A really excellent post Tessa. Thank you. I finally overcame my writer's block and had this article posted today at Global Research. https://www.globalresearch.ca/why-do-so-many-believe-official-covid-narratives/5752602

I was living in France until about three years ago and able to write critically regarding America and American empire from the French countryside. Strangely upon having to return to the U.S. to support and help care for two young grandsons I found the absolute madness of life in Southern California made it quite impossible to continue to write. Surviving the day and the freeways with some sort of psychic balance seemed the best I could hope for. Though now it appears that a year and a half of the MSM covid madness has perhaps finally "cured" my writers block. :)

I very much appreciate your work Tessa. It always very insightful and well written. - Gary

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Thank you Gary! You are very kind, and thank you also for sharing your wonderful article!

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"Meaning". Hit me with a blast of recognition. In trying to reach some close to me, I see that I have effectively been working to sever the connection between them and that which give them meaning. That feels like the core of it. I have been scratching around trying to make sense of this for more than a year. At least as pertains to my circumstances, I think you nailed it.

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Outstanding writing and thinking outside the box. You are Beauty propagating Beauty! Love begetting Love!

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Thank you John!!

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Tessa said:

"The television behaved exactly like my abusive husband! It told me that I should not trust myself, that my senses were unreliable, and that I should abandon them. It told me that if I didn’t comply with the arbitrary measures and if I didn’t buy into the ever-moving goal posts, I was a bad apple and a bad person—and at that moment, I just knew that I was dealing with a bully. I knew that whenever anyone talks like this, they are not my friend."

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We have ALL become hawks. Well, at least 1/3 of us.

If you haven't seen this - watch the entire testimony of Dr Zelenko to the Israeli Health Ministry.

This doctor is all truth and fire. See the courage that he has - facing down daily death threats, and says that these jabs are CHILD SACRIFICE.


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Thank you Carlos! That's an excellent interview!

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Please check out the British TV series UTOPIA. It was produced in 2013. It has foretold EVERY step of this deliberately weaponized virus - including, getting people to beg for the vaxx - and the vaxx being deliberately made of poison.

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Thank you Carlos! I've seen it and actually also included it in one of my stories recently. It really is a powerful short film!!!!

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There's a short film? I'm talking about a brilliantly dramatized 2 season British TV series - that covers governments creating a fake global pandemic - ramping up the fear - so people rush to get a vaccine that sterilizes and kills them. They do it to remove 3-4 billion from the planet - because every system is bankrupt and they want to cull the heard. It was first broadcast in 2013 - and it's chilling. Almost a play-by-play of what was orchestrated for the last 18 months.

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Yep, it's called "Utopia" (Not be confused with "Utopia 2020." I'll check out the series then!! Thank you


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Shocking to note that an Executive Order for HDCQ was issued for EVERY AMERICAN - and the CDC BURIED IT. We could have close to 500,000 less deaths - which shows the absolute deliberate intent to kill.

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Re: Why am I such a hawk when it comes to dissecting this whole “health response”?

It's a medical response. Vitamin D and sunshine is a health response - therefore forbidden as a medical response.

Health, the word health, when used in a medical setting, is a marketing term for medicine: health (medical) clinic, health (medical) insurance, health (medical) products.

To your health, Tracy

Founder: Healthicine


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I continue to delight in the fine folks you draw with your enlightening posts. Interfering with good treatments, censoring truth, and lining the children up for slaughter sure looks like genocide to me.

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I continue to delight in this community as well, of which you are a valuable part!!! xo

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My heart sings.

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We make it through this


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Hi Tessa, I just started following you and really appreciate your courage. I wanted to send you my article, Mob Morality and the Unvaxxed, also published on Substack. Just in case you need a reminder that you aren't crazy. In an ironic confirmation of the thesis of the essay, it got me publicly denounced by my publisher of ten years and censored all over social media. https://charleseisenstein.substack.com/p/mob-morality-and-the-unvaxxed.

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Hi Charles, thank you!! Somebody sent me your article a few days ago. it is beautifully written, and so poignant. And yikes on the ordeal with the publisher. It is so so crazy. So so crazy, tragic, obscene, and just.... absurdly ridiculously crazy! Sending love and camaraderie your way!

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Thanks! Although I wouldn't call it so much an ordeal as a farce. But it does make me wonder how I got marooned on Planet Crazy.

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keep doing what you do!

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This public service announcement (Yes, I feel the fear, too.):


Earlier is better when treating a progressive viral illness with antivirals, which impair viral reproduction and spread.

Seek out how to get a rapid antigen test for COVID if you get a summer-cold presentation in nose and throat, and be poised to treat with antivirals..

Prophylaxis makes sense, also, notably in our present context, with the very transmissible Indian/delta strain.

Ivermectin prophylaxis seems to be the best available long term prophylaxis for efficacy and low toxicity, and I have prescribed it for that since last fall. I began prescribing ivermectin-based treatment for illness in August 2020. (Ivermectin, zinc, doxycycline; Dr Borody's protocol. Always vitamin-D)

I posted Treat Your Own COVID 2/8/21 https://www.johndayblog.com/2021/02/treat-your-own-covid.html

Information to order Indian ivermectin is there.

People tell me the ivermectin from India takes 8-14 days to arrive in the US. (see blog link)

A dosing for prophylaxis, is most ideally 0.2 mg//kg body weight per dose, days #1, #2 and every 7 days thereafter. Missed doses are made up when remembered.

There are other prophylactic regimens, including once per month, but I think this one is the most foolproof.

One can go to Tractor Supply Company and buy veterinary ivermectin. The veterinarian on the COVID treating-physicians listserv recommends the injectable form, taken orally, but most Americans just use the horse paste. Refrigerate after opening.

That "single dose" in the tube of pasteis for a horse that weighs 10X what a human weighs. It is marked for weight for the initial dose. Anybody with livestock has given a lot of this, and has probably taken it a few times, too. having a syringe to measure the liquid accurately would be my approach, if I were to use this.



I presume you are taking vitamin-D 5000 units per day already..

25 - 50 mg zinc daily is good. I would not exceed 50, and consider 25 a sweet spot, since more inhibits copper uptake.

Zinc is directly active against coronaviruses, known for 25 years.

Quercetin helps it get into our cells, where it impairs viral replication.

Sunflower lecithin greatly helps the body absorb quercetin. Both are found in our foods daily.

Texas HEB has quercetin/bromelain caps. Just take 1/day. with HEB zinc.

HEB also has sunflower lecithin powder. Take 1/4 teaspoon with the quercetin and zinc. A little more won't hurt.

Other grocers and drugstores should have similar choices.

The vaccinated are also catching this bug a lot.

None of the vaccines is very helpful, but they probably reduce ICU admissions and deaths.

It is the non-sterilizing vaccines, not the unvaccinated, which are creating a selection-gradient to favor viral mutations to escape the vaccine-induced antibodies.

The virus coexists with the antibodies in the vaccinated hosts, mainly sitting in the nasopharynx.

As such, if a mutation eludes antibody attack, it is highly selected for reproduction, and spreads within the host. It spreads more if it jumps hosts.

That is exactly what is happening, and it is completely mundane and predictable.

Natural immunity is best and most durable, but requires catching COVID..

Details are pretty well explained here: https://www.cure-hub.com/post/sars-cov-2-vaccines-breakthrough-infections-and-lasting-natural-immunity

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Adding this story to comments for book keeping. It's a painful story to read!! https://www.propublica.org/article/heartware-patients-implanted-fda

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You make me want to write ..I don't know if it would make a difference in among al of this , but you inspire me to write out what I see and hear and sense and to tell my story, so very different from yours, but I keep thinking about madness and the psychic aspects in the mind . Have you seen this short film ? https://youtu.be/09maaUaRT4M

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And that the jab is DELIBERATE GENOCIDE.

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Take a brief look away from the long rolling ball, which was thrown again from MSM and download this book ( down in references. Not last but First40 years). If I don’t mention names, maybe the link will stay online longer? Sorry lazy people… Know your (arrogant) enemies. Okay, a little bit… Angela….Tony…. Bill…. Michael…Nicholas… etc. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/WEF/Global_Leaders_for_Tomorrow

Download, ask questions later…

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Thank you Tessa! Last month in Germany or EU new rules…

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