Unlike what she says in that video, leprosy was not a "catch-all" term for any and all disease. True leprosy was caused by a parasite, but those with other skin problems could be called lepers, true. However, "pox" is a "catch-all" term
Unlike what she says in that video, leprosy was not a "catch-all" term for any and all disease. True leprosy was caused by a parasite, but those with other skin problems could be called lepers, true. However, "pox" is a "catch-all" term
Unlike what she says in that video, leprosy was not a "catch-all" term for any and all disease. True leprosy was caused by a parasite, but those with other skin problems could be called lepers, true. However, "pox" is a "catch-all" term
it is hard to say what leprosy was, with such an ancient use.
Leprosy was still around in more modern times