Germ or Terrain? Which Side Are You On? Tell Me Traitor, Etc.
Do purity tests help the people in need of help? No
A lot of people are struggling with their health and needing help. In order to solve problems effectively, it is helpful to have an open mind. For instance, I’ve been looking into fungal and parasitic infections wreaking havoc in the West. It’s a serious problem, and yet the pride of many professional doctors often closes their minds to the possibility that fancy biomarkers and metabolic disorders—that they’d paid so much money to understand and be able to talk about—may often be a result of very trivial and unglamorous fungi or parasites. Yes, in combination with toxins, EMFs, vaccines, emotional stress, etc., but carried out by fungi and parasites none the less.
The purpose of this story is to showcase the unhelpfulness of the dueling match between the sincere people whose focus in “theory of disease” is germs—and the sincere people whose focus is terrain.
We are complex, composite beings! We contain a gazillion living beings on the inside who form a very unique and complex mosaic—in the physical realm and in the spiritual realm—and we interact with a gazillion of living beings who come from the outside! And of course, we, human beings, exist both in the physical realm (and the spiritual realm. When we talk about the things that we can see, we call it “the physical realm.” When we talk about the things that we usually can’t see in the same way we see the physical things but we can none the less “feel,” we call it “spiritual realm.”
When it comes to solving problems, dueling matches are unhelpful because the dogmatic versions of both views make the perception of reality poorer and limit the options for solutions. However, in practical terms, when we need to solve a problem, our solutions are most effective when we look into all aspects of the problem and address as many aspects of it as we can!
A metaphor: street robbery
Here is a metaphor, a thinking exercise.
Let’s say, a certain Mr. John Doe got mugged in the street. Why did he get mugged in the street? Is is because the bandit who mugged him is a horrible, violent man? Or is it because Mr. Doe lacked the skills to defend himself? Is it because the mugger had a big gun or because the victim had none?
A chain of events leading to “disease”
Let us do another thinking exercise, using the poor Mr. John Doe once again.
Let us say, Mr. Doe experience a traumatic event. (Getting mugged isn’t fun).
Let us say, before he got mugged, he’d lived in a state of perpetual emotional stress, and was subjected to perpetual out-of-control environmental toxicity, EMFs, etc.
Let us say, he also got all his childhood vaccines, their cumulative effect on his health unknown.
Let us say, the “background” toxicity—physical and emotional—weakened his immune response, the traumatic event of being mugged shocked him even further—and so when he encountered bandit microbes (forget the virus-no-virus thing, let’s make them intercellular parasites), he couldn’t quite defend himself right away.
The microbial bandits started taking over cells, destroying them, stealing, breeding and feasting like the classic occupying thieves. When the cells of John Doe’s body wanted food, they had no good food because the parasites had eaten the good food—and so John’s own cells were left with toxic scraps, at best. Furthermore, the bandits infiltrated (literally) some of the immune cells, and the infiltrated immune cells started helping the bandits proliferate as opposed to fighting for John Doe. (For example, toxo knows how infect and hijack immune cells, including macrophages.)
The microbial bandits also started to mess with various functions like chemical signaling, enzyme and hormone production etc., thus creating a variety of “symptoms” and "biomarkers” that can be registered by “tests.”
Let us say, John Doe’s body feels attacked and mounts a strong response. To defend itself, it deposits large amounts of fibrin or similar “reparative” protein in one or several places. This could result in “blood clots” in case of infected endothelial cells, organ “fibrosis,” “amyloid plaques” in the brain, etc.
(In one study1, sadistic researchers wanted to see what would happen if toxo-infected mice were unable to form blood clots. So they infected mice with toxo, prevented formation of blood clots—without treating the mice for toxo—and the mice died quickly. The researchers concluded that fibrin in the blood (blood clotting) was a mechanism of defense that their bodies tried to mount against the parasite. The mechanism proposed in that particular paper has to do with IFN‐γ2, a type of cytokine that is responsible for “activation of macrophages to increase phagocytosis, tumoricidal properties, and intracellular killing of pathogens”3 and that is also often responsible for the “cytokine storm.” 4(SOURCE)
Other studies observed a similar protective effect of fibrin against other pathogens. For example:(SOURCE)
Makes me wonder. If we focus on toxo alone, every third or second person in the world carries toxo. Toxo can sit in ambush for a very long time, then try to strike if the immunity drops. And so, in how many people, blood clotting is a response to toxo? (Perhaps, exacerbated very badly by God-awful injectable products?) And how many of them are then given blood thinners without any antiparasitic herbs? To my inner five-year-old who, just like me in my current form, is not giving any medical advice but simply sharing philosophical thoughts, it is blatantly obvious that if a suffering person is to be helped in earnest, anti-bandit measures should be used in balance with the measures to manage the damages to the “terrain”!!Back to Mr. Doe. When the “biomarkers” appear (fibrin deposits, inflammation, abnormal metabolism, etc.) the doctors get activated, observe morphological or metabolic changes, slap a “syndrome” on top of the “biomarkers,” and give John ten thousand pills to take—to undo the things that the body is doing in order to defend itself against the microbial hooligan.
We are here now. John is on ten thousand pills, feeling not so great—and has no idea about the microbial bandit that is driving the “biomarkers” in the first place.
So, what caused John’s disease? The traumatic event? The prolonged emotional stress? The EMFs? Poisoned water and air? Heavy metals in his childhood vaccines? The microbial bandits? Blood clots? Inflammation? Which one is it?
Here is how I think about it.
John is a whole human being! His internal state is a factor to his health. His environment is a factor to his health. The microbes—good and bad, the ones who live on the inside and the ones he cones in contact in the outside world—are a factor, too!
Can we please dedicate our loving energy to the angles and points of view that appeal to us individually, help each other with our discoveries—and get off each other’s throats?
Mutually enriching experience is much more helpful than arguing about who is “correcter.” Jeez.
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in large part, the "pathogens don't exist" crowd is an op. like "there's no such thing as nuclear fission," which ignores the amount of toxic radionucleides found in the teeth of children born in years when there were atom bomb tests
this is a classic both-and situation. is terrain important? absolutely. can it be invaded if it's not properly defended? of course. are there other influences - energetic, environmental, maybe genetic - at play? let's look into those too. anybody who would try to steer you into a simple binary is leading you astray
I land somewhere in the middle on this whole Germ and Terrain thing. (It sounds like you do as well Tessa). Heaven knows there's *something* going on out there. People didn't used to get sick the way they do now, but can we discount the insane amount of chemicals in the food, water, and medicines that people are taking? Can we discount the EMF and other radiation that we are being bathed in daily? I always say we should be looking at *everything* and not demanding that one "side" is the only side. It's this kind of thinking that has put us right where they want us... fighting with one another instead of pointing our fingers at the ones meddling with our food, medicine, air, and climate. We *must* start coming together and having rational discussions about all of this stuff and we should be doing the *real* science necessary to find out what the hell is going on. Thanks for always being on the front lines of all of this stuff Tessa!