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I am pinning this comment with a request. I want to know, human to human, your opinion about the following scenario. You ingest parasite eggs. What happens next in your opinion? This is a practical peasant way to start the conversation. On a side note, I own a copy of Virusmania, even though this article is not about viruses. :-)

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i have driven loved ones crazy with my determination to avoid close contact with symptomatic people. whether those symptoms might be caused by microbes, viruses or energetic shedding (or all of the above maybe????), those sick people are transmitting something.

i have never once,, ever, gotten sick from an unknown source. i can trace every single one of the eight or so colds i've had in the last 10+ years to another person. whatever the cause of contagion (and I think there are multiple vectors involved), contagion is real

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I agree with you, I think that the energy of the argument that denies the existence of contagion comes straight from the agencies (because a lot of people are infected, and if people start treating themselves correctly, we will have a lot more relatively healthy people at some point, and they are not very interested in that). That said, it is the initial energy of the argument that comes form the agencies, a lot of people "catch" it and start defending it sincerely. So I am genuinely completely respectful of any opinion on this topic, while having no kind words for the ones who initially confuse human beings for gain! And of course, the idea of contagion has been hijacked and used for humanity-enslaving campaigns like "COVID health response," which is how it's usually done, the like is milked in multiple ways!

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If I dig in my garden and get pinworm eggs on my hands, then get them in my mouth, I will later have pinworms crawling out my anus before dawn to deposit their eggs and make it itch.

If I take an appropriate antihelmintic medicine (like previously-cheap mebendazole), then the pinworms will die, but their eggs might still hatch in me and I might need to take more.

The Germ Theory of Disease was proven during the US Civil War, when surgeons who washed their hands had 2-3 times better survival of their wounded patients than those who did not, and similarly with doctors who washed their hands between performing autopsies and delivering babies.

The Germ Theory of Disease is imperfect, like all theories of everything, but it sure does work out usefully.


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You have a really therapeutic sense of humor, Brother John! :) Thank you. And I agree, imperfect but accounts for a part of what's going on!

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If there's stuff for the parasite to feed on, it will eat and reproduce. Just like the bacteria do.

Nature works and it's not a war with germs invading or not. The real issues are the toxins that these bugs make when the metabolism is low. It builds up and can make you sick.

That's why I'm not one of those against reducing swelling, sometimes it helps the body pace itself healing.

That's why I think sometimes anti parasitics like ivermectin help. It's also anti inflammatory.

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Thank you, Rob, and I think we agree on the lamentable impact of toxins. Which then means that toxins are bad, and pathogens aren't great either, and contagion is a real thing, it just happens to be a thing that exists in nature, and if we want to be practical, we would have to accept the fact that we live in a very poisoned world, and act without arrogance about the fact that yes, there are bugs, and yes, they can be harmful, and it's best to eliminate pathogenic organisms every now and then? What do you think?

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Yes, in moderation.

There's another anti parasitic that helps fight cancer. Is it because it kills parasites or because it helps some mechanism that eliminates toxins?

We don't really know. (Notice the dosages people used, not high.)


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"We don't really know" is a good starting point, I usually start there as well. I think that in nature things work synergistically, i.e. often when organisms are positively resonant with each other, the thing that is good for one, is good for the other, and vice versa. For example, seems like many parasitic organisms that are hostile to human body like to munch of metals. So, one can ask a question, are excessive metals bad for human cells directly, or does the impact come from strengthening pathogens, or both? I think that the honest answer is what you said, we don't know. Similarly, does IVM help because it poisons pathogens, or because it feeds the friendly bifidobacteria who then chases away or kills the pathogens? Again, we don't know. So it's good to keep an open mind, for sure!

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I'm of the mind that parasites stick around to clean up a mess, like bacteria do.

The other week my gf had a painful swelling above her ankle, she thought that she hit it the day before or strained it. It continued for a few days and she got worried.

She took a single Aleve and the swelling and pain reduced. It still was a little swollen but started to reduce by itself over 2 days and healed fine.

In that case, whatever the body was doing to help heal the damage... The swelling, was a little too extreme and was counter productive.

If she kept taking the Aleve, it would have been worse because some swelling is helpful as the body is mobilizing to clean up and repair damage. (I like to think of swelling and redness as the scaffolding around a building when they repair the bricks etc.)

My issue with these drugs, including ivm etc is that continuous use may delay healing.

In the case of parasites, doing an extreme kill off cleanse may be worse than an on and off strategy. Back when I was a part of a health group online (who always questioned big pharma even through covid), they were big on doing fungal treatments.

The results were not good... Even though they tested a reduction in candida etc, they started to have other issues crop up. It was explained away as a detox reaction.

Same with extreme weight loss, doing it too fast can release fat soluble toxins too fast that the body cannot eliminate it fast enough through the liver etc.

Speaking of detox of certain fat soluble crap...

Solvents can help speed up elimination without the effects of medicines.

Castor oil is working wonders for me, it helps a lot with blemishes of the skin and areas where I used to get a lot of pimples. It's also great to put on joints that are sore like my bad knee. It's doing great now! Turpentine is good too just make sure to get the pure gum spirits. I use it on problem skin areas along with the castor oil. If I get sick I would take tiny amounts orally like in this website.


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Thank you, Rob, and it is good to keep an open mind, good for all of us!

I have discovered castor oil some years ago, it can be very useful!

As far as parasites coming in strictly as friends to clean up the messes, I don't agree with you in practical terms here but we can disagree, I appreciate a good disagreement! :-)

In philosophical terms, one can say that an invader comes in and succeeds when the organism (an individual organism or a collective organisms) is weak. The proverbial "globalists" are so successful this second because the society has been broken for centuries, and so the globalists are "cleaning it up" in a way, or rather, they are allowed to cause some harm because as a result of that harm, it is likely that people will get stronger and get more clarity. I believe that is the case, but in practical terms, the proverbial globalists are still causing harm, and are not friendly entities who come in to do something good. What do you think about that analogy?

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I think when it comes to society, yes, we are infected by the parasitic class. What we have seen with COVID was that the war came home and now we see the casualties and injuries at home. Remember, the Vietnam war only ended when people woke up to how many of our soldiers were dying! Death is the ultimate wake up call and spurs natural intelligence.

The same class funded Rockefeller medicine which turned medicine from assisting healing (osteopathy etc) into an allopathy, which sees disease as caused by external "invaders" - germ theory. In the 70s they expected genetics to cure cancer and other diseases. It's 2024, decades later and despite the advances in genetics we still are not seeing what they claimed. Oncologists still push toxic chemo as a treatment to stop the "invading cancer". Is it an invader or a response to an issue?

Meanwhile like that fenbenzadole website, we are seeing that there are drugs that help a lot.

I guess the analogy with leadership is that when we have less "stupidity" to feed their psychological manipulation, they will retreat to their fancy homes as they are already wealthy and no longer can twist humanity as easily. Of course they are trying with climate change and other topics but they are worried about the loss of trust.

It's not much different than the dynamic of an abusive family or relationship.

COVID was horrible but at least it gave us a glimpse of them dropping the mask of sanity!

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ingesting parasite eggs: They will be destroyed by the gastric liquids in the stomach.

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It is possible that some of them would be destroyed but intestinal parasites, for example, wouldn't be called intestinal parasites if their eggs didn't have a way to get into the host's intestines... :-)

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On the spiritual level, a person with the heart filled with love, such low vibration energies will be de-energized (become free ether) because the vibrations of love allow only harmony.

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You ingest parasite eggs, then what happens? I definitely ingested something. 7 days ago I almost lost consciousness, had to lie on the floor for an hour or two, before I had to stagger to the toilet and pass what felt like my whole stomach contents like an express train. 7 days later having bowels like a tap has finally stopped. My partner has eaten exactly the same, prior to the initial event. What caused me to be so ill but my partner completely unaffected. I have given samples to the doctor so will add the results when I receive them.

I am generally never ill, though I have had food poisoning (traceable) on the very odd occasion. This was different, Light fever on and off and visiting the toilet nearly every half hour. Today day seven it has finally ceased.

My theory, definitely something got into my stomach and took it over for a few days. Is it my body letting whatever it is take over for a while to have an intestinal clean out?. Maybe. Not pleasant but it works, and I am still here.

Back to ingesting parasite eggs. If you are healthy in mind, body and soul, no problem, if not they may reproduce and cause damage. Thanks for your great thought provoking posts Tessa. Keep on writing.

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Thank you, Rowan!!! And I hope you recover completely and figure out the mystery to your heart's desire!!

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ThereтАЩs always the chance you may already have a resident parasite thatтАЩs ready to devour any new comers. Perhaps the young hatchlings encounter a stray pathogen in your system and perish before causing any harm? The parasite might live happily ever after and occasionally secrete a hormone that causes vivid out of body dreams and helps connect its host to the world of spirit, the possibilities are endless.

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That is an interesting outtake. Do you believe that absolutely every parasite possibly living inside a host has a benevolent impact?

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I guess depends on the individual, its current state and the actual parasite.

Paradoxically, in some cases the parasite could take over and bring some form of healing.

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Of course, the devil is always in the detail. Can you please give an example of the latter, the way you see it?

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