"Hypnotic butcher's lullaby" is such an apt description of the propaganda streaming through televisions nightly. Your writing alleviates alienation I feel from family n friends who sleep soundly after their daily lullabies. Thank you : )
I try to get them to turn it off... They should be reading your work instead! Some will remain asleep, but it's okay. More folks are aware of reality now than ever, I think. Credit to you, Tessa, as well as truth-tellers the world over
Haha, your post, William, is a very gratifying revenge scenario. I especially liked "Jeff Bezos shot himself to the moon and his secret base there, only to race out of the shelter stripping off his clothes like someone in the late stages of hypothermia, racing barefoot across the lunar sands. It is reported though it has not been confirmed, his last word was 'rosebud.'"
Yesterday my daughter's boyfriend and his mother got the flu+booster. He later passed out in the toilet stall after working out at the gym. The last thing he remembers is his heart racing in time with the sound of the treadmill. His mom had also felt light-headed yesterday but blamed their reactions on not drinking enough water.
I feel that swinging the power pendulum to the other side is just another cycle of more of the same. And I'm heartsick, I want the whole dynamic to end, as you do. Last night I posted a different dream from the origin myth of the League of Five Nations. It includes Jigonsaseh, the Mother of All Nations, who stands outside all quarrels and feeds and hosts both sides. In the end, they even heal the cannibal witch of his deformity and make him whole and human. Here's how my episode ends:
"We’re in another time of the dawn of everything, and it’s certainly undeniable that life is being cannibalized. We can’t be part of that in any way. We need to look at everyone as if they’re our own child and say, “Why are they doing that?” It’s not because they’re a bad person. It’s because they’ve been lost, deformed in some way from their humanity. This goes for even the worst of the witches and cannibal henchmen.
"We are the Mother of All Nations. We are the right person in the right place at the right time. All of time has been waiting for us to be in this moment, because we know what to do. We can heal the monsters and release them from their deformity. We can solve the problem and restore relationships. We are the Jigonsaseh."
I was thinking more of justice, but revenge is a fine line so perhaps best with a serving of farce.
I wrote on your post I have been thinking about the sacred feminine and masculine, to counter the woke and Trans. It is good to hear others talking about it.
This is quite a dumb statement by this guy anyhow. It’s an n=1 experiment. If he lived and was uninjured that doesn’t mean that it’s safe for everyone and we’ve all been misinformed. Likewise if he died from the jabs that doesn’t mean everyone who gets the jab will die. This is the same kind of logic I hate from friends and acquaintances, oh we got it and we’re fine so you should get it too.
Yes, that sample size of one mentality reminds me of Cyril Kornbluth's 'Marching Morons' (more recently described as the Dunning-Kruger Effect) where society is dumbed down to a level that people who are not clever think are geniuses - and show sneering contempt for those who do know enough to not be so sure of themselves. Alas, the deliberate dumbing down of human intellect took off like a rocket when social media came on the scene - with many now thinking they are an expert after they 'googled' it (oblivious to the fact that google and wikipedia are blatantly censoring). As the old adage went 'better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.' RIP muscle brained mesomorph.
One such officer I asked ‘why do you think hardly any UK licensed dog vaccines contain thermasol (mercury) or aluminum but almost all we give our children do?’
He told me ‘because dogs have a different immune system’.
I answered ‘that’s funny because we test our drugs and vaccines on animals such as dogs, rabbits, ferrets and rodents’.
He refused to engage further. But then he like so many believe in the RFK magic bullet theory, two planes into WTC 1&2 knocked down WTC7, and chemtrails are not geoengineering (to that I respond if it’s heated exhaust/water molecules that doesn’t dissipate easily, why does the steam from my kettle dissipate? Answer ‘you don’t understand that’s why’.
The effects of acknowledging that MSM is wrong in your own subject (or C1984 narrative) but believe everything else is shocking.
I think WC Field said it aptly ‘suckers. There’s one borne every minute’.
I call some thinkers as living in 'Cloud Cuckoo Comic Book Land', you know the go to Mars, men can have babies, politically correct, trans-humanist, one world government, wrong think, digital currency, you will own nothing, face recognition, asking questions is wrong, types. ; )
My brother had 30+ skydiving jumps with no problems and finally got his friend to go too. His friend breaks his leg on the first jump. My brother of course felt bad and also gave up skydiving right after that.
Sadly 🥲Doug will be just another victim, without an autopsy.The media message is actually one round after another of paid advertising. Until the money runs out, the adverts won’t stop.Gradually a few genuine journalists with editorial power will wake up.They will be censored….
Here in UK Top Cardiologist Asseem Malholtra,called a conference to announce his new published paper ,proving the high death rate and the MSM didn’t turn up.Only GB News,World Council for health, both awake.UK is censored top to bottom ,prob A1.
I posted on Next Door,Oracle film Safe and Effective.a second opinion. I was banned for a week from .I couldn’t even answer questions.I was censored before from answering, 5 people asked what I had read to change my mind about the vaccine,all my answers were deleted….
I have handed out leaflets in our high street about new proposed Gov protection(censorship)policies,I spoke of the film, all of the passers by were VERY interested,If anyone here really wants to help convert the convertible, try a personal approach.All of us reading Substack are preaching to the choir.
Soon the Gov will be probably be able to arrest me for mal information.Even though every word is true.🤬🤯
The UK Govn’t have passed so many totalitarian control bills over the last two years is truly terrifying.
I know too that if they were to permanently control the dissident minded, I too would be in the round-up.
What with the globalist coup against Truss, because the voters voted wrong yet again (Brexit) I fear the UK had fallen. The question is: to remain and fight vs what is a brainwashed German population, or flee before they take over the railway?
And then where to go if you flee? Even Mexico has a Govn’t that’s signed up. As has Costa Rico. As for Zimbabwe, the President didn’t follow orders so he was despatched to install a Young global leader. Here they’ve installed CCP compromised Hunt and soon Technocrat Globalist Sunak and CRT Mordunt.
I do despair.
FYI my sister with 3 boosters diagnosed with skin cancer. It was in remission for 20+ years!
Try joining 'Together', they seem pretty decent, they're here in the UK. I listened to a conference they had in London the other day...it would give you support , you know, being with like minded peeps. United (in one form or another) We Stand!! Etc., etc.
Thanks,😊, yes they are good. I have joined Together and signed their petitions ,also promoted them,in the street with leaflets. I am also with like minded people,over 200 unvaxed standintheparkgroup,and they don’t mind me,8 x vaxed in two years.😂🤣We have a wonderful community .I am concerned that soon,with Gov,changes, none of us will be able to spread the word, without being removed for malinformation charges.
Rather than imagining the worst, imagine the future you want to see...yes, anything can come into being, negitive or positive, but the more we put our energies, mental and all, into the positive, such as good groups of which to be a part, having a laugh, whatever makes one feel good, the more I believe good things come along.
The reason I say this is because I have had personal results from being and thinking positively, also the bible says somewhere (I'm not religious), 'Ask and ye shall receive' and my saying this has also been inspired by all the doom and disaster movies, all the nasty things some people say about human nature, always bad news on the news and what do we have? Doom and gloom, nasty people in charge of life's direction and a generally miserable future to look forward to if we don't keep our eyes wide open and also push back hard in every way we can.
So glad you have good people with whom to be. Blessing to you for what you do!
i traced back Doug Brignole's April 5, 2021 Facebook post where he made the comment you excerpt. It took me a while to find it. Lo and behold a slew of others took the time to trace it too. There are a ton of comments along the line of "Looks like you made a poor choice. I'm glad I didn't follow your advice." And another "hmm wonder what research you did? I'm sure it was biased research, the kind that says 'safe and effective.'"
In one of Brignole's follow up comment he claimed that the jab needle broke twice and "[o]n the third try they had to use a cattle vaccinator gun." I find that hard to believe, but none of his responding posts in that thread were joking.
Once again Tessa your word craft is exquisite, such as, "hypnotic butcher's lullaby."
People are waking up but not enough fast enough. I vacillate between hope, and anxiety it is going to be too late.
A lot of the residents in the care home where I live have suddenly tested positive for covid. This is despite them having been boosted only about 3 weeks ago. About half the corridor I'm on, the residents are in isolation, with their doors shut. This [isolation, not being able to see people passing by] is terrible for them, and the fear is likely to greatly impact their already weak immune systems [fear and stress does this like nothing else] and hence make the symptoms worse. I think taxpayers should be asking governments and big pharma for their money back, if the new product doesn't even protect the most vulnerable for even a few weeks.
When I posted this on fb, this is a typical response I got:
"I still have faith in the vaccines. I have read that if you get boosted [within 2 weeks of a covid infection, after those 14 days, it’s like double protection."
If you can find any way to sneak them ipods or music, it is now known that we experience music as if it were a person and it creates oxytocin, the maternal hormone. I've just been reading about this in prehistory---it is theorized that it might have been that hominin mothers, whose babies stopped being able to cling with bipedalism, may have lain them down and sung to them to stop them from crying (bad juju if predators hear it). Also a great documentary Alive Inside about ipods to nursing homes. I desperately wanted to take the hospitalized music during covid before I realized that it was mass murder.
It was also true during the Holocaust that everyone minimized or denied the reports that were coming out. A man set himself on fire in London (I've lost his name) to bring attention. Reports came out but no one believed it, it was just too monstrous. We are there now. There are interviews with American soldiers who liberated some of the camps after the war in which they describe standing there, looking at the people beyond the fence, but not being able to comprehend what they were seeing, not intellectually but perceptually, not being able to make a mental representatation of what was before them, that kind of horror and suffering, despite having just fought in a bloody war. I think we are also there now. But music, despite its sort of leisurey party reputation is a spiritual weapon against what is happening. The perpetrators won't understand that either, being driven by obsession and disgust and a soul level Puritanism.
Thank you for sharing. I see the nursing home/care home industry is still handling things wrongly. I think they should stop testing. The tests are inaccurate, amd do all the people who tested positive actually feeling sick? To be isolated based upon a faulty test result is criminal, in my opinion.
Important!! Substack auto-added a "Subscribe" button in a totally inappropriate place in the article. I didn't see it until it was sent, and I even sent a follow up to clarify. I was horrified at this kind of placement, so I apologize!!
It was just... I would never use a sad situation to just slap a "Subscribe" button on it. Life and death are sacred, and I treat them with due respect. I watch out so carefully to do things right, and here we go with the robots...
I always thought it was strange that my mother-in-law insisted on eating organic food and spoke of the evils of Monsanto but was such a proponent of the MRNA vaccines (she got the maximum available jabs) and had so much praise for Pfizer and Moderna. She would not consider the fact that the “vaccines” may contain toxic substances or that the motives big pharmas are in any way similar to Monsanto. Anyway, she was very active and in seemingly perfect health and passed away in June from an apparent heart attack. We ordered an autopsy but it has been held-up due to a back log. When do so many isolated incidents become a statistically significant trend?
What a shame. There’s a lot of that going around...folks who scrutinize food labels in the grocery store, watch their health, but then agree to have a toxic chemical mystery untested soup injected into their body, without even knowing or understanding what is in it. Talk about successful marketing! I just call it plain evil.
This is so aptly written in every respect. You are correct about the media. It is clear to me now that all of our media was slowly infiltrated by godless, even Satanic influences. Their game was calculating,acting slowly enough and in perfect lockstep, first presenting as bias (in the 1990's). This could be, for me, explained away due to the echo chamber of DC- like-minded liberals consulting other like-minded liberals as "experts" on topics related to the news. Rush Limbaugh, who, admittedly was not everyone's cup of tea for listening, was one of the early voices crying out in the wilderness. But his focus was mostly political or economic and partisan. None of us realized the depth, nor the breadth of the infiltration of liars. Every institution at every level, or at least targeted geographic areas that controlled the information pipelines. With the erosion of the family and common sense and critical thinking held back, "news" became entertainment. The viewers were unable to discern why certain "items" were front and center, all across the networks, while others were buried, never to see the light of day and the masses were kept in the dark. Still, you highlight the "journalists", for you are one. How can so many (all!?!) look at themselves in the mirror? They are contributing to the carnage, as you have so perfectly stated. Are they merely useful idiots or knowing perpetrators of evil? These are the questions that haunt my dreams. Lord, in heaven, have mercy on us all. Touch our hearts. Embolden the truth tellers and ourselves to stand and not falter in this fight. Amen.
The brazenness of evil continues on planet earth. Before the Covid vaccines there were cigarettes and round up just those two examples of poisons that kill that we’ve been unable to eradicate. Watch the Fauci movie. Pray
Yes! And the roundup and eve the cigarettes are still around! And in fact,tobacco executives moved on to the food industry and started using the same techniques (hidden sugars, addiction, etc.)
I wish more folks would become aware of this. I’ve tried to tell them that the government (translation - we taxpayers) subsidize tobacco, sugar, wheat, soy, corn, etc. (all toxic with herbicides & pesticides). Then that is added to processed junk called ‘food’, sold cheaply because its SUBSIDIZED BY US. It’s intentional, and evil. Of course, the pharmaceutical and ‘health’ industry loves this cycle. Has anyone ever seen the government subsidize, say, organic broccoli?
I don't have TV but see the 6pm news when I visit a neighbor sometimes. It started out as 25 minutes of we're all going to die and then turned into a 25 minute infomercial for the jab. And of course IVM and HCQ went from having been on the WHO's list of essential drugs to dangerous toxins that will kill you.
Dr fauci has that down, I've been observing the way he talks, his tone that displays confidence. For people not paying attention, that tone is enough to follow. The tone of an angel of death pied Piper.
Great testimony. Gave his life as a gift for his convictions. May we all be privileged to have the opportunity to do the same. We are all passing through…check your coordinates.
"Hypnotic butcher's lullaby" is such an apt description of the propaganda streaming through televisions nightly. Your writing alleviates alienation I feel from family n friends who sleep soundly after their daily lullabies. Thank you : )
Thank you, Luke! And I am sorry that some of your friends and family are listening to this lullaby!!
I try to get them to turn it off... They should be reading your work instead! Some will remain asleep, but it's okay. More folks are aware of reality now than ever, I think. Credit to you, Tessa, as well as truth-tellers the world over
Thank you, and I think more and I hope a lot of people wake up quickly!!
I had never heard of the guy, but his death I hope will have a positive effect if it prevents others from taking shots they don't need.
I want it to end too. Trying to stay positive, to dream it into being.
Haha, your post, William, is a very gratifying revenge scenario. I especially liked "Jeff Bezos shot himself to the moon and his secret base there, only to race out of the shelter stripping off his clothes like someone in the late stages of hypothermia, racing barefoot across the lunar sands. It is reported though it has not been confirmed, his last word was 'rosebud.'"
Yesterday my daughter's boyfriend and his mother got the flu+booster. He later passed out in the toilet stall after working out at the gym. The last thing he remembers is his heart racing in time with the sound of the treadmill. His mom had also felt light-headed yesterday but blamed their reactions on not drinking enough water.
I feel that swinging the power pendulum to the other side is just another cycle of more of the same. And I'm heartsick, I want the whole dynamic to end, as you do. Last night I posted a different dream from the origin myth of the League of Five Nations. It includes Jigonsaseh, the Mother of All Nations, who stands outside all quarrels and feeds and hosts both sides. In the end, they even heal the cannibal witch of his deformity and make him whole and human. Here's how my episode ends:
"We’re in another time of the dawn of everything, and it’s certainly undeniable that life is being cannibalized. We can’t be part of that in any way. We need to look at everyone as if they’re our own child and say, “Why are they doing that?” It’s not because they’re a bad person. It’s because they’ve been lost, deformed in some way from their humanity. This goes for even the worst of the witches and cannibal henchmen.
"We are the Mother of All Nations. We are the right person in the right place at the right time. All of time has been waiting for us to be in this moment, because we know what to do. We can heal the monsters and release them from their deformity. We can solve the problem and restore relationships. We are the Jigonsaseh."
I was thinking more of justice, but revenge is a fine line so perhaps best with a serving of farce.
I wrote on your post I have been thinking about the sacred feminine and masculine, to counter the woke and Trans. It is good to hear others talking about it.
And thank you for subscribing, William, you and I read many of the same people but you have me beat!
It was so good, I wish it were true.
Could be true, because Truth is Stranger than Fiction!
Yep, both Hitlers genocide and this much larger current one would have been impossible without media complicity and support.
This is quite a dumb statement by this guy anyhow. It’s an n=1 experiment. If he lived and was uninjured that doesn’t mean that it’s safe for everyone and we’ve all been misinformed. Likewise if he died from the jabs that doesn’t mean everyone who gets the jab will die. This is the same kind of logic I hate from friends and acquaintances, oh we got it and we’re fine so you should get it too.
Yes, that sample size of one mentality reminds me of Cyril Kornbluth's 'Marching Morons' (more recently described as the Dunning-Kruger Effect) where society is dumbed down to a level that people who are not clever think are geniuses - and show sneering contempt for those who do know enough to not be so sure of themselves. Alas, the deliberate dumbing down of human intellect took off like a rocket when social media came on the scene - with many now thinking they are an expert after they 'googled' it (oblivious to the fact that google and wikipedia are blatantly censoring). As the old adage went 'better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.' RIP muscle brained mesomorph.
The Marching morons. I’d never heard of it. Quite apt as I know many like that.
Posted ebook https://www.gutenberg.org/files/51233/51233-h/51233-h.htm
One such officer I asked ‘why do you think hardly any UK licensed dog vaccines contain thermasol (mercury) or aluminum but almost all we give our children do?’
He told me ‘because dogs have a different immune system’.
I answered ‘that’s funny because we test our drugs and vaccines on animals such as dogs, rabbits, ferrets and rodents’.
He refused to engage further. But then he like so many believe in the RFK magic bullet theory, two planes into WTC 1&2 knocked down WTC7, and chemtrails are not geoengineering (to that I respond if it’s heated exhaust/water molecules that doesn’t dissipate easily, why does the steam from my kettle dissipate? Answer ‘you don’t understand that’s why’.
The effects of acknowledging that MSM is wrong in your own subject (or C1984 narrative) but believe everything else is shocking.
I think WC Field said it aptly ‘suckers. There’s one borne every minute’.
Wasn’t that quote by PT Barnum, rather than WC Fields?
Possibly. More apt truly to describe our situation to imply Clown world.
Thank you for your correction.
I call some thinkers as living in 'Cloud Cuckoo Comic Book Land', you know the go to Mars, men can have babies, politically correct, trans-humanist, one world government, wrong think, digital currency, you will own nothing, face recognition, asking questions is wrong, types. ; )
My brother had 30+ skydiving jumps with no problems and finally got his friend to go too. His friend breaks his leg on the first jump. My brother of course felt bad and also gave up skydiving right after that.
Sadly 🥲Doug will be just another victim, without an autopsy.The media message is actually one round after another of paid advertising. Until the money runs out, the adverts won’t stop.Gradually a few genuine journalists with editorial power will wake up.They will be censored….
Here in UK Top Cardiologist Asseem Malholtra,called a conference to announce his new published paper ,proving the high death rate and the MSM didn’t turn up.Only GB News,World Council for health, both awake.UK is censored top to bottom ,prob A1.
I posted on Next Door,Oracle film Safe and Effective.a second opinion. I was banned for a week from .I couldn’t even answer questions.I was censored before from answering, 5 people asked what I had read to change my mind about the vaccine,all my answers were deleted….
I have handed out leaflets in our high street about new proposed Gov protection(censorship)policies,I spoke of the film, all of the passers by were VERY interested,If anyone here really wants to help convert the convertible, try a personal approach.All of us reading Substack are preaching to the choir.
Soon the Gov will be probably be able to arrest me for mal information.Even though every word is true.🤬🤯
The UK Govn’t have passed so many totalitarian control bills over the last two years is truly terrifying.
I know too that if they were to permanently control the dissident minded, I too would be in the round-up.
What with the globalist coup against Truss, because the voters voted wrong yet again (Brexit) I fear the UK had fallen. The question is: to remain and fight vs what is a brainwashed German population, or flee before they take over the railway?
And then where to go if you flee? Even Mexico has a Govn’t that’s signed up. As has Costa Rico. As for Zimbabwe, the President didn’t follow orders so he was despatched to install a Young global leader. Here they’ve installed CCP compromised Hunt and soon Technocrat Globalist Sunak and CRT Mordunt.
I do despair.
FYI my sister with 3 boosters diagnosed with skin cancer. It was in remission for 20+ years!
I am so sorry about your sister!!!! I hope she wakes up to reality and recovers in the kindest way, and you can speak heart to heart!!!
As far as the overall situation, it is certainly nuts!!!
And so it goes...we have to get together as much as possible, it gives strength.
Try joining 'Together', they seem pretty decent, they're here in the UK. I listened to a conference they had in London the other day...it would give you support , you know, being with like minded peeps. United (in one form or another) We Stand!! Etc., etc.
Thanks,😊, yes they are good. I have joined Together and signed their petitions ,also promoted them,in the street with leaflets. I am also with like minded people,over 200 unvaxed standintheparkgroup,and they don’t mind me,8 x vaxed in two years.😂🤣We have a wonderful community .I am concerned that soon,with Gov,changes, none of us will be able to spread the word, without being removed for malinformation charges.
Rather than imagining the worst, imagine the future you want to see...yes, anything can come into being, negitive or positive, but the more we put our energies, mental and all, into the positive, such as good groups of which to be a part, having a laugh, whatever makes one feel good, the more I believe good things come along.
The reason I say this is because I have had personal results from being and thinking positively, also the bible says somewhere (I'm not religious), 'Ask and ye shall receive' and my saying this has also been inspired by all the doom and disaster movies, all the nasty things some people say about human nature, always bad news on the news and what do we have? Doom and gloom, nasty people in charge of life's direction and a generally miserable future to look forward to if we don't keep our eyes wide open and also push back hard in every way we can.
So glad you have good people with whom to be. Blessing to you for what you do!
i traced back Doug Brignole's April 5, 2021 Facebook post where he made the comment you excerpt. It took me a while to find it. Lo and behold a slew of others took the time to trace it too. There are a ton of comments along the line of "Looks like you made a poor choice. I'm glad I didn't follow your advice." And another "hmm wonder what research you did? I'm sure it was biased research, the kind that says 'safe and effective.'"
In one of Brignole's follow up comment he claimed that the jab needle broke twice and "[o]n the third try they had to use a cattle vaccinator gun." I find that hard to believe, but none of his responding posts in that thread were joking.
Once again Tessa your word craft is exquisite, such as, "hypnotic butcher's lullaby."
Could his career as a bodybuilder increase the difficulty of sticking a needle into him?
I thought this, too. One of the things we will never really know since he has passed away, and we cannot ask him what happened!
Thank you, and I didn't know about the 'cattle gun" comment. That's crazy.
People are waking up but not enough fast enough. I vacillate between hope, and anxiety it is going to be too late.
A lot of the residents in the care home where I live have suddenly tested positive for covid. This is despite them having been boosted only about 3 weeks ago. About half the corridor I'm on, the residents are in isolation, with their doors shut. This [isolation, not being able to see people passing by] is terrible for them, and the fear is likely to greatly impact their already weak immune systems [fear and stress does this like nothing else] and hence make the symptoms worse. I think taxpayers should be asking governments and big pharma for their money back, if the new product doesn't even protect the most vulnerable for even a few weeks.
When I posted this on fb, this is a typical response I got:
"I still have faith in the vaccines. I have read that if you get boosted [within 2 weeks of a covid infection, after those 14 days, it’s like double protection."
I am sorry that some of the people around you are enchanted!! And I agree, fear is not good for immune system at all!!
If you can find any way to sneak them ipods or music, it is now known that we experience music as if it were a person and it creates oxytocin, the maternal hormone. I've just been reading about this in prehistory---it is theorized that it might have been that hominin mothers, whose babies stopped being able to cling with bipedalism, may have lain them down and sung to them to stop them from crying (bad juju if predators hear it). Also a great documentary Alive Inside about ipods to nursing homes. I desperately wanted to take the hospitalized music during covid before I realized that it was mass murder.
It was also true during the Holocaust that everyone minimized or denied the reports that were coming out. A man set himself on fire in London (I've lost his name) to bring attention. Reports came out but no one believed it, it was just too monstrous. We are there now. There are interviews with American soldiers who liberated some of the camps after the war in which they describe standing there, looking at the people beyond the fence, but not being able to comprehend what they were seeing, not intellectually but perceptually, not being able to make a mental representatation of what was before them, that kind of horror and suffering, despite having just fought in a bloody war. I think we are also there now. But music, despite its sort of leisurey party reputation is a spiritual weapon against what is happening. The perpetrators won't understand that either, being driven by obsession and disgust and a soul level Puritanism.
Thank you for sharing. I see the nursing home/care home industry is still handling things wrongly. I think they should stop testing. The tests are inaccurate, amd do all the people who tested positive actually feeling sick? To be isolated based upon a faulty test result is criminal, in my opinion.
No, the only testing those who have symptoms here now - they all do have symptoms.
Important!! Substack auto-added a "Subscribe" button in a totally inappropriate place in the article. I didn't see it until it was sent, and I even sent a follow up to clarify. I was horrified at this kind of placement, so I apologize!!
i didnt even notice now ive gone back and looked at the email and see it. been seeing it for so long its become invisible to me!
It was just... I would never use a sad situation to just slap a "Subscribe" button on it. Life and death are sacred, and I treat them with due respect. I watch out so carefully to do things right, and here we go with the robots...
I always thought it was strange that my mother-in-law insisted on eating organic food and spoke of the evils of Monsanto but was such a proponent of the MRNA vaccines (she got the maximum available jabs) and had so much praise for Pfizer and Moderna. She would not consider the fact that the “vaccines” may contain toxic substances or that the motives big pharmas are in any way similar to Monsanto. Anyway, she was very active and in seemingly perfect health and passed away in June from an apparent heart attack. We ordered an autopsy but it has been held-up due to a back log. When do so many isolated incidents become a statistically significant trend?
This is horrible!!! I am so sorry, Phil!!!
What a shame. There’s a lot of that going around...folks who scrutinize food labels in the grocery store, watch their health, but then agree to have a toxic chemical mystery untested soup injected into their body, without even knowing or understanding what is in it. Talk about successful marketing! I just call it plain evil.
Thank You for your sincere attempt at public service, Doug Brignole.
I pray that your intention to serve others may be fulfilled, even in your untimely passing.
You put it very beautifully. I am thinking the same thing.
This is so aptly written in every respect. You are correct about the media. It is clear to me now that all of our media was slowly infiltrated by godless, even Satanic influences. Their game was calculating,acting slowly enough and in perfect lockstep, first presenting as bias (in the 1990's). This could be, for me, explained away due to the echo chamber of DC- like-minded liberals consulting other like-minded liberals as "experts" on topics related to the news. Rush Limbaugh, who, admittedly was not everyone's cup of tea for listening, was one of the early voices crying out in the wilderness. But his focus was mostly political or economic and partisan. None of us realized the depth, nor the breadth of the infiltration of liars. Every institution at every level, or at least targeted geographic areas that controlled the information pipelines. With the erosion of the family and common sense and critical thinking held back, "news" became entertainment. The viewers were unable to discern why certain "items" were front and center, all across the networks, while others were buried, never to see the light of day and the masses were kept in the dark. Still, you highlight the "journalists", for you are one. How can so many (all!?!) look at themselves in the mirror? They are contributing to the carnage, as you have so perfectly stated. Are they merely useful idiots or knowing perpetrators of evil? These are the questions that haunt my dreams. Lord, in heaven, have mercy on us all. Touch our hearts. Embolden the truth tellers and ourselves to stand and not falter in this fight. Amen.
In a sane world MSM commentators who knowingly advance lies which cause mass death would be tried for crimes against humanity.
The brazenness of evil continues on planet earth. Before the Covid vaccines there were cigarettes and round up just those two examples of poisons that kill that we’ve been unable to eradicate. Watch the Fauci movie. Pray
Yes! And the roundup and eve the cigarettes are still around! And in fact,tobacco executives moved on to the food industry and started using the same techniques (hidden sugars, addiction, etc.)
I wish more folks would become aware of this. I’ve tried to tell them that the government (translation - we taxpayers) subsidize tobacco, sugar, wheat, soy, corn, etc. (all toxic with herbicides & pesticides). Then that is added to processed junk called ‘food’, sold cheaply because its SUBSIDIZED BY US. It’s intentional, and evil. Of course, the pharmaceutical and ‘health’ industry loves this cycle. Has anyone ever seen the government subsidize, say, organic broccoli?
I don't have TV but see the 6pm news when I visit a neighbor sometimes. It started out as 25 minutes of we're all going to die and then turned into a 25 minute infomercial for the jab. And of course IVM and HCQ went from having been on the WHO's list of essential drugs to dangerous toxins that will kill you.
It's all been so perverse and evil.
Dr fauci has that down, I've been observing the way he talks, his tone that displays confidence. For people not paying attention, that tone is enough to follow. The tone of an angel of death pied Piper.
Great testimony. Gave his life as a gift for his convictions. May we all be privileged to have the opportunity to do the same. We are all passing through…check your coordinates.