Gum spirits of turpentine I use for routine cleansing. 3 Days a week (at least I have morgellons disease and take it more often than that at times with not a single ill effect except for looser bowel movements which are necessary to eliminate. . Antifungal antiCandida antic-cancer anti parasitic highly anti-inflammatory, liver restorative, renal restorative anti malarial, anti leishmania, microbiome friendly it crosses the blood brain barrier and chelates calcified glands.
My understanding is It’s basically a vaccine that pine trees develop from their immune system and excrete as a resin against the elements that would cause it harm. Trees are certainly exposed to plenty of environmental toxicity, GMO insects and while cleaning the air full of chemical trails heavy metals hydrogels ect. I swear by it. Everyone should have in their medicine cabinet.
This is also my favorite method. You can start with just a drop; its gentle in some ways, but so purifying that it can feel dramatic when it pushes out junk. (Though everything coming out of you will smell like Christmas Tress!) Don't tell your docs you're taking it—they'll freak out and assume its the industrial kind for paint-thinning. Meanwhile, if you look at Merck Manuals and the like from decades ago and earlier, turpentine is listed as a remedy for dozens of ailments; and there are historical records that mother's would give a tiny bit of turpentine as soon as they are born for parasites worms, and that adults would work up to a whole tablespoon a day for health maintenance #panacea
Pretty comprehensive....Thanks Whatever happed to the maxim - let your food be your medicine? Even before Covid I have been looking at natural ways to boost/maintain my immune system. It is amazing what it can do if allowed to operate properly and avoids all of the injected poisons we take. Look, no one lives forever but with a little common sense and natural ways one can extend the endeavour. Pax
''...recently been used successfully to produce highly protective COVID mRNA vaccines, we anticipate a new wave...'' [Successful? Protect? Immaginative are'nt they.]
New wave of death and destruction? I'll take ivmctn if needed for paracitic infection, but needles of this new potion, no way, stay away!
The general direction is insane!! Thank you for the link!
Also , unlike the mysterious COVID that people don't agree on, the fungal and parasitic infections are unquestionable, so the Medical Machine people are going to point at a very real problem but sell a solution that is likely to infect more people!!
Much admiration and respect for this article. very well and compellingly done. this may interest you, i think this is how they have always operated. the history of pox. incidentally the purple picture plant is remedy for all pox, so, i am leaning on it being a deficiency sign, for an as yet undiscovered nutrient.
Unlike what she says in that video, leprosy was not a "catch-all" term for any and all disease. True leprosy was caused by a parasite, but those with other skin problems could be called lepers, true. However, "pox" is a "catch-all" term
I had parasitic overload and heavy metals ( from biotoxin mold illness, I have a genetic weakness for mold)
Insurance dictated doctor put me in the psychiatric center. ( morgellons, & scabies. I refused their antipsychotics) A few years later, integrative medicine doctor gave me a detox by Metagenics that helped balance it out.
Still working on healing mold related plaque in the brain.
I am so glad you started figuring it out! It's appalling that doctors send people to a psychiatrist based on their own lack of curiosity or understanding!!
Also beware, I looked at the detox supplement you mentioned just now, it seems to have B9. In case you have toxo on the background, it LOVES B9. Only you would know what works for you, but this is something to watch out for. I realized that this could be something to watch out for when I saw that some of the alternative doctors recommend B9 for autistic patients, while toxo is likely one of the causes of "autism" (brain infection and inflammation, really, while the world "autism" is just a word they made up). Not the only one, of course but given its prevalence, definitely one of.
I will look into the b9, thanks. I had to go on disability years ago. I was injured by booster shots and got Lyme on the job. I was a teaching assistant in an autistic classroom. So ironic. Back then it was only one in 148 children. Then I acquired mold illness on top of my other issues. Blessed with a good doctor now. In my 40’s, I had zero quality of life and barely could leave the house/ apartment. Insurance dictated doctors neglected and gaslit me.
I am so sorry you had to go through that!! Look for articles in the Appendix, you will find a lot of info, especially on toxo which is something that a lot of people have on the background. Also, something to ponder. I came to the conclusion that a lot of "autism" is contagious through bodily fluids (contaminated shots can also be a source). Infections may not be the only reason for neurological symptoms but it could be one of the main ones, with everything else (toxicity, EMFs etc. being exacerbating factor). Which is to say, no matter what "the science" says, it is possible to "pick up" autism from others via picking up whatever bug they have. And if you are healthy, it may take years to see the consequences, which is why they say it is not contagious. There are not too many people talking about it, so this Appendix is a good starting point.
You can run your pillow through the dryer on high for 45 minutes to kill mites. Not sure what it does for mold or mycotoxins, but it may move them out, into the dryer.
I dumped my pillow years ago (mattress too). Now I use a folded towel or sheet stuffed inside a pillow case. I want to be able to wash what I spend 8 hours on everyday.
This article is a true blessing. You are a true blessing Tessa! Finally some truth for so many suffering. I have been following some Parasite pages for a few years---''Parasites, parasite cleansing...'' As well as ''Human Parasites''. The number of people infected but unable to find help is astounding; overwhelming numbers with so many feeling hopeless. Just as you report doctors say '' we do not have parasites in this country'', and literally laugh at the person with true suffering.
With your permission I will send to these parasite pages. So many will be validated. Also warned about what is coming, no matter the suffering, no vax!
Sadly no longer subscribe to Green Med Info, sure would like to see what he says,,
I understood Mercola limited library was now open again for all? God bless you Tessa.
Thank you, Char! And absolutely, please send it, I really think that a lot of suffering can be alleviated if those infections are treated consistently and without giving up!! I also think sometimes people have several pathogenic organisms at once, which would make treatment more involved. Also, in my toxo article in the Appendix, there is a reference to a German doctor who wrote a very interesting book on toxo. You may find it interesting!
I think you can view the articles in that link without a subscription, please let me know if it doesn't open for you?
Thank you, I plan to read them ALL soon. While so thrilled for your post and complete information, it was a bit overwhelming. German? Not Dr. Diedrich Klinghardt [spelling?] perhaps? He has written much. The necessity of cleansing every six months, minimum once a year. Every age. The stories on the parasite pages are truly heartbreaking. I began my search when felt symptoms returning from Pinworms had as a child. Then again as Brownie/Girl scout leader with so much time spent with children. Simply sharing a pencil with infected child! Did a search for pinworms [learning more than I cared to--a true rabbit hole] was sideswiped with the posts/pictures/stories. The pages with pictures! Yes, many have a 'variety' of 'worms'. Overwhelmed me to see the extent. So much out there yet doctors refuse to believe or treat. Even with article I read some time ago on NIH? Or Pubmed. Gastroenterologists laugh. Did read someone's life saved by seeing an Endocrinologist. Might be a consideration.
And then mold. I scheduled someone to check professionally due to a back up at a 2 month vacant cabin. Did not feel confident with remediation. Had all windows and doors open. He said no testing would be accurate with everything open because there is so much mold in the air/atmosphere! Well, yikes. Unsure what to think. I was so excited I read too fast. Will go back , read again possibly again, and all the references as well. Posting on the parasite pages. I believe the validation received will give many people hope. Hopefully will also heed your warnings. I saw an old video from the 60s showing that parasites result in cancers. 1960-65, that far back! Does it not seem like a science fiction story? And now to learn solutions. A bit more needed than 15 minute wash in vinegar or baking soda. But is a start. Take care, stay well and thank you again.
Thank you for painting the bigger picture and showing us where this is all leading. All of this resonates. I've been seeing this brewing in the background as well. Thank you also for putting all of this together.
Yes, Tessa, thank you for being ahead of the curve, as usual. There has been a little more info on this subject, but nothing like your article. It is imperative that we "clean up our act" on every level and live without Big Pharma's "medicines" (i.e., poisons). I have focused on essential oils and homeopathy and making herbal tinctures. My daughter has been learning about foraging for plant/tree materials in our Pacific Northwest environment. These are edible and available for making tinctures, healing salves, teas, and so much more. Yes, we live in an urban area on the edge of Portland, yet with the right knowledge we can make much to keep our bodies, Heartminds and Spirits strong as things get more challenging. So many people walk around with their eyes glued to their devices and are completely unaware of the bounty around them. So very sad, right? Thank you for all you do to help us stay focused on what really matters.
Yes, and the chance of the industry making safe vaccines is pretty small, alas. Small to non-existent. And I think it is in the cards for all of us to generally keep with some kind of antiparasitic regimen, many spices, if they are real and high quality, are antiparasitic / antifungal, and they taste good, too!
Thank you, Srinivas! Being depressed is logical but it is not going to help us much. :;) Learning more about herbs seems to be more helpful :) Sending you hugs!
I highly recommend the book with the brilliant title “An epidemic of absence’ which describes the ramifications of misguided elimination of elements of nature.
Gum spirits of turpentine I use for routine cleansing. 3 Days a week (at least I have morgellons disease and take it more often than that at times with not a single ill effect except for looser bowel movements which are necessary to eliminate. . Antifungal antiCandida antic-cancer anti parasitic highly anti-inflammatory, liver restorative, renal restorative anti malarial, anti leishmania, microbiome friendly it crosses the blood brain barrier and chelates calcified glands.
My understanding is It’s basically a vaccine that pine trees develop from their immune system and excrete as a resin against the elements that would cause it harm. Trees are certainly exposed to plenty of environmental toxicity, GMO insects and while cleaning the air full of chemical trails heavy metals hydrogels ect. I swear by it. Everyone should have in their medicine cabinet.
Thank you, it makes sense. Pine essential oil is also very good.
been looking and reading about this !
This is also my favorite method. You can start with just a drop; its gentle in some ways, but so purifying that it can feel dramatic when it pushes out junk. (Though everything coming out of you will smell like Christmas Tress!) Don't tell your docs you're taking it—they'll freak out and assume its the industrial kind for paint-thinning. Meanwhile, if you look at Merck Manuals and the like from decades ago and earlier, turpentine is listed as a remedy for dozens of ailments; and there are historical records that mother's would give a tiny bit of turpentine as soon as they are born for parasites worms, and that adults would work up to a whole tablespoon a day for health maintenance #panacea
Diamond G is my favorite.
Pretty comprehensive....Thanks Whatever happed to the maxim - let your food be your medicine? Even before Covid I have been looking at natural ways to boost/maintain my immune system. It is amazing what it can do if allowed to operate properly and avoids all of the injected poisons we take. Look, no one lives forever but with a little common sense and natural ways one can extend the endeavour. Pax
Thank you, Roger! I agree, eating healthy in a way that works for your body specifically is a very helpful thing!
''...recently been used successfully to produce highly protective COVID mRNA vaccines, we anticipate a new wave...'' [Successful? Protect? Immaginative are'nt they.]
New wave of death and destruction? I'll take ivmctn if needed for paracitic infection, but needles of this new potion, no way, stay away!
The "solutions: in the oven are pretty scary. IVM is not a universal cure but at least it's safe and works better than many other things :)
Its a safe start if need be. Its way better than what they plan.
IVM is made by the liars. So, how came trust that’s it’s “safe$effective”?
Alberta Health Updates Guidance: mRNA COVID-19 Boosters Every 3 Months, Including 6-Month-Old Babies
This translates to approximately 320 covid shots over an average lifespan.
The general direction is insane!! Thank you for the link!
Also , unlike the mysterious COVID that people don't agree on, the fungal and parasitic infections are unquestionable, so the Medical Machine people are going to point at a very real problem but sell a solution that is likely to infect more people!!
Sounds accurate.
Historically, it is always the most profitable direction, like patent medicine.
Much admiration and respect for this article. very well and compellingly done. this may interest you, i think this is how they have always operated. the history of pox. incidentally the purple picture plant is remedy for all pox, so, i am leaning on it being a deficiency sign, for an as yet undiscovered nutrient.
Thank you, ArtemisForestFairy!! I will check out the link.
Unlike what she says in that video, leprosy was not a "catch-all" term for any and all disease. True leprosy was caused by a parasite, but those with other skin problems could be called lepers, true. However, "pox" is a "catch-all" term
it is hard to say what leprosy was, with such an ancient use.
Leprosy was still around in more modern times
I had parasitic overload and heavy metals ( from biotoxin mold illness, I have a genetic weakness for mold)
Insurance dictated doctor put me in the psychiatric center. ( morgellons, & scabies. I refused their antipsychotics) A few years later, integrative medicine doctor gave me a detox by Metagenics that helped balance it out.
Still working on healing mold related plaque in the brain.
I am so glad you started figuring it out! It's appalling that doctors send people to a psychiatrist based on their own lack of curiosity or understanding!!
Also beware, I looked at the detox supplement you mentioned just now, it seems to have B9. In case you have toxo on the background, it LOVES B9. Only you would know what works for you, but this is something to watch out for. I realized that this could be something to watch out for when I saw that some of the alternative doctors recommend B9 for autistic patients, while toxo is likely one of the causes of "autism" (brain infection and inflammation, really, while the world "autism" is just a word they made up). Not the only one, of course but given its prevalence, definitely one of.
I will look into the b9, thanks. I had to go on disability years ago. I was injured by booster shots and got Lyme on the job. I was a teaching assistant in an autistic classroom. So ironic. Back then it was only one in 148 children. Then I acquired mold illness on top of my other issues. Blessed with a good doctor now. In my 40’s, I had zero quality of life and barely could leave the house/ apartment. Insurance dictated doctors neglected and gaslit me.
I am so sorry you had to go through that!! Look for articles in the Appendix, you will find a lot of info, especially on toxo which is something that a lot of people have on the background. Also, something to ponder. I came to the conclusion that a lot of "autism" is contagious through bodily fluids (contaminated shots can also be a source). Infections may not be the only reason for neurological symptoms but it could be one of the main ones, with everything else (toxicity, EMFs etc. being exacerbating factor). Which is to say, no matter what "the science" says, it is possible to "pick up" autism from others via picking up whatever bug they have. And if you are healthy, it may take years to see the consequences, which is why they say it is not contagious. There are not too many people talking about it, so this Appendix is a good starting point.
mold in your pillow...
That makes sense, thank you!
That is why we should all air our pillows in the sun everyday! Back in the day, they aired all bed linen daily, I think they knew more then
You can run your pillow through the dryer on high for 45 minutes to kill mites. Not sure what it does for mold or mycotoxins, but it may move them out, into the dryer.
I dumped my pillow years ago (mattress too). Now I use a folded towel or sheet stuffed inside a pillow case. I want to be able to wash what I spend 8 hours on everyday.
This article is a true blessing. You are a true blessing Tessa! Finally some truth for so many suffering. I have been following some Parasite pages for a few years---''Parasites, parasite cleansing...'' As well as ''Human Parasites''. The number of people infected but unable to find help is astounding; overwhelming numbers with so many feeling hopeless. Just as you report doctors say '' we do not have parasites in this country'', and literally laugh at the person with true suffering.
With your permission I will send to these parasite pages. So many will be validated. Also warned about what is coming, no matter the suffering, no vax!
Sadly no longer subscribe to Green Med Info, sure would like to see what he says,,
I understood Mercola limited library was now open again for all? God bless you Tessa.
Thank you, Char! And absolutely, please send it, I really think that a lot of suffering can be alleviated if those infections are treated consistently and without giving up!! I also think sometimes people have several pathogenic organisms at once, which would make treatment more involved. Also, in my toxo article in the Appendix, there is a reference to a German doctor who wrote a very interesting book on toxo. You may find it interesting!
I think you can view the articles in that link without a subscription, please let me know if it doesn't open for you?
Thank you, I plan to read them ALL soon. While so thrilled for your post and complete information, it was a bit overwhelming. German? Not Dr. Diedrich Klinghardt [spelling?] perhaps? He has written much. The necessity of cleansing every six months, minimum once a year. Every age. The stories on the parasite pages are truly heartbreaking. I began my search when felt symptoms returning from Pinworms had as a child. Then again as Brownie/Girl scout leader with so much time spent with children. Simply sharing a pencil with infected child! Did a search for pinworms [learning more than I cared to--a true rabbit hole] was sideswiped with the posts/pictures/stories. The pages with pictures! Yes, many have a 'variety' of 'worms'. Overwhelmed me to see the extent. So much out there yet doctors refuse to believe or treat. Even with article I read some time ago on NIH? Or Pubmed. Gastroenterologists laugh. Did read someone's life saved by seeing an Endocrinologist. Might be a consideration.
And then mold. I scheduled someone to check professionally due to a back up at a 2 month vacant cabin. Did not feel confident with remediation. Had all windows and doors open. He said no testing would be accurate with everything open because there is so much mold in the air/atmosphere! Well, yikes. Unsure what to think. I was so excited I read too fast. Will go back , read again possibly again, and all the references as well. Posting on the parasite pages. I believe the validation received will give many people hope. Hopefully will also heed your warnings. I saw an old video from the 60s showing that parasites result in cancers. 1960-65, that far back! Does it not seem like a science fiction story? And now to learn solutions. A bit more needed than 15 minute wash in vinegar or baking soda. But is a start. Take care, stay well and thank you again.
Excellent article! i hope you write more on this topic
Thank you!!! I plan to, also please take at the articles in the Appendix and the links inside them, especially the toxo PDF.
Thank you for painting the bigger picture and showing us where this is all leading. All of this resonates. I've been seeing this brewing in the background as well. Thank you also for putting all of this together.
Thank you, Ann!!! And it is sure brewing, plus antimicrobial resistance that is also real ... the golden goose doesn't stop giving!!
Yes, Tessa, thank you for being ahead of the curve, as usual. There has been a little more info on this subject, but nothing like your article. It is imperative that we "clean up our act" on every level and live without Big Pharma's "medicines" (i.e., poisons). I have focused on essential oils and homeopathy and making herbal tinctures. My daughter has been learning about foraging for plant/tree materials in our Pacific Northwest environment. These are edible and available for making tinctures, healing salves, teas, and so much more. Yes, we live in an urban area on the edge of Portland, yet with the right knowledge we can make much to keep our bodies, Heartminds and Spirits strong as things get more challenging. So many people walk around with their eyes glued to their devices and are completely unaware of the bounty around them. So very sad, right? Thank you for all you do to help us stay focused on what really matters.
Thank you so much, Diana!! And yes, "cleaning our act" is very important!!
Thank you Tessa
your quote is true:
“… until the soul remembers one’s importance and fights back from a place of love and self-love.”
As I see, most parasites are in animal products, I am vegan organic gardener for 20 years so in a way safe (and never vaccinated).
My solution: Move from judgment to love. Take care of your gut microbes, keep them vibrant and they will keep your body in good health.
Thank you, Vaios!!
Don't eat things humans don't historically eat.
Don't get any more vaccines until we can be sure it is safe to do so.
Yes, and the chance of the industry making safe vaccines is pretty small, alas. Small to non-existent. And I think it is in the cards for all of us to generally keep with some kind of antiparasitic regimen, many spices, if they are real and high quality, are antiparasitic / antifungal, and they taste good, too!
An excellent article, fascinating and deeply disturbing at the same time. In fact, I’m almost depressed now 🙁.
Thank you, Srinivas! Being depressed is logical but it is not going to help us much. :;) Learning more about herbs seems to be more helpful :) Sending you hugs!
Another outstanding article. Lots of fascinating/concerning stuff here.
Thank you Jeremiah!!
I highly recommend the book with the brilliant title “An epidemic of absence’ which describes the ramifications of misguided elimination of elements of nature.
Thank you, Charlotte!