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New York State Proposal One is a Trojan Horse: Conversation with Bobbie Anne Cox

Bobbie Anne Cox breaks down the hidden legal implications of Proposal One

First, let me cut to the chase and tell you what this is all about. Proposal One is a checkmark on the ballot in New York State in the upcoming elections. What is proposes is a change to the constitution of New York State.

Bobbie Anne Cox—the courageous lawyer whom we all know and love for her fight against the notorious isolation camps regulation in New York—is saying that, despite the sweet and fluffy anti-discrimination language, what this Proposal really does is open the door for the politicians to pass laws that would allow children to undertake any medical procedures (any medical procedures, from standard ones to experimental injections, sex change, etc.) without parental consent and even knowledge. A proposed law to this effect is already in the pipeline in New York State. Proposal One (the proposed change to NYS Constitution) would also allow politicians to pass laws that that would erase the legal distinction between American citizens and asylum seekers in terms of getting tax payer-funded benefits, voting, etc.

It has nothing to do with love, of course. Politicians don’t care about any of their pawns. It is meant to generate fresh energy of blinding pain while allowing the predators to keep doing what they have been doing for a very long time. It is meant to change “who gets thrown under the bus today,” to reshuffle the dynamic of carrots and whips for different types of pawns, and to create convenient, energy-generating conflict between different classes of peasants—who are all, none the less, encouraged to continue playing the predators’ favorite game, the game of musical chairs.

So, it’s business as usual. Politicians are trying to push things through for their own and their bosses’ power and control—by using emotional word salad, a mix of ideological talking points.

To me this means that people may have any opinions about immigration, abortions, the morality or sex change, or the benefits or dangers of vaccines—but that is not the point. The point is that as far as this legal proposal goes, all this is just surface noise that politicians use to distract us from understanding what they are really trying to do—which is to divide and conquer, and to abuse to all of us.

Here is a metaphor for how this principle works

Let’s imagine a politician who wants to make use of New York famously indestructible rats and to sell them to the people for food.

If he thinks strategically, he would first try to pass legislation saying something like, “The daily diet of every New Yorker must include a sufficient amount of protein, it is necessary to satisfy their human right to good health.” Hard to argue with that, right?

He would then push for a budget to support this important health and human rights goal. And once the laws and the funding are in place, a trusted family member would come out of the woods with a brilliant, innovative sustainable business that kills two birds rats with one stone, catches rats and sells them for food.

What this imaginary politician could also do for his elegant rat scam is create a promotional character of a “Protein Hater” and use that promotional character as a scarecrow. If our politician is really ambitious and creative, he could even use the freshly minted scarecrow to promote other causes. See, if the stupid Protein Hater likes A, you should hate A, and if the stupid Protein Hater hates B, you should vote for B. etc.

Philosophical thoughts

There is an immediate practical point (Proposal One and what it means in practical terms), but there is also a larger philosophical point. It is my opinion that in order to create real change for the better, we need to look under the philosophical hood and use our brains and hearts harmoniously, with the goal of understanding how the world works.

We are all dealing with this “rat scam” technique every day of our lives when dishonest politicians press our pain points, pull our strings and tempt us to fight with others “for our values” (so they tell us)—by throwing scarecrows du jour under the bus!

On my end, I believe that if we work on our internals, if we put our energy toward understanding who we are in this world and how this world really works, in spiritual terms (not in terms of theological talking points but for real), it will be much harder for the predators to pull us into the heartless game of musical chairs. It will be much harder for them to seduce us with any talking points.

I pray that we pedal toward clarity and love until we find our best clarity and love.

May it be so.

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