natural ways to boost/maintain my immune system. It is amazing what it can do if allowed to operate properly and avoids all of the injected poisons we take. Look, no one lives forever but with a little common sense and natural ways one can extend the endeavour. Pax

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16Liked by Tessa Lena

''...recently been used successfully to produce highly protective COVID mRNA vaccines, we anticipate a new wave...'' [Successful? Protect? Immaginative are'nt they.]

New wave of death and destruction? I'll take ivmctn if needed for paracitic infection, but needles of this new potion, no way, stay away!

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Apr 16Liked by Tessa Lena

Alberta Health Updates Guidance: mRNA COVID-19 Boosters Every 3 Months, Including 6-Month-Old Babies

This translates to approximately 320 covid shots over an average lifespan. https://wholisticnews.substack.com/p/alberta-health-updates-guidance-mrna-vaccines

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Much admiration and respect for this article. very well and compellingly done. this may interest you, i think this is how they have always operated. the history of pox. incidentally the purple picture plant is remedy for all pox, so, i am leaning on it being a deficiency sign, for an as yet undiscovered nutrient. https://odysee.com/@yellowgenius:0/Small-pox-truth:5

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Apr 17Liked by Tessa Lena

This article is a true blessing. You are a true blessing Tessa! Finally some truth for so many suffering. I have been following some Parasite pages for a few years---''Parasites, parasite cleansing...'' As well as ''Human Parasites''. The number of people infected but unable to find help is astounding; overwhelming numbers with so many feeling hopeless. Just as you report doctors say '' we do not have parasites in this country'', and literally laugh at the person with true suffering.

With your permission I will send to these parasite pages. So many will be validated. Also warned about what is coming, no matter the suffering, no vax!

Sadly no longer subscribe to Green Med Info, sure would like to see what he says,,

I understood Mercola limited library was now open again for all? God bless you Tessa.

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Apr 17Liked by Tessa Lena

Excellent article! i hope you write more on this topic

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Thank you for painting the bigger picture and showing us where this is all leading. All of this resonates. I've been seeing this brewing in the background as well. Thank you also for putting all of this together.

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Apr 17Liked by Tessa Lena

Yes, Tessa, thank you for being ahead of the curve, as usual. There has been a little more info on this subject, but nothing like your article. It is imperative that we "clean up our act" on every level and live without Big Pharma's "medicines" (i.e., poisons). I have focused on essential oils and homeopathy and making herbal tinctures. My daughter has been learning about foraging for plant/tree materials in our Pacific Northwest environment. These are edible and available for making tinctures, healing salves, teas, and so much more. Yes, we live in an urban area on the edge of Portland, yet with the right knowledge we can make much to keep our bodies, Heartminds and Spirits strong as things get more challenging. So many people walk around with their eyes glued to their devices and are completely unaware of the bounty around them. So very sad, right? Thank you for all you do to help us stay focused on what really matters.

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Apr 18Liked by Tessa Lena

I had parasitic overload and heavy metals ( from biotoxin mold illness, I have a genetic weakness for mold)

Insurance dictated doctor put me in the psychiatric center. ( morgellons, & scabies. I refused their antipsychotics) A few years later, integrative medicine doctor gave me a detox by Metagenics that helped balance it out.

Still working on healing mold related plaque in the brain.

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Apr 17Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you Tessa

your quote is true:

“… until the soul remembers one’s importance and fights back from a place of love and self-love.”

As I see, most parasites are in animal products, I am vegan organic gardener for 20 years so in a way safe (and never vaccinated).

My solution: Move from judgment to love. Take care of your gut microbes, keep them vibrant and they will keep your body in good health.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18Liked by Tessa Lena

Don't eat things humans don't historically eat.


Don't get any more vaccines until we can be sure it is safe to do so.

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Apr 17Liked by Tessa Lena

An excellent article, fascinating and deeply disturbing at the same time. In fact, I’m almost depressed now 🙁.

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Another outstanding article. Lots of fascinating/concerning stuff here.

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