Okay, it’s time to address this topic head on!
I am going to have fun and step upon a few talking points, and I am going to do it with love. Whatever your opinion is on this very heated topic, you can be sure that as long as you are honest, vs. paid to try spoiling good energy for the benefit of the CIA, I am FINE with any opinion you hold. Really, we can agree or disagree on any number of talking points—but as long as you and I are both on an honest quest to understand the world, we can argue, then hug, then argue, then hug, etc. Deal?
Is contagion real?
Based on my direct observations, reading, thinking, research, and philosophical views, it is undeniably real. And for it to be real, no one on any side needs to win the “virus” argument! There are plenty of living beings whose existence is not contested at all, and those living beings can travel from one host to another and produce destruction in the body of the host, something we call “disease.”
I am very much not a fan of dead-energy talking points, and I don’t have a missionary ambition to tell anyone what to think. Anyone is free to think what they want to think, it’s a given. I invite you to just think together like a bunch of honest five-year-olds would, and then go from there.
Life as exchange of energy
Can all things be described in terms energy? I think, yes.
Is it possible for energy to hop from one living being to another? Seems to me that anyone who has lived for even a minute would have to agree. Living beings constantly trade energy with each other, sometimes willingly, sometimes unwillingly, etc.
Let’s imagine, you are in a room, and you are in a very good mood, say, typing a Substack about how contagion is a psyop, and everyone who believes in it is CO. You are feeling inspired, you feel like this time around the world will believe you because you have lined up the best arguments in the world …. and then a very complacent, freshly boosted virologist, who happens to be your best childhood friend, walks into the room. He inquires what you are up to, you tell him, and then he ridicules your sacred belief (that is obviously true because it’s yours) and calls you a fool. How do you feel? Well, if you really love your friend who you’ve known for years and have no problem filtering out his BS, you just say a prayer and stay in a cheerful mood. But it is also possible that after your obviously wrong best childhood friend calls you a fool, you want to scream and cry because, your best friend … it’s so obvious …. how can he not see … etc.
Or imagine, you are walking in the street and feeling very sad, and then some stranger looks at you like he or she sees your soul, says something honoring, and you suddenly feel seen!
People do pass energy to each other all the time, be it emotions, breath, beliefs, ideas, or germs. Doesn’t mean we need to live in fear but to my senses, it’s good to be as honest as possible about what our eyes see.
The bit of energy that gets passed plays the role of a “germ,” and the reaction to the “germ” is expressed from the standpoint of “terrain.” At the end, the “outcome” is a dance between the “germ” and the “terrain.” That, to my senses, is accurate. If you think it’s inaccurate, please explain in comments how, to your senses, this specific dynamic is not real (and thanks)!
Here is how I see it.
Life can be described as energy, as electromagnetic fields, as sound, and in many other ways. An emotion that people give to one another is energy. We are energy. A bacterium that travels from one tongue to another is energy. On my end, I am subscribed to the notion that everything in the universe has consciousness. Quantum physics seems to confirm that sentiment, and so in a way, at least the way I see things, any thought or emotion that people pass to other another is not a mechanical bit of energy but a life form in its own right, just very different from how we in the west thing about life forms.
(Then there are artificial spirits, which is a very important topic that I want to further discuss at a later time.)
When a human being is in full alignment with his or her soul, and the world is in a healthy state—no thick layer of bad emotions floating around, no EMF pollution, no glyphosate, etc.—the “terrain” of that person is very strong, and a bug that tries to invade that person is most likely to end up a defeated bug.
However, we are in a phase of history when the world is so toxic, and the amount of accumulated trauma, confusion, and grief is so vast (with metaphorical vampires working day and night to generate more) that people who are born into this world don’t get to be in a natural state barely at all. Plus, some “germs” are GM or synthetic germs, so…
Yes, it is possible to be somewhat healthy still. Yes, it is possible to come alive, find one’s soul and stick to one’s soul bravely and with love, making it harder for the hostile energy to take hold. But it would be not very practical, in my opinion, to assume that if you don’t believe in contagion then you never “catch energy” from another person, be it a feeling, an idea, or an infectious disease.
Germs, by the way, have a function. When they take the person to the otherworld in due time, they do God’s work. When they try to do it before one’s due time, it is better to send those germs packing, and in order to send them packing, it’s good to acknowledge that they exist!
Then there is dogma…
Dogma is a sign of our times, and I am pointing zero fingers here. Dogma is something we all carry in one way or another, it is a result of personal and generational trauma, and the best thing we can do is try to be honest, heal our trauma, and pray that our understanding of the world evolves according to our best ability, while letting other people think from the inside, too. It is very important to be able to change my mind. If you say in response, “Well, Tessa, then admit that contagion does not exist,” I will say that I have thought about it quite thoroughly from the inside, taken into consideration the evidence of my eyes, and I am pretty sure it exists. My opinion is an opinion that I formed from the inside. I am not married to my opinions, I am married to the evidence of my own eyes.
Now, I know some very good and beautiful people who, in my subjective opinion, are likely suffering from an earthy fungal infection or a parasite (or both), enhanced by various environmental crap, but they want to believe that their suffering is most surely due to globalist shedded nanobots, which then becomes a religion, and they feel like a martyr who is bound to suffer, etc. Methinks, it could help them in practical terms to explore and maybe look into antiparasitic treatments and see what they do, at the very least, try ‘em. It is very hard to diagnose bugs or nanobots, and at the end of the day, if the person feels better, that’s what matters, even if the person never IDs the exact bug (or shedded globalist nanobot) that caused pain. That is how I feel about it, anyway.
Other good people get one booster after another, get “COVID,” get “long COVID,” yet believe in holy vaccines. Is it my job to tell them what to think? No. Do I have an opinion? Yes. :)
While I have opinions, there is no finger pointing on my end. Dogma is very tightly related to trauma, and to be honest, we have all been so traumatized in so many ways that I think our job is not to get at each other’s throats about opinions but to pray for our own best clarity and understanding, for other people’s best clarity and understanding, and for joy.
When our souls are seen and recognized, health improves. When we treat our bodies with love, health improves, too. But it doesn’t mean that germs exist purely in imagination and can’t create disease.
For example:
If a person swallows parasite eggs with food or gets protozoan parasites from saliva of another person, what do you think will happen to those organism next? Are those things going to check if you believe in contagion—and if you don’t, they are gonna to evaporate?
People do carry parasites, don’t they? Parasites cause disease, don’t they? People can get parasites through contagion, can’t they? Sure, if we lived in a perfect world, perhaps the parasites would despise the very idea of coming anywhere near us—but do we live in a perfect world? And if we don’t, isn’t it more practical to act according to where we are now, while working on healing this world?
How many people are suffering unnecessarily because it’s popular in the West to think that we don’t carry pathogenic fungi or parasites?
My heart is breaking about the suffering elders and autistic kids. It has become the social norm for older people to get demented and fall apart. I am pretty sure that a lot of those poor elders have living beings eating their brains and CNS in real time, and they suffer, and they express their suffering in crazy ways, and people think they are crazy, or assume that being old comes with this kind of sickness—and if they were treated correctly against those infections, while, ideally, also treated with love and respect, they might be cured. Actually cured!
And mind you, do I care to argue about contagion? Not really, no. I am not diminished or endangered by the fact that some people agree with me, and some disagree. My opinions are based on my very own thinking and my own life experience. If you think differently, if your life experience led you differently, I am really not endangered by differing opinions, I don’t like missionary efforts but that’s another point. I am a firm believer in free will and in treating other people with decency no matter their ideas.
On a side note, I believe there could be an establishment effort to bastardize the topic of parasites because the problem is real, and if people start being real about it, too much freedom and healing could come out of this new clarity, and what vampire wants people to be healthy and free?
I’d like to end the story by sharing a presentation by George Vithoulkas, a wise man and a renowned homeopath. I think he has a lot of wisdom to offer whether you believe in contagion or not!
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I am pinning this comment with a request. I want to know, human to human, your opinion about the following scenario. You ingest parasite eggs. What happens next in your opinion? This is a practical peasant way to start the conversation. On a side note, I own a copy of Virusmania, even though this article is not about viruses. :-)
It is good that you brought up this debate. When this no contagion theory first started to be discussed I had a few back and forth debates with some of my contacts. To start I have no expertise in science or virology: My position: I had an unusual childhood, my father decided to not send his children to school, so my social contact was very limited, when I was 16 we visited my cousins, one had the mumps (I should have been exposed when I was younger) Well after the visit, guess what? I came down with mumps, and when a male is past puberty it goes places that can be damaging. Then, when I was 26 and my wife at the time was 22 we visited her brother and family, one of the children had chicken pox, guess again, we both got chicken pox, not to mention all of the colds and flues over the years. Now I do believe there is evil in the world, but I don't believe we got sick from evil spirits. Usually my final question to the no virus crowd is: If you met a new mate and heard that he / she had herpes would you ignore it and go for it, because there is no virus or contagion? To end, I believe that it is possible that this theory was introduced to confuse and distract from Covid issue.