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This is quite a dumb statement by this guy anyhow. It’s an n=1 experiment. If he lived and was uninjured that doesn’t mean that it’s safe for everyone and we’ve all been misinformed. Likewise if he died from the jabs that doesn’t mean everyone who gets the jab will die. This is the same kind of logic I hate from friends and acquaintances, oh we got it and we’re fine so you should get it too.

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Yes, that sample size of one mentality reminds me of Cyril Kornbluth's 'Marching Morons' (more recently described as the Dunning-Kruger Effect) where society is dumbed down to a level that people who are not clever think are geniuses - and show sneering contempt for those who do know enough to not be so sure of themselves. Alas, the deliberate dumbing down of human intellect took off like a rocket when social media came on the scene - with many now thinking they are an expert after they 'googled' it (oblivious to the fact that google and wikipedia are blatantly censoring). As the old adage went 'better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.' RIP muscle brained mesomorph.

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The Marching morons. I’d never heard of it. Quite apt as I know many like that.

Posted ebook https://www.gutenberg.org/files/51233/51233-h/51233-h.htm

One such officer I asked ‘why do you think hardly any UK licensed dog vaccines contain thermasol (mercury) or aluminum but almost all we give our children do?’

He told me ‘because dogs have a different immune system’.

I answered ‘that’s funny because we test our drugs and vaccines on animals such as dogs, rabbits, ferrets and rodents’.

He refused to engage further. But then he like so many believe in the RFK magic bullet theory, two planes into WTC 1&2 knocked down WTC7, and chemtrails are not geoengineering (to that I respond if it’s heated exhaust/water molecules that doesn’t dissipate easily, why does the steam from my kettle dissipate? Answer ‘you don’t understand that’s why’.

The effects of acknowledging that MSM is wrong in your own subject (or C1984 narrative) but believe everything else is shocking.

I think WC Field said it aptly ‘suckers. There’s one borne every minute’.

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Wasn’t that quote by PT Barnum, rather than WC Fields?

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Possibly. More apt truly to describe our situation to imply Clown world.

Thank you for your correction.

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I call some thinkers as living in 'Cloud Cuckoo Comic Book Land', you know the go to Mars, men can have babies, politically correct, trans-humanist, one world government, wrong think, digital currency, you will own nothing, face recognition, asking questions is wrong, types. ; )

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My brother had 30+ skydiving jumps with no problems and finally got his friend to go too. His friend breaks his leg on the first jump. My brother of course felt bad and also gave up skydiving right after that.

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