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This public service announcement (Yes, I feel the fear, too.):


Earlier is better when treating a progressive viral illness with antivirals, which impair viral reproduction and spread.

Seek out how to get a rapid antigen test for COVID if you get a summer-cold presentation in nose and throat, and be poised to treat with antivirals..

Prophylaxis makes sense, also, notably in our present context, with the very transmissible Indian/delta strain.

Ivermectin prophylaxis seems to be the best available long term prophylaxis for efficacy and low toxicity, and I have prescribed it for that since last fall. I began prescribing ivermectin-based treatment for illness in August 2020. (Ivermectin, zinc, doxycycline; Dr Borody's protocol. Always vitamin-D)

I posted Treat Your Own COVID 2/8/21 https://www.johndayblog.com/2021/02/treat-your-own-covid.html

Information to order Indian ivermectin is there.

People tell me the ivermectin from India takes 8-14 days to arrive in the US. (see blog link)

A dosing for prophylaxis, is most ideally 0.2 mg//kg body weight per dose, days #1, #2 and every 7 days thereafter. Missed doses are made up when remembered.

There are other prophylactic regimens, including once per month, but I think this one is the most foolproof.

One can go to Tractor Supply Company and buy veterinary ivermectin. The veterinarian on the COVID treating-physicians listserv recommends the injectable form, taken orally, but most Americans just use the horse paste. Refrigerate after opening.

That "single dose" in the tube of pasteis for a horse that weighs 10X what a human weighs. It is marked for weight for the initial dose. Anybody with livestock has given a lot of this, and has probably taken it a few times, too. having a syringe to measure the liquid accurately would be my approach, if I were to use this.



I presume you are taking vitamin-D 5000 units per day already..

25 - 50 mg zinc daily is good. I would not exceed 50, and consider 25 a sweet spot, since more inhibits copper uptake.

Zinc is directly active against coronaviruses, known for 25 years.

Quercetin helps it get into our cells, where it impairs viral replication.

Sunflower lecithin greatly helps the body absorb quercetin. Both are found in our foods daily.

Texas HEB has quercetin/bromelain caps. Just take 1/day. with HEB zinc.

HEB also has sunflower lecithin powder. Take 1/4 teaspoon with the quercetin and zinc. A little more won't hurt.

Other grocers and drugstores should have similar choices.

The vaccinated are also catching this bug a lot.

None of the vaccines is very helpful, but they probably reduce ICU admissions and deaths.

It is the non-sterilizing vaccines, not the unvaccinated, which are creating a selection-gradient to favor viral mutations to escape the vaccine-induced antibodies.

The virus coexists with the antibodies in the vaccinated hosts, mainly sitting in the nasopharynx.

As such, if a mutation eludes antibody attack, it is highly selected for reproduction, and spreads within the host. It spreads more if it jumps hosts.

That is exactly what is happening, and it is completely mundane and predictable.

Natural immunity is best and most durable, but requires catching COVID..

Details are pretty well explained here: https://www.cure-hub.com/post/sars-cov-2-vaccines-breakthrough-infections-and-lasting-natural-immunity

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